1 month ago

I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)異世界でチート能力を手にした俺は、現実世界をも無双する

Tenjou Yuuya has been a bullied boy since the past.

He lives in the home of his beloved... Read more
Tenjou Yuuya has been a bullied boy since the past.

He lives in the home of his beloved grandfather while he goes to school. As usual, he receives a harsh bullying, and he takes an extended absence from school to have some time to heal his wounds.

While on this long time of absence, he takes the opportunity to clean his grandfather’s house and goes to a room he never went before, where his grandfather keep many different objects that he gathered from his travels around the world. While he was arranging the objects, he found a door not on a wall among the objects.

Out of curiosity he opens this door, what he found on the other side was… Collapse
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Comments 35

  1. Offline
    This was completely rubbish, the novel is shit and the anime of it can be horrible too. What the f#ck does this author have in his head? If there is anything.
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  2. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    This would have been better in 3rd person. Glad the anime is now out just seen the first episode
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  3. Offline
    This is one of the WORST pieces of Japanese literature ever written.

    Look, I'm pretty accepting of Japanese light novels since it's just that each country has a trope that's popular to them, no need to dunk on it, but good f#cking god of balls and baloney, this one is utter GARBAGE!

    It's not just wish fulfillment and the author wanking as he writes, no, it goes further, way further than the author's 10th cum that day. This is author wanking on the 13 year old boy that probably wrote this shit. Is that coherent? NO! But neither is this.

    Seriously, it sucks. It's NOT mediocre, it's not it's so bad it's good (it's almost there but it just doesn't cut it), it's just bad.
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    1. Offline
      Deal maker
      Damn. Probably the most vicious attack I've seen on ranobes. But I agree. The book is a crime
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      1. Offline
        this book has over 10 volumes while genuinely great Japanese light novels like Sword Princess Altina (it's tactics, military, and governance philosophy centric) is in hiatus.
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  4. Offline
    I read the manga and it was beautiful.
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    1. Offline
      Is the manga called the same thing or no
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      1. Offline
        I think it is.go search mangadex or something
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  5. Offline
    Mikhail Faizal
    bruh the events are just the tags catalog
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  6. Offline
    Solomon - El Salmon
    Si bien al comienzo te das cuenta que es mala, tiene algo que te atrapa. Hasta que llegas al libro 4 capítulo 2 y ya pierdes toda esperanza de que mejore.
    Si te gustan betas MC japoneses, con tramas estúpidas y niveles de poderes y inútiles,estúpidos y sin sentido. Lee esta novela.
    Los niveles de poder son una mierda total, aveses usan letras y otras usan números a lo que no tienen sentido, te encuentras un lvl 600( o rango s) que tiene estadísticas de 5.000 y al rato te ponen un nivel 5 que tiene estadísticas de 50.000 ( también es un rango s) luego te ponen " personajes más fuertes( rangos SS, SSS,EX (rango EX mensionados hasta ahora son los sabios)y L (los rangos L mensionados hasta ahora son seres llamados malvados)" pero son de decoración, porque el mc con 10.000 en todas las estadísticas y el resto que tienen aún menos pueden ganarle a ese ser...
    Acuérdense un nivel s tiene 50.000 de estadísticas. Y el mc con 10.000 y los guardias con 1000? Por lo que dan a entender logran ganarle a un ser de nivel L...
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  7. Offline
    this type of novel are for those who are brain dead only. drop this novel for many reasons.

    stupid mc


    heroic syndrome

    very forgiving to wrong reasons (his brother keeps bullying him for years then brought a gang at his new school to beat him, but he just f#cking let it go,. after defeating the gang and doesn't even give a hard kick nor slap to his brother )

    extremely dense. f#ck every japanese author who made every mc as dense as f#ck.

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  8. Offline
    If you don't know what is denseness and what depth it could reach then read this.
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  9. Offline
    Is MC a dense one?
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    1. Offline
      Daniel Potter
      Not only that, he has a terrible inferiority complex...talk about frustration
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      2. Offline
        Solomon - El Salmon
        Si solo su complejo de inferioridad fuera un comienzo, debido a su pasado, te diría sentido, pero dura toda la puta novela y eso sumado a su cerebro más duro que el vivranium si pudiera dale una calificación negativa a la novela, con mucho gusto se la daría
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      3. Offline
        Dao Slave
        almost japanese author are like this, they want they mc as inferior creature as they can, chinese authors wants their mc become immortal, korean author likes to hate japanese people, western authors are flexible as they did but always invading the minds of readers that their country was the great and they think they are superior race as they can be. 😅😅😅
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  10. Offline
    Its so boring the same thing repeats each book with the only changes being the location and people. Nothing new happens at all.
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