5 months ago

Versatile: Alternate World by Kyosei

«You nearly killed me in the past timeline and destroyed my life. Now that I have been given the... Read more
«You nearly killed me in the past timeline and destroyed my life. Now that I have been given the chance to return to the past timeline, I will be changing everything and fight the future that was meant to be a dead end. Once we meet again, it will never be the same!»

When the only Virtual Reality game called Alternate World made the players gain abilities, the world changed drastically. The whole world undergoes a change of lifestyle, people started to manifest abilities, and playing the game became a job.

Manato Tsukasa, a player who is also one of the players of Alternate World was targeted by his enemies during the evening before his wedding and was almost killed in the process. Due to a certain encounter, he was allowed to gain a second chance to go back to the past and change everything.

With the chance to change everything and start from scratch, he decided to take advantage of all his knowledge and so that he can prepare to kill the person who ruined his life. And to start his vengeance against his enemy, he played the game again that didn’t only change the gaming industry but also the whole world. Collapse
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Comments 29

  1. Offline
    Me looking at this knowing it's trash but going to read it anyway beacuase it's a slighty different type of trash. *Sigh* f#ck
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      how is it fellow daoist?
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        Well. It's your regular old Virtual reality novel. The Mc betrayed sent back in time. Says he can't trust anyone but does it alot. Oh and the cliche of him already being monitored by some super godly being is there as well. Oh a next cliche of him meeting super ultra famous people in days and acting super friendly with them immediately like he knows them since forever. Oh might I add that the Mc is super focused on keeping his identity safe yet he allows 2 orphans and a random girl and her brother stay in house for free? I'm not lying he doesn't even know these people personally only 2 through the game in passing and the others is some random who he allows to stay in his house. His reasons are the 2 orphans are going to be super mega gamers so it's obvious he needs to nuture them right... I couldn't read anymore it was to much for me I might revist.
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          haha thank you hlst
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          1. Offline
            How do you use the little gif at the end?
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              the emoji simbol

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                yeah thanks
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          Zhou Youran
          Thanks billy the sheep. Great work you've done for us.
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  2. Offline
    Garbage generic novel 0/5
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  3. Offline
    Read a few chapters. There's lots of Copy+Pasting the Status to make chapters feel longer than they actually are. Also quite a few spelling/grammar mistakes as well as some logical mistakes/issues.

    Like stating that his class requires double the XP initially, but then suddenly going to *5 more for going from Level 1 to 2.

    For some reason the Beserker class has the "Rampage" skill and the Swordsman class has the "Beserk" skill.

    He says that the food in the game is Top class and better than real life in Chapter 11, yet less than 10 chaps later in Chap 20 he says that real life food is better instead.

    These aren't major things, but are noticeable given how many there are. It is very generic so far. As long as you can ignore these issues, it may potentially be good for casually flipping through.

    Edit: Also have noticed some weird parts about gender too. The class descriptions specifices that Women tend to play Clerics, the Class Selection NPC gives a middle finger to the guys who talk about equality in order to play female characters and some other descriptions have weird things too. Beserk skill description talks about it being like an angry woman.
    Just feels kinda outta place. Maybe they are meant to be jokes?

    Edit 2: Got to chapter 58 and am dropping it. These issues mentioned above just keep happening as well as him making dumb decisions and saying things that make no sense at all in terms of games. It's just too painful for me to continue anymore. Good luck to those who persevere through this.
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    1. Offline
      bored worm
      I dont want to defend this but first off the issue with the exp, he meant compared to normal users his required exp to reach a higher is two times that, which doesent imply the exp required to level up to "2" cant be 5 times the exp required to level up to "1".
      He stated during a berserker's rampage they would lose their reasoning while swordman's berserk doesent have this side effect.
      For the cooking part, its kinda like how a baby might "papa is the best" or "mama is the best" but honestly the cooking in V.R is better (he would go on a whole rambling about why, I think it was after 100).

      Sorry if there were any misunderstandings on my part, dropped at 176
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  4. Offline
    This author hasn't completed any of his works on WN and has hiatus'ed them all.
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      Is this novel good???
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        Marco Tulio
        This novel is generic, another returner that goes back in time with memories of the game's future plot, add that the game's skills can also be trained in the real world, butterfly effect by changing the order of events, other than that some of the same old clichés but the application of clichés is relatively well done and does not sicken the reader (in my opinion).
        This novel won't be your "all time favorite novel" but it's good for passing time and casual reading.
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        1. Offline
          exactly the individual will only hate this story if he pays attention to small errors and too much nerfe that the author puts the protagonist.
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            Marco Tulio
            True, but I don't rule out people complaining about what you mentioned after all haters have always hated...
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              is part, where the supporters are, there are those who hate it too, so nothing is perfect.
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          2. Offline
            looks like it isnt for me then, thank you for the review.
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            1. Offline
              So does anyone in this whole review list suggest some return to past gamer fics or fics like the legendary mechanic and stuff like that
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