1 year ago

Blood Legacy: New World of Doom by Arkinslize

"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen."
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"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen."

Ikaris, a genius student admired, exploited, and hated all his life for his brilliance, suddenly finds himself transmigrated into The Forsaken Lands, a fantasy world of myriad species born with the ability to use magic with imagination as their only limit.

Alas, this gift carries a curse. The more you use it, the closer you are to death.

After thousands of years of decline, the Free Races are fast approaching their demise, their survival threatened by this curse and an enemy that will not rest until it has devoured them all. Literally.

Former allies and enemies, prey and predators are now cornered behind a huge wall, forced to collaborate to resist their invader. But can so much resentment and hatred be washed away so easily? Can predators and prey really overcome their instincts in the face of a common foe?

Follow him on his journey from an ordinary human to a shining existence that will overturn the order established since the dawn of time. From an innocent soul to a merciless demon. From a human to something else. Collapse
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Comments 93

  1. Offline
    Quote: LineDragonMark
    I have read 43 chapters of the novel. The world and everything is fine, except for the main character. The main character of the beta level. He saves by dead weight. Ellie, why would a f#cking hero save her when he knows she's a coward and a crybaby. She has nothing to help him, she is a dead weight, able to manipulate men. (whore).
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    Rape, torture, and all the shit in his previous work. Lol. We can already tell how much of a shit story this will be. A definite skip, a leopard won't change its spot, and an author won't change his rape cuck fetish. XD
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      All things you have mentioned are part of life. Why should story be dumbed down because some people feel uncomfortable by reality?
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        I read novels to disconnect from reality
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          But there are fairy tales available already.
          You can read that if this is too much.

          Webnovels production is a volume base game.

          Barely 1% or less are readable for long period.
          Most are outright trash.
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          1. Offline
            Could webnovels be real? Xulian, magic... this isnt real
            Then how is it different from fairy tales? Only is the author clear, Im not just talking about webnovels, Im reading a book to disconnect from the world, otherwise why waste my time?
            And my English bad sorry, I am trying to improve
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          2. Online Offline
            Bro they earn enough money in the first 500chapters

            See these novels are playing a game(not Talking about this novel)
            U like a novel
            U pay to read it
            The quality of the novel degrades
            U fall into sunken fallacy and u give even more money hoping it will become good

            U read another novel
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        2. Online Offline

          How about u try cindrella then?
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    2. Offline
      Addy pepa
      Who raped who
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        I heard some one raped Addy pepa. Fu#k it was gruesome, I don't want to read this novel anymore
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  3. Offline
    I've read what I can and so far it's looking a lot better than The Oracle Paths as the MC of this novel isn't some insecure bipolar moody cunt like Jake

    It's Magic/Power system is looking vague and iffy. Basically anything is possible and so the MC here creates akin to a "System".

    Setting is similar to The Oracle Paths. I wouldn't be surprised if the current world of this fiction is just a part of The Oracle Paths "universe". There are many worlds and many races, there are cultivators, Faes, Vampires, Orcs, Lycans etc. you get the idea.

    As for characters not really chapters for me yet to take a liking for anyone.

    Story progression is alright so far. There are the unavoidable fillers but at least the plot currently have proper direction

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    1. Offline
      Oracle path, been a while since i last heard that name. Man, I had high hope when it started but that was disappointing to say the least.
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      1. Online Offline
        Oracle path is one of my biggest disappointment
        It will become 2nd if i bad a son tho
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  4. Offline
    The synopsis is already putting me off, first of all it said he was exploited all his life. To be exploited for all his life clearly shows he just accepted it without doing anything, or he was not able to oppose the exploiters due to their overwhelming power. Still, this shows that the MC is a coward who was too scared to retaliate, or just a beta who is not able to use his brain effectively. Years of being exploited would change your mentality depending on your nature, to someone who is dark, gloomy, cowardly, hopeless, depressed, and so much more.

    From an innocent soul to a merciless demon.

    Then there’s this, which puts me off so much. I don’t know why authors think that this is the only character development path available for them to write. Maybe there are people who like this, but I sure don’t. Juxtaposition of characters growth can indeed hook people in, since many people hate innocent and dumb MC’s, they would gradually come to love the MC as he changes to a demon. But when there’s tons of these type of MC’s and tons of comments from readers complaining about the MC and saying it ruins a book, do you really think writing such an MC is a good idea?

    I’m not insulting the author when I say he’s still an amateur at writing characters, I’ve read Oracle path’s and stopped at a couple hundred chapters. Let me just say, the character designs are horrendous. The world building is alright, the pace is atrocious, and from reading some of the comments from readers who have read further….let’s just say the story is F tier. I’m not sure how the author comes up with the ideas he has for the story, but it certainly isn’t good. He originally had a decent world building and it was interesting, but as you read further on it becomes completely unreadable. Now he comes up with a new idea and decides to write a new novel because the other one has migrated to hell and will never come back? I don’t expect it to be good.

    The reason I’m having a rant when normally if I see something that annoys me, I’ll either ignore it or write a few lines, is because first-the synopsis irks me:second-I don’t understand how this authors book gets way more views than this other masterpiece of a novel I’m currently reading called ‘Outside of Time’, which I highly recommend. It’s written by Er Gen who is someone that actually knows how to write and design characters, and has years of experience in writing GOOD novels. There’s a reason why he’s one of the classics. Yet as I refresh the latest chapter to see if there’s any new chapters, I see that there’s less than 100 views, yet somehow when I check this novels latest chapter views, there’s over 100. I’m not insulting these peoples taste, but I’m just trying to say that there’s way better novels out there to explore, for your own good, than to read this novel which will probably go on a downward slope real quick like the authors other novel.
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    1. Online Offline
      It’s written by Er Gen

      bro dont set er gens novels as a standard
      you can hardly ever find anything of that level these days
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      1. Offline
        With all his writing skills, Er Gen never learned how to create a good fml. In each of his novels, they are completely useless. One of the main reasons why I haven't read any of his stories in full. Whatever the hero, all of them are impotent ascetics obsessed with cultivation/dao/revenge/searching power for more power and nothing else. Zero romance.
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    2. Offline
      Oh thanks, didn't know Er Gen released a new novel.
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    3. Offline
      Literally almost novels today have goody two shoes protagonist made to impress readers with their idealism.

      It's just boring.
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      1. Offline
        bro you prolly behind 2 years. nowdays i can't find a single novel without revenge or blood-crazed so called self-proclaimed genius mc
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    4. Offline
      Bro why don't you try writing a novel or fanfiction? seriously! I loved the way you wrote this comment. Using sophisticated words while not getting overwhelmed by that same time (jackal among snakes ) and top-tier grammar too.
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    5. Offline
      For me Oracle paths was a shaky story. It was good sometimes and mediocre other times, but it stabilized on a higher point in the recent chapters. It's not like its being sold on a shelf so I would give it an A-. Mostly just for its creativity as I liked its concept.

      The reason why Arkinslize get more reads than Er Gen is because people don't come to these websites looking for a super good read, they want to fulfil their fantasies and they want to do it quickly and easily. I actually haven't read any of Er Gen's novels, but will definitely do so considering the praise they seem to receive.
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  5. Offline
    Any romance in this novel or classic NTR shit like in Oracle Paths?
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      Wait the oracles path is NTR now ???
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          Can you remind me who is Kyle again?
          Been forever since I read oracle path, as far as I remember the MC's gang is sisters from another world that has magic, the slut that after MC but the MC rejects her all the time, and that one useless guy, two kids, and an overgrown cat.
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            he's starting guy who was 'playboy' MC met him in few first chapters.
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              Wait he has a sister, is she introduced in the late chapters?
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                yes she is being raped by some random guy or gangrapped by his subordintaes , she was his slave with oracle contract. and MC after 3 challenages is still to weak to save her and you have scenes where she's being raped and MC is chilling and her brother wants to save her but MC says he's too weak and says to chill lmao. If that's not cuck/NTR fetish author idk what is.
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                1. Offline
                  Dang man... pressure
                  Thanks for the info btw
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                2. Offline
                  It was more of a way to remind the readers that the story isn't lighthearted. None of the characters enjoyed that and there was defintely character development that arose from that scene. Jake and the gang started to take training more seriously after that, and were more careful than ever.

                  I didn't enjoy it obviously but I don't think it ruined the story either. Not to mention that weren't any scenes that contained rape in them, just explicit mentions of it. If anything it adds to the world-building and helps you understand the kind of universe The Oracle Paths is set in.
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                3. Offline
                  Well i would maybe understand it if MC wasn't virgin. In the story there was rape after rape after rape. And MC somehow refuses advances of women and cosplays monk lmao. If MC doesn't get any game then author shouldn't mention explicit rape scenes every few chapters.
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  6. Offline
    I have read 113 chapters and I must say that this is very good novel. World building, power system are Great. MCs characters is'nt annoying. I am waiting for new chaps reader
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      Sorry for my bad english ethsky
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        You are trying. That is enough. That is courage. Good luck on your journey, fellow daoist.
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      2. Offline
        Your bad English will always be forgiven until u decide to tl a novel and make it worse than mtl lmao.
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  7. Offline
    I have read 43 chapters of the novel. The world and everything is fine, except for the main character. The main character of the beta level. He saves by dead weight. Ellie, why would a f#cking hero save her when he knows she's a coward and a crybaby. She has nothing to help him, she is a dead weight, able to manipulate men. (whore).
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  8. Offline
    This was pretty good when I read it. The only thing I didn't like was Aliens being able to procreate using humans. Honestly it's tiresome seeing this in every alien novel as a excuse to add tragedy and stakes. Like bruh they're aliens why tf are they always able to have spawn with humans?
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      Not always. Which stories with aliens even have that?
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  9. Offline
    The novel is a nice read. From the author of ORACLE PATHS. The world building is nice. A little slow-paced. Has an excellent system of power.
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      >from the author of The Oracle Paths

      Not a good sales pitch
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