1 day ago

The Stubborn Skill-Grinder In A Time Loop by X-RHODEN-X

Orodan was an orphaned street rat who clawed his way to the county militia with hard work. However... Read more
Orodan was an orphaned street rat who clawed his way to the county militia with hard work. However calamitous events unfold and draw him into events bigger than himself and Orodan's battle-loving disposition leads to a warrior's death for him. Only for him to wake up again on the day of.

In a world of skills, titles and blessings; a smart time looper would perhaps scheme, plan, amass equipment and allies. But not Orodan. If there's one thing he's good at it's stubbornly trying the same thing over and over again via brute force till it's done.

If a wall is in front, going around is not an option. Instead batter it with your head thousands of times till either the wall breaks or you do. And gain skill levels along the way. Collapse
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Comments 88

  1. Online Offline
    Red Gan
    Holy shit I damn caught up with the latest chap
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    so...👉👈 if I slam my dick in the wall long enough, will it get longer? Yolks61 Yolks71
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      You try and tell us later if it works.
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        I actually did try. Got some scratches here and there but no blood loss, only time will tell if it got bigger
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          Try to slam it horizontally
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  3. Offline
    I love this novel and it's free on RoyalRoad. Just read there instead to support the author.
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      It's a site specializing in providing novels to the public. Many people would not even know about it if it wasn't placed here. It's just plain rude and ungrateful to write something like this here.
      As for if someone wants to go read it there instead of here, it's their choice. Not everyone likes Royal Road's design.
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      1. Online Offline
        Why is it okay to support this site and rude to say anything in support of author? Both have given service for free.
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          It's basically like coming to a library and shout that all the books are copied from another library and you should use that library to read instead. While that is true, it's still rude to point that out.
          What rude is to ask people to not read here and go read there instead. You're just blatantly telling people not to use this site(while being on this site).

          It's not like anyone comes to Royal Road and tells people to read here instead.
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          1. Offline
            Plat Dragon
            Except that this library has these books without the permission of the author. I personally only use this site to read CNs and KNs with paywalled content and will go to the original site if the content is free.

            It's weird how you shit on someone for encouraging people to go support the author, which is objectively a good thing.
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            1. Offline
              So? It's okay to yell in the library just because it doesn't have permission of an author?
              If someone wants to support the author, do it. Still not a reason to say shit about the library you are sitting in right now.
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                Plat Dragon
                Bro. The OP wasn't even yelling that everyone who read this novel here is dumb and demanding everyone to go to RR to support the author. You're the one who's for some reason coming off against someone just telling people to support the author and putting words in his mouth which he didn't even say.
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                1. Offline
                  Okay, he wasn't yelling, just telling to
                  Just read there instead

                  And then come you guys:
                  Why is it okay to support the site but not the author.

                  Why is it okay to defend the author but not site?
                  Weird how you shut on anyone who supports the author.

                  I didn't say a thing bad about the author or about those guys who went on Royal road to support it. I'm saying shit about hypocrites who come here to say
                  Stop reading from this stupid book stealing site. We need to boycott it because it steals books from our favourite author.

                  You use polite words but this is basically what you meant to say.
                  Again, if not for this site, I wouldn't even know about the book, so please pay some respect to at least not slander it.
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                2. Offline
                  Karl Max
                  Yall shut the hell up and read yall stupid books if yall really want to support the author's give them money, suck their d on the rating, or something idk
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      2. Offline
        It is available on scribblehub too
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        1. Offline
          True. Let's go to royal road to write in the comment section for people to go to scribble hub instead.
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          1. Offline
            I see your point but bro💀
            You cooked too much…
            The original comment did say ‘go read there instead’ but there was no bashing of this site. As far as i see.
            And This site is free as well so i do not see a problem to share the original.
            If it was a paywalled site then it would make sense to go off on people who steal $ by showing book for free.
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            1. Offline
              Nah, bro. It meant exactly what they said. The guy registered an account here just to post this exact one comment. And the comment tries to poach people to Royal road instead of reading and discussing chapters here, which may lead to an empty comment section.
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              1. Offline
                Now that I clicked on his profile...you're right.. That's the only comment he has.
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              2. Offline
                poach to royalroad? this is an aggregator site not a publisher
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    2. Offline
      If you want to support Autor - go to his patron and do that.

      Link is above. Be it here or royal road.

      Honestly here, it is much more clearer where the link is...

      And until Royal road don't update it's site design... That is somehow worse then aggregator site, I see no reason to support it?
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  4. Online Offline
    0℅ sex

    0℅ nudity

    100℅ mc breaking wall with head
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    1. Offline
      well he does get laid but he's only interested in milfs
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  5. Offline
    Damn it! This hooked me!!!

    Rank A
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  6. Offline
    the title and synopsis are completely accurate and true, its also good to read.
    check it out even if you dont like loops or medium brain individuals
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  7. Offline
    An important warning about the novel: the title of the novel basically describes it. Don't expect brains, intelligence, planning, or anything, it's basically a barbarian with the power to go back in time.

    It's quite interesting, as it deviates from the normal time loop cliché, but if you like intelligent MCs, you won't find it here. This MC would LITERALLY rather bang his head against a wall until it breaks than just go around or jump.
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    1. Online Offline
      knucklehead mc's are special
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        They are differently abled bond
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  8. Offline
    This one is pretty good def worth a read
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  9. Offline
    If a wall is in front, going around is not an option. Instead batter it with your head thousands of times till either the wall breaks or you do. And gain skill levels along the way.

    This describes the mc so well, an absolute madman with extreme willpower, though is a doofus. My issue with the novel though is the absurd power scaling but yeah I do recommend reading this novel, its really fun and entertaining to read. boast treat welldone
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    Bocchi The OrangeCat
    gem novel welldone
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