1 year ago

The Strongest Hokage火影之最强震遁

The Gura Gura no Mi is known as the strongest fruit in the world of one piece. In Naruto world, the... Read more
The Gura Gura no Mi is known as the strongest fruit in the world of one piece. In Naruto world, the blood limit would grant the strongest power for those ninjas. But what if the Gura Gura no Mi is found in the world of Naruto And after it is eaten it will be like a blood limit power.

Well, the MC just took that Fruit. This story begins before the second Ninja war by two years. Collapse
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Comments 30

  1. Offline
    9 out of 10 fanfics written by Chinese authors are crap. This is like shit
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  2. Offline
    Oh my lord, what did I just read?
    MC beat his classmate in a school duel. The loser's brother came and ask him to break him arm. MC rufuse and they fight inside the village, the brother used killing jutsu against a schoolboy infront of the whole village. When anbu intervene to help, MC goes crazy and ask for life/death duel. Also the brainless peanut gallery going "he is trash" "he is so weak" "how?" "impossible" on the side is so annoying.
    FFS this is konoha, not brainless xianxia world, if you wanna write a fanfic, at least reseacher alittle about the world you're trynna write. Fking stupid chinese authors and their cliches.
    I keep trying to power through it to see if it gets better but No, the author keep doing this. He keep bring up openly killing classmate, teammate, life/death duel etc.. you can't even ignore if you try. Also, chracters have totally differnt personality from OG, author make them stupid/arrogrant/crazy instead of seeing how they are in OG and changing them logically.
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  3. Offline
    I regret reading this. i was so hyped after reading the synopses but turned out to be a big disappointment.
    His power from one piece was good and all but the story line f#ck things up. typical wuxia setting.
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  4. Offline
    Quote: Hansbk
    Welp... That 'note' is concerning... It made me question this whole review credibility mimo

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    1. Offline
      I mean... At least he's being honest... pressure
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      1. Offline
        whoknows True
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  5. Offline
    The fact that Author makes MC relates with Might Duy... Gives me all the reason to keep on reading. imbest
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  6. Offline
    Chapter 546 to 556 are not in the right order
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      only we
  7. Offline
    [Never gets better]
    Translation is god awful

    So the mc is just a slave for konoha. With maybe two or three exceptions everybody in the village treats him like disposable trash and he still simps for the village and forgives their every sin. Pathetic.

    Further in and its clear that the mc really does not care at all about the people around him. The moment anything even mildly interesting to him appears he will not hesitate to go AWOL, drop out of contact for months at a time with no warning or heads up causing the important people in his life think he's dead. Like it's not like it's be hard for him to send a message or something, it would take almost no effort at all, He's just a real P.O.S

    Man he's so cowardly. He just lets everybody walk all over him and never pushes back, at most he just runs away. Of course he then comes back to save them whenever they ask like the good little dog he is.

    Mc is somehow tricked by Madara even though he's known his pan since the beginning, cause he's an idiot I guess? Still it's clear that the real reason the mc lost is because the author is stupidly sticking to canon even when it makes no sense (the Kyubi gets spit in half, Obito is kidnapped and brainwashed, and Nagato becomes Pain).
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  8. Offline
    chapter 527 to 536 are not in the right order
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      only we
  9. Offline
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  10. Offline
    After i am read about 130 ch, here basically what i got.

    - Op mc/very arogant.
    - every character just like "omg", "he is a monster", "what's that power", "is he a human", and something like that.
    I mean every one of them. It's like they turn off their brain the moment they encounter the mc
    - and mc have star syndrome.

    That's it, i still not drop it though. Just read it for satisfaction only

    Note : my English writing skill is sucks
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    1. Offline
      Welp... That 'note' is concerning... It made me question this whole review credibility mimo
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