6 months ago

House Dad’s Literary Life奶爸的文艺人生

Right after transmigrating into a parallel world, Yang Yi was a bit stupefied upon seeing a... Read more
Right after transmigrating into a parallel world, Yang Yi was a bit stupefied upon seeing a adorable little girl calling him father. Fine, Xixi is 100% my daughter, but my child’s mother is actually an aloof, absolute beauty who’s a famous singer.

How do I coax my baby? Yang Yi, who was a assassin in his previous life, scratched his head. How about I tell some stories? Yang Yi didn’t think that the stories he imported from his previous world would be famous world-wide! How do I bring back my child’s mother who left in anger? The experienced Yang Yi indicated that there was no problem a love song couldn’t fix. And if it couldn’t, then two songs! Collapse
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Comments 36

  1. Online Offline
    I dropped it at 75. Although the daughter is cute and the story is heartwarming and all, the Female lead is unbearable.

    Well, the MC is no better, but the female lead is just............ really unbearable. The personality, the mood swings, oh god.
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    1. Offline
      Marlboro Red
      Thats because they ended on a wrong note. It doesnt make her hateful, it just makes the story believable. Actually if you try to think about it, if the Mc didnt possess the father, the orig father would be unlikable.
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  2. Offline
    Gweek Patato
    Thought the title was Demon God's Literally Me 💀💀
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  3. Offline
    Recently read it. Its really good. I'd recommend it for fluffy and wholesome romance and great child care.
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  4. Offline
    this novel is great!!!
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  5. Offline
    Marlboro Red
    Are there any more light novels like this? Similar to Stay at Hime dad's restaurant in another world? Please recommend. Its comforting to read stories like this with child care and lots of cute moments
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  6. Offline
    So, here's a review of the entire book (yes, I read the dreaded MTL and also some chapters in Chinese).

    House Dad's Literary Life (HDLL) is about an international assassin who reincarnates into a hapless Yang Yi who's struggling after being dishonorably discharged from the military. We learn, as a background, that Yang Yi's former body had taken up various of odd jobs to make ends meet, herein being a driver for some big shot. During one of these jobs as a driver, he notices that the big shot had drugged a beautiful female singer, Mo Fei, and was intending to rape her. Being the goody two shoes that he was, he punches the big shot and escapes with the female star. Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, he himself, also drinks the aphrodisiac water, and cue a night of passion. All of this is the background story, and we acquaint ourselves with Yang Yi 4.5 years later, when the reincarnation happens, and the story starts immediately with female singer's manager dropping off a 4 year old daughter, Yang Xi, at his door step.

    With this we have the premise between a cold hearted music loving assassin that has chosen to retire, and a lively 4 year old Yang Xi (Xixi) who can brighten even the darkest of rooms.

    HDLL is a sugar overdose, diabetes inducing, heartwarming, slice-of-life story, with most of the story focusing on the interactions between the retired assassin dad and the happy-go-lucky daughter. Herein there are interspersed small teachings regarding the troubles of raising children, small adventures, and the effort in trying to create a happy family.

    The story gradually develops so that soon Yang Yi supports the female singer, Mo Fei, in her endeavors to reignite her career as a super star after 4 years of absence from the music scene, while also balancing raising kids. But don't expect too much focus on the showbiz side of the story. The focus is mainly on the everyday interactions that happens in the family and the small troubles which kids and parents encounter. With that said, it isn't that boring and the author has managed to properly spread the attention on the more "exciting" events such as *cough cough* plagiarizing songs and managing to wow people left and right with his amazing skills - however these events are merely to break up the routine to keep the story fresh, so once we return to the quaint family of Yang Yi, Yang Xi (daughter), and Mo Fei, it doesn't become stale.

    With that said, the story does drag out at time. I, personally, wish that there was more focus on the showbiz side of things and on how the omnipotent Yang Yi could lift himself and Mo Fei to international stardom.

    In short, the story is generally well executed, but I also feel that there are some letdowns and lost opportunities with HDLL. However, the novel's many other great points, such as Yang Xi's cute and loveable character, the gradual progression of love between Yang Yi and Mo Fei, and the character developments of the characters and side-characters, more than make up for this. As such we're left with a slice-of-life story, that while at time is a bit slow and drags out, it still manages to capture most readers due to the lighthearted reading.

    The translation quality is passable. I've read most of the latter chapters in Chinese (mostly MTL as my Chinese isn't that proficient), however I can tell, even with my basic Chinese that the translation doesn't do the novel justice. Many sayings, proverbs, and interpretative sentences are, unfortunately, lost in translation. Moreover, many of the songs that are mentioned, which are unknown to most countries outside of China, hasn't been linked as examples by the translator. I highly encourage prospective readers to search up the songs mentioned in this novel as many of them are corner stone songs that defined the Chinese music scene,

    In conclusion, I highly recommend this to anyone who's looking for an easy lighthearted slice-of-life read. Prepare your insulin, because you may get diabetes, or worse, might even want kids and pets (kids are no joke - Yang Xi is a fairytale).

    I rate this B+ (4.5/5*)
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    1. Offline
      Marlboro Red
      Do you know more stories like this? Specially with cute child care?
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      1. Offline
        There's Godly Stay at Home Dad - it's not nearly as good, but it's pretty similar. https://ranobes.top/novels/278604-godly-stay-home-dad-v71134.html
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        1. Offline
          Marlboro Red
          Ive read that but I didnt like it much.
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      2. Offline
        you should try Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant
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        1. Offline
          Marlboro Red
          Yeah thats an alternative name of what I just said.
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      3. Offline
        There's 'Back for My Daughter' on webnovel - https://www.webnovel.com/book/back-for-my-daughter_20559228005448805
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        1. Offline
          Marlboro Red
          "Back for my daughter" and its a harem. Ill pass, feels like trash to me.
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  7. Offline
    Daniel Potter
    😮, no way. I've been waiting for this novel to update for like two years ago on Novel Updates, and have completely forgotten about it, and now I find it here?!
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  8. Offline
    excellent yyyy

    a light-hearted read
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    1. Offline
      light hearted as in, being under tve influence and rape right in the synopsis before the book ever began. typical cn book
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  9. Offline
    Izumo Saki
    Reading this kind of novel makes me want to have a child but at the same time I don't want to coz I'm not ready yet.
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    1. Offline
      abishek narayanan
      ahem, never have a child after reading a light novel or cuz of anime. Kids are brats that will suck your energy😂
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      1. Offline
        Too young for that life 10
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      2. Offline
        Yeah, I suggest becoming friends with someone who has a baby. You get all the benefits without actually having to look after a child. welldone
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        1. Offline
          abishek narayanan
          yep you can do this in any asian country but if it is the weat and they know your motive then you will be branded as a pedo for life
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          1. Offline
            Why would you be branded as a pedo for wanting to know how to take care of a child? Did I miss something?
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            1. Offline
              abishek narayanan
              i made it vague, sorry, what i mean is, in west if you want befriend kids it will be frowned upon. 💁they will think your motive is to harrass the kid.
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              1. Offline
                yea if there is like a 30yr age gap maybe. But i guess relationships like sully and drake from uncharted are rare. newer the generation the worst its communication.
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    2. Offline
      just read any actual child care book, it would fix you right up.
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  10. Offline
    Maybe this is an excellent book. But what I was expecting was sweet romance from the start. Description gave me that expectation.
    That may be happening in the future. But I feel bad that it wasn't in the beginning.
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