8 days ago

Power and Wealth权财

An accident let him have a special ability to turn back time up to 1 minute. When he said the wrong... Read more
An accident let him have a special ability to turn back time up to 1 minute. When he said the wrong things in front of his leader, he was able to return back to 1 minute before to correct what he said. During jade stone gambling and there was no jade inside, he turns back time to pick another stone. When the woman he likes met an accident, he can return back to 1 minute before to save her… A small fry’s rise through the ranks of the government service starts… Collapse
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Comments 31

  1. Offline
    Finished MTL, I Enjoyed it. Turn off your brain kind of story. Many similarities to authors previous work "I am really a Superstar" which got banned and dropped.

    Manwhore white knight syndrome MC
    Chinanumbawan crap

    Nice Action
    Nice escapism story for a male

    Rank C-
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  2. Offline
    I don't understand these guys who keep complaining about how the romance is bad, how MC is so unloyal, how MC is arrogant. I do turn off my brain whole reading chinese novels, but are these guys retards? I'm pretty sure these guys read the genre and tags as well before reading the novel. Yet they keep complaining like a retard. This is clearly a harem novel with arrogant Protagonist.

    I'm really speechless and mind boggled with the IQ of these guys. I can only give one example about these guys. "Fox and Sour Grapes".
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    1. Offline
      cheerful man finally someone understands
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    2. Offline
      I did read the tags and i knew what was gonna happen. Nevertheless it still surprises me how much of a scumbag the mc is. There are many other ways the author could have used to achieve similar results.
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      1. Offline
        So what's the big f#cking deal? If people like to read about someone behaving badly, what business is it of yours? Why should anyone care about your little egocentric comment? Shut up and don't read this story, you're wasting your time and our time writing stupid comments.
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        1. Offline
          I'm not sure why your so offended. Tags aside, the story isn't even that great and anyone is free to say whatever they want about it in the comment section as that is what it is for. The MC is a bastard and I dislike him, which is why I dropped the story. My comments complaining about him in different chapters and my review here are simply my own way of venting. I'm not stopping anyone from enjoying the story. In fact, I'm warning people with tastes similar to mine that might have liked the tags to stay the fuk away. And by the ratio of likes and dislikes on my review it doesn't seem to be that one sided on my part.
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          1. Offline
            Aioo leave it Fam monk
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          2. Offline
            Aiyo wtf, we are offended causes you sh#t in public for us to see. Go sh#t at whatever f#cking hole you've been shat out.
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            1. Offline
              You comment actually made me chuckle, i don't even know whether that's supposed to be a sarcastic or serious comment. Thx for making me revisit this wonderful novel 23
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              1. Offline
                Glad you laughed
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        2. Offline
          Deal maker
          Lol this snowflake is going through menopause or something
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  3. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    The idea of turning back time to redo things is good but you can't do much in 1 minute, if you have 1 hour that would be better. But this story takes a turn for the bad super quick
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  4. Offline
    This seemed interesting at first but it's shit. 2/5 don't recommend.
    Spoilers below:

    I've read all the 700+ available chapters and the plot is basically he gets a job at a certain governmental facility or organisation, stirs a fuk ton of trouble by being arrogant and impulsive, luckily manages to solve everything cuz he's got friends in high places and a cheat and then he asks to be promoted. After being refused cuz he needs to wait some time as in these types of organisations u can't just keep getting promoted, he decides to switch to a different governmental organisation and the same shit happens. By now he's done this at 3 or 4 different places, cuz this impatient mf just wants to be promoted no matter what.
    That's all for the plot - new place, conflicts, asking for promotions, changing places. And getting involved with more women.

    Romance is even worse. He literally confesses his feelings and has sex with his neighbour, who he's loved for a few years now, and then proceeds to move to a different county cuz plot and got himself a new fiancé. But two timing wasn't enough for him and even after these 2 found out and forgave him cuz they're so in love and he has a heart condition, he got involved with a widow, then his superior at another county. His neighbour aka 1st woman is pregnant BTW but he doesn't give a fuk, it's like everytime he sees a new beautiful woman he needs to cheat and have sex with her. Right now he's got 4 and the first 2 are unaware of the other 2.

    Absolute fuking mess.
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    1. Offline
      thank you pioneer. You saved me, I thought it would be interesting bc of time ability.
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    2. Offline
      After reading some more, until chapter 870, the romance part is even worse somehow. Now the neighbour has given birth but his fiancé is also pregnant and their parents have found out and yet he is still flirting and having sex with other women at his job, including his superior. I'm not gonn acome back to this anymore probably, the MC is too much of a scumbag/hypocrite/dumbass/etc (all the bad adjectives lmao).
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  5. Offline
    I enjoyed this novel because he became a civil servant, but it's very bad at romance, plot after plot which is disgusting in taking the harem women, which I always skip. 2.7/5
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  6. Offline
    i thought this was about wealth and power. Why did he start first as a civil servant. I dont know how much civil servants make im sure as heck that owning a company makes more than them. I thought he would start making a business first hence the name then make cpnnections. Compared to the connections you can make in the gov., clients for business gives a better connection especially when making them owe you a favor that would equate to power. I dont think the author really understands power and wealth.
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  7. Offline
    this is new https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/15925/the-daily-grind
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  8. Offline
    If someone has read father ahead,can they tell me if the mc has more than 3 harem members, farther ahead like 500
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  9. Offline
    The MC is incredibly impulsive and too stupid to be in government service, the worst part is that there isn’t any character development.
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  10. Offline
    the plot sounds interesting but unless you are used to reading MTL don't bother. Meh
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