6 days ago

The Villainess Whom I Had Served for 13 Years Has Fallen13년간 모신 악녀가 쓰러졌다

It’s a story about a man who got transported into a novel and possessed a slum boy. He met a noble... Read more
It’s a story about a man who got transported into a novel and possessed a slum boy. He met a noble girl and served her as a butler for 13 Years.

Now the girl has already fallen from her noble life and lives in an abandoned mansion with paralyzed legs.

Why did she become like that?

Of course because she is the villainess in the novel. Collapse
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Comments 86

  1. Offline
    I think some of the writers are truly stupid.
    How can you make a harem by making the name or summary of your novel like this? You have to be really stupid for that.
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  2. Offline
    The mc of this novel is probably one of the worst I have seen. He has 0 personality, he is like that kind of a guy who goes with the flow, he doesn't make any decisions, just follows. This mc supposedly reincarnated from earth to the body of a child. Guess what he does. He wants to be a batler to a young unruly girl. Now to make this kind of an option you have to be a pedo. I do not see any other way. His plot armour in incredible, somehow he gets strong even with this lousy personality... The novel is not up to standard in my opinion. The emotions and scenarios are kinda forced, because on each of them a normal person would react much differently. --Till chap 43
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      Lies, lies of P
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        Can you please elaborate? I am curious on your thought process while reading the novel.
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          not all people can see art. It’s not your fault, you just don’t have an eye for it. monk
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          1. Offline
            Fair enough
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    2. Offline
      Each and every one of your concerns has already been answered by the novel itself and with great info and context. Which baffles me that you somehow just nit picked them and took them out of context.
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      1. Offline
        I don't have to read it to know that the MC is an idiot that simps for the villainess. Who upends his entire life and dedicates it to be a dog of a shitty girl.

        Well at least the author does not whitewash the villainess. But that might have been better for the story.
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        1. Offline
          Ohhh so you aren't actually criticizing the novel. You're just hating on it. I mean, to criticize something you gotta have to know about it. But in this case you just really hate it, it seems.
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          1. Offline
            Dude its a pretty standard and horrible trope in this kind of premise.

            Already read a lot of that and not interested in going through at again.

            Plus the original commenter's comment just proves it
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        2. Offline
          Damn bro a third rate villain in manhua is has more personality than you who is hating just for the sake of hating... At least the third rate villain hated the manhua mc cuz hes the young master of some ancient family while you are just a random nobody that hated a novel just for the sake of it.
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            🚑 we need ambulance
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      1. Offline
        Yep, I remember this one. I was young and clueless of the dark dao, but I still felt embarrassed while watching his situation. That guy had one of the most powerful cheats. The power of regression but still f#ckked up so many times. Imagine if you were on his position. You just stay in one position and train be it magic or swordsmanship, when you see that you get older you just kill yourself. Imagine the potential... One thing that I would like to confirm is, if you stayed in one place that means that you do not know of the outside events. In that case you should not be reaching a checkpoint. His checkpoints would be saved after he passed an event. If that worked you could kinda achieve eternal life... But damn that guy was a simp.
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  3. Offline
    I was on the road and I was bored so much... In general, this is a story about a dude who has reincarnated. He knows the history. It has hints about dungeons, artefacts, and more.
    But who has been serving a crazy girl for 13 years. No money.
    Who literally sacrifices his life for her health. And-and-and-and why? And who the hell knows. Because what the author wrote will only work for tearful children of 12 years old. Aarrgh.
    Why i read this?! Kill me, plz
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  4. Offline
    These people saying the translation is bad - bullsh*t. It is indeed bad, but nowhere near unreadable. If you're an experienced Korean Novel reader, you should already be used to these one-sentence paragraphs and unusual prose. In terms of the plot, it's actually really good. I'm definitely interested.
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    1. Offline
      Who said that we all experienced Korean Novel readers FamilyGuy061
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      1. Offline
        Man with the shit that gets posted here I would be surprised if someone had serious issues understanding this. We get pretty much MTL in some novels.
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        1. Offline
          My brother I've read full MTL novels this sort of novel is a piece of cake in comparison swim
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          1. Offline
            Depending on the site some MTL aint that bad, they set up a table of names so that the TL will always use the same one which helps a lot. I remember reading Legendary Mechanic and Reverend Insanity when it was releasing on MTL, that wasn't bad at all actually.
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            1. Offline
              Yeah I was talking bout the full word change ones where it goes from long chen to dragon dust, obv very easy once you've read enough and understand but for beginners half the sht is unknown what they're saying since it wasn't just names it could be places, things, abilities. Hell in some an ability goes from a like 4 letter word to 12 xD
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  5. Offline
    What a cover
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  6. Offline
    I hate these stories that seem to focus on one girl in the title and description but in reality are harems.
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    1. Online Offline
      yeah this is one of my biggest pet peeves in novels tbh, stuff like "I didn't want to fall in love with my master"
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    2. Offline
      Its like u want true love but after satisfying your pepe with every hole puke
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    3. Offline
      One of mine is when people will leave a “review” about a translated novel and one of their biggest complaints is the grammar being bad but their “review’s” grammar will be completely atrocious.
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  7. Offline
    The translation is crap.
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  8. Offline
    How did this happen? treat the story simple as fck but why am I even wanna read it?
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      I guess you had two BIG reasons for that
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        I’m a honorable man 🗿
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  9. Offline
    Its ok. Its a good novel to keep you occupied. Its a story about some op dude who has a system/interface, he faces misunderstandings, he faces discrimination and underestimation. He face slaps adversaries. And he gets all the women.

    It may sound all that average to you, (because it is) but the author uses all of that cliches to his advantage and creates a meaningful story about a Butler and his Lady.

    My only complain is THE DAMN TRANSLATION. God knows if the one translating is a machine or a human not bothering to use chatgpt to at least fix their jumbled and confusing monologues and dialogues. It breaks my immersion of the story and makes me stop and think whos talking to who or if I seriously need to get enough sleep to help my reading comprehension.

    Message: 4/5 Don't do drugs if you don't want to be a cripple
    Characters and plot: 3/5 I like the bickering
    Immersion: 3/5 Its good enough, nothing ground breaking
    Originality: 2/5 Too cliche and pls stop using Aura
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    1. Online Offline
      Thank you for your work senior

      Ranobe FanMade discord server :))
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  10. Offline
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    1. Offline
      Deep Pal
      #panic# there is a racist comment here
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      1. Offline
        He posts jokes on almost all novels, this one is racist, but the other ones were not, so I think it's either a bot that copy pasts jokes from Reddit or someone board out of his mind
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        1. Offline
          MTL Ancestor
          troll55 A significant majority of his comments are racist.
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          1. Offline
            I don't know I usually don't read them and as I said it's probably a bot as he doesn't reply to comments
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              MTL Ancestor
              He used to.
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          2. Offline
            i think majority of em about someone dead. racist this, racist that is pathetic anyway. people need to touch grass
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            1. Offline
              ...... Do you realize what site you are writing this in, right?.
              Most of us don't even bath, and you're saying touch grass? Hah! Don't make me laugh.
              With my heaven severing hand, I will slap you into your room and make you read 'Perverted world'!
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              1. Offline
                Perverted Daoist
                Wtf am I reading I thought I was weird plus the guy wasn't insulting u lol
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                1. Offline
                  I'm just making a joke butwhy
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              2. Offline
                YOU don't bathe. Don't loop us in with your pathetic hygiene.
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                2. Offline
                  I do in fact bath. And I'm not pathetic, you are pathetic hokage
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              3. Offline
                Ayoo what do you mean "most of us"? You probably mean YOU and a special few.
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                1. Offline
                  it was just a joke, although crude but still
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                2. Offline
                  Well yea, I was just joking too. There's nothing to take seriously here
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          3. Offline
            I've read like a dozen of his comments and this is the only one racist, anyways I don't really care but we were you when the jokes were worse about something else?
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              MTL Ancestor
              That simply proves that the sample space you viewed was not the favored outcome.
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              1. Offline
                same applies to you, except your sample was favored outcome. this is reason we dont use anecdotal experience as gospel truth. besides stereotypes objective, racism is subjective
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                1. Offline
                  MTL Ancestor
                  After being 'inspired' by your comment I found out that around 25% of hyperbola's jokes are racist, the difference between you and me was that i have seen every single one of his jokes, thus the full range, while you only have viewed a selective few before you made your original comment.

                  Besides, racism is not subjective, it is literally the process of assuming or making stereotypes for everyone under a selective human race.
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                2. Offline
                  so you found that "significant majority" amounted to only 25% and confirmed i was right yet because you assume i didnt scour every comment of his i am wrong in saying that most of his comments are not racist..?

                  racism IS subjective. phrase you cant be racist to whites is testament to that. stereotypes comes from experience and not made on a whim, which is why they are objective. we didnt sat down on some world conference and decided that industrial zones are loud or villages have cleaner air then cities. we found it out by interacting with those elemenents(experience) found pattern and stereotype is born. stereotypes are not some evil label as there plenty of positive ones you apply everyday yet ignore
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                3. Offline
                  MTL Ancestor
                  First of all, you are twisting your original words, you can refresh your memories by reading your original comment, in which you clearly stated that the above comment of hyperbola was his only racist comment, which is clearly false.

                  racism IS subjective. phrase you cant be racist to whites is testament to that.

                  Second of all, I cannot fathom how that, clearly false, statement proves racism is subjective. On the topic of stereotypes, the word literally means to make an oversimplified ASSUMPTION which pretains to every single member of any certain group. In simpler terms, if somebody was to see hyperbola's racist jokes only, they would come to believe that hyperbola only makes racist jokes and then if this person only way of knowing about what type of people the users of renobes were was through hyperbola's racist jokes, then they would come to a stereotype pretaining that every memeber of the renobes community was racist, which is false.

                  let's ignore all of this for a moment and talk about those 'positive' stereotypes, there is a common stereotype about asian people going around which states that all asians are good at maths, now let's say an Asian student was forced to change his school near the time of final exams and go to a foreign countries school, now the maths teacher of his new school believing in the example stereotype given above, neglectes his math studies and focuses on the students who she thinks need her help more, causing him to fail.

                  Now you tell me, was this 'positive' stereotype truly positive?
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                4. Online Offline
                  Now now u made me interested in what the comment was racist about can i get a context?
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                5. Offline
                  MTL Ancestor
                  That information has already been filtered out.
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                6. Offline
                  ill copy paste it for you... comment still right there ffs. talk about false statements

                  "i think majority of em about someone dead. racist this, racist that is pathetic anyway. people need to touch grass"

                  you again brough exception to claim majority. i am not sure if this is some weird jest or you dont compherend what exception is. first you called majority 25% then this. try sweets are sweet, hospitals are safe, nordics are blondes etc. all of those have exeptions, sweets can be sour, hospitals can get you infected, nordics came in all colors, asians can fail at math. again stereotype isnt some ubreakable law, its obeservation from collective experience. its a pattern synonum invaluable to us that helped us survive and still does
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                7. Offline
                  MTL Ancestor
                  "i think majority of em about someone dead. racist this, racist that is pathetic anyway. people need to touch grass"

                  People of the renobes community mostly don't care about racism, as long as it is funny, it is unlikely that you will find people complaining.

                  I accept that I was wrong for saying significant majority, I meant to say significant minority, but unfortunately that word escaped my mind at that moment.

                  Now you are simply exchanging the meaning of the words stereotype and experience, and besides that my comment above was about why stereotypes are bad as they are based on assumptions.
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                8. Offline
                  what you mean by exchanging meaning? stereotype is part of knowledge. knowing word stereotype is knowledge on its own. stereotypes neither bad or good, synonims of it are commonplace, truism, pattern etc. problems start when people either shun or enforce em. you brough good example of enforcing with teacher wich is teacher stereotype not asian. example of shunning is whats going on in US with store theft. hell, medical diagnosis entirely relies on it to get you in tip top shape as fast as possible
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                9. Offline
                  MTL Ancestor
                  I have already explained the meaning of the word stereotype in my earlier comments, you can literally google the term if you don't believe me. While you are googling the term also look at what other think about the word.

                  If you have enough free time to comment to this reply, then I plead that you at least somewhat attempt whatIi asked of you.
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                10. Offline
                  its weekend so here we go, merriam webster
                  : a plate cast from a printing surface
                  : something conforming to a fixed or general pattern

                  what other people think? other people think earth is flat too
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                11. Offline
                  MTL Ancestor
                  /stĕr′ē-ə-tīp″, stîr′-/

                  A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.
                  One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.
                  A metal printing plate cast from a matrix molded from a raised printing surface, such as type.
                  The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik

                  By dictionary.com:

                  a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group:
                  Cowboys and Indians are American stereotypes.

                  a set form; convention:
                  Most important for lexicographers are the idiomatic stereotypes whose meaning cannot be inferred from knowledge of the meanings of the individual items.


                  a process, now often replaced by more advanced methods, for making metal printing plates by taking a mold of composed type or the like in papier-mâché or other material and then taking from this mold a cast in type metal.

                  a plate made by this process.

                  SEE LESS
                  verb (used with object),ster·e·o·typed, ster·e·o·typ·ing.
                  to characterize or regard as a stereotype:
                  The actor has been stereotyped as a villain.

                  to give a fixed form to.

                  Printing. to make a stereotype of.

                  By britannica.com

                  plural stereotypes

                  : an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic
                  [+] Example sentences
                  — stereotypical
                   /ˌsterijəˈtɪpɪkəl/  adjective [more stereotypical; most stereotypical]

                  [+] Example sentences
                  — stereotypically
                   /ˌsterijəˈtɪpɪkli/  adverb
                  2 stereotype
                  stereotypes; stereotyped; stereotyping
                  [+ object]

                  : to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same
                  [+] Example sentences
                  — stereotyped
                   /ˈsterijəˌtaɪpt/ adjective

                  [+] Example sentences
                  — stereotyping
                   noun [noncount]

                  [+] Example sentences


                  stereotype Add to list Share


                  IPA guide
                  Other forms: stereotyped; stereotypes; stereotyping
                  A stereotype is a preconceived notion, especially about a group of people. Many stereotypes are rooted in prejudice — so you should be wary of them.
                  You have probably heard stereotypes: commonly held ideas or preconceptions about specific groups. You most often hear about negative stereotypes, but some are positive — the stereotype that tall people are good at basketball, for example. One of many problems with any stereotype is that even if it's true in some cases, it's certainly not true in all cases.
                  Definitions of stereotype
                   a conventional or formulaic conception or image
                  “regional stereotypes have been part of America since its founding”
                  see more
                   treat or classify according to a mental stereotype
                  “I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European”
                  synonyms:pigeonhole, stamp
                  see lesstype of:assort, class, classify, separate, sort, sort outarrange or order by classes or categories


                  Stereotypes are characteristics imposed upon groups of people because of their race, nationality, and sexual orientation. These characteristics tend to be oversimplifications of the groups involved and, even if they seem "positive," stereotypes are harmful.


                  In social psychology, a stereotype is a generalized belief about a particular category of people.[2] It is an expectation that people might have about every person of a particular group. The type of expectation can vary; it can be, for example, an expectation about the group's personality, preferences, appearance or ability. Stereotypes are often overgeneralized, inaccurate, and resistant to new information.[3] A stereotype does not necessarily need to be a negative assumption. They may be positive, neutral, or negative.

                  This is what appeared on the first page when i searched for the word stereotype on a browser that does not record information and show targeted info, I also saw webster there, which was the only one that did not contradict your argument.

                  Have you ever wondered that you may be part of the people that comprises the flat earth believers on a separate topic?
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                12. Offline
                  i can be "flat earther" majority of people are stupid too so i can be in minority of smart ones too. i generally try not to base my opinion basing on opinion pieces. explanation should be concise and maybe with example. you do not tell me how i should feel about subject nor what you feel about it. in example, nazi's had camps to detain jews fine. on another hand nazi's were bad cuz they put jews in camp and did bad to them is not. claiming something is false while we can indeed confirm its true is just a no. it is also not my responsobility to change stereotype for your sake if you think its negative one. its asinine of you to ask me to not consider murderers dangerous. moral grand standing is nice and all but you gotta be reasonable sometimes
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                13. Offline
                  MTL Ancestor
                  You are right to say that i have no right to ruthlessly enforce my way of thinking on you, but i can still attempt to change your way of thinking that I feel is wrong simply because i have the right to at least attempt that.

                  One has to know that stubbornness does not lead to development.
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                14. Offline
                  seems both of us quite bullheaded. lets drop this topic, aint productive or crucial. we are here to read some books
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                15. Offline
                  MTL Ancestor
                  Very well, it was nice chating with you lachlann.

                  MTL Ancestor
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