1 year ago

Kidnapped Dragons드래곤을 유괴하다

— The planet [Earth] has entered the abnormal state [Apocalypse].

— You have failed in... Read more
— The planet [Earth] has entered the abnormal state [Apocalypse].

— You have failed in saving the Earth. The Authority, [Vintage Clock (EX)] rewinds the world’s time.

For Yu Jitae, it was a message he had seen many times.

It was tiresome.

It would have been great had he died with everyone else.

But he couldn’t, for his authorities that made him the strongest existence, brought him back in time whenever he did.

And even with his strength, he couldn’t protect the broad earth against the maddened dragons.

— The world’s time will soon begin.

As the clock resumed ticking in the direction it should, his 7th iteration came to a start.

Fortunately, he finally had a gist. Collapse
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Comments 110

  1. Offline
    Author told me(Us) to not spoil but... MAN AUTHOR COOOOKKEEDD
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    And my friends, It's over!

    Man, it's really an excellent story, with an excellent ending, it was worth reading each time, I just regret being too hasty, I could have enjoyed it more as time went by, instead I read it in less than a month, good, but sad.

    a final story that could be longer, but if it were too long it could ruin everything, so I accept this wonderful and incredible work.
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    Quote: Spectre
    Not every novel has the capability to even compete at the top spots. This one can very well surpass them. To the right person, this is a novel on the level of SG, LOTM, RI, ISSTH and MHOH- each one being the apex level of their respective genres.

    Hats of to you Yuzu.
    Looking forward to (if any) another one of your novels in the future.

    Signing off,
    Spectre <3

    I had to make a new comment cause ranobes does cut off comments after a certain point. Anyway I just read it and realized how big my review has become so sorry for that, but I ask you to read my entire review and not just some parts.

    For those who are wondering about the abbreviations:
    LOTM: Lord of the Mysteries
    SG: Supremacy Games
    RI: Reverend Insanity
    ISSTH: I Shall Seal the Heavens
    MHOH: My House of Horrors

    Although I've finished this a long time ago i can say i 100% agree with your review, btw if you're looking for another masterpiece check out Perfect Run, Mother of Learning, sss-class suicide hunter these are on the same league as the ones you mentioned(im kinda sad i finished everything there except ISSTH and RI cuz i dont like Eastern fantacy much)
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    1. Online Offline
      I have already checked out perfect run and my god thats also one of the best novels i have ever read. I forgot to add it here lol.
      I'll check out Mother of Learning and sss-class suicide hunter since you recommended them.
      Although i would say you should still read RI, It changes your whole perspective!
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    They say start your essay with a quote so that it may attract the reader's attention... Here you go:
    People smiled when they’re sad because they remembered all the happy times that went by,
    And that people cried when they’re happy because they remembered all the hard times that went by.

    Firstly I would like for all of you to look at the ratings of this novel. You already know this is top tier with that ratio.

    Even though my account is 3 years old, I have actually been a part of Ranobes since five years. Since five years I have been reading novels here and if you are an old timer, you know not just any novels are able to stay on top. In my journey of reading, this was the one time i cried. And I'll admit that with all my balls.

    Now to speak of the actual story,
    The plots are not focused on action, but rather emotional entanglements. After reading till the end of the after stories, I can say that there are no plot holes. None. The ending isn't for everyone in fact even i was kinda dissatisfied with it.
    The ending isn't bad at all, I wont spoil, but after going through all that, the readers always expect more. Thank god for the after stories.

    The characters.... ooh boy where do I start... They are real. The characters are real. You can't convince me otherwise. They are a living breathing human (or dragon) somewhere on this earth. The focus of this novel lies on character developments and until now I have not seen a better example of it.

    The world building doesn't really matter because the story gives more importance to interpersonal relationships, but still a fantastic job. Amusements was a completely new and acceptable concept i.e., it made sense in that world building.

    Plot development is just amazing. I won't say flawless cause some of you will still find some faults with this masterpiece, but really who is flawless in our world? I'll tell you one thing, cherish each and every moment while reading this novel cause you never know when that same sentence might hit you like a truck. Even the quote i started with will hit differently after you finish this novel.

    In my reading career never have I felt so much bliss and sense of loss from the same piece of art.
    The developments of Bom, Yeorum, Kaeul, and Gyeoul... and lets not forget the golden moments of Vintage Clock.
    This novel has taught me how even a broken person is complete. There is a reason for everything. How friendships are meant to be. Love comes in all form and can goddamn make or/and break relationships.

    Do come back to this comment after reading to tell me about your favorite arcs, character developments, plot twist and make sure to tag them with appropriate spoiler tags.

    Now finally I would like to bow down and kowtow to the author- Yuzu for giving me a new perspective towards life. And not just him, the translator has done a beautiful job in getting the feelings of the author to us, the readers, so great job to RainingTL.
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      Not every novel has the capability to even compete at the top spots. This one can very well surpass them. To the right person, this is a novel on the level of SG, LOTM, RI, ISSTH and MHOH- each one being the apex level of their respective genres.

      Hats of to you Yuzu.
      Looking forward to (if any) another one of your novels in the future.

      Signing off,
      Spectre <3

      I had to make a new comment cause ranobes does cut off comments after a certain point. Anyway I just read it and realized how big my review has become so sorry for that, but I ask you to read my entire review and not just some parts.

      For those who are wondering about the abbreviations:
      LOTM: Lord of the Mysteries
      SG: Supremacy Games
      RI: Reverend Insanity
      ISSTH: I Shall Seal the Heavens
      MHOH: My House of Horrors
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    I read a few Korean novels like this one...And I had a question.

    Why is it that the author always uses the full name of people when writing? Like here its "Yu Jitae did this" or "Yu Jitae was...", why do the use both name + surname? Shouldnt only name be used?

    Like suppose in LOTM, mc's name is Klein Moretti. And author writes in the novel as "Klein did this" etc, not "Klein Moretti did this...". Why do they use the full name in korean (and chinese) novels? Or atleast novels which have korean/chinese names for characters
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  7. Offline
    didnt think i would enjoy this story so much 12
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  8. Offline
    World background, writing, and character design are absolutely 5/5

    even IF the Development only 2/5 or 1/5, overall already 4+/5, so without even delving into the story and actually talking about the story's development, the title already made it into 0.1% of ranobes. So, what are you waiting for

    Like some comments in the chapters, i agree that without reading until the very very end, it'll be confusing and compels you to make wrong conclusions. Soo, if i could give one advice: refrain from jumping into conclusion, just see through it, it will be worth it in the end

    This is the first time i cried this much from reading. Truly superb

    #Gyeoul 🔝
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    I would like to share my modest collection
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    H o r o
    Это второе произведение после "Spice and Wolf" которое подарило мне такие эмоциональные качели во время чтения и такую грусть, когда я закончил читать этот роман gloom . 10\10
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