1 day ago

The Stubborn Skill-Grinder In A Time Loop by X-RHODEN-X

Orodan was an orphaned street rat who clawed his way to the county militia with hard work. However... Read more
Orodan was an orphaned street rat who clawed his way to the county militia with hard work. However calamitous events unfold and draw him into events bigger than himself and Orodan's battle-loving disposition leads to a warrior's death for him. Only for him to wake up again on the day of.

In a world of skills, titles and blessings; a smart time looper would perhaps scheme, plan, amass equipment and allies. But not Orodan. If there's one thing he's good at it's stubbornly trying the same thing over and over again via brute force till it's done.

If a wall is in front, going around is not an option. Instead batter it with your head thousands of times till either the wall breaks or you do. And gain skill levels along the way. Collapse
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Comments 88

  1. Offline
    It is a pretty good parody. I will admit that.
    With how painfully slow other time Loop books are, it is fresh.

    The fact that author understand the irony of what he is writing is good too.
    After that from my perspective, good things mostly stops.

    First thing that starts to hurt my eyes are dialogue and characters.
    They are indeed incredibly constant, and even that are carbon cut-outs many times over, they are not ones that you expect, to see.
    But the problem is that the don't speak. they "Convey intension and information"
    What is, the thing that allows to make the book, so absurdly fast passed.
    But it also make it fully emotionless too.

    World is... generic as it gets. System is just boring. Honestly that is probably the most boring system I ever saw. It make job done of course, what it seems main point here.

    Power system... well it's fine, as fine as a warrior power system can get.
    Well, can't say much more then that.

    And here we come to the problem. The main character.
    He is stupid. That's the main point I suppose, as that even written in the synopsis.
    And he is also not very determined. You may argue with me, but he is just stubbornly chase after a set goal. But he have no will other then that. He have very basic moral, that I have no idea where is from in him, but whatever. Everyone says how cool he is for dying a hundred thousand times to get resistance skills, buy really, even before that he had at least Pain resistance 20. And really, since he dies in the battle, with all the adrenalin, it is really not that bad.
    Of course the real reason I say all that because

    In the end.... It is really annoying. If you want someone endlessly struggle against the wall - go read

    "A Regressor’s Tale of Cultivation" It is so much higher quality is is funny.
    Or if you want a good parody - "I am a regressor, but I've got stories to tell" is great.

    "Perfect run" and even "Mother of Learning"
    Are all great too, especially the first one.
    Of courses if you read all of them it is fine. as there not that much good time loop novels, and you like them, go on read that one too. I am not here for you really.
    But if you had not, take care. It is just a clever parody. It is empty inside.

    Remembered a new name:

    Master of the Loop - if you just want to read a Loop novel, it is pretty good.


    And well, it cannot be, proper criticism, but the fact that skills, blessing, just go in time with him, without any effort... Is just infuriate me further. And amount of absurd rarity skills, make it even worse.
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    1. Offline
      The mc of regressors tale of cultivation is 1000 times stupider than the mc of this novel. The author tries to make emotional moment without enough character building.
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      1. Offline
        Yes. But at the same time, his actions don't feel pointless, or forced like here.
        In my opinion, if you want to make a stupid MC, regressors tale of cultivation, is much more sensible.


        How far have you reached into "regressors tale of cultivation"?
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        1. Offline
          I can ask the same thing to you, how much of the story did you actually read? And did you even read it properly, without 'skimming' through the chapters? I you did you would know that most of your criticisms are invalid.
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          1. Offline
            I skimmed the beginning, read it properly up to the academy ark, and stopped there.

            So, I would like, you to show me, where I am wrong, and not just do baseless accusations.


            I don't have many hopes on you, as you somehow missread what I said, as

            "How far have you reached into "regressors tale of cultivation"?"

            Is a completely different question, from yours.
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            1. Offline
              I won't address your opinions on the system and and the power system, because they are your opinions and you are entitled to them, I will talk about the rest.
              This story is not a parody, the only 'funny' parts about the story are the narrator and the side characters' comments on the MC's stubborness, and those are kept to a minimum. There is nothing Ironic about a man dying hundreds of thousands of times, unable to form any meaningful connection with other living beings, feeling both physical and psychological pain during and after any relativly long loop, something that you would know if you read further (Blue fire Academy arc, Novarria arc, especially the latter with chapter 44)

              First thing that starts to hurt my eyes are dialogue and characters.
              They are indeed incredibly constant, and even that are carbon cut-outs many times over, they are not ones that you expect, to see.
              I honestly don't understand what you are trying to say here, that the dialogues and characters are boring?

              But the problem is that the don't speak. they "Convey intension and information"
              What is, the thing that allows to make the book, so absurdly fast passed.
              But it also make it fully emotionless too.

              I believe that you are referring to the time skip during his stay in the Guzuhar, since that's the furthest you have read. The fact that the author glossed over the months he stayed in the other continent is beacuse there really wasn't much to tell about the characters that lived there; yes the Author could have told us more about his stay, but ultimetly the only reason he went to Guzuhar was to find a way to hide his fate, the relationship he had with the continent natives was almost entirely transactional, except the affair he had with the girl he did not build any meaningful connection to write about there, he basically only trained.

              World is... generic as it gets. Once again this is also your opinion, based on incomplete information, but you can think what you want.

              He is stupid. That's the main point I suppose, as that even written in the synopsis.
              He is extremely stubborn and not very prone to change his way of fighting, but he is not stupid.

              And he is also not very determined. You may argue with me, but he is just stubbornly chase after a set goal. But he have no will other then that. Someone with less willpower than him would have broken down entirely if forced to go through what he went through, he did not remain sane after dying an uncountable amount of times just thanks to stubborness. Also you can't say that he only has willpower when chasing he is after a certain goal and not when he isn't when there was never a time in which he was aimless, yes at times the goal was foggy and not easly determinable, but it was always there.

              He have very basic moral, that I have no idea where is from in him, but whatever.
              His moral compass is indeed not very defined int the first twenty or so chapters, but again this is a 'you' problem as his morals and ehtics are shown when he visits the dwarf kingdom, a part of the story you did not read.

              Everyone says how cool he is for dying a hundred thousand times to get resistance skills, buy really, even before that he had at least Pain resistance 20. And really, since he dies in the battle, with all the adrenalin, it is really not that bad. It has been shown in the story that his pain resistance skill means nothing if the pain exceeds the skills' limit, that will cause him to feel actual pain that he has to actively to endure with his willpower, causing the skill to level up. Why are you mentioning adrenaline in a world of Swords and Magic that clearly dosen't work on science? What is adrenaline going to do if he gets his soul damaged, or his consciousness gets attacked?

              And well, it cannot be, proper criticism, but the fact that skills, blessing, just go in time with him, without any effort... Is just infuriate me further. And amount of absurd rarity skills, make it even worse. This is why I asked you if read the story properly, beacuse if you did you would know that most, if not all of his active skills and even many of is passives are the resault of heavy training and or 'enlightenment'. The system does not give free stuff, not this one at least. As for the blessings, he can't do anything about it,


              I could not give a flying f#ck about your hopes on me, so keep them to yourself, and the questions
              how much of the story did you actually read? and "How far have you reached into "regressors tale of cultivation"?" may be worded differently but posses the same meaning, they are just referring to different novels.
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  2. Offline
    As you can probably get from the summary or from the comments, the mc gets strong really fast or his progress is fast. But does it hinder the story and bore the readers? Quite opposite in fact. The author likes to get into the details of each skill and abilities and they're all utilized and described well. The author also does a job well done on the problem of "OP MC". Usually when the mc gets overpowered or progress too fast the story gets stale, but the author does a good job of making the story more interesting instead.

    Overall it's a must read for those who want a brief peace against very smart, cool, scheming, 10000 steps ahead of you MC's.
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    1. Offline
      Exactly. The author doesn't raise the stakes willy nilly, but does so in a way that both deepens the mystery and adds to the world at the same time.
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  3. Online Offline
    First ten chapters were absolute gas and peak but it dropped off soon after only capturing the power of the first ten chapters occasionally. It just got boring and became a chore to read. does anybody feel the same or am I alone in this.
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  4. Offline
    There are over 200 chapters, but here there are only 44... Okay, who ate them? Just throw them up! finger
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    1. Offline
      But the girths on these chapters are huge... lol
      One chapter is about 20K words, litrally 10 times the chpater length of a novel like Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse.
      These are more like 400 to 500 chapters of a regular novel.
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      1. Online Offline
        Wait it's almost 10 times Infinite Mana? Holy shit
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    2. Offline
      Total written: 200+ chapters

      Don't mind this thing. It's totally random. I assume 200+ is the lowest it can show so it's basically like this. It's the same for all other novels with few chapters too
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    3. Offline
      The Author of this novel doesn't hav any patreon chapter and that is the best part... You can support him tho while donating in RR.
      And the thing is that 200+ is just misleading no. cause this is original work and Author is posting 2 chapters a week so he only knows how many chapters will be there satisfied
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  5. Offline
    My f#cking god it is unreal how good this novel is

    Author really cooked with this one
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  6. Online Offline
    Eat eating ate
    What a fresh and entertaining novel, No arrogant young masters(well a few), no chasing jade beauties(the mc is a Chad who loves milfs) and no overly psychopathic mc
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  7. Offline
    It's a fun novel. Like others have said, don't come here looking for anything deep; it's what it says on the tin: The MC is a stubborn guy who grinds his way through multiple regressions until he achieves victory, repeating the same battle 100's of times until he wins through either increasing his skills or learning patterns, often times both. Even when there are obvious options for thinking of another method, like just sneaking past or turning around, the MC continues throwing himself straight into battles. It's a weirdly charming story; it kind of feels like reading about a video game playthrough.
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  8. Online Offline
    The Author f#cking Cooked with this as the kids say.
    Anywho this is absolutely phenomenal!
    The story development is kinda weird for me because the chapters are big, but the pacing is a mix of being fast and slow. However its pretty good. 3.5/5
    The writing quality is pretty good if you don't consider the minor mistakes here and there. Afterall it has big ass chapters. There's always bound to be more mistakes. 4/5
    I can't say much about the world background as while it's great I can't really say anything about it. 3.5-4/5
    The character design is absolutely phenomenal...okay that mightve been an exaggeration but the author is surprisingly consistent with how each character says, does, or interacts with the world/mc. Sure there are some lacking characters but that's more of we haven't learnt much if anything of/from them. 4.5-5/5
    I would absolutely recommend reading this.
    4.5/5 Stars or a Solid A
    Tldr; Absolutely phenomenal. Must read. Mistakes found can be exempted. 4.5/5 stars or a solid A
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    1. Offline
      Good review, bro! welldone
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  9. Offline
    Novel finder
    A keening wail ringing in the night sky awoke me and I started this loop by reading this.
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  10. Offline
    Go and read it 6
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