2 years ago

Elite Mages' Academy超级魔法高校

What would you do if you were transported to an academy where becoming immortal was possible? Where... Read more
What would you do if you were transported to an academy where becoming immortal was possible? Where magic spells and swordsmanship were your courses and fighting zombies and wars were your exams? Dawn Academy was no ordinary learning institution and Xiao Lin was about to find out how mysterious and exciting this magical academy really was.

Join this self-professed gaming nerd as he embarks on a journey that takes learning to a whole other level. With flying dragons, high-tech systems, and alien livestock that makes your bowels explode, Xiao Lin’s freshmen adventure is just the tip of the iceberg. Collapse
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  1. Online Offline
    It is an insane novel.
    No in a way that it is good, but in a that is makes very little sense.
    At the same time... it doesn't matter that it is bad. It's just insane.

    I felt that it is very short, at least for something claiming it had 714 chapters.
    And if you have free time, and nothing to read, you definitely can read it.

    Now... let's start with the elephant in the room, the ending:
    And to be precise - the final chapter. It was... good???
    It is not exactly standard type of "Good", but considering the logic of the novel, it is fitting.
    And I prefer it to god ex machina fixing all the problems.

    Now we will move... To the elephant in the room, the ending?

    Yess... other then the last chapter, previous, lets say 40 chapters also made a spectacle of itself.
    And here, yes it was rushed. What made it better? I mean we all know what tournament arks are like...
    So being rushed, even if a bad thing in vacuum... was good as it made it shorter...
    And the gimmick, even if was obvious for the last... many chapters, still had something going to it.
    And even if it is not very original, it have a special feel to it.

    And now we will be looking at.... The ela....
    Okay, yes, the hundred or so chapters before that... were not very good?
    Tournament ark... Well it did had one nice face slapping moment... But some random cultivation novel will probably have it better, and it just the result of other parts being even worse?

    Next... I mean previous two hundred chapters are weird.
    They are not bad, really, but as novel silently sliding from "Adventures in other world" to "Mystery detective", and you suddenly had to pay attention to all weird thing that have happened....
    At the same time, the "adventure" part, became a bit... well, weird?
    I really can't say better here.

    First four hundred chapters are just average to good to... supremely originally designed world?!
    Yea... in reality that book is about morality.... And said morality is very... "Revered insanity" style.
    At that point if, you interested just go and read it, as i will drop some world building spoilers.

    Okay, now - it is not an Isekai, nor really a system or anything.
    Generally speaking it is a soft Sci-fi, that could be hard, just within its own rules... if author was better at it.

    Now, to the spoilers:
    Academy... or Military colonist academy is existing since feudal times, and great colonisation of everything. It just in that to "everything" a New world was added.

    Said new world is a place with a better law, and magic. Prime world estate!
    So academics colonised!!! they did it very... how real colonisation were in our world.
    - Where quarter of the "Actually about morality".

    About our MC - he is good, but not too good, so don't worry too much.
    He is also stupid, and becoming more stupid with time, what is the biggest flaw of the novel.
    Be careful of that.

    Now back to world!
    So they colonised everything (Not really) And now it is peace time.
    How exactly colonist surpasses even dragons, and every one in the world, where they can't even move firearms? Well, instead of fire arms, they have resurrection towers.
    Like literally. So you can by spending 10 year of your lifespan, to resurrect. Yea!! Oh, yea :Lifewater: can give said 10 year back too, so don't worry, it is not Thaat expenses.

    So yeass... It may be peaceful-ish times...
    But human Greed is never ends (About half of the morality part)

    At the end.... Well minuses are... Combat system is a mess, magic system is a mess, few parts were forgotten as it was rushed. (Nothing really important-ish)
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    1. Online Offline
      Yea, about the ending (The one that is the last chapter)

      It may seems that is is bad or pointless, but I believe that it is indeed the best solution.

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  2. Offline
    Самая бездарно слитая концовка из всех что я видел. По итогу ставлю 0/10, потому что благодаря концовке вся новелла не имеет абсолютно никакого смысла. Буквально. Автор просто послал свой же сюжет на три весёлых буквы.
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  3. Offline
    Just finished reading, I really liked this novel and would probably rated it around 4.5/5 until 50 chaps before the end. Then the author started to rush and the final chapter was basically a sprint trying to finally end the novel.
    I suggest reading it, even if you know the ending is just a punch in the guts, also one of the things that kind of ruined it are the small inaccuracies that the author continuously dropped and that could have been solved if he just kept a list of what was happening, things like years, attributes, roles, even powers.
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  4. Offline
    Any romance?
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  5. Offline
    Not worth it at all the ending is just trash, The author got burnt out and suddenly said the end! over
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    1. Offline
      Can you spoil me the ending ?
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  6. Offline
    Do not read, the end is a kick in the nuts, worst end of a novel that I ever read
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    1. Offline
      I stopped at around when he goes to the little vampires kingdom. Does the quality drop from then and seem like the author lost interest?
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  7. Offline
    just finished reading chapter 1. So i guess geographical accuracy is mantained. The MC is chinese. PLEASE NO NATIONALISM, COME ON BRO IF IT HAPPENS IM GONNA FLIP.
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