2 years ago

Master of Myths by WordlyMysteries

The world doesn't lack geniuses, nor does it lack monstrous prodigies.

And if that wasn't... Read more
The world doesn't lack geniuses, nor does it lack monstrous prodigies.

And if that wasn't enough it is also filled with opportunities for those who wish to climb the top without a talent of their own.

Thus some are born among the stars while others rise into the sky like the morning sun.

But one couldn't accept his fate, nor the fate he would acquire. Instead, he wanted to be the one to create those who reach the apex, the one to give and take, for he had enough of the worlds whimsical tides. Collapse
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Comments 30

  1. Offline
    Deal maker
    Master of failure should be the name of this novel
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  2. Offline
    Story could be really good, but it annoys me quite a bit that this is basically travel back in time story and pretty much no plan has worked out properly for mc when he has tried to take advantage of that knowledge. At least till c60.
    Also, I like both romance and no romance. But this novel goes about no romance really annoying way, basically we have attractive women all around mc, all kinds of incidents constantly that would normally create some tension. But mc is acting like some impotent block.
    Basically it's kinda like shonen rom-com harem where there's tons of women but nothing actually happens. This novel is constantly teasing that kind of development but not actually going anywhere with it, it's pretty anointing.

    Overall, story is good, but some of it's elements are written in way that personally annoys me a lot. So. I would give this maybe 3.5/5
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    1. Offline
      Time travel?
      Dense mc?
      No Thanks 👍😁
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  3. Offline
    No Romance, Master-Disciple Relationship
    wtf this actually means!!
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    1. Offline
      Master-Disciple Relationship
      This tag is to be used when the bond between master and disciple plays a significant role in the story. ONLY use when the protagonist is either the master or the disciple. Please note that this tag is NOT the same as the Teacher-Student Relationship tag.
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  4. Offline
    I've read up to chapter 81 currently but the only thing I can say is: Holy moly.
    Everything, I repeat EVERYTHING goes wrong with every single plan that the MC makes. Anytime he wants to do something, a variable always appears and his plans are always ruined. I swear, the author probably hates the main character.

    It's getting really really annoying after reading chapters of a novel where the characters are either not able to wake up for a significant portion of time or some issues come up because YuJu keeps telling himself to consider everything in his plan, yet keeps on ignoring his own advice. I'm very close to dropping this novel just because of the sheer annoyance I'm feeling.

    In addition, there's no significant development in the story line from what I've read at chapter 81. In the beginning, the novel was actually good, the first couple of chapters got me hyped thinking I was going to read a novel with a
    MC who can actually use his brains + EQ to navigate around situations but as the story progressed, it just became a chore to read.

    Some elements of the novel that have been introduced have been very interesting and I would've hoped that the author expanded a bit more on them, but nope. There's also a distinct lack of full stops, but other than that, there's good usage of punctation. There are many spelling mistakes and words that don't even make sense in their context. The author uses the word "laminated" like three times a chapter when it doesn't even make sense?? I'm pretty sure he's meant to write lamented which is a quite a drastic emotion for something he does tens of times per chapter.
    An example is in chapter 64
    He laminated but wasn't too sad, he wasn't going to lose anything because of it this time, hopefully

    Here's the definition of laminated:
    past tense: laminated; past participle: laminated
    1. overlay (a flat surface, especially paper) with a layer of plastic or some other protective material.
    "we will laminate your photos in clear plastic"
    manufacture (something) by bonding layers of material together.
    "I am sanding down oak boards that I laminated together for a bar top"
    beat or roll (metal) into thin plates.

    So this definitely does not make sense.

    Other than that, it's a decent novel that definitely needs an editor and proof reader alongside some advice on how to not hate the main character. 4/10 from me.
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  5. Offline
    Just got to chapter 50 and it is pretty good so far. The story has a much greater focus on his Slaves than the MC himself atm, with Elis having the majority of the focus vs the dog Anput.

    Elis herself makes a lot of mistakes and causes trouble for MC by ignoring or disobeying him, which is pretty annoying, but MC always calls her out on it and tries to get her to improve, but its not really successful. With how much time and effort he's put into her by now, it's unlikely she'll be replaced though, so just gotta hope she eventually stops making these mistakes again and again.
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  6. Offline
    is this the legendary war of views that happens online with two people debating about a novel?
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  7. Offline
    What the f#ck I just started reading this yesterday, how does ranobes do that...????
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    1. Offline
      But anyways this novel is enjoyable from what I've seen so far. No romance (at least I don't think) just a sigma following through on his grindset
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        Julio Abel
        so what kind of story and ? can you tell me your opinion
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        1. Offline
          basically about a guy who goes back in time to build a team of Myths.
          All in all he follows through on the goal and with still no semblance of romance as of chapter 153 i can guess it'll stay that way for a while.

          i like it.
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          1. Offline
            I thought it would be interesting as well until he started enslaving people and treating them like tools. He focuses only on himself and things that benefit himself regardless of the things he needs to do to get it. Frankly he is an evil protagonist and if you stretch it borderline evil one. Also nomatter how people may be stuck-up and say (so what he is just protecting himself) yeah that doesn't cut it when you lead others to their deaths and enslave others demanding absolute loyalty.
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              Being goal centered doesn't equal evil. Plus he's compassionate in his own way so I don't know what you mean.
              As for the slavery, that's literally what his class entails, you should've known from the first few chapters
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              1. Offline
                He's just a slave master. That all. There is nothing to def about him he forces others into slavery. Maybe you can identify your perverted dreams in his behavior. The European were all goal-oriented too when they enslave the Africans. Very goal-oriented. does that make it right? Absolutely not. Accept it for what it is don't try to sugarcoat it. He's a self-center egoistic slave master who has no morals and no limits. And you are free to enjoy him no one will question you your save 😉 ahaa
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                1. Offline
                  I really don't know why you're getting angry about this? Guys getting slaves in fiction is so common now that I'm just surprised you care at all. As for the part of me identifying with the MC, I can only really tell you that I'm literally African, not even African American, just straight african I've lived most of my life there and I don't see how my views could even come close to his. I just know how to separate my ideals and fiction. For example rape passes me the f#ck off but I'm not gonna go complaining every single time I see it in fiction...
                  Slavery is of course f#cking bad, I don't know why you think I'm trying to go on pro-slavery crusade when it's literally fiction. I never tried to sugar coat shit dude. I told you, and I'll keep telling you that until you get off your high horse and figure it out.

                  If you don't like it, don't read it, but you're not allowed to shit on me, and deliberately spread misinformation on a novel you clearly didn't even give a chance.

                  Stop discrediting the entire novel just because you don't like one aspect of it. It's childish.
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                2. Offline
                  It's not because you are African you are automatically against slavery. In history, a lot of Africans sold their enemy tribes into slavery for arms and weapons. That they could use to dominate their area and proclaim more land. So being African does not change it for me.
                  Now I did say sorry if I did offend you what I did write was the way I interpretation of your comment.

                  I don't like when ppl say it's fiction or it's just a novel.
                  Let's say ppl start one day writing about having sex with underage children. does that make it ok for you to say oooo it's just fiction? Or like you, your self pointed out about abuse and rape. It's just fiction so I can rape your mother don't get mad it's just fiction.

                  Now about slavery itself. Well, I personally don't praise it but, I can tolerate it. I can understand it has become a trend. Yes, a lot of novels have it nowadays and to be honest, it depends on the context. This in particular bothered me.

                  Let's say there is a war. And my side won now I have a bunch of ppl I don't know what to do with them. So do I kill them? Women, children, teens, elders, and newborns. That would be too cruel. So I keep them alive, bring them to my land. BUT. They were my enemy so they can't be free and needed to be controlled. So that is the origin of slavery. It benefits my land and my ppl. We all fought and what we get is considered our resources.
                  Now does that mean the slaves can't have their own self-value? Is he just another animal a dog I need to keep on a leash? No, they are still humans, and slaves in the past had rights and we're treated decently. Until the rest of the world diced to fabricate a fiction like you so much like to call it and say that blacks can't be seen as humans. But wild feral beasts.

                  this MC totally bent the character's wills with superior powers to his will. There are literally the words of the author, not their own anymore but in mind-body, and soul property exclusively of mc. That messed up. A slave even being a slave has their own ideas believes and identity. here it's nonexistence. Only the will of the master prevails.
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                3. Offline
                  well i understand why you would think it's messed up, but to be honest we're just going in circles. I'm going to partially agree with you by saying not all problems can be solved by just feigning it to be fiction, but at the same time I'm going to keep to my opinion.

                  Sometimes there are some things people will just never agree with and this is one of them, so i'll let you have your opinion and i'll keep mine. We're just two regular people with differing opinions and i don't wanna see this devolve into whatever the f#ck i wrote in my last post because i'll admit i was tired and i didn't think much when i called you childish.

                  You are entitled to not enjoy this novel and that's fine with me. Let's just say that i want to keep myself out of unnecessary arguments because i despise just going back and forth for no reason when it's not even necessary.

                  I admire the fact that you will keep to your ideals even through fiction and i'll let you do that. In exchange for your time i'll just recommend you some novels that might not be on this site yet and be on my way.

                  The Harvester by AhraManyu
                  Eldritch by expentio
                  Regressor Instruction Manual
                  Serum by sp4de
                  The Eager Dimension Hopper (SCP) by hurdle

                  good day.
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                4. Offline
                  boast your response makes me happy. Indeed I have to apologize for stating that you share some tendency on an equal level with the MC.

                  I do respect your taste and interests. Your viewpoint I can also understand.

                  I have to thank you for sharing some novels with me. I sincerely appreciate that.
                  I wish you a good day too. And happy new year maybe this is the last time we comment to each other. So I wish you a grand year for 2022.
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                5. Online Offline
                  Brother what's regressor instruction manual about?
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                6. Offline
                  It's about an MC who makes it his job to trick a regressor into helping him
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                7. Online Offline
                  Damn, is it kinda like ORV?

                  what are his powers? and is the romance good?
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                8. Offline
                  Romance isn't really a big part(might be misremembering) of the main plot but as you know it's a Korean novel so women just can't live without the MC
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                9. Online Offline
                  Ic, Thank you for answering my questions brother! welldone
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                10. Offline
                  no problem bruv
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                11. Offline
                  As a fan of the SCP Foundation, I've heard about the 'Eager Dimension Hopper' story before- it's based off the Unwilling Dimension Hopper, yeah?? How would you say it is- good, bad? Worth reading?
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                12. Offline
                  it's basically comparing low priced buffet to high priced restaurant. it's good but in it's own way.
                  too bad theres 70% chance it's been dropped
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                13. Online Offline
                  Immortal God
                  You African or is that a lie?
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                14. Offline
                  Not really sure why that's important now but yeah
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            2. Offline
              Is this Reveren Insanity?
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