9 months ago

Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!地球人实在太凶猛了

Fifty years ago, Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. Alone in the world, they lifted the... Read more
Fifty years ago, Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. Alone in the world, they lifted the banner of Earth’s civilization and fought against the terrifying forces of the Other World.

And in the end, Dragon City was destroyed.

Then, Meng Chao was reborn after Dragon City was destroyed, and he returned to the time fifty years after Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World. But he was not alone, he returned with a system named Kindling, who told him that he can become stronger if he contributed to society.

So Meng Chao swore that he would become stronger. In the beginning, he only wanted to make small contributions to the society by teaching them technology, martial arts, and skills from the future, and in the end, everything snowballed from there, and he found that… Earthlings were really insane. Collapse
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Comments 77

  1. Online Offline
    This has a manga, and i prefer read the manga.

    Manga review: 9/10
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    I still remember staying awake at night waiting for a translated chapter to drop everyday.
    Plot 3/5
    Storytelling 10/5
    Emotionally Charged 100/5
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    Max Livermour
    F**king Cringefest
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  4. Offline
    hoooleeee sheeeeeeet!

    Technically speaking, even relative to web novels, this is a C+. BUT GODDAMN! The story telling is TOP TIER! Yes, things can get clunky, plot convenience and contrivance abound, but GODDAMN! The story telling really is top tier! This is worth a try especially after a few dozen chapters pass and the author finds his stride. Again, yes, it can get clunky, but GODDAMN! The story telling is top tier!
    (chapter 249, hopefully it manages to maintain this)
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    I took a break because of how where I was at left off. Can anyone answer this question?
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        Yup saved or yup under control
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      In what chapter is she mind controlled?
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  6. Offline
    Gweek Patato
    Fifty years ago, Dragon City transmigrated to the Other World
    "Use code: Beast to obtain 50,000 food, 50,000 gold, and your own Mr Beast Dragon!"
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  7. Offline
    #panic# add chapters please
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      Thanks! welldone
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      only we
  8. Offline
    I dont get it. Did the mc regress? And a whole city transmigrated?
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      The city transmigrated to another world. The mc regressed in that city in the otherworld.
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  9. Offline
    This novel is pretty fun, but I can't recommend taking a break in-between- it's incredibly plot and story-heavy, and there are so many mysteries and such to keep track of, that if you're like me, who got tired a couple hundred chapters in and wanted a pallete cleanser before jumping back in, you might find yourself incredibly traumatized when you try to pick it back up and realize, 'ah, f#ck- what does all this mean? who are these people?'

    So it's a good, very good cultivation novel- I just wish it was formatted into a 'book' style so everything is easier to keep track of.
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      Saying it's plot and story heavy is wrong. in fact, it's actually quite light on that since story is stretched by useless information. Story and plot heavy book is something like LotR where story moves quite fast while also providing information in bits as needed blended into the plot. In this case story is crawling because of the useless information and text thrown at us.

      Problem is that author spends a LOT of time info dumping stuff that is quite irrelevant, could be explained in more compact manner or sprinkled in between. This is on top of classic "audience" ramble and commentary in CN novels. And author also goes on rants about some topics quite often. Overall, there's just so much information and dialogue that isn't important for the story.
      In normal book all this stuff would be reserved for the appendix to be optional information that reader could choose to read. That said, there's quite a bit of stuff that doesn't even deserve to go there.

      Overall, extremely exhausting to read. Author needs to decide if he's writing an story, essay about world's social issues, or world's history. Writing it all in one text is just called bad writing/storytelling.
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      1. Offline
        Problem is that author spends a LOT of time info dumping stuff that is quite irrelevant, could be explained in more compact manner or sprinkled in between. This is on top of classic "audience" ramble and commentary in CN novels. And author also goes on rants about some topics quite often. Overall, there's just so much information and dialogue that isn't important for the story.

        Exactly this. It's like, in his drafts, the author did a whole lot of detailed world-building and then instead of trying to compact it and make it serve the story, he goes "Hey, I did all this work and by god, you WILL read all of it".
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          Lord of the rings, i think
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    2. Offline
      wth, you get traumatized? for unable to keep up with 2 novels?
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        It's just a phrase, lol. And it's more that I just forget everything that's happened- I read up to like 400chs and then took a break for a month and came back barely remembering anything. I still haven't gotten back to this, unfortunately- it's a fun read, but not so fun and definitely so heavy I can't bear rereading it for a while yet.
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        1. Offline
          ah, so its not memorable kz. ill look elsewhere then thnks.
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            Oh, that's not what I meant! The story itself is incredibly interesting; it's just that it's complex and has lots of moving parts. I remember the broad strokes, which is why I can't reread it, but I don't remember the little details like character names and cultivation levels, goals and all that, which is why I can't continue from where I left of.

            If you're interested in reading it, try giving the first 100 chapters or so a shot. If you read all 100, you'll probably like it.
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  10. Offline
    Dropped it for now at around 400 chapters. Reading this novel is exhausting. It feels like i am reading different novels at different periods of time. At times it feels like a shounen with a very hot blooded mc, at other times it becomes a full on detective style investigative novel, and some other times it becomes an essay on various societal issues, economic problems, weak strong divide. The consistency is missing. So you might like some parts very much, but then the novel completely changes into something else. There are some parts which are very well written and feel like a lot of thought was put into it, some parts which feel stupid and poorly written. So its a very mixed bag of a novel with some really cool, touching moments. I would recommend to atleast try it.

    Coming to the issues i have with this novel. One of the biggest issue is the long winded ness. So the mc needs to save the city, one of the major problems is the divide between strong and weak and how the strong become stronger snd weak remain weak. This is similar to the issue of rich and poor. The author uses this issue too much. Because the issue can’t be solved it comes up too many times in this novel. And everytime it comes up we basically some random side character going on and on about this issue for 3-4 chapters and the mc doing and inner monologue on the same for another 3-4 chapters. It’s tiring. It feels less like a novel and more like a social essay. Although it felt like the author put some thought into this but the chapters felt very bland and repetitive.

    Another problem in the early chapters is how the mc ‘s character was handled. The author uses a two soul concept and makes the mc mature and cunning sometimes and hot blooded and stupid some other times. This makes some of the scenes very infuriating as you can’t really guess whether the mc does something stupid or sinister. They come up suddenly and you feel like hitting the mc. In the later chapters mc becomes a side character who keeps listening to other side characters, their views, their backstories, why they became evil, etc.

    The system is very underused and sometimes just forgotten. The mc never learns any combat moves in the future and the system changes from a omnipotent chest to nothing much in the span of few hundred chapters. The cultivation system is very underdeveloped. I don’t even know how people cultivate till now. The mc always increases his cultivation through luck. They never show the process of cultivation. Some spirit storm occurs and mc cultivation increases, some power houses gives a technique and mc cultivation increases. This is basically how the breakthroughs are described. Infact we have not idea the difference between different combat realms.
    The combat also takes a backseat after the early few chapters.

    Might pick up after i stop being bored of this novel.
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      About cultivation system, the issue why it is not very developed is that it is basically non-existent as humans are still pioneering on how to cultivate, hence the vagueness of it all.

      I do agree that the novel is quite heavy and you really need to squeeze some brain juice to read it properly.

      I personally dropped it I think around 700s or so as author does a plot twist which basically invalidates any and all progress MC has done up until that point, you could say that it was just an intro arc and real story starts from that, but the way it was done did not sit well with me at all.

      Might read again now as I feel like enough time has passed that I do not feel that much about the beginning and might take it as starting a fresh story from 700 and up
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        Could you spoiler what happened
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            I read 300 hundred chapter In each chapter, the hero filled us with the nonsense of saving the Dragon City and eventually abandoned it!

            Thanks for answering
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              yeah that is one of the main reasons as to why the plot twist hits hard.
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