1 year ago

Blood Legacy: New World of Doom by Arkinslize

"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen."
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"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen."

Ikaris, a genius student admired, exploited, and hated all his life for his brilliance, suddenly finds himself transmigrated into The Forsaken Lands, a fantasy world of myriad species born with the ability to use magic with imagination as their only limit.

Alas, this gift carries a curse. The more you use it, the closer you are to death.

After thousands of years of decline, the Free Races are fast approaching their demise, their survival threatened by this curse and an enemy that will not rest until it has devoured them all. Literally.

Former allies and enemies, prey and predators are now cornered behind a huge wall, forced to collaborate to resist their invader. But can so much resentment and hatred be washed away so easily? Can predators and prey really overcome their instincts in the face of a common foe?

Follow him on his journey from an ordinary human to a shining existence that will overturn the order established since the dawn of time. From an innocent soul to a merciless demon. From a human to something else. Collapse
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Comments 93

  1. Offline
    Fickle as light
    f#ck author went MIA or what
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      14 days and with only 125 chapters... it is a good novel.... guess that punishes me for starting to read just started novels gloom
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  2. Offline
    Addy pepa
    Quote: Karmic_daoist

    How about u try cindrella then?

    Quote: Karmic_daoist
    Ig skull would be a problem

    True broo
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  3. Offline
    After waiting waiting and waiting for something good to read but failing every time "I" have decided to enter the dangerous world of mtl. I am saying my final goodbye to all my fellow old readers who are sick of the same sh.t again and again. I am very sad to say this but there are no quality content available any more. So I have to (unwillingly);sacrifice my brain cells to find some enjoyment
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    1. Offline
      NO! PLEASE! This realm still has much joy to offer! I beg of you!

      Few of the predecessors returned from those accursed lands, and those that did were forever changed, their minds broken and their spirits crushed. They speak haunting tales of endless lack of punctuation, indecipherable anti-grammar and madness inducing walls of illogical text!

      I myself ventured there once, when I was young and foolish, but even now, years later, I have yet to fully recover from the damage it dealt upon my psyche. And I visited one of the less dangerous areas! Please, friend, do not throw your life away.
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      1. Offline
        I've made my decision . Nothing can make me change it other than a good novel
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        1. Offline

          Have you read the innkeeper?
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          1. Offline
            Yup. The more you read the more boring it gets. I rather prefer 'gourmet in another world' or "trafford trading club"
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            1. Offline
              Fair. What about "Beware of Chicken"?
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              1. Offline
                Dude I've read almost every novel in this site .
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                  ...Vigor Mortis?
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                2. Offline
                  he has crossed to the otherside, we can only bear witness now.
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                3. Offline
                  Mao Miaomiao
                  Fellow daoist try these :
                  - Invisible dragon
                  - Nuclear dragon
                  - Coiling Dragon
                  - Kidnapped Dragons
                  - Dragon Poor
                  - Breeding Dragons From Today
                  - Dragonborn Saga
                  - Super Dragon Slaughtering System
                  - Sherlock Holmes series
                  No need to thank me.... swindler
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                4. Offline
                  Dude wtf you read so many “dragon” novels
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                5. Offline
                  Mao Miaomiao
                  I'm just trolling dude....
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                6. Offline
                  Fellow reader, i'm fervorly curious about your claim. How have you manage your life? If i attempt to even set foot on that path that i dont dare imagine, the one which you traversed so much distance, only despair shall await me with dealines and exams.
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        2. Offline
          Fellow daoist i hope u have strong willpower, as senior of dao of MTL i only can wish u good luck hokage
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      2. Online Offline
        Damn !! It's funny but reality at the same time
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    2. Offline
      youve got any recommendations? new or old idc, i just need something good to read
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      1. Offline
        Go see my legacy that I've left on 'All the Dust that Falls: A Roomba Isekai Adventure' comment section.
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    3. Offline
      What's MTL?
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        machine translation
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      2. Offline
        A young innocent soul we have here 😔😔😔😔😔
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    4. Offline
      Try royal road. The novels are of a higher quality and written in english, not translated to english.
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      1. Offline
        Prime webnovel and wuxiaworld were a whole other thing. It's a pity webnovel business model switched to originals. The last time i checked, top tier providence and legendary mechanic were dominating the translated section. It's such a pity. In the past, there would have been dozens of novels like those. Some being even better.
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  4. Offline
    Ark’s a great author. His novels make sense actually. They are not like other stupid novels. Also if you think this is bad then let me remind you this is in top 10-15 on many other websites (Like Pandanovel).
    No Ikaris is not a young master. FFS he is in a 16 17 y/o body but he is a lot older than that actually. Also I read someone complaining about rape cuck or some shit in the other novel by Ark. Bro….. There are no scenes about that. Just mentions of that happening. Jake from Oracle Paths does not like rape. He is against that.
    Also I saw someone say shit about saving ellie. Bro have you heard about Sakura from Naruto?
    Next something about the novel. Well Ark is great at world building. The concept of losing your life the more you use your power is unique too. This novel might be one of a kind.
    For people doubting if this is from the same oracle paths universe then let me tell you. Yes it is. The author hasn’t made any mentions of connecting it to the Oracle Paths or the Oracle yet on the server.
    Ask me questions if any, but I am not promising any answers. I am not an expert
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  5. Offline
    Addy pepa
    Just wondering
    Wouldn't it be nice if he had a brain slashing instead of the heart pricing skill
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    1. Online Offline
      Ig skull would be a problem
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      1. Offline
        There's the eye socket, nose, and mouth to get to the brain... the real problem is to convince us that he needed to pierce the brain 2 times to kill someone... the skill would be to OP.
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  6. Online Offline
    Lmao i checked webnovel and if u want to read 10ch in adv u eill need to pay like 10dollars lmaooo
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  7. Offline
    Зачем автор впихивает гарем? Конечно он как-то смешные или комические ситуации, но можно было без этих аниме клише, так бесит, не знаю почему crybaby
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  8. Offline
    Read this till the latest chapter(121) and i have to say this is a lot better then i expected. I would rate this as a 9.5 out of 10 so far.

    The beginning chapters are dark and set the tone a bit darker then the novel actually is but it makes the world seem alive. Excellent world building so far.

    The mc in my opinion is one of the best mc's out there. A lot of mc's are thrown into scenario after scenario and are dragged through the story without making their own choices or make retarded choices. This is the opposite. He makes his own choices after the first scenario/volume. He is logical, makes intelligent decisions. He is not a hero but neither an anti hero. He won't go save everyone but if for example if he is responsible for people and they are useless baggage then he will give them the minimum food so they can survive and not throw them away or kill them.

    In my opinion world building and the mc are the most important elements of a story but side characters and their interactions with the mc are also done excellent.

    Only downside is that there are only a few chapters :(
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  9. Offline
    this is the most adequate and readable of the latest releases. At first I thought the author was inspired by the film The great Wall 2016..
    I even got into the atmosphere at the beginning. when people survived on a small piece of land and could not go into the jungle, then everything became normal for a typical fantasy (
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  10. Offline
    So many young masters "comment$" lshock
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