4 days ago

Playing with other Supernaturals by Goyya

This is the story where Urahara Kisuke died after Nel failed to save him inside Askin's Gift Ball... Read more
This is the story where Urahara Kisuke died after Nel failed to save him inside Askin's Gift Ball Delux and reincarnated in the world of DxD.

I am not sure if I can capture Urahara's character properly so I apologize in advance if you are not satisfied.

Also, English is not my native language. Collapse
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Comments 42

  1. Offline
    can anyone name the harem of the MC ?
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    1. Offline
      Yoruichi, Kiryu, Sona, Koneko, Kuroka are locked.
      Serafal, Hestia, Artemis, OP-Nine-hells-elf, Line and Aphrodite are focused on him, but... not yet.
      I don't know how to classify magical girls squad. Kunou, Tanis, Ophis, Lilith, Red... there is no romance with them... but writing is ambiguous enough...
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      1. Offline
        thanx for info
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  2. Offline
    The multiple perspectives always makes me wanna drop, it was actually really good for a while but by ch 500 I was over it

    Still a good read, I'm at ch 755 rn
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  3. Offline
    Its good but the fact that since chapter 700 he is a!ways asking for forgiveness for things. I understand if it was only for some things but f#ck, I think there are more than 15 times that he has asked for forgiveness and it take like 4 chapters each timr
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  4. Offline
    [Review as of Chapter 960]

    I'll preface this by saying though I watched DxD and Bleach, it is still a very little amount. I think I watched the "first season" of Bleach, as Netflix described it, and that was only 20 or so episodes while for DxD I forgot nearly everything besides the Oppai Dragon show and the end of the first season where some girl dies and her naked corpse was always on screen which I thought was a wild decision. Also, you don't really need to understand any of these shows, just might have to look up certain terms every now and then.

    That being said, this is honestly a really good Fanfic. I was a bit put off by previous reviews since some said the MC was walked all over by the harem members (which I admit is somewhat true but not to the extent the they made it seem) and others saying the MC has power decreases but I finally started to read it and really enjoyed it so far. I think the quality takes somewhat of a dip when the MC and group accidently get sent to
    , but that's mainly because I really enjoyed the previous arcs when there really wasn't much of a threat. It's still enjoyable after that but it loses some of the SoL feel I was enjoying from previous chapters.

    It also expands on the worlds with it's own story that honestly, makes a lot of sense which is what I like fanfics sense I can see what other peoples "theory craft" for the world is. Theres also the chance that the MC will be able to return to the Bleach world soon, which will be fun to watch since he is definitely much stronger than when he died previously, though I wonder when in the timeline they will show up. And because of this, they mentioned Kisuke and Yoruichi will talk about their previous life soon since everybody has been able to guess they have reincarnated anyway. The power downs make sense with one being he was poisoned by something really potent(didn't mean anything since he didn't get into any fights that warranted his full power) and the other being all his energies combining into one and being too powerful that every time it's used it would destroy his body only to reform into something stronger to handle the power load.

    The only downside for me is the Harem since Kisuke does nothing to initiate the relationship with the girls and essentially waits for them to be fed up enough to make their move. I barely know who is in a relationship with him since there's really nothing there for most of them(besides the one who actually slept with him). And plus, after 700 or so chapters nobody from the second world has joined the Harem despite it being obvious it's going to happen really doesn't help with anything. Also, for those who saw the R-18 tag, there's like 1 incomplete R-18 chapter and nothing else, which I get since the author realized he's not good at them and didn't do anymore but I doubt it warrants the tag since the chapter is marked.
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  5. Offline
    Great novel can't wait for more updates
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  6. Offline
    Is there any r-18 scenes?
    I mean segs afcourse ahaa
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  7. Offline
    saya baru membaca sampai Chapter 258 dan memutuskan untuk berhenti. Sebuah cerita yang menarik tapi lambat. Penataan bahasa dan alur cerita lumayan rapih tidak membingungkan pembaca. Tapi saya memutuskan untuk berhenti membacanya karna terlalu lambat itu saja. Jika kalian tidak percaya baca saja. Rekomendasi untuk orang yang mebaca santai atau tidak punya waktu. Tidak rekomendasi untuk orang membaca cepat mengisi waktu luangnya seperti saya. Sorry I can't speak English, please translate it yourself. That is all and thank you <3
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  8. Offline
    If I didn't watch any of the Anime, can I understand the novel?
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    1. Offline
      can someone answer this legit question?
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    2. Offline
      Doesnt matter if you watched or not. The internet is all you need.
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      1. Offline
        i dont think i care enough of the novel to use up my precious time to do constructive research for a likely subpar novel. i prefer to waste my time effectively
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        1. Offline
          If you consider looking up things on google "research" then, you do you.
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          1. Offline
            im glad you catch that emphasis, with a bit more literacy you might even realize it may EVEN be a hyperbole... "wow so language "
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    3. Offline
      You can. I've watched some of DxD and about 30 or so episodes of Bleach but I don't really remember anything from either series. Theres some terms that it would be better to look up like with the gigai but you really don't need to understand much. I mainly look up the names of people to get an idea of what they look like
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  9. Offline
    Objectively speaking, the fanfiction is not bad. BUT!

    He's tight as hell. The author used a rude way to weaken the MC, makes a harem, but does not reveal the characters.

    Events are somewhat boring, already starting to get bored. Too dragged out with the plot.

    You can read it, but I wouldn't re-read it.
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  10. Offline
    Dudu M. L.
    Is Medusa part of the MC's harem?
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