1 year ago

Black Iron Magician黒鉄の魔法使い

It has been more than ten years since he was transported to another world. The protagonist Deris... Read more
It has been more than ten years since he was transported to another world. The protagonist Deris Fahrenheit, who has became a magician with special circumstances, was freely enjoying his life in this world. However, a girl appeared before him and asked him to make her his disciple. That girl seems to be a transported person…

It’s a story of him who becomes the girl’s teacher and trains her to achieve her revenge (?) in otherworld. Collapse
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Comments 2

  1. Offline
    Started reading and after 5 chapters or so I gave up. Apparently our main mc got transmigrated to this world 10 years prior to the start without having any memories about his previous world or life. This gets overturned like the next chapter as we see him knowing things from his previous world and talking using japanese idioms. The only japanese thing about him is his appearance. Despite that he acts like he never lost his memories. If the author can't stick to the established plot in the first few chapters , I am out.
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  2. Offline
    I have read the Manga and found it interesting. I wait for the novel to have more chapters. blushed

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    Copy& Paste from another review site.
    He/She read the novel to chapter 82.

    A nice otherworld slice of life story. This story has a nice twist of the typical "Otherworld" archetype as the MC was transported here before the heroes are summoned. It is particularly nice that he is more grounded than the typical Japanese MC as he is not a coward who refuses to kill and isn't denser than a diamond and actually makes some decent sense with his decisions. hlst

    The FMC Is also a nice variation of the typical "summoned hero" cliché as she is removed and instead put under the tutelage of the MC. She also is distinct from normal MC's as she is outside common sense but still has sensibility comparable to normal people, if only a bit eccentric (Kinda like a fan made OC). reader kiaa constraint goal hlst
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