1 year ago

Rebuild Worldリビルドワールド

Akira, was born in the slum and wishes to get out but the only way he could was to risk his life in... Read more
Akira, was born in the slum and wishes to get out but the only way he could was to risk his life in these ruins as a hunter.

These ruins, known as the Old World, were danger zones where beasts roam; buildings crumble, and other humans hunt their own…

Though Akira had expected to face death countless times there, he had never expected to meet a naked woman there.

Standing exposed with her curvaceous curves and bosom out for all to admire, Alpha, the breathtaking beauty stood there, looking back at him.

This mysterious enchantress walked towards Akira and… Collapse
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Comments 6

  1. Offline
    Pen Peni4
    Rumor has it that the author abandoned this novella. This is true?
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  2. Offline
    Daoist Han
    5/5 best apocalypse kinda setting
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  3. Offline
    Curvaceous curves?

    .that has to be the translators fault.
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  4. Offline
    Novel bagus nih, manga nya juga bagus
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  5. Offline
    Well no bad comments on this one and might as well say this too, it is one of the best light novels I've read as in so far and by so far let me reiterate that after reading about nearly a 100 light novels and web novel releases it is easily one of the top 5 novels I recommend for anyone interested in action with some real-life instances where shit, don't just go your way every time, and it's unlike some dreamy Chinese novels that are tailor-made for self-satisfaction only.
    If you want something genuine it's just the right novel to invest your time in. The main problem though is the translation, it takes way too much time and usually, there are about 2 chapters per week if lucky they manage 3 chapters per week but as the chapters are quite long and filled with words the slow translation is compensated due to the lengthy chapters when we think optimistically.
    There are elements related to romance as well but don't get your hopes up high if you're locked on to the romance aspect in the novel so the main genre according to me is -a f#ck ton of action and adventure, a bit of comedy (not predominant but it is existent), high intensive combat, physiological, fair bit of drama, it has a few shounen elements with certain characters but overall it has a seinen scent to it.
    Characters are fairly developed even though quite a lot of attention goes to mc, the character developments, personality, presence of various characters are well conveyed. The side characters have their own stories to tell and have made themselves known time after time. The world-building is spot on as well and gotta congratulate the author on developing a borderline perfect world to connect the novel with.
    Overall I have to say that whoever is gonna read this novel is in for a treat of a lifetime that is considering that the readers enjoy something genuine that contains at least a sliver of life experiences that could contribute to our development and not fully indulgent delusional fantasy where the mc gets everything they want without even doing so much as moving a finger.
    Lastly and most important of all issues where most people just shift into two factions without a question, when they look for reviews to read the novel, for people who derive a satisfaction seeing the number of women surrounding the mc let me say it clearly that there is no harem element involved or any sort of skirt chasing involved with respect to mc, so the conclusions are that the novel don't have any sort of harem romance included in the package as well.
    So do read it if you are satisfied with how I reviewed the novel.
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  6. Offline
    I Highly Recomend This Novel
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