11 months ago

I Have A Game Clone我有一个游戏分身最新章节

Ning Shi, a man from Saturn, accidentally downloaded a game on his phone called the Age of... Read more
Ning Shi, a man from Saturn, accidentally downloaded a game on his phone called the Age of All.

“Beep! Clone successfully created!”

Ning Shi received a clone in the game. Whenever his clone got stronger, his real self would get stronger as well.

“Your clone has trained in the training room for 12 hours. Vitality +1, Mentality +1.”

“Your clone has slain the Earth-Dragon. You have received the Earth-Dragon Bloodline.”

“Your clone has consumed the Charm Fruit. Beauty +10.”

His clone started to conquer the game, created his own faction, and left a legacy.

“Your clone has successfully won the heart of Alice the Rose Duchess. Alice will be arriving in your world shortly. Please be mindful of your surroundings.” Collapse
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Comments 52

  1. Offline
    Racism is an actual tag, that's f#cking wild lmao
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  2. Offline
    for people who dont know; This is a bad copy of "Let me game in peace"
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    1. Offline
      Problem is I lost where I was in that novel almost a year ago - I’m not willing to read through a few hundred chapters to find it.

      A poorly made copy works I though
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  3. Offline
    First chapter and I’m already confused by the writing
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    1. Offline
      I advise you my junior to walk on the
      poisonous road of MTL to understand almost all of CN novels plots and their humour. I am giving this advice because it's for your own happiness and entertainment and to also strengthen the foundation of your Dao of Reading. nose
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      1. Offline
        MTL? Do you mean first reading Desolate Era, Stellar Transformation and such? (this Series was my Entry into Immortal Novels^^)
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        1. Online Offline
          Us moment
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      2. Offline
        Why would you do this? Are you a spy from the demonic sects? Why are you sending our juniors to those lands of despair and insanity? Stop before it's too late.
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          Hail MTL!! *BOOOM*
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            best username
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  4. Offline
    Events: Nationalism, Rasicm
    🤯 bro its gone so far its a tag now
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  5. Offline
    Like wtf is happening with these Chinese writes, I open like a few random novel and 3 out of 4 had racism or nationalism

    Army Building, Calm Protagonist, Cultivation, Fantasy Creatures, Game Elements, Harem, Magical Technology, Male Protagonist Martial arts
    Overpowered Protagonist,
    Weak to Strong
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    1. Online Offline
      Tbh 9/10 of movies from Hollywood also feature some form of nationalism or racism. Just American exceptionalism. It's just that you have grown with that and it seems weird to you when another country does this.
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      1. Offline
        Então me diga um filme americano que tenha nacionalismo extremo.
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        1. Online Offline
          It's more subtle and more indirect. You always have the Americans are best at everything. USA is the most important country in the whole world. The rest of the world is some kind of backwards village that needs the help of Americans to even be able to exist. Etc. This thinking is exactly the same in Chinese novels. Chinese care less as being seen as racist compared to Americans who are closet racists and nationalists.
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          1. Offline
            Hmm. Hollywood is indeed a dumpster fire and the USA does indeed have quite a bit of racism and nationalism. So I will have to agree with some of your points. Though if you look at any nations domestic movies/TV shows they are the same way. Showing their country overcoming adversity and saving the day, almost like the media was made to be consumed by the people in their own country.

            I guess my counter point in all this is while you are correct you're still bigoted asshole. Which in the end makes you a hypocrite and a closeted nationalist or antinattionalist, depending on where you are from.

            Side question; Why is it so popular to shit on Americans? I mean all the things people usually use as ammunition to attack the USA are problems that they have in their own countries as well. Doesn't make sense to me.
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            1. Offline
              Not quite to the same degree if you're comparing countries with development in the same category.

              Across many metrics, USA is doing horrible compared to others. Like, third world country level of bad. The only Canadians that want to go there are the ones who can benefit from the shitshow. Average folk with good sense are scared of the place.

              Meanwhile, Canadian immigrations are strict as f#ck because waves of poor, uneducated, unskilled and unlawful people with all kinds of untreated health issues would swamp the system. And I don't blame them. Just the healthcare system is worth moving for. Y'all are practicing debt slavery and financial excommunication over there.

              And even still the USA's problems are bleeding through, making many in Quebec want to split off from Canada to save itself.

              And the very fact that the country calls itself AMERICA is just hilariously and obviously arrogant, yet I never hear one iota of self awareness on that topic.
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      2. Offline
        So American's do it, so it's ok for others as well? What a well thought out argument.

        Hey my friends have all decided to jump off a cliff, let's also jump off that cliff as well. happy-birthday2

        Your basically condoning something because some other country does it as well...
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        1. Online Offline
          I am pointing out the hypocrisy that no one is complaining about Hollywood doing but when someone else does this it suddenly becomes extremely abhorrent.
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          1. Offline
            People complain about Hollywood all the time, have you been living in a lead house? In the US people complain about everything. Sadly, as in all ways of life, money is all that changes things.
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          2. Offline
            Rofl why would people complain about American Exceptionalism here......

            This is a webnovel site.....
            And people here read mostly Chinese wen novels.....

            It's normal to point out Chinese Nationalism, Racism etc when one reads about it....
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        2. Offline
          He is not condoning anything... you don't have to be a genius to get his point, but i guess you do need a brain.
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          1. Offline
            The point was #Batmanoz77# said (to paraphrase) they now have racism and nationalism. #Rhaelbarnes# counterpoint (to paraphrase) was: well, hollywood does it and no-one complains, thus you should just shut up and ignore it as it's strange that you are aren't on a soapbox yelling about hollywood.

            It's like an inverse way of saying stop complaining about it as you are a hypocrite because you aren't complaining about something I feel strongly about...

            Condoning through obfuscation (red herring argument).

            PS: Hollywood has been racist for decades, it also has a strong culture of casting couch mentality and has long run out of original materials. It is often criticized one day and lauded for the money that comes in the next, like a yo-yo. As I previously stated, as long as they make money, it will still continue. The Chinese Cinema is also guilty of many of those flaws.

            That has nothing to do with the blatant racism and nationalism that we see in the web novels coming from China. Do we see the same level in western novels? I can't comment as I usually only read fantasy novels with stuff like dragons...

            PS: I would totally be willing to call out racism and nationalism on the western stuff I read, but dragons typically don't care what nation or race you are when they eat you. oru2x
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      3. Offline
        It's just that hollywood at least tries to hide it. The chinese just straight up say "Chinanambahwan".
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        1. Online Offline
          Tbh I found hypocrites more appalling than an honest thief. Always felt being lied to is kinda worse. Especially considering both do the same thing. Just one of the two is trying to convince you that he isn't actually doing it. He still does it though and is lying to you.
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          1. Offline
            Oh I agree. I wasn't defending Hollywood.
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      4. Offline
        Delusion. I’m not American so this isn’t because I just can’t see it because it’s coming from my side. No American media is not rampantly xenophobic, racist and homophobic the way chinese media consistently is.

        This isn’t because “they hide is better” and are insincere. No it would be like having one person knee the other in the balls and the other flicks his head and saying the one flicking heads is somehow the worse person because he is insincere about his wish to inflict physical harm unlike the one kneeing balls.

        Dumbassery of the top grade.
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    2. Offline
      Lol, I don't get why people complain so much about nationalism and whatnot. It's just a novel. Why sour your mood over meaningless argument? Besides, when writing, the author has to cater to his country first, so it makes sense that there'd be nationalism.
      Personally, I just selectively ignore the nationalism. It makes things much more fun.
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  6. Offline
    Nationalism and Racism tags no ty
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  7. Offline
    rank D+ at 50 chps. Rank E after 60 chps
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  8. Offline
    Absolutely terrible writing quality, I couldn’t even get through the first chapter. I even skipped a couple of chapters to see if the writing gets any better and Lo and behold, still don’t have a single clue what’s going on.
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    1. Online Offline
      Its a new novel what do you expect it will improve ?
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  9. Offline
    nacionalismo era bem fraco, mas do nada fica muito forte e exagerado; fora as estupidez do protagonista e de seus amigos; capitulo 65 dropado
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