22 days ago

Galactic Garbage Station超时空垃圾站

After graduating, Su Jing was met with rejection everywhere he went. Discouraged, he returned home... Read more
After graduating, Su Jing was met with rejection everywhere he went. Discouraged, he returned home to adjust his mood. He then discovered that his own backyard had become the Galactic Garbage Station.

Every day, lots of tr*sh would suddenly appear — some were from Tomb of God, Battle Through the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, X-Men, Captain America, Iron Man, and even from the Marvel Universe.

As the owner of the garbage station, Su Jing had the duty to process all these tr*sh. In the beginning, he thought it would be a hard and unprofitable task. Afterwards, he discovered that this was actually the most beautiful and cushy job of his entire life. Collapse
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Comments 33

  1. Offline
    Read up to 400 chapters. Braindead Mc, author and characters. Translation is average, not mtl quality, therefore readable.

    This novel is trying the idea of "a man's trash is another man's treasure", cool concept. Except failed in the execution, like seriously failed. Just because it could be trash, Mc is using it on the most useless shit. For example few first chapter, this Mc use the spiritual boar meat from Coiling Dragin novel on fishing, and feeding feral animals. In addition. author seem to not realize the usage of multiple items and often exaggerated them. One example being the dials from one piece, dumbass author believe the cooking dial can be used to automatically makes Mc a God at cooking.

    I have so many more issue with this novel but won't mention them.
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  2. Offline
    Do we really need nationalism when sorting garbage in a landfill?don't tell me that they want to tell us that even to sort the waste the Chinese are the first too?
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  3. Offline
    Alex Astre
    I have read until 755. This one is hard. If you enjoy face slapping, sure you may enjoy it. However, the enjoyment is limited. I like face slapping, I think it’s a funny plot point, but too much makes it mundane. In this novel, it’s mundane to the point it’s annoying. The MC has no difficulty in anything, and everything perfectly lines up with the problems he was currently facing. Art Gallery coming up? Here, beautiful statue from the sky.

    I wouldn’t recommend dedicating time to reading this, but if you have nothing else to do on a Saturday night, you can. But even that is forced enjoyment. 4.5/10
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    1. Offline
      I liked the idea and premise of it and was constantly hoping that there would be a plot twist of going more serious from mundane.. sofar no luck which is sad.
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  4. Offline
    Why is there so much miscellaneous shit at the beginning???
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  5. Offline
    This novel is basically wish fulfilment, there is no difficulty in anything the MC does.

    For example, if the mc says "oh dang, I need 8 million dollars, how will i get it?" then he suddenly finds a rock that can go for 8 million dollars.. like bruh.

    Secondly, the Author is treating Dials from one piece like they're f#ckin godly machines that improvee your cooking by using one. This is false, they legit don't make food taste as good as the author is saying.

    Finally, almost every single item that he finds in the "garbage" is exagerrated as hell, the author doesn't even pay attention to the original effects and enhances them massively. Also, how does the MC know what world the garbage is from from tiny pieces? It's impossible his memory is that good and in aall of the 600 chapters ive read, it isn't mentioned even oncee that he reads novels or anything.
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      Also, he somehow meets a rich person who is extremely powerful and can appareently do anything MC asks of him.. But the rich person can't afford anorexia treatment and is "forced" to turn to mc for his food that he cooks in a dial.................................
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    Mj Angelo Basanez
    This Novel is Good Especially it's unique i have read novel in mtlnovel cause i have already read all of the good novels here and the novels i didn't read are trash, sooo.. this motherf#cker always likes to be saint like "Ok, You Tied my Shoelace I'll Give you 10 million Yuan" lmao Like wtf they're doing business and he's treating it like he Owes them a lot, He Sells the Paintings or somewhat and the motherf#cker always gives them free like he owes them his whole life ,i don't f#cking care if about your opinion but they're ina win win situation like "you earn money i earn money" and the author feels like he owes them and the thing is he always gives them free things especially the old guys like Wang Or something but He didn't even owe that motherf#cker and he feels like bruh i need to help this guy even if i have to sacrifice my pets like wtf just Die Motherf#cker.... I'm Angry 😠.Sometimes it's good sometimes it's shitty he knows very well that hes broke cause he burn 10 million yuan a day because of the antimatter but he always showoff like he's a millionaire bitch while he cries like"What should i do i don't have money i have to think what to do to make money", Then Go Sell your Brain then Go Buy a New one so that you can think properly you dumb bitch
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    1. Offline
      Mj Angelo Basanez
      The story is unique but the plot is Trash It's always about power, powet but he's pursuing power like a madman but the thing is there is no mana or Chi Thing. If he just focus in Finding Treasures in the sea then he will be rich and he will have antimatter thing to expand his garbage but this idiot always say that "even its a mosquitoe it's still a meat" Then You go Die then. Wtf I'll kill this motherf#cker he likes to make money badly but he lives it in a slow way. Bruhh pressure . This guys Iq is depleted , its f#cking empty. Sometimes there is unreasonable thing like ok you Like my Girlfriend ok I'll Faceslap you then the Villain that got faceslapped will get revenge then he gets killed like whuut? Is people so dumb right now that they can't see what to do and not what to do? I'M TIRED READING THIS SHIT I'LL JUST RATE IT 6.1/15
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    2. Offline
      Huh, this looks like something a 9 year old would write.
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  7. Offline
    Dao Slave
    Face slapping again 🙀
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  8. Offline
    The One Above
    If anyone wants a decent novel to read with similar themes of getting stuff from other worlds, check out Super USB Drive. It's really good!
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  9. Offline
    The concept the way it was done is good the only problem I have is the excuses that he gives are just believed way to easily like some are good excuses but most of the things he does or have is just almost impossible in our standards but most just believe him way to easily. The one who investigate just becomes his enemy and fails, and that part is fine with me. It's still good if you are just reading to have fun .
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  10. Offline
    The One Above
    I haven't found the need to write a complete review of this novel. I'm 250+ chapters in, and so far, nothing amazing has happened. It's very stock standard. It's definitely an enjoyable read but I'd put it in the realms of a "turn off your brain" kind of novel. A lot of stuff doesn't make sense and there is a fair few spelling and grammar mistakes peppered throughout. Also, the whole premise of the garbage kind of becomes redundant eventually, especially because a lot of chapters are about selling pets like fish and cultivating plants. There was potential but this novel fails to live up to it.

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      Zeref D.Dragneel
      Nothing interesting really even happens. The only thing that is slightly interesting in the novel is the main topic which is rarely shown. The Mc interacting with other characters feels so bland, and how many thing written out is just really bad. The concept is good but it got completely ruined by how the author wrote it out.
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      1. Offline
        The One Above
        Exactly. The concept really fails to meet even the most basic standard. I'd expect the author to have stuck with the theme but he chose to go in the direction of something else entirely. I mean, the whole garbage collection system becomes secondary to the MC messing around with girls and selling shit. It's very confused on what it wants to be.
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          Zeref D.Dragneel
          He does even stick to one thing. He doing multiple thing at the same time. It just so damn confusing.
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