3 years ago

Swordmeister of Rome로만의검공 • Swordsmeister of Rome

Born of a great family, world shaking genius.
The man who had shaken the world.
The story... Read more
Born of a great family, world shaking genius.
The man who had shaken the world.
The story of the Swordmeister. Collapse
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Comments 12

  1. Online Offline
    Weliam Diago
    2/3 of the story is flashback, like what happn in tge past and how a man creat a Grand plan etc
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    1. Online Offline
      Weliam Diago
      even the side story is flashback
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  2. Offline
    This is one annoying and disjointed piece of crappy writing, which has nothing to do with the Rome, but deals with family of idiots named Roman.
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  3. Offline
    A good enough read if you can't pick something. It's not amazing just average but the side story like someone said earlier, indeed is the best part. 6/10
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  4. Offline
    Very, very boring, dropped it by chapter 10
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  5. Offline
    Скажу сразу, это на любителя, мне не зашло слишком муторно. Это чисто мое мнение, так что если кто-то хочет скоротать время то прочтите глав 20-30, и поймёте продолжать или нет
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  6. Offline
    Fast fast fast fast fast and end ?? 6/10 short
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  7. Offline
    One of my all-time favorites.

    Most of the novel is around C+ rating at best, it's a decent read but a bit boring and the MC is way too lacking in motivation for my taste. He IS incredibly OP, which I really like, but he has very little interest in doing anything. As the novel progresses there are some pretty interesting themes that have to do with how the humans coexist with alien races and the ensuing struggle over land and resources. The climax is pretty nice and brings the theme to a good conclusion, but again, it's just good, not amazing.

    It's the side story that take it from a C+ to an S-tier novel. I read this over a year ago and I still think back to it every now and then because the side story was so incredibly epic. Highly recommend if you have the patience to get read through most of the pretty good chapters to get to the incredible ending.
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    1. Offline
      Just based on the final extra side story i can say that the novel is excellent. It’s almost like the author build the story from the ground up to finish it with the side story taking the crown. It will be an excellent read for anyone who finishes the book including the last side story chapters. So stick with the book to finish it the ending is worth it.
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  8. Offline
    Welp.. Its a good story just like the lazy swordmaster but unlike the latter the mc here doesn't tied up by something that makes him limit his activity like being a hero or taking responsibility to protect the people because he is strong the mc just doing what he wants. He's too OP but super lazy too. But that didn't make the story so dull instead become more interesting..

    If you like a lazy and OP mc this is for you.

    It's 8/10 for me.. welldone
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    1. Offline
      tiene romance ?
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      1. Offline
        Yes there is a romance in this novel. But it will not be at the early part of the novel. It will start when the mc decided to go adventure.
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