20 days ago

The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound by puddles4263

As the system initializes, the world shifts. Geography is rearranged and mixed, and levels and... Read more
As the system initializes, the world shifts. Geography is rearranged and mixed, and levels and stats are instituted across the globe.

On that night, one young man was walking through an underground tunnel, his mind on the small problems of his easy life. Because of his location during the shift, he starts in a dungeon far above his level, with no knowledge or teacher, or Newbie Village to guide him.

Without a class, he struggles simply to survive in this world changed by its new connection to the Nexus.

But struggle he will, for he is Randidly Ghosthound, and this is only how his legend begins…

Author’s Note:

This started as a way to destress and play with overly complicated stats systems and level systems, and I just kept writing. I don’t really take it very seriously, but feel free to read and enjoy. Collapse
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Comments 97

  1. Offline
    + 13 -
    You dont write legend wtf bro you write him novel wtf are you doing
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  2. Offline
    + 03 -
    Will that guy ever geht a class?
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  3. Offline
    + 37 -
    Can't being myself to continue as it to monotonous and writter can't express the feeling properly its like reading fact not once can one resonate with character too bland but one plus point its concept is really intriguing atleat 150+ dropped
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    1. Offline
      + 42 -
      I feel the same way. Despite the concept of the story being good, I can't seem to like it.
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  4. Offline
    + 35 -
    It is a good novel....
    -Little to no writing mistakes...
    -Characters are detailed (too much detailed some times, even the extra that we will only see in 1 fight will have 3 to 4 paragraphs about him, it's quite frustrating swim but good otherwise).
    -Power system is great (in my opinion) it starts simple but expands more and more as the story progresses...
    Overall it's a good read..
    If you find yourself pulling your hair after about 200 chapters(for those who just got here) just take a break of a week then start reading again about 10 to 20 chapters at a time till u catch up with the novel. boast
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  5. Offline
    + 181 -
    This is a great book at the start, but then it gets progressively more edgy, so much so that I just can't read it without feeling like it was written by a 13 year-old. Even a normal training session is described with the same amount of detail and as heavy language as a final boss fight. Like:

    "Then she saw his eyes. They absolutely burned, so much so that she was rooted to her spot in the stands as he approached. It was as though something deep within him was finally revealed by the Challenge of Tarnak. Something primal and unrelenting." or "He looked like the naked head of a spear, shiny and pure, a forged instrument of war with a single purpose." Ostentatious as hell, isn't it? This happens basically every chapter, and He's always described as "having undergone a fundamental change", but this happens to him every 10 chapters, and he doesn't actually get much more powerful, he just levels up once or something, so it just get's really f#cking annoying
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  6. Offline
    + 44 -
    ok so a lot of the reviews here are saying the story is hard to understand but that's not the case at all. The power system starts out very simple but gets gradually more complicated, if the system started the way it is now(chap1647), it would be impossible to really understand. BUT every expension to the power system gets explained in detail so the ones who read it over a long time might forget some things wich makes it hard to understand, but if you read the chapters in short time it isn't a problem at all.
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    1. Offline
      + 21 -
      So good for binge reading. nice
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      1. Offline
        + 71 -
        No it isn't , the more you read in 1 sitting the more you'll actively remember , and the more annoyed you'll get with how everything is progressing in just such a shitty fashion , he is always 💯 go go go .
        And it's just annoying how hard he needs to work , simply because he keeps butting in everyone's business , and later on it just keeps adding on .
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        1. Offline
          Lord of Origins《♧》
          + 00 -
          That's like me while playing a rpg game I keep exploring accepting quests then when I finally want to do the quests I got like 10 of them in different locations.
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          1. Offline
            + 00 -
            That's just good quest management , no matter where you are , you got something to do , unlike the mc over yonder , who has too much to do , the reviews on Royal Road put very well.
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  7. Offline
    + 42 -
    I've read up to chapter 212 in one sitting and I think that I'm stopping in this chapter for the wellness of my mental health. The story is good but the mood of the plot is getting heavier and stressful in each chapter.
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  8. Offline
    + 71 -
    Take a month break after chapter 1000 and a week break every ~100 chapters after that bc it gets really dense and if power through it, you'll get mentally fatigued really quickly.
    ^Not applicable for everyone, take breaks once you're getting bored, this is just my framework for reading this while still enjoying it.
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    1. Offline
      + 81 -
      *take a break so you can forget much of the bs going on
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      1. Offline
        + 03 -
        More or less. It's always full throttle will something he needs to grind desperately towards. There really aren't any chill chapters, so you need to take a break to get rid of some mental fatigue. It makes you appreciate how mentally strong the MC is bc he lives through everything we read over a much longer time span. The book's really good though. 5/5 imo
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  9. Offline
    + 40 -
    The only problem that I have with this novel is the name Randidly Ghosthound it is a mouthful other than that it’s pretty good
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  10. Offline
    + 32 -
    One of the first and best system novels. I read up to chapter 800 I think, plenty of good times.

    The chapter lengths are Amazing, so those 800 chapters were like 1600 Chinese chapters.

    But as the story went on, more and more characters came along, and author focused too much time on them, sometimes for so long, I even forgot who the MC was.

    Read it, it’s good. You slowly lose interest , then put it away. If you did excessively deep world building including that of the side characters, you will love this.
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