1 year ago

You Might Die If I Cast My Healing Spell我一发治疗术下来你可能会死

In that year, the entire world mutated. The game descended into reality while demonic catastrophes... Read more
In that year, the entire world mutated. The game descended into reality while demonic catastrophes rampaged.

For the sake of survival, everyone had to pick up a job class and level up their skills frantically. They worked hard to be more powerful.
Lin Ye acquired the special talent of Reversing.

He could reverse and strengthen any effect that was targeted at the host. For instance, he could turn damage into healing and buffing into debuffing.
As such, he changed his job class and became a priest.

He challenged an opponent, “Come at me! Attack me with any of your forbidden curses or divine techniques. I will admit defeat even if I lose a bit of blood.”

He then said, “So, your attack has no effect on me? It’s my turn to attack now. Healing Spell!”

[Notification: you attacked your opponent with a healing spell and caused 100 million points of critical damage. The other party has been afflicted with the negative status effects of anti-treatment, poison, burn, silence and fatigue.]

Lin Ye’s opponent was befuddled. Collapse
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Comments 11

  1. Offline
    Disclaimer to all who think this novel is completed. Its not. It just stops mid arc. 508 ch = the same abrupt end.
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    1. Offline
      Thank for the heads up
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  2. Offline
    Semejante novela basura.
    Que cantidad de mierda tiene el creador en la cabeza.
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  3. Offline
    So this is a ripoff of "This Curse is Just Awesome"
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  4. Offline
    LOL Barbara with anemo sniper/assault rifle? hahahhaha gonna read it later
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    1. Offline
      Bro I had the SAME EXACT reaction as you

      I was so confused at the weapon
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      1. Offline
        bro got the custom bow
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    2. Offline
      Genshin is just too complex
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  5. Offline
    MTL Denier
    40 chapter review.
    It's ok i guess, the author is overly verbose, info-dumping a bunch of nonsense you have no reason to remember just for the sake of it. So, my advice when reading this novel is: If you're reading a dialogue that is suddenly interjected by several paragraphs of text that seem to be explaining something that is self-evident, it's ok to skip it by searching for the next line of dialogue. In fact, the vast majority of info-dumps are safe to skip, because they are about generic fantasy stuff that anyone used to reading novels like these will know. Ever since i started skipping these nonsense segments, my enjoyment of the novel increased. Reading about a priest that deals more damage than a mage is always entertaining, and the characters so far are not one-dimensional, specially the "villains", i was quite surprised by their choices, it was almost as if these people actually had personalities instead of being an amalgamation of clichés! In regards to this novel's overall score, i would give it a 3.4 . The info-dumps and over explanation of all the mc's actions severely bog down the novel's pace, and along with uninteresting dungeons the score i gave might even fall lower. Seriously, i never understood why people would use dungeons as something interesting - they are fake spaces with fake living being with absolutely 0 impact to the world, if you destroy a mountain in the dungeon, it simply respawns for the next idiot to conquer it, so to me, dungeons have always been a worthless gimmick. This is just a 40 chapter review, so it's quite rough, thanks for reading though.
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  6. Offline
    Story Development:
    The story wasn't poor in the way it developed. It was the same videogame sort of system, so there is what I would assume is a constant progression. What differs from these game elements is there are restrictions in place that slow down the growth of the protagonist.

    Writing Quality:
    The writing quality was readable, but there were common grammar mistakes and odd word choices that subtracted from the overall flow of the novel.

    World Background:
    The world background is superficial and wasn't discussed much to the point I read to.

    Character Design:
    There were many stereotypical tropes present which made things feel a bit generic. There was less dialogue between characters and more explanations or descriptions. Every action was followed by a reason for why, so instead of having the action demonstrate its meaning, there is an explanation as to why the character took that action which made it less engaging. The dialogue was quite stiff and didn't feel conversational.

    Summary + Final Thoughts:
    The novel was readable, but I was unable to engage with it. It didn't feel enjoyable to read as it was very flat with little depth present. I dropped the novel at Chapter 16 because I felt bored reading it.

    TL;DR: A superficial novel with stiff dialogue and stereotypical tropes. The grammar was readable and didn't pose a problem. I dropped it at Chapter 16 because it was boring.
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  7. Offline
    What's Barbara doing here?? lshock
    Wait, actually it does make sense...
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