6 months ago

My Wife is the Asura Empress by thewhitesnow

[One of the Best Harem Story on WN]

[#WPC320 #Villain_Theme Winner]

[Read only... Read more
[One of the Best Harem Story on WN]

[#WPC320 #Villain_Theme Winner]

[Read only if you want a great plot, sweet romance, and a perfect harem without any forced development.]

[This novel is not where MC rules the plot and grows alone. The story belongs to mc and his spicy harem (girls).]

[Unique Yandere Girl, Nyla. You might love her personality, and find her very special.]

[Story would make sense as it progresses. I have avoided info dump and explained in a natural way to answer each question through the characters.]

In a parallel universe, Earth was invaded by nefarious Dhovrix two hundred years ago, Human had no choice but to fight them. Their strength paled in comparison and they lost even though they were greater in numbers.

However, the Human race made a breakthrough in technology and they were able to build a Portal that led them to the Land of Asuras where they found magic beasts. Killing them gave them super skills to contend against the Dhovrix race which had taken over one-third of the earth's region.

Dhovrix might start a war again anytime so Humans needed to be prepared. To save humanity, and not let Dhovrix's race steal more from the earth Human needed the power to face them.

Rio, a 16-year-old boy, was adopted by the Havenglow family and got his engagement broken by the Mailon family because he had no innate talent. He was sent to the land of Asuras for becoming strong but something happened that made him walk a path where he had to go against the humans.

Join this exciting journey of Rio, who marries the Asura Empress and goes against the human race to raise to power. Will he choose the dark side where his wife lives or will he choose his birthplace where he grew up? Collapse
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Last 25 chapters


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Comments 31

  1. Offline
    Fan Translations
    Somehow read 25 chapters of this. But OHMYGOD! How can anyone read this? Like really, I used to think those repititive chinese novels were bad. But This! How can it even be called one of the best harem novels? The writing is so bad, conversations are awkward and forced, not to mention the plot...
    WN has really fallen
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      Thirsty Reader
      Wn has fallen
      Billions must...
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  2. Offline
    Have you heard about the weak to strong genre? well, this novel uses the ant to fly genre, the mc is hilariously weak even though he gets a bs spirit root AND a beast core combo inside of him (he's this weak thanks to the brainlet author who dropped the cliche "stahp cultivating, think about your foundation" excuse a.k.a the "i must slow down the novel no matter what, please donate me spirit stones!" technique a couple chapters after the mc started cultivating), so now we're stuck with a dense, fragile beta pushover mc that isn't strong enough to fight the lowest tier of opponents without getting beaten black and blue SIXTY CHAPTERS INTO THE NOVEL, meanwhile, almost everyone around him is 2+ FULL REALMS above his.

    Also, the author himself doesn't know what he's writing, we start the novel with a recently adopted orphan who has no real family, friends or roots to cultivate, he even gets faceslapped with an engagement cancel because of it.. A couple chapters later, boom, he's now married, 5 chapters later he gets tortured by this human hater chick during his "training" and promises to take revenge, 5 chapters later he finds out that the lady who adopted him has a connection to his parents, a couple chapters later the mc sets a duel with his ex-fiancee's sister, wait WHAT? yes, he finds out that it was her father who called off the engagement so he starts drooling over her instantly, couple chapters later he's all over the chick who tortured him because "what? some humans killed her brother and she's a friend of my wife? then i don't mind being treated like a dog, humans bad!", dude is literally going back on everything established in a matter of 40 chapters, and no this isn't some sort of godlike character development, characters just 180 from one chapter to another.
    Now let's talk about webnovel, they're doomed man, how is this this a 4.8/5? and it even received multiple awards! i'm done bro.
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  3. Online Offline
    Tbh I will never understand these stories with the title "my wife is......" then the MC proceeds to casually make a harem and cheat on said wife. Fu#king stupid.

    I'm not reading this, nor giving it a review, so chill. welldone
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    1. Offline
      Yeees... It doesn't make any sense. That soap opera that is very famous about the guy with 3 vampire wives works like this. He has 3 wives and then he goes hunting more and more wives... just why?
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        I'm a person who like to develop emotional and physical connections with my partner, I don't see that happening with multiple partners, without crazy drama irl. I mean, sure, can someone be a total playboy and f#ck 300 girls at the same time? Maybe. But that's just sex. No deeper connection, no emotional intimacy, might as well get a sex doll.
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  4. Offline
    Well I only read 23 chapters but the other guy read 2.5
    very meh
    MC is a bipolar pussy who acts cool and also cowardly. He gets stabbed in the shoulder during training and almost has a panic attack, then afterwards declares he will make the trainer regret it with a chad look on his face. After seeing certain MCs who love hell training, and a lover of hell training myself, I'm just disgusted by this guy for being so scared of pain. The fkin guy even has access to instant auto healing from the training area, so all he has to worry about is pain, exhaustion, and the trainer maybe killing him. A good cultivation MC would coom at having such a good environment in the early levels while fighting someone strong! Pain->power in cultivation, just take it. First girl who he's engaged with drastically changed from being cold and rude (people said abusive but she basically just bonked him and put him in a hot bath which he cried about), to a weird loving wife with sarcasm. There's a girl who hates him but is now a blushing mess, all developed within a few chapters.

    Characters are mainly nearly 20 but they basically all have the same maturity, even the emperor. That is, the maturity of a chuuni 15 year old

    I could keep ranting, but just take the current rating (2.5) to heart. Maybe it gets better, but I don't really care since I have like 40 more novels to get to that I find more interesting, so good luck everyone and have a gud one satisfied
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    1. Offline
      It's funny how the synopsis says "Read only if you want a great plot, sweet romance, and a perfect harem without any forced development." But we the readers say otherwise.
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      1. Offline
        it's never good when the title says "My wife is the xxx" and then you look and it's f#cking harem
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        1. Offline
          But we still click on it to pass the time.
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        2. Offline
          Those novel names usually the main premise or the beginning arc. Like Martial world. There's more than one world, so isn't that quite "inaccurate"? My Three Wives are Beautiful Vampires (I actually like this novel) is also "inaccurate" since the harem expands, but that's how the story starts, and it's the premise of the novel.

          A little rant, but I'm just saying it'll help out more for the most part if you treat novel titles as the premise, the first few arcs, the goal, or all. Like Legendary Mechanic, he's not even a Legendary Mechanic until the end, so novels can break the rules the title implies at times satisfied
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  5. Offline
    Why do authors write in synopsis 'This story has great plot!'???

    Tooting their own horn
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    1. Offline
      [One of the Best Harem Story on WN]

      [#WPC320#Villain_Theme Winner]
      YES! THIS! I was having the exact same thought. XD These authors are ignorant and shameless. How did this kinda trash win? Either Qidian Webnovel really has low standards, or it was a lie.
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      1. Offline
        Webnovel really has low standards, you can just see how the new novel got adapted. 99.9% of them are trash, while 0.1% is a pearls at the top of the dung. When 0.1% come out and is ongoing for a while, the translation quality drop bit by bit, some of them just straight MTL without editing. If there is a good novel translated by a fan outside Webnovel, they acquire it and then destroy it. Webnovel is just straight pure trash now.
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        1. Offline
          Yes, it's a trash organization that picks up novels, submits for copyright against other translators competing with them, screws up the translation, and drops it after doing it halfway.

          I was so pissed when they MTL the whole "Bringing Culture to a Different World" after chapter 360. There were so many translations that they picked up but dropped halfway like "Transcending the Nine Heavens", not mentioning how badly it was translated. Never in my life have I genuinely hoped for an organization to fall and for those people to die.
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  6. Offline
    Do you like Pokemon story? Than this for you.
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  7. Offline
    Lord pervert
    Quote: MMA_SirOwlbie
    I lasted two and a half chapters. Thoughtless, basic, incredibly shallow. Guy gets transported to scary demon land, doesn't fear shit, instantly gets escorted to meet their head honcho and gets randomly engaged to his daughter because he can inherit the man's powers - not because he's ultra-talented or anything, in fact 60% of humanity qualifies, he just got lucky.

    And then his daughter's heart starts fluttering because he compliments her to her face? The suspension of disbelief needed to read this would have me hanging of a cliff with a snapped neck.

    A la madre lo destruiste sin piedad
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    1. Offline
      aw, thank you! I try. blushed
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  8. Offline
    I Miss the old days where I could read any top tier Novel any time I desired, now I have to wander through various novels, only to keep witnessing one of the best harem story on WN.
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  9. Offline
    Mc is a simp.
    He always let his wife hit him in the pretense of joking.
    He also try to fight other girl for his friend which he's not that close with. But the bet was just an apologies to the friend. What a childish thing
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  10. Offline
    One of the Best Harem Story on WN

    you are but frog in a well that doesnt understand the vastness of the sky, and that frog would still be better writer than most webnovel users
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