1 year ago

The Yu Brothers’ Case Book因与聿案簿录

Shaodi Yu, an orphan, is adopted as a result of of a murder case involving the deaths of his entire... Read more
Shaodi Yu, an orphan, is adopted as a result of of a murder case involving the deaths of his entire family. Because of some painful experiences, he refuses to speak.

However, he has sharp insight; moreover, he becomes under the care of a pair of twin brothers in the police force, who also have a child currently in university.

Yu Yin possesses yin-yang eyes, which allow him to see things ordinary people cannot. The two brothers happen to complement each other, and together they investigate various inconceivable incidents. Collapse
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Comments 2

  1. Offline
    I like the smoothness of the author’s writing. I like the character development. As a mystery story it has potential. It certainly fits the drama, horror, supernatural tags well. The action tag is accurate but it is more so light action. As a detective story it is crap. There are super obvious connections the MC simply fails to make. Not only does he seem to lack the IQ of an investigator he also fails to inform his father and uncle who are both police officers of basic and obviously very important information that would advance the case dramatically. An example In book 3 a youth supposedly committed suicide by jumping off the top of a loan shark’s building. The police don’t find any evidence of foul play and want to rule it a suicide but the MC happened to randomly meet the youth the night before. The youth was exuberant and cheerful because he had just won the lottery and could now pay off his families debt, take them traveling, and cover all his school expenses. The MC doesn’t mention a peep to his father about any of this despite the fact that his father has been assigned the case. The MC even accompanies his father to go visit the family and sees several other people who are adamant that the youth would never commit suicide but instead of telling his father about the lottery ticket he just keeps his mouth shut and acts like there is something off that he just can’t quite put his finger on. This kind of thing happens over and over again. Even an elementary school student would put together that such things are incredibly important but it seems to go right over the MC’s head despite the fact that he is a university student.
    Unfortunately I am done with this one. It has such great potential if the author would just acknowledge basic common sense and then utilize that to develop the story instead of depending solely on the paranormal to point out every little thing for the MC. I will be keeping an eye on this author as they possess great potential but this particular story is a pass for me.
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  2. Offline
    Apenas leí un capítulo y medio , la verdad parece interesante pero el autor cometió un par de errores ( creo yo ) , la primera y más notoria es que no siento ningún tipo de apego al personaje principal , un escritor tiene que saber que el lector tiene que tener algún apego ó interés en el personaje ; pero para mí el muchacho del comienzo de la historia es mocoso algo malcriado e inmaduro ( tiene 18 , en algunos países eso es ser adulto) pero su padre y tío lo tratan como niño . Y segundo y último es que el personaje parece ser muy nacionalista, ya estoy cansado de leer este tipo de historias en que los chinos o coreanos o japoneses son mejores que otras razas .
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