9 months ago

Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!地球人实在太凶猛了

Fifty years ago, Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. Alone in the world, they lifted the... Read more
Fifty years ago, Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. Alone in the world, they lifted the banner of Earth’s civilization and fought against the terrifying forces of the Other World.

And in the end, Dragon City was destroyed.

Then, Meng Chao was reborn after Dragon City was destroyed, and he returned to the time fifty years after Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. But he was not alone, he returned with a system named Kindling, who told him that he can become stronger if he contributed to society.

So Meng Chao swore that he would become stronger. In the beginning, he only wanted to make small contributions to the society by teaching them technology, martial arts, and skills from the future, and in the end, everything snowballed from there, and he found that… Earthlings were really insane. Collapse
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Comments 77

  1. Offline
    honestly i don't know what to feel about this one. author's so aware about humanity problems, society's gap, economy, and morals, it's so thorough yet exciting that even the overly long explanations and "essay" aren't hard to swallow, cause you know these things are also exists irl, so reading to see how he gonna solve this is an amazing hook imo. but just like anything, you need to learn how to walk before you can run, too many problems piled up before any of them got solved, then add it with monsters that getting stronger and much smarter f#cking up the city. the feeling's like you're a firefighter and there's more than one fire at a time, before you even managed to put out one, there are few more

    if you can see past the incoherent & forced plots, plot holes scattered through the story, and the inconsistencies, it's actually a good story.

    fyi, 'taken aback', 'dumbfounded', and 'scratching his head' gonna pop up so many times in the story it's literally disgusts me whenever i see them

    for some reason, author also likes to discounts MC's advantages. he got a system that gave him points for every "contribution" he did for humanity, but then little by little it rarely got mentioned despite it's the reason he got reincarnated, he didn't get any points even after he did something amazing. MC got some kinda org, but he never cared about it even tho it's really really promising.
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    1. Offline
      aaah you stopped right before the big reveal which would invalidate all the plot progress up to that point and would explain certain things about what was going on :)
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  2. Offline
    Is the native of that worlds is alien with monster bodies or humanoid similar to humans with advance technology
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  3. Offline
    Got to ch292 before dropping.

    For the past, I don't know, 30 or more chapters the book has devolved into long-winded arguments/monologs/manifestos spanning several chapters about societal issues, economics and unnecessarily long explanations about science and tech or the fictional science, tech and magic of this universe.

    And the MCs intelligence, maturity and experience are very situational. It's pretty inconsistent.

    This could have been a good action/adventure/mystery story but it's too all over the place with a lot of unnecessary text combined with character inconsistency and hiding mystery behind inconsistencies.
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  4. Offline
    I’m liking the story, but….But! What the heck kind of name is Meng Chao! All the other Chinese MCs have such cool names, like Zhou Wen, Jiang Li, Fang Yuan, Ji Tiandao, etc… Fu#k this Meng Chao somehow sounds weird to me, I can’t tell why…
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    1. Offline
      Meng Hao is MC from ISSTH and that doesn't sound wrong, whats the problem here?
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      1. Offline
        I can’t explain it…It just doesn’t sound like an MC name to me. The Meng part is fine but the Chao part just doesn’t feel right for some reason.
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  5. Offline
    Just read the manhua... Time to continue it here ig
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  6. Offline
    Guys is this one harem or not?
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    1. Offline
      Devilmaster Yun
      No, no real romance either.
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  7. Offline
    +9998888 social credit
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  8. Offline
    Holy Damn! Man I'm only at chapter 463 and there have been so many twists and turns in the story when you think the plot has finally reach a climax, plateau, resolution, etc... The author just hits you with the meanest curveball which in reality was a Curveball^9.

    There is a sludgefest from 200-300 but once you pass that the action and arcs are givven steroids and multiple new mutated pathways making it near impossible to predict the next action.

    Not only to the chapters flow from one to another but there is a possibility you will get so caught up in reading that you can lose track of time. There are some points where you may just get bored due to there being nearly no pauses in the story, it's basically 90%-Action, 80%-Plot, 70%-Morals, 60%-Dialogue, 50%-Monologue, 40%Detective, 30%... I think you get the point, this story has a lot to offer.

    I reccomend it, I'm gonna stop writing since I wanna continue reading.

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    1. Offline
      Akhil raj
      Yeah this is just like what I felt while reading this novel and am on chapter 256 and it's so damn exciting until now and after reading your comment I am now assured that the story will continue to be wonderful... atleast until 463 which Is amazing.
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    2. Offline
      Hey bro is it harem or not?
      I just want to know
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      1. Offline
        Haven't seen romance yet, but it looks like the mc is either going for his sister or a character not yet introduced
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        1. Offline
          How's the romance now? : naif
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          1. Offline
            I paused around 420, there was a lot of action and I'm getting through a complete douluo fic
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  9. Offline
    Is there a heroine?
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    1. Offline
      The protagonist does not have a love partner but he does have a girl who accompanies him on his adventures
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  10. Offline
    This novel is very very descriptive and does a great job of exploring morality issues such as good vs evil, poor vs rich, strong vs week.

    Like honestly it does an amazing job of exploring these issues from many different angles however this being one of the main strong parts of the novel also manages to be one of the biggest issue about this novel, you're never more than 5-10chapters away from any of the above mentioned morality issues even when you're 1000+chapters deep into the novel which makes it sometimes exhausting to read if you're reading more than 100 chapters a day.

    The way fight scenes are described is amazing and the mc is actually quite clever which makes this a fun read but like i said above this novel is better when you're not reading too many chapters a day as it can become a drag due to what i said earlier.
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    1. Offline
      dude is this a chinahnambahwhan type of novel? I'm worried with the phrase "contribute to society".
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      1. Offline
        No, focus is more on the alien races...and if there was any of that it wasn't to the point that made me want to drop the novel...
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        1. Offline
          Thanks! I can take "reasonable" nationalism, if they jack themselves off then that's normal. What I can't take is when other nations are just dragged down without good reason, it's similar to some kr novels just making all Japanese characters evil. Makes me lose suspension of disbelief.
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          1. Offline
            Fortunately, there are no 'other nations' to drag down except for the hostile alien ones; while this novel does lean heavily into patriotism and advocating the army, you can see that as more of a sensible theme for the novel to adopt considering the contents. Plus, the fact that 'humanity' is used instead of 'China' is a major plus.
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            1. Offline
              that's great! I'm fine with patriotism, I mean, it'll be natural for a white dude to write about white mc whose country will win xyz tournament or war. But racism as in "everyone else is incompetent, evil, and an idiot except for my race/country" makes for a bad reading experience since we all know that people aren't like that so it breaks immersion.
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