6 months ago

Perverted Daddy System by PinkCulture

«What the f*ck? What is going on? Have I completely lost it?»

As I stare panicky at the... Read more
«What the f*ck? What is going on? Have I completely lost it?»

As I stare panicky at the dot unable to decide what to do, the white dot disappears and a line of text appears in its place.
[Installing files. 1% done…]

As I watch the text in shock, the percentage gradually increases. […2%…3%…4%…]

I move to the living room in a zombie-like manner, too shocked to think clearly and lie down on the couch.

«Something is wrong with me; I think I finally lost my sanity…»


Unable to affect the situation in the least, I stare dejectedly at the percentage increase, while my mind starts exploring the possible explanations. In the end, as the percentage hits 90%, I narrow it down to three possibilities.

The first possibility is that I am in fact still unconscious and this is all a product of my mind. I pinch myself and whimper at the pain, as in my nervousness I used almost all my strength.

Nope, the first is out.

The second possibility is that I have completely lost my mind and am suffering from delusions. Hmm, I cannot exclude this, but while possible, I don’t think that this is it. The only thing out of the ordinary is that fucking line of text.

The third possibility …

[Installation successful!]

The text disappears and a new message appears in my eyes…

The third possibility … is that I gained a system. I read the message with my mouth agape at the implications.

[Welcome user, to the Perverted Daddy System!]


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  • Views: 120 722
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  • Comments: 96
  • Total comments: 146


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Comments 96

  1. Offline
    GARBAGE, the first 2 chapters kinda hook you into reading more because god bless bratty girls, but then you get faceslapped with a terrible mindcontrolfest, seriously, wtf is going on with this horrendous mindcontrol spam in harem novels? whoever started the trend needs to get punished with a billion slaps for wasting our time, don't you plebs get it? mindcontrol completely kills the satisfaction of obtaining the girl's heart while shutting down any kind of personality they could have! why would you want THIS in your harem novel?!
    This author HAS to be a dog.
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    1. Offline
      Exactly my thoughts regarding mind control or abilities or situations close to that. What is the point of the whole thing if you can perfectly control what the other thinks or does ?? What is the difference of that and just having a robot change skins to a certain individual and have a relationship with the robot ?
      A similar situation was happening in Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos. The MC had an ability that could reveal him what , a female , most desired from the bottom of her heart. Almost that most important thing she wanted , that could give anything for it and would pretty much guarantee she would fall in love with you. Granted those "wishes" were quite realistic. Though is such a relationship true or false ? It hovers on the dividing line. Though the author realised that these relationships were too controversial and dropped the whole seeing "the wish from the deepest part of her heart" to just girls falling in love with him for no reason.
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      1. Offline
        Lmao, as if relationships are so deep, women only care about looks and money. The only way to date is to give them what they want, are you a child or something?
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        1. Offline
          Lmao , relationships vs marriage vs extended flings are completely different things.

          You get in a relationship with someone with the expectation of someday marrying him/her.

          When you are married with someone it means that you deeply care about him/her and would never actively do something to hurt him/her.

          Flings no matter if they are for one day or for an extended time period are pretty much transactional. Usually they so you can have sex. On the other hand there are people out there that pay in various forms (for example giving expensive gifts) in exhange to sex or a fake relationship. Just because they call those a relationship or marriage doesn't change the fact that you are paying someone to be with you. This kind of relationship entails no love. As long as the money flows so the "relationship" will continue to exist.
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          1. Offline
            Garbage, 50% divorce rate doesn't imply deep care. It's about money. You really are clueless.
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            1. Offline
              50% divorce rate means nothing.

              Someone could marry and divorce multiple times and it would add to that divorce rate.
              I am not out here saying that most actual marriages are pure and successful.
              What I am actually saying is that a relationship in which one person pays the other to be with him/her shouldn't be called a marriage.
              Just because you pay a hooker to have sex with you doesn't give you a right to call that transaction a relationship.

              A lot of divorces (especially regarding rich guys) are glorified hookers being paid out.

              There are actually two major reasons there are so many divorces. One people jump the gun a bit too fast regarding marrying one another. Two modern people like a bit too much to put a facade in front of others. People , if you have to lie to your life partner about who you are and what you like because you are afraid they will reject you , maybe maybe you shouldn't marry. It's absurd how two faced today's people are. And then you are wondering why a lot of people divorce that much.
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              1. Offline
                Because people used to be incapable of lying? lol
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              2. Offline
                I mean you've got a solid point about the hooker concept, but not exactly the apparent female directed specification, as many peoples first thought about any relationship is about how well they can take care of their partner. Yes for women this tends to be more likely to focus on money. Yet at the same time for men this concept is more commonly associated with "traditional gender roles" expected the woman to take care of you. However, this concept actually doesn't have much to do with prostitution. As if you think about these two details for any level of time them together points directly to the most likely cause. Those are obviously the roles of a parent. Men protecting and providing for. Women caring for.

                These impulses and trends tend to labeled as negative. Sure they can certainly have an overwhelming negative perspective in their extreme variants. Yet at the same time they can be viewed as positive if both parties are looking for a partner to start a family with. What you are describing isn't necessarily pro money but simply unstrustworthy/ people unwilling to commit. These two traits together lead to a more extreme example. Golddiggers/sexist controlling or abusive males.
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      2. Offline
        Lol, robot relationships that'd never happen... I breath life into real dolls
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  2. Offline
    PinkCulture? Now I see the author's name, I remeber this motherf#cker. He has some fetish where he wants young girls to call him daddy and rape them.

    His other novel, All my Toys, is also based on the same theme but it follows a very realistic approach to it.

    Whereas this novel is more of a fantasy approach to the same thing.
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  3. Offline
    Ethan Walton
    Does anyone know the name of a novel about the reader reincarnating into the novel. In the one I’m looking for, the reader has not finished reading so he doesn’t know everything but he starts collecting ancient ‘inheritance’ with one of them being a wooden shield from a hungry tree. He is also befriends the main character who in the original story killed him. Please help me seniors
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      Kaiser IV
      The novels name is trash of the counts family
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  4. Offline
    trash novel, is eyetwit puke 7
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  6. Offline
    Trash san you here again la la la f#cking trash these days everywhere la la la f#ck this novel really la la la mentioned rape la la la am out la la la
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  7. Offline
    [There are no new novels lately so let me take the 69th comment]
    True so I'll take the 70th comment
    Novel critic in the house
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  8. Offline
    There are no new novels lately so let me take the 69th comment oru2x
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  9. Offline
    I am a simple man who reads novels that appear in the top 50s in views.

    So, for god's sake, stop making these smuts so high-ranked... I can't even find a decent novel nowadays. Author-reader, all have gone horny
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    1. Offline
      The vicious cycle...
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    2. Online Offline
      I go at top list,
      top most be like
      Perverted [X]
      Slutty [X]
      Sex [X]
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  10. Offline
    People in the comments are saying that mc is 30 yo jerking off to 16 yos lshock
    I would love to read this one (such interesting tag) if he was younger.
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    1. Offline
      Tbh, the mc could be 20 or 100 and we would be none the wiser
      It really has an insignificant bearing on how the plot pans out

      I don't mean this in a sexual way, but literally, in regards to the mc, age IS just a number
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      1. Offline
        Like the time in prison my friend. It is just a number
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        1. Offline
          And a prison cell is just a room.
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          1. Offline
            Prisoner number xxxxx
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