3 days ago

Memoirs of the Returnee회귀자의 메모장

It was a useless ability, right till the very end. That’s what Shion thought as he was dying. Among... Read more
It was a useless ability, right till the very end. That’s what Shion thought as he was dying. Among all the tr*sh, it was the tr*shiest that could only record.

Even when the Libra family was taking his life, his ability, ‘Notepad’, could only record.

But then, with his return, the amplification of the Notepad occurred. Not only recording and storing, but also recalling memories.

All the conditions were prepared.

“My future dream is to be a guardian knight of Libra.”

Now, Shion is about to record their downfall from the closest place to his enemies.

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Comments 121

  1. Offline
    Good flow of timeline, story can be improve nevertheless it is a good one.
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  2. Offline
    This is really good thoo, to the point that I'm willing to pay to get more chapters
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  3. Offline
    Everlasting war
    Good so far read 100 chapters nothing unique but good execution
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  4. Offline
    constraint is this good?
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  5. Offline
    Recordark? Reccordak… seems like an easter egg from the author 😬
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  6. Offline
    очень средний роман из за умственно отсталого гг который держится только на силе блокнота и никак не использует знания предыдущей жизни. Он пытается помочь героиням, но делает это максимально отталкивающе они же в свою очередь находят сотни причин ненавидеть его просто так
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  7. Offline
    its a good novel so far from what I've read. Same author from TNE, so you can set your expectations a bit high for this novel as it won't disappoint so far... Story is well written and made me want to cheer irl if there's one thing to be a little disappointed about, its that for me, I can't really imagine the appearances of the other characters except shion
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  8. Offline
    I'm very bored lately, gloom
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    1. Offline
      Welcome to my world, you just need to start creating stories about philosophy with ducks.
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      1. Offline
        Haha, I'm almost creating a novel out of boredom
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  9. Offline
    NU has the label harem. If so, its too bad because except for one girl in the novel, all the others are bitches. I keep reading, but the novel gets more boring as it progresses. Anyway, since I have nothing to read right now, I will read.
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  10. Offline
    There were 6 ducks, one day they met by the pond and asked each other. What is the name of the world? Determined to find out, the ducks split up, each going somewhere except for one, who remained still. When they got back to where they were, five ducks told them the name they had found. The first duck said that the world should be called water, because water is in everything. The second duck said it should be called chaos, because only from chaos comes order, which eventually decays into more chaos. The third duck said it should be called duality, because everything has its counterpart. The fourth childbirth called it illusion, because each duck had a perspective, thus its truths, and for truths to exist, lies must exist. The last and sixth duck, the one that remained still in its place, heard everything and said "let's call it a brain, because in the end, everything is just information that we interpret. If the world we see is just processed information, then for each person there is a world, as well as a brain."

    In the end who is the crazy one? The man who talks about ducks, or those who read about them and I ask you a question, who is the fifth duck?!
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    1. Offline
      The fifth duck quacked sagely, "Let's call it entropy, for chaos and order entwine like threads in the fabric of existence. From chaos, order emerges, but it, too, succumbs to chaos. In our diverse perspectives, truths and lies coexist, a dance orchestrated by entropy. It's a reminder that every observer holds a unique world, shaped by the enigma of entropy."

      Perhaps, the crazy one was, indeed, the reader who brought into existence the fifth duck.
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      1. Offline
        Best story I saw today, Awesome.
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      2. Offline
        Got it right
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    2. Offline
      Shadow Garden
      I rather read this kind of story than some bullshit MC with OP but brain dead attitude..
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    3. Offline
      Listening and nodding at the other ducks ideas, the fifth duck finally spoke his thoughts, "Quack quack, quack quack quack... quack quack, quack! Quack quack? 'Quack: quack, quack, quack quack.' - Quack. Quack (quack quack quack) quack quack QUACK!!"
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