1 year ago

Unlimited Anime Works无限动漫录

After picking up a phone on the streets, Feng Yuchen was sent to the world of High School of the... Read more
After picking up a phone on the streets, Feng Yuchen was sent to the world of High School of the Dead. He, along with 100 people, have to travel through various worlds, fight and solve quests in order to survive.

Whoever dies in that world, would be teleported back to the real world without memories of what happened before and die in an accident one year later. Collapse
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Comments 16

  1. Offline
    Dejando de lado el racismo :v la novela es buena.
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  2. Offline
    Good concept,poorly excecuted. I could just tell by the main characters reaction. Choose something else like the supremacy games.
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    1. Offline
      This sounds exactly like a few other novels of the same genre, except they tried to change some things for "originality" and f#cked up
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  3. Offline
    have chapters missing
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  4. Offline
    I read this before somewhere else, but my mind was too numb to register the nationalism. Get past that or don't mind it, It's a good read
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  5. Offline
    Well a Chinese author who hate Japan try writing a ff about japanese anime?
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  6. Offline
    The author is sick... Chinese blah-blah-blah...
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    ghost knight
    aakashwadhwa7 rated it
    Other reviews by this user
    May 19, 2017
    Status: c106
    This novel could have been so much better if only author didn't make the main character such a hypocrite.
    The first world he gets transported into is high school of dead MC being a Chinese has very big hatred towards Japanese people and the story is continuing in Japan and you know mc's thought about saya's parents was to kill because they were deeply related to japanese politics!? Come on you're not even a politician you're just a student be a student! MC loves to kill. Yes after his first kill he went wild to kill 15 more before he stopped, making him scared, wtf!?
    MC being a Japan hater you would expect MC not to know much about anime but our MC does know about the storyline just like you would expect a otaku to. Seriously I was expecting more rejection towards things like this from amount of hatered described till here. It do make the taste of whole novel go bad. It was supposed to be a anime novel which usually doesn't even care about world let alone country!
    MC, first bed experience was with a women from Japan, he did her and later she is forgotten coz MC had a different girl at that time and MC is like soz I can't coz I gotta a girl and that girl happens to be a Japanese too. Wow.
    I was expecting the novel to at least focus more on the plot or give more Spotlight to anime characters but they just get over shadowed to the point it's a pity (later he gets power up where he can kill MC and replace him, by this you can understand the overshadow level).
    By the end of high school dead arc he got power up which lets his blood to allow those bitten by zombies not turn into a zombie. Mitary wants mc's help and will protect him and mc's reaction I want freedom and I'm a Chinese so you can't detain me! Seriously? Yes you got power ups but you still will die by a gunshot buddy. MC was willing to give his blood but only to china which will later give it to rest of the world with conditions. Come on its world endcyou won't even have that much population anymore to even call yourself a city let alone a country and still going on about this?
    Overall it was okay nationalism, racism is very high. Gives the feel chinese human is different human than rest of the world humanity.
    If you're not okay with those kind of things like me then I dont recommend this book to you as more than plot it is filled with this. I'm here for reading plot and maybe action or romance but not about being a chinese!
    Plot is full of holes even though its using an anime as a base. Story telling skill of author is very average and parts which author feels hard to describe are changed to something else like turning into a chinese hating a Japanese thing.
    It is very fast paced, anime was fast paced but this is even faster. Literally new stuff happen in each chapter and words used to describe any thing besides MC are very less and it's not even 50 chapters we get our time skip of 2 years!!!? I get it MC doesn't really have much to do besides killing zombies but still I would expect you to continue a bit more!
    Reading this will require patience and tolerance so good luck
    Update ((second arc))
    In second arc there is not that much racism regarding being a Chinese or japanese so kodos for that but author got some other problem here now which I feel is more worriesome than being patriot...
    Girls are very one dimensional like seriously they totally loose how they were in anime... And they sure have got a problem with falling in love with MC too fast it's just too fast and the reason for falling I find weird too. I mean seriously, arisa fell for MC because he didn't give a sh*t about her when they first talked. The way MC acted should have left a bad impression instead of a good one!
    Start of second arc MC in first chapter gets an identity of a student in school with Shu.. guess what he went there and started sleeping by being scolded by teacher for it he started trolling the teacher and I really feel bad for the teacher like seriously what kind of student tell their teacher to roll? So bad humor sense! If you hate learning that much you can just skip school instead of being a jerk!
    Problem with MC and relationship with girls-
    He chooses one set goal he wants to conquer in each world as far as I get it till here
    After acting in front of them and making them fall he will go to bed some other girl who fell for him while knowing MC is in relationship with a girl while saying "let me by your side I will do anything and won't get in your relationship either". And MC gets a soft heart after listening that and they do it. God that is the time you take a stand and let that girl move on you jerk! Okay fine if you do her at least take responsibility she's giving her first time. MC just leave the girl and be chummy with his girlfriend in the morning like nothing happened! Seriously!?
    I was hoping some romance and continued since I didn't really like this much considering MC hypocrisy and nt so good plot descriptions and plot holes but I was sorely disappointed. If you're like me, I will not recommend this novel. <<less
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    1. Offline
      thx not gonna read this one
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      Спасибо за придупреждение. Я сильно думал читать или нет, но теперь я точно не пойду читать данное чтиво
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    3. Offline
      sounds like a shitty, inferior version of "i refuse to become a Scumbag in tokyo"
      ya'll should check it out, it's also a fanfic with lots of anime mixed in

      i haven't watched any of the anime featured so i can't say whether the original personalities are kept or not but i personally enjoy it
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  8. Offline
    crybaby aside we are here for the non-moral novel , very good sigh joy welldone kef
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  9. Offline
    Not for people who hate racism and nationalism.
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  10. Offline
    This is bullshit
    The MC is racist and just cares about China
    So if you like novels about Nationalism then read it
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    1. Offline
      i think that might be xenophobia,xenophobia is when a person hates anyone from another country
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        Its called chinese
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