33 minutes ago

A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality: Immortal Realm凡人修仙之仙界篇

Having transcended countless trials and tribulations, Han Li has finally managed to ascend to the... Read more
Having transcended countless trials and tribulations, Han Li has finally managed to ascend to the Immortal Realm… or has he?

Instead of the Immortal Realm, Han Li somehow finds himself in a lower realm known as the Spirit Domain Realm, having been stripped of his powers, treasures, and memories of the past 300 years.

Trapped in a foreign realm with limited resources and none of his allies from the Spirit Realm, Han Li must piece together what happened in the past 300 years.

Will he be able to return to the Immortal Realm, or will he be forced to languish in this lower realm for the rest of his existence?

It seems that as usual, the odds are stacked firmly against Han Li… Collapse
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Comments 41

  1. Offline
    Oh man, i was hoping to read this novel but i despise memory loss stroyline from the depth of my soul, cant bring myself to read it.
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    1. Offline
      I hate it as well but you can just think of it as if the story starts right after the last book ended. And he only forgot 300 years of memories which isn’t much since that goes by in the blink of an eye in this novel, but I guess the author did this to make it seem more mysterious. What I really hate is that he loses all his treasures and his companions along with his memories. He’s gradually found everything and he collected pretty much everything and everyone by
      but that made me most reluctant to start at the beginning
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    MTL Ancestor
    I am gonna preach my Chinese MTL knowledge here:

    Shen: God, Soul
    Mu: Wood
    Long: Dragon
    Feng: Wind, Phoenix
    Di: Emperor, God, Earth
    Wang: King
    Shi: Time, Master, Teacher
    Yu: Rain
    Wu: Martial, Five
    Tian: Heaven
    Dou: Battle
    Qi: Energy
    Bing: Ice
    Yue: Moon
    Hei: Black
    Bai: White
    Hu: Tiger
    Yan: Fire
    Huang: Glimmering, Yellow, Emperor
    Xiong: Bear
    Liu: Flow
    Xuan:Mysterious, Profound, Black
    Sheng:Holy, Sacred, Saint, Sage
    Lao: Old, Elder
    Hui: Meeting
    Yi: Wing
    Ling: Leader, Spirit
    Xiang: Shit
    Ban: Half
    Zun: Venerable
    Zong: Ancestor
    Da: Grand
    Zhe: Practitioner
    Zhi: Disciple
    Zhu: Candle
    Gui: Ghost

    I will keep updating this list in the future as I remember more, tell me if anything is wrong on the list.
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    1. Offline
      Shen(god), Shen(soul)
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    2. Offline
      Devendra Ahirwar
      Xuan(mysterious,profound) , Huang(yellow) , Sheng(holy,sacred,saint,sage)
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    3. Online Offline
      this is some of the most helpful comments i've seen in my years of reading haha. much appreciated, Ancestor
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    4. Offline
      Nice job!

      Long Chen = dragon dust
      Bai Yunfei = white pureclouds
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    5. Offline
      Thirsty Reader
      here are some additional terms:
      1. Jin: Gold
      2. Yin: Silver, Shadow
      3. Xing: Star
      4. Qiang: Strong, Spear
      5. Ji: Ultimate, Pole
      6. Jing: Essence, Crystal
      7. Gui: Noble, Precious
      8. Yi: Righteousness, Justice
      9. Fang: Square, Method
      10. Xie: Blood, Evil
      11. Fang: Square, Method
      12. Chi: Vital energy, Spirit
      13. Lei: Thunder
      14. Ming: Bright, Clear
      15. Cang: Hidden, Dark
      16. Shen: Spirit, Body
      17. Zhuang: Strong, Robust
      18. Shen: Deep, Profound
      19. Kong: Emptiness, Void
      20. Fu: Talisman, Blessing
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  3. Offline
    abishek narayanan
    guys tell me, is this and the prequel good enouh? Id it as good as the OG cultivation novels suxh as True martial world or strongest abandoned son and as such?
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    1. Offline
      My friend this is one of the real og's of cn novels
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      1. Offline
        abishek narayanan
        OG is cool but after reading so many novels, the ogs seem kindatough to read dont they? For example, i was saving Reverend Insanity till i had a lot of free time, but now its tough for me to read after binging trough all the popcorn novels.
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        1. Offline
          Maybe you are right but it's still a good read. Atleast for me
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        2. Offline
          The OG novels set a lot of trends that later novels copied, so if you go into them after having experienced a lot of the genre, they can be hard to digest because of that - they just end up feeling too samey or not original enough. It's a shame, but a lot of them are only good for beginners to get into since they represent certain pinnacles of the genre, but for a veteran some of them can just be okay and pretty good, but not as great as they're lauded.

          While I haven't read this one's prequel, afaik as I know and from the comments on the site, it's a good introduction but repetitive (some people also say it has way too much meaningless filler).
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  4. Offline
    Omggggg I’m so hyped!!!!!
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  5. Offline
    Lucas H
    I didn't even see this was here.
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  6. Offline
    Thirsty Reader
    Kino is here
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  7. Offline
    Peak is back! I am hyped af
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  8. Offline
    MTL Ancestor
    Do I have to read the prequel before reading this?
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      Lucas H
      I didn't read it and I'm understanding what's going on.
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    Venerable One
    Finally, the sequel we all been waiting for.
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      sequel to what?
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        Venerable One
        A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality? Old Demon Han Li?
        Ring a bell?
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        1. Offline
          The godfather of xianxia
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          1. Offline
            Godfather is pushing it
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            1. Offline
              I mean it is one of the most iconic xianxia ever, it pioneered the genre to where it is now and it is litreally the most famous novel is china

              Ranked 1st out of the thousands of novels on Qidian by recommendations
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