5 hours ago

There Is A Huge Problem With My Achievement SystemThere Is A Huge Problem With My Achievement System

When you were six, you submerged your hands into the rice storage bin and imagined that you were... Read more
When you were six, you submerged your hands into the rice storage bin and imagined that you were practicing Iron Sand Palm after you finished watching a martial art film.

When you were seven, you felt like you were the diplomat of your class just because you were the first one who greeted a new student at the beginning of the semester.

When you were eight, you believed that you possessed clairaudience just because you could recognize that the approaching footsteps belonged to your parents who were coming home.

What would happen if all the fantasies you had during childhood became reality?

Ji Ruo put his hands into the rice storage bin and…

[Congratulations! You unlocked a martial art-related achievement by putting your palms into the rice bin.]

[The skill you acquired: Iron Sand Palm (Entry Level)]

[You can upgrade the skill by repeating the activation step and maximizing its familiarity. Fortune favors the diligent. Hang in there! Work hard!]

The corner of Ji Ruo’s mouth twitched. He had a feeling that his system was not really normal.

After pondering for a moment, he picked up a stick and headed towards the paddy field nearby… Collapse
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Comments 11

  1. Offline
    It just feels like mtl now. 100 chapters here. sigh
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  2. Offline
    Dark Phoenix
    Dao Of Mtl Is Too Hard To pursue Yolks11
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  3. Offline
    I was poisoned without even noticing! It was interesting and funny, consistent and logical. The Main Character turned hopeless situations into profitable ones. He found a way to transform hostility into cooperation. His way of solving problems baffled friends and enemies. It was filled with a childish joy of life and positivity. I liked the naivety of the work. And this continued until about chapter 400.
    The competition arc began and the classic "Xia Shit" appeared. Hypocrisy, duplicity, bias, etc. Everything that benefits Xia is good. Anything that is not good for Xia is evil. Breaking the rules is the victim of Xia's heroes. The cultivators' attempt to protect themselves from Xia's arbitrariness is a crime. Xia forgives itself for something even for a thousandth of which it would take revenge. Xia is taking revenge for something it itself would have done a thousand times worse.
    At the beginning of the book, an incident occurs involving the Xia's hero and the protagonist's pet. MC patiently explains the situation and does not blame Xia's hero. In the same situation, the main character takes revenge on the cultivator by destroying the sect.
    I felt disgusted by such partiality. And the most primitive harem vibes appeared. I hope the arc ends with all the crap.
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    1. Offline
      When doing something wrong ,always use excuse -> law of jungle ( uses fist to determine right or wrong )

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    2. Offline
      Another case of a decent novel premise being dragged down by the need to score points for the CCP review to allow publishing.
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  4. Offline
    From synopsis I thought it would also be a comedy novel, but I guess not?
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  5. Offline
    If it's the work in which the MC gains power by doing childish things (like that thing about 8th graders in elementary school in Japan), it's a good work, although it's all coincidental, it's good for passing the time.

    Rank C+
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  6. Offline
    Interesting, I'll test it.
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  7. Offline
    I know for a fact I've read this before, but where ?
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    1. Offline
      It was on Webnovel for a while now, so maybe there?
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  8. Offline
    Wish fulfilment novel it seems

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