1 year ago

God-tier Farm神级农场

At a low point in his life, Xia Ruofei discovered that a scroll that was passed down in his family... Read more
At a low point in his life, Xia Ruofei discovered that a scroll that was passed down in his family had a hidden secret: it contained its own independent world.

In the space, there was a spiritual pond that enhanced the growth of plants. There were mysterious spiritual flowers that could cure illnesses. Time in the independent world flowed at a pace ten times that of the outside world. Everything he planted there was of supreme grade and grew at a rapid pace. Everything he raised gained sentience.

From that day forth, Xia Ruofei began a different, brilliant life of planting succulent plants and vegetables, raising animals and flirting with beauties. Collapse
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Comments 30

  1. Offline
    Xen San
    unfortunately i droped this at 421.
    i would have droped sooner but i gave it some hope. its ok to have a harem but they have to be worthy and they are not.
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  2. Offline
    Reading up to 3000 elsewhere it's mostly worth reading if you like urban cultivation stories but it is INCREDIBLY SLOW.
    It will take 100 chapter breaks from cultivating/running businesses to being completely about him playing professional football (soccer for Americans) and characters who you think will be relevant as it seems like a generic harem cultivation story won't even be mentioned for 1000 chapters. There will also be completely normal humans who take tens of chapters to defeat despite the MC being a cultivator and a multi-billionaire because they're never dealt with in a straightforward way.
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  3. Offline
    Las verdad es que la lectura al principio no está mal, aunque un poco cringe y de pena ajena los personajes arrogantes o parecidos, pero el negocio de las plantas es bastante entretenido e interesante, una lastima que no se centre completamente en eso al principio, las cosas iban bien hasta el capítulo 40 que es a partir de dónde los capítulos están todos desordenados y con párrafos que se repiten, aunque dicen que más adelante lo arreglas, cheque y si hay varios así, una lastima pero yo si no pude pasar del capítulo 40 aunque la temática de las plantas me interesaba
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  4. Offline
    I was suprised dat this novel not so bad as i thought. 4/5
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    1. Offline
      going to trust what you wrote and read this boast
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      1. Offline
        baah, this novel has the trap of webnovel - translating quality is superb for first 40 chapters, expect the quality to drop afterwards, it still seems readable, if you space out lines properly with the settings on ranobes, but basically the quality has been dropping slowly, I am hoping it will stay readable at least.
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        1. Offline
          Dat fixed in next ch's
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          1. Offline
            True but translation quality is still readable mtl and not the quality stuff of first 40 chapters. Also finished reading up to latest on this site. I have to say I am bit disappointed in this. There is clearly good story to use and follow but author seems to like disregarding the main theme and focus on all the side stuff and get distracted. Which basically meant that last 40 chapters I was just skimmimg as the content was not relevant to the story.

            There is clearly lack of drive and good goal oriented storytelling.
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        2. Offline
          How did you change the settings? Been checking but I'm unable to find it. Really love to read this novel but because of the lack of spacing I'm unable to continue. gloom
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          1. Offline
            when you open a chapter, there is this "Options" button on the left corner, from there it opens the font and spacing settings, it wont fix it completely, but does make it more readable.
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  5. Offline
    This novel is written as if China's police force is non-existent, and the few existing ones are some corrupt officers.
    The problem is... I can imagine it since my own country is in the exact situation, but China? I don't know. constraint
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    1. Offline
      Night Edge
      China have corruption not only in the police force but even in their government officials
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      1. Offline
        SM Shubho
        every country in the world is basically corrupt now...
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      2. Offline
        Nona Me
        Lmao...Corruption occurs in all countries. :v
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        1. Offline
          Night Edge
          My point was that China has corruption too, not, only China has corruption.

          So, I don't understand why are you replying to me?

          I know full well about the corruption of the governments. I've watched videos about politics, geopolitics, military, economics, etc. to past some time.
          - Just wanna point this out before somebody reply to me again.
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  6. Offline
    Honestly whos so lazy they dont put spacing in their writing for 50+
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    1. Offline
      No one!
      It is a problem with the pots that copy these chapters, or some kind of protection mechanism.
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      1. Offline
        It is easy to read for me because I don't read it directly, I use Text to speech.
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        1. Offline
          I have seen you on a few reviews sections, txt to speech? You are completely mad bro. Btw how do you feel about Overlord IV?
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          1. Offline
            Overlord IV? Meh... I feel like I wouldn't have understood any of it if I didn't read the novel.
            The novel is much better and much clearer.
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        2. Offline
          Smiley Crow
          lol I thought I was the only lazy one, it's much easier to use tts because you can do two things at once. Btw if you want a more integrated experience, you can use the Quicknovel apk to read or listen to most of the novels out there. But Microsoft's read aloud feature in edge works great too if you like reading on pc
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          1. Offline
            If you read on novels.pl or readlightnovel.com you will automatically try to find st similar, and then will reach the natural conclusion of using a read aloud 🤣.
            Couldn’t find Quicknovel on App Store, I use an app called Speak4Me. On pc I use the read aloud feature sometimes especially with pdf files, most of the time tho I use a browser extension with the same name, it is much easier to work with than the browser’s feature… except with pdf files 😅.
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    2. Offline
      When this was originally released on webnovel there was no spacing and it persisted from chapter 41 to chapter 360 where it was finally edited before being posted. It was only then when someone went back to edit over 300 chapters, so now all the sites that pirate the novel have those ugly unedited text walls while webnovel has nicely looking chapters.
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  7. Offline
    I gave it a try, and I have to admit that it isn’t that bad.
    Average novel, 3.7 stars. (As of ch. 130)
    Some clichés here and there, a couple of cringe ones,
    other than that it is a decent time burner.
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  8. Offline
    #panic# From chapter 41 onwards the sentences are all together there is no enter.
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  9. Offline
    Basically Low Dimensional Game
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    1. Offline
      Bad example. Not really closely related at all. In Low dimensional, you have MC doing stuff with dimension. But here dimension is like a side prop that will be mostly ignored and has very little progress.
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  10. Offline
    From chapters 1 to 40 its normal then from 41 to 360 the chapters all just a wall of words. So be warned.
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