1 day ago

Death... and me by Suiyan

Due to a problem in his soul, Rean never cared about anything in his life. Even though he died... Read more
Due to a problem in his soul, Rean never cared about anything in his life. Even though he died heroically, there wasn’t really a 'will' behind that action.

But it was during the last moments of his life that Rean’s soul finally awakened. Too late, though. He died anyway.

Later that day in the morgue, Death appeared by his side to send Rean’s soul into the Path of Reincarnation. Unfortunately for him, Rean’s Soul had other plans.

Follow those two Main Characters as they adventure into a completely new world separated from their Universe… as reincarnated twins! Collapse
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Comments 66

  1. Offline
    Novel was updated 17 days ago (August 26th 2022), and has already reached 1957 chapters at WebNovel. I would love to see the chapters here also get the remaining chapters that were recently made available at WebNovel.

    Can someone at least take the opportunity to add the remaining 67 "Public level" chapters

    EDIT as of September 19th, now 24 Days since last Update to this site
    As of Yesterday, there is now a total of 1972 Chapters (1921 chapters, without paying for the "PRIVELEGE Purchase")
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  2. Offline
    It is one of my favourite novels. It's best part is it never feels like it is repeating itself like any other cultivation novel.
    For those who are saying mc are to op yes they are but as they are moving at higher level their plot Armor is reducing.
    I will highly recommend this.
    just don't drop it at chap 546 if you can read it till there.
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      Would you mind providing a non-spoiler synopsis? The one it has tells me nothing about the story/setting.
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  3. Online Offline
    Weliam Diago
    Ok i am at 1523. Does other get reunited with rean and roan😒😒
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      When they get to the center they will, author left an scene foreshadowing that.
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  4. Offline
    Leaping carp
    I'm currently at chapter 286 but I already feel like dropping because of the way author shifted rean to be a side character. Will anything change, or will he still continue to be in Roan's shadow,cuz it's annoying me rn
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      Nine-Headed Yhwach
      Yes it will change
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  5. Offline
    Need someone to tell me how is faring in quality the 3rd Arc

    I think on reading this again from time to time but always stop because at the time i drooped i was getting the pulp after al the juice was extracted, for context it was at the end or arc 2

    the novel touched pretty interesting concepts but always on the surface, interactions feel stiff and light at the same time and the author is not afraid of abrupt changes on the history for good or bad (plenty of shit that coulda made the MC's more humane and relatable lost to expediency in the plot)

    i been nagging enough, the novel until the place i stoped is pretty decent and with enough variation to justify the 2k chapter read but its not drop your socks material
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      arc 3 is where the main story begins as we finds what is really going on with this universe and about the organisation that destroyed sunkan. and you will find that every place system sends them is not random but is a place which has possibility to divert max amount of fate of universe (it is same for sunkan as it also has that possibility but you will be shocked to find out that the possibility is there
      and also kentucky). i am following this for a very long time (from 200's chapter) and there are times when it feels like author is draging it but overall it is one of the best novels i have read as there are no cliche`s without explanation (and no harem is a plus). so i would suggest to continue reading it.
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  6. Offline
    It's boring. Protags get power ups handed on silver plate by the talking system, they are both op due to plot armor which drains the tension, author copy pastes Earth technology into xanxia because new world sucks and Earth technology is superior wohoo! Of course it is.
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      Не бойся
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  7. Online Offline
    Are there any other books like this?
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  8. Offline
    Disappointed. It starts good but falls off quickly. MC is OP and any tension is gone with them having a pocket dimension where they can escape anytime and teleport away. Nevertheless, I gave this story a shot since the fights were short and there was plenty of focus on world development. BUT Author is just out of nowhere blew up the entire planet without any previous setup and threw all plot points and developed characters away in a span of 1 chapter. I can't f*g believe that s**t. Read 546 if you don't believe me.
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      This should be tagged as spoiler
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      1. Offline
        I bet that he or she intentionally did not use a spoiler tag all for the sake of scaring people away from this book. I noticed that some authors these days hire people to read competing novels up to a certain point, and then go all around to competing Publisher Sites, and to random 3rd party Host sharing sites like this one all just to bad mouth, or ruin the premise of said competing genre/story type Novels. All in the hopes of making others flee to the Author's own work. Or, worse, to prevent any works/novels of this type to get any recognition/love.
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        1. Offline
          why would people do this here? it's not like people here spend money (here).
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            Spending money (here) has nothing to do with it, it is all about reputation involving the Novels themselves, and the Authors writing them. What better way to discredit the "Likability" and "Great Reading" of a Book, than to use 3rd party Hosts where it is Free. By attacking an easy to access Book, and make it far enough to make it evident that you read it, but was heavily unsatisfied with it's contents, the less likely someone will actually take the time to want to Read the Official Releases when they come out. Like for example, some of the Novels here, are delayed by several chapters because WebNovel.com has a PRIVELEGE System that holds back 8 to 20 chapters at a time for those willing to pay to have the freshest Chapter release. I pay for one such Series that I accidentally found here, now I read it at WebNovel in their App as soon as the Newest Daily Upload occurs. (Novel I am willing to pay to read is Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse).

            My Point is that, the "Discredit'ers" goal is to make it possible so no one is willing to eventually want to even give the book a chance, nor the opportunity to eventually PAY (which supports the Author of said "Discredited" Novel) for the book once they eventually manage to catch up to the latest releases that are currently unavailable on the FREE HOST site (that is if no one stopped them, nor were influenced to not give the Novel a try in the first place). I am sure there are many Novels on here that has yet to update their list of Chapters and possibly a few months behind on the amount of published Chapters on WebNovel.com. In those cases, just like this Novel, they are behind by nearly 80 chapters compared to what is currently provided by WebNovel. If I want to read more than what is here, I would need to find the originating source to catch up or read more, if there was anymore chapters. Again, in the case of this Novel, Ranobes is behind the update by 80/so chapters. Hence, I would need to go to WebNovel to continue reading more to satiate my READING ADDICTION of this Novel lmao. Which means I would actually need to pay for those 80/so chapters to keep up to date.
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  9. Offline
    I dislike Roan I don’t even know why.
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      Changed my mind, I think I didn’t like him mainly because he was like a tag along the entire time, but now solid character development has made him one of favorite character in the novel. I’m now up to date with this novel.
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    Weliam Diago
    I have questions
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