2 years ago

I’ll Come Clean! I Am The King Of Lolan!大唐国士无双张峰

In the 15th year of Lolan’s independence, Luo En transmigrated to this world. But because his... Read more
In the 15th year of Lolan’s independence, Luo En transmigrated to this world. But because his system needed six months to load, he had to make use of his own know-how to open a bar in the city and use the bar to familiarize himself with this new universe he was in.

But the location of the bar was poor, so the only customer he had was a man named Charles. This man was a very strange one who enjoyed asking Luo En about the country. He would ask about matters concerning the military, the people, and any other topic that would have seemed potentially treasonous.

«What sort of person do you think the current king of Lolan is?»

Charles’ questions were always so bold.

Luo En was always on the verge of rolling his eyes. As a top student of the 21st century who was well versed in military matters and history, these brainless questions were an insult to his intelligence.

«Before him, Lolan was a divided nation where the aristocrats took control of everything, oppressing the people and making their lives difficult. White Horse City and Sunset City were filled with poor and hungry people, even selling their children to make ends meet and eating absolutely anything they could find. It was such a tragedy.»

«Thankfully, the current king united the country and gave the people a peaceful and stable environment to live in. At the same time, he set new laws to help the people come out of their post-war poverty…» Collapse
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The translation does not match the original, most likely the translator rewrote the book!
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Comments 19

  1. Offline
    I Am The King Of Lolan!
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  2. Offline
    Quote: gaga
    Actuaaly, not all those westernized novel ruined the original one...because some of them are based on the original typical trash chinese novel where stupid things like face slapping, calling yourself 'this father', dialogs like " if i dont kill yo, my name is not ......, or kowtow in front of me 200 times or the famous phrase/words which are 'scram' or 'courting death!'...and etc...being westernized sometimes makes it more readable...especially if trying to recall back the name...urgghh...using chinese names with close pronounciation really troubles me...
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  3. Online Offline
    I actually recommend this novel if you enjoy the trope of history and fun interactions but don't bother with system since it only appear in the last 3 chapters lol.
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  4. Offline
    the fastest daoist
    does not interest me at the moment the system is not their yet and the story is only good at the beginning later on for the mc to show off all sorts of 0 iq logic will be given its like there no one in the story without double digit iq other than the mc
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  5. Offline
    bruh when is the system gonna show up
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  6. Offline
    I have no idea why "westernizing" this novel is this evil here.. up to 85 it's pretty much full of : Royalty/nobility interactions with MC. For now it's pretty much the same as a reader in english ( many things are lost in all novels translated here, so compared to other chinese novels i didn't feel i lost a lot, because there is no focus on chinese cooking, history.. It's just some filial piety, some habits.. )

    I write this only because the novel isn't as bad as seen in comments. You may find it disgusting to have the story changed like that sure, but doesn't change the novel being OK.

    The novel ain't anything serious, there's no "plot", system isn't here yet.(ch85) ( little spoil useful if u gonna read ).

    While reading i really found it similar to " I'm Actually a Cultivation Bigshot ", with everyone constantly amazed by MC ( but here MC is just recalling history/ has transmigrator golden finger rather than having amazing things )

    Nice reading
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    1. Offline
      I thought the same thing but just wondering did you read up to chapter 85 on ranobes or another website? Cause for me the chapters from chapter 41 onwards aren't loading
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      1. Offline
        On another website, i tried a few after 41 but all were empty for me too. Then found 41-85
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        1. Offline
          Ah ok thank you
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  7. Offline
    Looking at the comments this novel has been westernized and ima give my opinion as someone who hasn't read the original (I'm up to chapter 41 but its blank not sure if it's a bug on ranobes or my side I've already looked forward a few chapters and their blank as well)
    In my opinion this novel is pretty interesting I quite enjoy it, It's not something I would place in my top 10 novels but it's certainly not complete garbage as the comments say. However it is true that the novel has been westernized, it's kinda hard not to notice. This does not mean the novel has become worse though since I still enjoy it. Personally I've read quite a few chinese novels and I have to say they're pretty braindead with the amount of faceslapping. The protagonist of this novel is reasonably intelligent except for how he can't figure out the person he's being talking with is the king which is a bit annoying but I understand they need to do it considering how the story wouldn't really be able to progress as well since the protagonist doesn't want to change the original storyline.
    Oh right completely forgot to mention the description of the novel is kinda weird to sum up the discrepancies in the description and the actual novel.
    - The system has only being mentioned once so far at the very beginning of the novel (he doesn't even know what its meant to do and its pretty much ignored)
    - I'm not too sure but it seems like the protagonist has being sent back in time instead of a new world? I'm saying this since he somehow knows the future events of the story (while this may be explained through his "genius" brain it doesn't explain how he knows somethings that has happened in the past which the story literally said no records of this has being kept)
    Overall I have to say this story isn't amazing but it's still better than a lot of novels even after being westernized solid 7/10
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    1. Offline
      Just to add as I've said I have not read the original so I have no clue how amazing or garbage the original is and this is just my opinion of the westernized novel as a stand alone novel
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  8. Offline
    Eh this one’s a skip… whoknows
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  9. Offline
    dumbass translators westernising decent novels, ruining most novels
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    1. Offline
      Actuaaly, not all those westernized novel ruined the original one...because some of them are based on the original typical trash chinese novel where stupid things like face slapping, calling yourself 'this father', dialogs like " if i dont kill yo, my name is not ......, or kowtow in front of me 200 times or the famous phrase/words which are 'scram' or 'courting death!'...and etc...being westernized sometimes makes it more readable...especially if trying to recall back the name...urgghh...using chinese names with close pronounciation really troubles me...
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  10. Offline
    Basically, it was westernized middle
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    1. Offline
      Sorry, but what means to westernize something?
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      1. Offline
        The One Above
        Westernizing in novels means applying western principals (American idea of capitalism, western names, beliefs) to novels from other countries, basically removing what made them unique. Webnovel does this a lot, for instance, where they rename characters with Chinese names to "Bob" or "Bill."
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      2. Offline
        They're removing the Chinese imperial structure and replacing it with a western one. It takes away the essence of the original novel. We all read tens and hundreds of Chinese novels with Chinese culture but I guess they do it for the new readers
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        1. Offline
          Yea, feels like the novel they do it towards is them which has stories which many people will like, even new people...
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