1 month ago

The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound by puddles4263

As the system initializes, the world shifts. Geography is rearranged and mixed, and levels and... Read more
As the system initializes, the world shifts. Geography is rearranged and mixed, and levels and stats are instituted across the globe.

On that night, one young man was walking through an underground tunnel, his mind on the small problems of his easy life. Because of his location during the shift, he starts in a dungeon far above his level, with no knowledge or teacher, or Newbie Village to guide him.

Without a class, he struggles simply to survive in this world changed by its new connection to the Nexus.

But struggle he will, for he is Randidly Ghosthound, and this is only how his legend begins…

Author’s Note:

This started as a way to destress and play with overly complicated stats systems and level systems, and I just kept writing. I don’t really take it very seriously, but feel free to read and enjoy. Collapse
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Comments 97

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    A Very Serious Review.
    Qualifications: I have read this book to chapter 1000. In other words adequate.
    Pros : Great book. Nicely written. Skilled author. Great story. Huge potential.
    Cons : A disappointment. Too much POV changes. Too much back story. Too much drama. Too emotional.
    Rants/Personal Opinion: I went into the book with big expectations. It was a system novel. There are stats and levels. A cool name. Almost 2000 chapters which will keep me occupied for a while. I was willing to forgo the romance tag and try to shoulder through.
    But right from the beginning he was already pinning and whining for Ace and Sidney. Whining is not a quality I like in an MC. I don't like my MC living his life for others.
    I like my Lit RPG logical and focused on the Stats and the rare skills and the unique classes and the monster fights. If you like these too then you will be solely disappointed.
    Don't get me wrong. There is action and boss fights and cool advasary. But the stupidity of the willingness of the MC to be easily burdened by responsibility is not to my taste. In a sense he is a hero, a hero that goes around saving people and making things right. It is exactly what I don't want to read in a MC. I want a rule breaker, a selfish person but that's just me. If you like hero's then you won't be disappointed.
    The kind of hero that is always sticking his nose in other people's business to create unnecessary trouble. The worst part is that he won't be appreciated for it. He will be feared and then they will try to use politics, rules and public opinion to bind him.

    One other thing I hated was the way the MC was being toyed around by almost everyone around him. I read lit RPG for the control. I want to relate with that feeling of having control.
    Then there is the POV changes. One moment you are at a turning point waiting for the result. The next you are reading about some side character and their troubles, then another side character in another place. The worst part is that the next couple of chapters will also involve their back story. I was miserable the entire time I read the book. More side characters keep cropping up and they too will have their screen time complete with their backstory and drama. More than 50% of the 1000 chapters I read can be considered fillers. Imagine that.
    The complicated drama. The MC keeps saying I don't want to do talk to people, I don't want to bother with drama etc but people will bring drama and the guy will cave like a pu**y. There is such an option as no, I'm not doing this. But the author will invent debts and all manner of things to force the MC to do stuff. He always trust to help people, but the author has made so that the MC isn't perfect, he can't do everything on his own. That means the MC needs the help of other people to do good things. But those people have more common sense than the MC, they aren't as selfless. So the MC will promise them a favour. Now, when it gets to the time to repay the favour, he can't or something else comes up. So he needs more help and creates more debts which forms a cycle. The MC is the selfless ever giver.
    The entire book is full of contrived drama to elongate and derail the main story. So much filler drama and suspense like a soap opera. So much of his problems can be solved if he has more time to train. He can do that in dungeon where the rate of time flow is very fast.

    It is sickening to watch someone with so much power be bond by so much nonsense. He is so emotional.

    Everyone in the book is selfish, always asking the MC for this or that. Even if they don't ask, he will help them because he can't bear to see suffering. He is the only selfless person trying to save Earth in the whole book. He can't say no when it matters. When he needs to do something, he will consider how it affects others and only do something that will benefit others even if it will be detrimental to him. That's why he is very easy to manipulate. Do you know those MC that will do anything to save the people they care about. This MC will accept a bad deal, meant to rip him off, as long as you offer him information about the people he cares about. Just information and he will cave like tin foil. Because to him, the thing he his giving up cannot compare to the smallest chance of saving people. The best part is that the information they're giving him is false. They will lie to him and manipulate him with the subpar thing he got from the deal.
    There are some times that he turns the table on them but it isn't worth it at the end of the day. He just looks like an angry fool that feels betrayed.
    Then there is the logic. The MC is not the brightest guy. He wasn't special before the system came so I don't expect much. There's a way they use to manipulate him, if they tell him to do something, he will do the opposite. It works everytime. He hates manipulation but gets manipulated with his hatred of it. I can't blame him for that even though I hate seeing the MC being juggled like a ball. But there's this event that totally ruined the book for me.

    The man will never take the most efficient way to acquire strength.

    The MC has something special about him. A unique thing if you will, a golden finger or a cheat. But he shares it around and gives other people the same advantage he gets from it. Picture infinite mana in the apocalypse, but the MC is also sharing his infinite mana to others. Imagine Warlock of the Magus world using his system to help people. The MC stops being unique or special. But it's all okay, because sharing is good(Sarcasm). It turns out that sharing isn't always good.

    There was this time when someone stole the MC's hard earned loot. This person didn't do anything towards the effort needed to clear a raid dungeon. And when the loot spawned, he took it and used it. Let's forget the drama that the author forced when he made the MC leave the loot lying around. If it were so important, he should have held it in his hands or close to him. Instead, he left lying literally on the ground and went away to talk with some people. Let's ignore that. Let's focus on the fact that the loot is not expendable but can be retrieved if he simply kills the thief who used it. But the MC was like, 'come on, I'm not a bad guy. Kill him for the loot? Nah. It might be mine and I worked hard for it, I might be angry that he stole it from me but so what? The fact that I can easily crush the thief shouldn't mean I should. That's how villain's are born, when people are drunk on power. I'm not like that. Instead I'll simmer quietly and control myself so that I don't do something I'll regret. It is the system that created the need for him to steal from me, so the system is the bad guy here. I'm such a good guy. Some day I'll save Earth from the system, like a true hero.'
    The book is almost sickening for me to read but I can't drop it. I want to know the ending even though I suspect it's going to be bad. I want to prove myself wrong or have my disdain for the book justified.
    He is manipulated, feared and yet they need him. Whenever they ask something of him, he would always say, "I see no reason not to", or "I fell like I have no other choice."
    How come all these weak people that you can crush easily have more power than you? You are like their glorified hound dog. That's probably where his name came from. A loyal dog that remains loyal even though it is maltreated and abused. It is not a good feeling to watch this abuse going on as a reader.
    I have more to say but I'll end here. I might be incredibly biased against the book but I must admit that it is well written and the strory is very interesting. If you can overlook the faults I have stated, then you will enjoy the book. At the least, it will distract you enough to stock chapters for your favourite books.
    Final Rating: 3.5/5 if I were to be generous, then 7.5/10.
    Enjoy your reading.
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    1. Offline
      Very well-written review and I have the same taste when it comes to MC's in system novels, please let me know if you find any LIT RPG novels with MC's like that.
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    2. Offline
      Dark Phoenix
      pressure Good Thing You Went Up To Chapter 600 And Beyond...I Dropped This Novel Because Of Three Things.... Multiple Side Characters Pov,,Mc Being To Nosy And Emotional
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        The guy whines a lot. Nothing is ever simple or straight with him. He will always hem and haw, make up hypothesis and theories for every action and reaction. It is tiring and wears thin in the psych. Sometimes it feels like you're reading for school because the mental effort needed to follow the discussion overwhelms the pleasure of reading.
        If he kills a monster he will pity them and make some reason that justifies killing them. If they are sentient then you are in for a philosophical treaties about moral and existential dilemmas.

        He has taken it upon himself to save the earth. But we don't know why? Why is that his aim at all? He is simply a good guy that hates the system. He immediately set out to save people as soon as the system started. Honestly, I hate him. But I love the system and the RPG elements. When I read it, it feels like I am sifting through faeces for gold. The book isn't bad to read, but it is the most painful thing to read. The MC is not an alpha or beta male. He is Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world. He was crucified for his good deeds.
        He is worse than Anthony the MC of Chrysalis. We know why Anthony cares for the ants. He liked them when he was a human and their bond is a substitute for what he never had as a human.
        Randidly on the other hand just hates the system. That's why he is willing to save humans and take the crap they give him for his efforts. His he the son of God? I so want to find out. That's why I keep reading this crappy but well done book.
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        1. Offline
          Dark Phoenix
          The System And RPG Elements Are The Best...But Mc Is Meeeeh....But I Was Surprised It Over 1000+ Chapters Now...Maybe I Should Continue Where I Left
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    3. Offline
      Peak review bro
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      Shuvodip aich
      Sir you are great to write that much too just write a review another thing is that will you recommend me some novels
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      1. Offline
        Check out the ones I'm reading currently that I can recommend.
        Floating immortal Order
        Divine Hunter
        Virtuous Sons
        Abyssal lord of the Magi world
        Demon Monarch System
        Paranoid Mage.
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        1. Offline
          hey bro can you recommend me some Lit rpg that you were talking about in your review?
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    5. Offline
      so its a shonen novel thnx for letting me know
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      1. Offline
        For any one that cares, I dropped the book about chapter 1200 or something. This is why I dropped it.

        Some authors have a problem with creating an intelligent MC but this author went out of his way to create a stupid MC. The author could have left out the conundrum over security and privacy, but no. Privacy is just as important in a post apocalyptic world where a single man can destroy a nation.( Sarcasm ) On your own property no less. You would rather expose your property to danger than know what people are doing on it. Then why bother with the security system in the first place?
        The MC could have chosen to believe in the inherent good of mankind and forgo a security system entirely. I'll insult him but continue reading. But to decide to sabotage your own security system? That's where I draw the line.
        You might be wondering. Why can't he make the security scanner not invade people's privacy at all? It is a fantasy world and anything is possible. I was wondering the same thing too.
        The author created the dilemma on purpose to prove a point. That the MC will always be good even to the detriment of himself. An applause for Jesus Christ people.
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    6. Offline
      Then do you have any novels you can recommend me? Iv been looking for something similar to you that has lots of chapters but I keep pulling the short end of the stick
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        I replied to you but it seems your mail is full.
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          It shouldn't be full its the first time I'm sending and receiving messages
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    7. Offline
      Thanks 👍 dropped 🙊
      So nonkill protagonist Damn trash mc 💩
      The author is Japanese?
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      1. Offline
        i laughed out loud on japanese XD yeah the author must be japanese
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    8. Offline
      I am not surprised for wt u wrote but I am speechless abt how much u typed puke eyetwit
      How did u even typed this?
      How long did u take ? ehh very-shy
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      1. Offline
        I didn't write it all at once. I updated my review along with my progress reading the book. I stopped updating it when I stopped reading it.
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    9. Offline
      You, my good sir are dedicated. To bear through the equivalent of a japanese novel for 1000 chapters requires patience which i can't even fathom. warmly
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    10. Offline
      I rolled my eyes when you said you like evil/selfish, aka edgy MCs, but If what you said about this book is true, then I'd take them over this shit 100%. I did not even read the thing, but I still feel violated. Wtf author
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        Lol. Any one can like anything. People have different taste. You can't use your own taste to determine that something is bad. It is as I stated, if you like a hero then you might enjoy the book. I didn't enjoy the book for several reasons. One of those reasons is that the MC isn't as you've stated it evil/selfish.
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    Is this good to read?
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    any actual reviews?
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      It will cure your boredom
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        You should cure your reading capabilities
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  4. Offline
    It’s back but I forgot what chapter I was on
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      same. feels like hell to find where i was 9
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    Holy mother last updated 52 years ago
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  7. Offline
    Removed for copyright issues? Well, given that I refuse to read on royalroad because they banned me for reviewing novels that had been unfinished and unupdated for over a year poorly, (all ones that I had read) if this becomes a common theme, I will probably bail here as well... I don't care to be on a site in which the content will be removed at a moments notice... It rather defeats the entire purpose of why I am here in the first place.
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      Might as well not do any entertainment in existence, tf is wrong with you
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      Young Master Supreme
      It's back
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  8. Offline
    #panic @panic why is this novel gone? Thank you
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    1. Online Offline
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    2. Offline
      Written the same: copyright problems.
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      only we
  9. Offline
    They deleted this? aww
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    Мда, закрылась лавочка
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