2 years ago

The Sex Beast System (The World Of Systems) by Roeselawik

The excitement was running wild among everyone as it was The System Ceremony, where each individual... Read more
The excitement was running wild among everyone as it was The System Ceremony, where each individual is infused with their systems. Jacob, an ordinary guy was no different. To his joy, he got the system where points are gained by doing perverted tasks and indulging in sexual activities: The Sex Beast System. Well, that joy lasted for mere seconds before he noticed the other specifications of this system… which made him almost faint with shock.

What Jacob thought to be a broken system at first, tuned out be something entirely different from even his wildest imagination possible… and completely changed his entire life. Collapse
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Comments 93

  1. Offline
    Hum... Well, where do I start? Not a bad story at the beginning. But I had to drop it. Let me say this, there are 2 parts you will come across when you read this novel. One is obviously the sex and the other is the interaction that the MC, Has with others on a normal day.

    Well the sex part started very well until it tur into bleats mode I want to fill all your holes, then again beast mode I want to fill all your holes, and the next sex part beast mode I want to fill all your hole. If you didn’t get it yet it’s f#cking the same repetitive shit over and over again, only the girl is different. It’s like the author only knows one way to describe sex scenes. To be honest, though, I read it in bulk... maybe a chapter a day may let you feel different but it’s starting to lose my attention and my interest after I was a few chapters in.

    My other problem is that in a daily normal interaction the mc has with other girls, either from his family or girls he encountered during the story seems very retarded, maybe he can only use his lower head but he seems very slow, stupid, and childish.

    First I thought maybe the author what the MC to build a more of a romantic relationship more of a special unique position between him and his mother... yeah, adopted but still mother... but it’s so lacking in my eyes... makes me sad such a good opportunity...
    was fun in the beginning but other than the sex that later for repetitive all other areas of this novel are lacking in substance and depths.
    building the MC stupid and clueless is easy. Smart mc who use their brains not so simple that why you get more of these. Retarded MC.
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  2. Offline
    Japanese mc type,, which in monologue says no, but always goes with the flow ... no damn stance!!
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  3. Offline
    Mao Miaomiao
    For those who find this novel interesting, I suggest My Pick Up Artist System & Villain Cultivator, which btw also have sex based systems!!!
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    1. Offline
      Villain cultivation is really good, many memes
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      I'll keep that in mind wiseacre
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  4. Offline
    Mao Miaomiao
    For those of you who are reading this novel, do check the character photos while reading. Just google author's name, he has his blog where he updates his novels and you will find the pics before chapter 1. Dunno why it was not posted on ranobes.
    May you have a sensual reading!!
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      Mao Miaomiao
      Correction : It's there at the top of chapter 1(Ranobes). However some pics are only there on Author's discord, so yeah they are important as I can see that author wrote his character sketch based on the pics so that they match to the T.
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  5. Online Offline
    Such an interesting novel. Pity it was removed by webnovel because it’s too spicy thrill

    I hope author is still updating this somewhere.


    Just checked discord, the story is still alive. 155 on patreon, 144 public. The release rate is slow tho, 1-2 chapters per month.
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    1. Offline
      Ohh, thank you for sharing such great news fellow Daoist. I got interested when I saw the title xD
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    2. Offline
      Very strange because other porno novels like Dual Cultivation and My Pick Up Artist System still there.
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      1. Online Offline
        This one goes hard on incest. Webnovel removes novels that show explicit incest and get too famous. The ones that are still there are not that famous.
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        1. Offline
          i think this one (illicit relationship) is show explicit incest, & still active on webnovel.
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        2. Offline
          Are we just gonna ignore that Su Yin exists?
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              Su Yang's sister. I mean that is explicit incest in a top 5 WN.
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                Dao Brother, chant this with me:

                She does not exist in my mind therefore she does not exist in real life,
                she might be one of us, yet she is but a specter of light,
                never touched nor felt yet existing with and within us.
                She who does not exist in my mind is not one who can be denied,
                therefore you who seek to erase her must find proof of her existence first.
                Deny the truth and embrace the lie,
                to save what you thought was important to life.
                I do not acknowledge her existence thus denying you the right to erase her.
                For how can you erase something which never existed.
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                1. Offline
                  Lord of Origins《♧》
                  "They are real to me!!"
                  - Starkiller said calmly
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                2. Offline
                  Fool who has entered the crooked path, you will suffer torment more painful than losing your little brother down there, but if you persevere down this path maybe, just maybe, you may see the world that you are longing for, the place of longings and hopes, the place where suffering ends, the place of happiness, and the place of rebirth. You may find the legendary World of Novels and Mangas.
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                3. Online Offline
                  Dao Of Su Yang
                  **O Great Monarch of Light in this World of Darkness please accept me as your DISCIPLE**
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  6. Offline
    If you don't mind weird dialogue sometimes then this is a blast. (In more ways than one)
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