4 months ago

I Persuade People With Reason据说我以理服人[快穿]

Yuan Buwei was bound by a villain whitewashing system,

System 999 carefully taught the... Read more
Yuan Buwei was bound by a villain whitewashing system,

System 999 carefully taught the host:

1: Behave yourself and be a good person.

2: Salted fish for the win, by kneeling and licking the protagonist you can lie down and win.

3: Don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble!

Yuan Buwei (a sword swing overturned the protagonist): No problem. I’m best at convincing people with reason. What trouble? Nonexistent. Collapse
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Comments 71

  1. Offline
    Came for getting a good idea of the novel but fiund a political debate where the primary guy just scooted for other xD
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    1. Offline
      Aaahh. The everlasting debate on racism and national pride, welcome to the club, and toughen up your heart cause this is shit that happens everywhere on this godforsaken website.

      Like read your f#cking novels and shut up, you act like your political opinion has any influence on the world.
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      1. Offline
        Well i try to ignore it. Some ppl in my family are high on national pride. I just divert the topic and continue doing my work. On the net i take gr8 entertainment in this but stay out unless i feel the guy doesnt make sense and i clarify
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      2. Offline
        No, people don't debate. They don't possess the intellectual faculties for such high reasoning.
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  2. Offline
    Unique for its kind.. Must read it
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  3. Offline
    Less of a good guy, more of a human with good intentions given power in a difficult situation. Good read.
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  4. Offline
    After reading30 chaps, I can confidently say the summary of the novel is the complete opposite of what happens.

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  5. Offline
    Current Chapter : Chapter 37

    Review: A fun novel, it has some great comedy in it, along with rather obscure meme references. There is still a tinge of mystery in it, which makes you thirst for more chapters. The system isn't omniscient and omnipotent like many other novels and is written well, if I could compare it to another system I'd guess something like a more useless version of When Mages Revolt system. All and all, it's worth reading and don't be disappointed with the short number of chapters, each chapter has an appropriately long word count which should satisfy any reading craving. That's all from me, read the novel, downvote me if you disagree with my opinion or upvote me or don't do anything at all doesn't really matter.
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    1. Offline
      Well almost all Chinese novels have large word count
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  6. Offline
    Venerable One
    It's an intellectual type novel. Not op cultivation style. Mc goes to different world to become villain and help the original protagonists like the novel "Despite Being Pursued As a Villain, All The Heroines On My Side?". But MC is op cultivator in his previous life and system can't control him. After first arc, the system got disconnected from the main server lol. oru2x All in all, new experience from cliche op villain novel with system that plunders fate. The system never helps in this novel. bossgif
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  7. Offline
    Persuade people with reason? In a Xianxia? I think the f#ck not. Literally the most unreasonable novel genre you can ever find
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    1. Offline
      99% of cultivation novels are written by chinese people, and most chinese people can be somewhat violent and unreasonable from what we've seen with the nancy pelosi incident. most chinese people were actually disappointed and mad that the chinese government did not kill her.
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      1. Offline
        Yeah bro, spit that racism. Generalise an entire one billion people to one
        aggressive trait, Such an intellectual.
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        1. Offline
          The people in China are brainwashed by the government, there is even a book about Xi Jinping thoughts, this is some Nazi s#it.

          for example In china you have to hate japan from default.
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          1. Offline
            solve racism with more racism and stereotypes. good idea.
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            1. Offline
              this is not a stereotypes, The chinese government are really trying to brainwash the chinese people, and they succeeded somewhat.
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              1. Offline
                you just generalized a population of 1.4 billion people and you tell me it's not stereotyping? this is like saying that every german was a nazi during ww2 according to you bringing "nazi shit" into this.
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                1. Offline
                  when did I say all chinese people are so? I only said most chinese people.

                  this is some nazi s#it, there is even a book like 'my kraft' but for modern era , what more do you want?
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                2. Offline
                  "most" is above 50% and if you're saying 50%+ which is 700 million have the same beliefs and thoughts about the government then you're definitely stereotyping
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                3. Offline
                  yes most chinese people are believing that the chinese government is the best and they are influenced by them, that is a fact and can not be refuted unless you have evidence against it.
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                4. Offline
                  most chinese novel's I read says how great china is, in video games they are promoting their country, when there is a anime convention they are promoting their country, when some basketball team from other country wins against theirs they will be mad and think their chinese basketball team lost the 'face' of their country. how more evidence do you want? IT'S A FACT do you understand that? like how it's a fact that most german people were Nazi in ww2, what I'm saying is also a fact.
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                5. Offline
                  It doesn't have to be due to national pride, it could be that movies that promote national pride either get less taxes or have an easier time getting approval for public release. If you have millions of your hard earned cash riding on a movie getting released, of course you will add those elements.

                  If ten people beside me say "Hail Jesus!" I'll say it louder, I just won't believe the shit that I'm spouting.
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                6. Online Offline
                  Quote: TrashNovel

                  this is some nazi s#it, there is even a book like 'my kraft' but for modern era , what more do you want?

                  "My Kraft" 💀
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                7. Offline
                  don't argue in topics you know nothing of, most chinese people are somewhat 'brainwashed' by the chinese government. if you want evidence then research the topic in the internet.
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                8. Offline
                  we're not even talking about brainwashing, you were saying that chinese people can generally be somewhat violent and unreasonable and that's stereotyping which has nothing to do with brainwashing
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                9. Offline
                  yes most chinese are somewhat violent and unreasonable compared to other country's people, I'm not saying they are like that all the time, but when ANYTHING happens that causes their country to lose 'face', most chinese people will either cry in madness or just be sad.

                  In Nancy Pelosi incident the chinese government lost massive 'face', so can you understand my point now?
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                10. Offline
                  you're not basing the entire thing off twitter opinions right? china did indeed get angry over Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan but apart from twitter there aren't a lot of opinions related to the chinese people other than the government
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                11. Offline
                  chinese people can't use twitter because it's banned in china unless they use vpn and that's illegal. I saw videos in which the chinese people were very mad in Telegram.
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                12. Offline
                  Lmao He didn't even know twitter was banned?
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                13. Offline
                  Well how can u say ur sources are correct. Most of the info u get will be the info u want and not the whole picture.
                  Also if ur amarican then ull be entrenched with with false info unless u go thru all foreign media
                  P.s. I am not speaking for or against you
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              2. Offline
                Congratulations! You just described basically half of modern society! Ok, that’s probably quite exaggerated, but it’s not just China. Basically any government does this somewhat (Nationalism) it’s just some countries try harder to do this.
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            2. Offline
              it's hard not to be influenced by chinese government when all the news you receive are things they allow and agree with. for example when there is a video in which someone criticize the chinese government that video will be taken down and you only see news that they allow, unless you use a vpn and that's a crime.
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              1. Offline
                Dude, check what happened to China these days. I don't think a large populace will like their government anymore lmao
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                1. Offline
                  Well the government f#cked up with their loaning. They spend a lot of money to keep their failing industries afloat. And then they went too far as the largest builders and real estate developer fell through
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                2. Offline
                  But how many people like their government? I’m 90% sure that a decent portion of any populous wouldn’t recommend living under their government. Still 10% unsure…
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                3. Offline
                  hard to say with the hardcore propaganda running everyday like street music
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          2. Offline
            SM Shubho
            not by default .....i guess u r not aware of politics....japan is nato + us's friends .......and world knows or people like u who do not knows the history of .....their oppression against china in every way says like that. please watch some documentry on this how eu and us sanctioned against china when they were only a rising ,poor country.

            and racism ........us is on the top of the list black vs white supremacy is the biggest racism in the world .
            di u even watch news or r u blind haters ??

            us only made country start war against each other and sells weapons to them....they do not give a f#ck about world peace ......philipine,vietnam,israel,somalia,irak...and many more .

            and now ......Ukraine .........and us is trying to start the war of thai vs Chinese.

            and plse do not say democratic bullshit.....bcz Britain is still a kingdom... controlling many countries,,,,,,no bastard says anything when those countries want freedom.

            finally, china has a great problem with wanting to control its people by force. it's govt has many serious issues.
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            1. Offline
              so now all jews must hate all german people just because of what their Ancestor did in ww2?

              you are from simp army of china, you support chinese government just because some girl in the intermet said so

              Should jews people now hate all german people just because of what their Ancestor did? how tf can a human be so stupid? did you even think before typing?

              I don't hate china , I just hate the chinese government. do you know the difference between government and people? and you say I have zero knowledge?

              when japanese people go to china they receive hate just because of what their Ancestor did, how tf do you think is that fair? you are just a blind china supporter

              Do you think the people in japan now commited the crime? their Ancestor did that not them, The poor japanese people in current time did nothing and you say that the hate they receive is justified? hypocrite

              I don't hate china and I don't like japan, I just believe you are a hypocrite for believing it's okey for the chinese people to bully and hate japanese people just because of what their Ancestor did. I must say even with zero knowledge I'm smarter than you. you are just a butthurt troll in the internet who want to make people angry, butthurt troll get outta here you tactics won't work on me.
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              1. Offline
                SM Shubho
                lol.......Chinese is not like your US bastard family ...where they do not even know their father after birth.

                chinese have a long heriacy system...and they respect their history and ancestors.

                And do not talk about people and country .......in the US their is a term now going hate killing .[/i]

                did u see that ??? they are beating, and killing people of china and Muslims.

                do know the history of china town??? what us people did to the Chinese people???

                u did not just talk about the govt ....u talk about the whole people also...... in racism .

                US is the most racist ......Black vs White ....it is going on from past and still going on ...and people are dying especially black peoples . recent years asian are targets of US people.. for racism and violent behavior.

                so , u can talk about Chinese racism ....I can not talk???

                do u think jews people do not hate German people ?? especially Hitler supporters???

                they hate it very much ,,,,,,but they are in friendly term with their own benefit .....

                which is not the case for japan and china .

                read some history of war ...then speak . or see some documentary......it is not easy to forget about everything when u know your Granpa or others were killed, or raped by a foreign country people.(where you people in the us do not even care when your mother/father dies).
                there will be hate ...and it's general. but hitting innocent people is wrong which the Chinese did.

                and every 30 seconds people are being killed in the US..... #innocent_people.

                so, stop spreading blind hate against china ....like..... nowadays it has become a norm .

                but no one talks about the US, Britain did and doing...... like their violation is the right and everyone in the world is wrong.

                I am not Chinese ......so, it is out of the question to become their army .....i just pointed out your baseless thing about [i]default hate
                .....I was saying it has a long history of hating . (china & japan)..and it was not by default.
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                1. Offline
                  I don't even like USA or japan.

                  I just say it's wrong that hundreds of million people hate and bully japan or japanese people, I mean I kinda understand why chinese people hate japanese people or japan, but it's not fair to them. do you think it's fair to be hated just because of what your ancestor did?
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                2. Offline
                  SM Shubho
                  then we should stop it .....I like present japan ...for anime, manga at least.

                  like Chinese and Korean drama, manhua, manhwa.... and food.
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                3. Offline
                  Chinese people hate Japan Government, not Japanese people, and the reason is simple, they praise war criminals. Imagine if the German government praises hitler and the rest of the SS, imagine if Germany walks to the camps where millions of Jews died, and instead of feeling sorry for the Jews, praises the German Guardsmen, that is what the Japanese is doing, and has been doing since they lost the war. Not just denying the crimes, but even praising the criminals.
                  (Furthermore its not just Chinese People who feels this way, Koreans also absolutely hate the Japanese Government)
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                4. Offline
                  okey I did not know that, but I'm skeptical how true that is. it's pretty stupid for the japanese government to praise the war criminals
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                5. Offline
                  Unlike in Germany, the top officials of Imperial Japan still became high ranking civil and military leaders after WW2, because the US needed there expertise to strengthen Japan against the growing Communist powers
                  of Russia and China.
                  So a lot of leaders of Japan right now are descendants of War criminals, which makes them much more likely to... Ya know praise grandfather and friends.
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                6. Offline
                  Well that’s just life, life is not fair, and you making these controversial comments on this website full of Chinese books is honestly….stupid. What did you achieve from doing this? Create an argument that led to nowhere. It barely impacted a few people and will most certainly not change the views of enough people to get rid of racism. While I respect your opinion I don’t agree with the fact that you’re spreading it on this website and calling other people stupid for having different views.
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                7. Offline
                  I don't even care if you agree with my opinion, I was just having an argument with the other guy

                  I was just having a argument with the other guy on this comment section, did you see me spreading views on other novels?

                  he replied to my comment and I replied back, it was just a simple argument between me and him and it's finished some time now I don't know why you suddenly bring that up.
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                8. Offline
                  Well you certainly spread your views with these comments you posted on this comment section, and this comment section is part of this website. Which is clearly what I said. Read my comment again before replying….Also that didn’t seem like a simple argument, and you’re the one who posted the comment, why can’t I reply to it? Did I restart the argument by bringing in my own argument? Honestly I don’t know why panic hasn’t deleted those comments yet.
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                9. Offline
                  and I again I don't hate chinese people, I just hate the chinese government.
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                10. Offline
                  SM Shubho
                  I hate them also.....they had oppressed their own people(those who do not support the govt #biggest example jack_ma..from Ali baba) let alone others.
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                11. Offline
                  How did the Chinese government oppress Jack Ma? Only thing I know of is the monopoly issues which
                  A. I don't quite have a problem with, as monopolies are generally harmful the the general public.
                  B. Other countries have done, almost all countries have anti-monopoly laws and utilized them in the past, The US breaking up railway monopoly and the UK breaking up the banking monopoly.
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                12. Offline
                  SM Shubho
                  dude ....monopoly is in the blood of china,korea etc ......but the Chinese govt only took action ....and only against jack ma ,after he said against the govt issues/problem.

                  if search ....u will see ....jack is not in the highest list of monopoly in china .[/b]

                  remember[b] monopoly
                  [i][/i] !!!!! not the size / biggest company .....
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          3. Offline
            The same could be said towards Korean people, people from Philippines etc. Japan was considered the bad guy in the Pacific War some grudges are still present. Korea often requests war reparations
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        2. Offline
          spitting facts ,people are spreading to much hate towards a group of people that dont all think the same. wiseacre
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      2. Offline
        Nope, I'm not entirely sure if you are lying on purpose or are just ignorant, but this is completely false.
        First of, how did you get your information? That most Chinese people want her dead, I reckon its because of social media, where you see the overwhelming amount of people speaking out, enraged about Nancy Pelosi's visit( and for good reason, but that is for another time). One has to realize that Social media is never a good representative of the thought of a certain groups because of 1 factor: You only speak publicly in social media when you are highly opinionated about said topic, if you don't give a shit about topic, why would you speak? So Obviously the vast majority of chinese people who have spoken up are mad, because the ones who aren't don't care to speak!
        I am in quite a few Chinese Circles, as I am chinese myself, though we moved elsewhere 3 generations ago, and the consensus is that, military action against Pelosi is suicidal to the Chinese Economy, China profits much from international trade, and war with the United States is still a losing war(both in military and economic), everybody is annoyed but Chinese people aren't stupid enough to want to wage war with the strongest military power in the world.
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        1. Offline
          but still your government is not great and the uyghur genocide is a great evidence.
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          1. Offline
            I mean it's not my government, I'm ethnically Chinese, sure, but I have never permanent lived in China nor have ever been a citizen of China. Anyway, about the Ughyurs, I would actually want to ask for pictures of the supposed torture of Ughyurs, I've even looked at the supposed leaked files of the concentration camps and I've seen nothing of the sort, specially compared to the leaked photos of US soldiers torturing Iraqis. The only source of support for the so called torture of Ughyurs comes from unverified self-claimed witnesses.
            So give me a verifiable source, or even a photo about the supposed abuse, I'll check the sources of the source or a run a reverse image check on the image, if they point out to Ughyur torture then I'll come back and apologize if it's another unverifiable witness or phony picture as I expect then I hope I just changed your mind.
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            1. Offline
              just google uyghur genocide and you get a photo, it isn't that complicated everyone knows that the uyghur genocide is real. I don't have time to search all over internet just to bring a evidence to a thing that is 100% true. just go to wikipedia and you will probably get a source, the chinese government is very good at covering their dirty secrets so there is not a lot of evidence. and when did I say the Uyghur were tortured? the chinese government just wants to destroy the culture of Uyghur and forces them to become chinese, their freedom will restricted too in the concentration camp. The Uyghur people never wanted such thing.

              source: UN: China's treatment of Uyghur community 'may constitute crimes against humanity', search that in youtube and you will get photos, there 1000 similar videos to that. I don't know if they are really tortured but just that scene was enough to show how the chinese government is. your government was never a peaceful government, don't blindly believe the chinese government.

              2 source: www.xinjiangpolicefiles.org
              google that and you can verify that personally

              you don't need to apologize I'm not from chinese government I don't need a apology.
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