13 hours ago

I Have a Sword我有一剑

Adopted into the Ye Clan, Ye Guan is clueless about who he is and where he comes from.
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Adopted into the Ye Clan, Ye Guan is clueless about who he is and where he comes from.

One day, an opportunity comes where he is acquainted with a not-so-little Little Pagoda and was bestowed a sword. Under the guidance of a Great Sword Immortal, Ye Guan is ready to take on the world. But so was his father and grandfather…

In a universe with multiple realms, Ye Guan started from a very insignificant clan, in an insignificant state. With his almost god-like sword, follow Ye Guan on his journey as he makes a name for himself and finds out who he truly is. With a refreshingly straightforward personality, you can expect the unexpected when it comes to Ye Guan…

For example, he makes it a point to kill his opponents before they can make any dramatic pre-war declarations.

“Ye Guan, today will be your death anniver—” Squelch! And the guy was killed…

MC: Why bother shit talking before a fight?

In this fast-paced novel, there’s gonna be a lot of ‘wait what?’ moments, xxx moments and blah blah blah. Collapse
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Comments 55

  1. Online Offline
    really not as bad as it seems, but I just can't get into it
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  2. Offline
    68 chapters so far
    This novel doesn't have 1 cliché, it doesn't worry about extending the conflicts too much and that makes it quick and enjoyable to read
    It's simply amazing how any kind of cliché is thrown away, the MC gets into trouble that he sometimes saves himself by plot armor or other times because he's a complete scoundrel!
    There will be no slap in the face or young master with Boring speech
    This novel is like the classic btth, atg, tdg and etc
    It's the pure simple juice of a very good novel with a very sleazy MC who loves to beat up a bum. Seniors and former Daoists, read without FEAR TO BE HAPPY
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    1. Offline
      I was a little confused, you say there is no cliche but you compared it to several pure cliche novels.

      These novels you mentioned are the "classic" and pure mc cliché slapping people in the face.
      then having to flee from a stronger enemy.
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  3. Offline
    Like most things, too much of it is harmful, but this... it's just harmful from the start...
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  4. Online Offline
    In a universe with multiple realms, Ye Guan started from a very insignificant clan, in an insignificant state.
    aw, shit. here we go again
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    1. Online Offline
      What's the point of insignificance in a world where even the most common of atoms form the basis of the universe?! Our universe can be less than an atom in another, or bigger than anything, size has no meaning in the view of the cosmos. Perhaps my will is greater than the entire multiverse, but how can we measure will? The pain, the desire... In the end, nothing matters.
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      1. Offline
        In the cosmic comedy, we're both star and speck, where atoms play universal games. Size? It's just a cosmic punchline. My will? It could rival multiverses, but measuring it? Now that's a riddle. Amidst pain, desire, and cosmic jest, one thing's clear: in the end, everything's a celestial joke, and we're all part of the punchline.
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  5. Offline
    this is bad
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    1. Online Offline
      What bad? The one you do, what you suffer or the consequences generated by the action? By saying that something is evil, how do we really know that it is evil, if there is not something identical that is good? Comparisons do not make sense, since there is nothing equal and different at the same time to make the comparison fair and uniform.
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      1. Offline
        evil is generated by humans, there is no evil in nature, It's like you ask a tiger if it feels bad to kill a hare? understands, Evil is shaped by society and religions to control the weak and poor, a "good" person almost never wins in life with his own effort, kindness and defined by the strong.
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          Evil, my dear human, is a custom-made suit we tailored ourselves. Mother Nature doesn't bother with it; it's kindness, but defined by the strong, like adding honey to hot tea – you never know how much sweetness you'll get!
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  6. Offline
    Not a good novel, if you are searching for a smart mc.
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    1. Online Offline
      Intelligence is a funny thing, the more you have it, the more you know you don't have it and the more you don't have it, the more you think you have it.
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      1. Offline
        Indeed, a mind-boggling paradox! It's like a galactic game of hide and seek, and we're all just fumbling in the dark.
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        1. Offline
          its not that deep bro
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  7. Offline
    It's not completely awful, but if you don't like being spammed with cliche situations, avoid this novel, it's not nearly self aware enough to pull them off.

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    1. Online Offline
      What is cliché? Something that is repeated several times in many works, becoming common to the point of being easy to predict, but in the current era, what is not a cliché?! Everything has already been done, repeated and adapted, innovations and ideas have already been thought of, the difference is the form of execution and the success obtained. In the end, the cliché itself became a cliché.
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        In a bizarre plot twist, we're stuck in an endless loop of 'been there, done that.'
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  8. Online Offline
    I Have a Sword

    That's crazy, dawg...
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    1. Online Offline
      Who's the crazy one? The man who watches you from the mirror, or you who stare obsessively at your reflection?
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        Perhaps, in the hall of mirrors, we're all a little bit mad.
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  9. Offline
    Synopsis = Author’s honest thoughts on his own novel
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    1. Online Offline
      How honest can a man be who, when writing, thinks twice or more about his words, but writes to attract attention and please and not to explain.
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        In the theatre of expression, sincerity wears a veil, and masks the truth.
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  10. Online Offline
    Honestly, this novel is not too bad. I read ten chapters and while it certainly is fast paced and could use some world building, it isn't awful. A lot has happened in just ten chapters so if you're looking for something fast-paced and with speedy cultivation, this might be the novel for you. The main character's personality is fine and his mysterious background could develop into something interesting.
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