3 hours ago

All the Dust that Falls: A Roomba Isekai Adventure by zaifyr

Some seek power. Some seek justice. Others seek to root out the filth lurking in the darkest of... Read more
Some seek power. Some seek justice. Others seek to root out the filth lurking in the darkest of corners.

Spot was summoned from his comfortable charging pad and familiar floors to a world of magic and intrigue. After the flight of his new patrons, he is left to care for a filthy castle. During his quest to keep this new home clean, he will face demons, foreign armies, and the dreaded stairs.

All those who stand before him will be swept away. Those who follow his spotless trail will find enlightenment, purity, and a world on its knees.

Follow this wholesome vacuum on his quest to power, posting every day. Collapse
  • Views: 36 019
  • Total views: 211 826
  • Comments: 192
  • Total comments: 87


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Comments 192

  1. Offline
    + 30 -
    this isekai about a vacuum doesn't suck. binged the first 42 chapters real quick. don't forget to give the author some views on his royalroad for better rankings.

    also this story from Bee's perspective would be an incredible horror styled rpg
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  2. Offline
    + 130 -
    Quote: FarmingDislikes
    Petition for the admin to add a free for all(who have accounts obviously) chat/discussion place? It doesn’t have to be live chatting but it would be nice to have a connective place for the community.

    For someone named farming dislikes you have good ideas...
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    1. Offline
      + 20 -
      For real, maybe a discord if there isn't one already. Though im not sure if the people i regularly see on here would be discussing much. All too busy reading lol
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    2. Offline
      + 10 -
      I mean... It's not like anyone would stop us at making an unofficial discord. Right?
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      1. Offline
        Mikhail Faizal
        + 10 -
        We would have to consider if people will even join it? Unless panic tells everyone about it, who would join?
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        1. Offline
          + 10 -
          I've already emailed, inquiring their stance. I'm making it already. I was considering Dming those who show interest.
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          1. Offline
            + 110 -
            I thought about it, and it seems to me that it's better to still create a live chat with rooms than to divide the "community" into several branches.

            In any case, the most active users gather in one place, so why not collect them on the site itself, bypassing social networks like Discord, Facebook, Telegram and etc.

            We plan to develop a live chat closer to the middle/end of January 2023.
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            only we
            1. Online Offline
              + 00 -
              Looking forward to it
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            2. Online Offline
              Thirsty Reader
              + 10 -
              True, there's also the tos of these platform which will result in the community being censored, restricted, or outright deleted.
              Also panic do you have a backup publicly available?
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              1. Offline
                + 10 -
                Yes, at the moment I have already found a suitable solution. It remains to finalize and integrate the chat with ranobes.

                It will be something similar to Discord with rooms "General Chat, R-18, Paid Chapters" and etc.

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                only we
  3. Offline
    + 00 -
    Wth is this!?
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  4. Offline
    + 00 -
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  5. Online Offline
    Mountain Speed bitch
    + 280 -
    All the Dust that Falls: A Roomba Isekai Adventure

    Whats next!? Wet patches: A panties Isekai Adventure!?
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    1. Offline
      + 170 -
      I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was already a thing somewhere on the internet. Or at least in some ones journal.
      Read more
      1. Offline
        + 160 -
        There's a similar one i think.
        Just looked it up on NU.
        It's called "Panties Reincarnation. I’m a Pair of Panties, so What?" it even has a review lmao
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        1. Offline
          + 110 -
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        2. Offline
          + 220 -
          Alright, thats enough internet for today, Im gonna dig out my eyes with a spoon and wash it with bleach
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    2. Offline
      + 160 -
      Reusing my most legendary comment of all time, REINCARNATED AS A CUM SOCK?? OH BOY!!!
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  6. Offline
    + 130 -
    Some unexpected update you got there #panic#. though i don't mind, it's pretty cool update welldone
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  7. Offline
    + 641 -
    Petition for the admin to add a free for all(who have accounts obviously) chat/discussion place? It doesn’t have to be live chatting but it would be nice to have a connective place for the community.

    UP: Administration response.
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    1. Online Offline
      Thirsty Reader
      + 210 -
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      1. Offline
        + 180 -
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        1. Offline
          + 180 -
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          1. Offline
            + 170 -
            +4 #panic#
            a loyal user movement
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            1. Offline
              + 170 -
              Read more
              1. Offline
                Tyrannical song
                + 130 -
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                1. Offline
                  + 131 -
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                2. Offline
                  + 111 -
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                3. Offline
                  + 110 -
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                4. Offline
                  + 80 -
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                5. Offline
                  Black-bellied gypsy
                  + 80 -
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                6. Offline
                  + 80 -
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                7. Offline
                  Daniel Potter
                  + 80 -
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                8. Offline
                  + 80 -
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                9. Offline
                  Azriela von Ciel
                  + 70 -
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                10. Offline
                  + 50 -
                  +18 #panic#

                  Why is this still being continued?
                  Read more
                11. Offline
                  + 50 -
                  +19 #panic#

                  No clue mate
                  Read more
                12. Offline
                  Hehe I am boi
                  + 60 -
                  +20 #panic#
                  Read more
                13. Offline
                  + 40 -
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                14. Offline
                  + 40 -
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                15. Offline
                  + 40 -
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                16. Offline
                  Gweek Patato
                  + 20 -
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                17. Offline
                  + 30 -
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                18. Online Offline
                  + 20 -
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                19. Offline
                  Mikhail Faizal
                  + 20 -
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                  + 10 -
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                21. Offline
                  + 10 -
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                22. Online Offline
                  + 10 -
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                  + 10 -
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                  + 00 -
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    2. Offline
      + 140 -
      True dude
      I mean that's y everyone came to use this novel ad their gathering place lmao
      Read more
    3. Offline
      + 40 -
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    4. Offline
      Novel Addict
      + 40 -
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    5. Online Offline
      + 40 -
      No way has #panic# not seen this already
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    6. Offline
      + 40 -
      +16 #panic#

      can't help but join the non-sensical.
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    7. Offline
      + 00 -
      Is there a Ranobes discord?
      Read more
      1. Offline
        + 10 -
        I dont think so. I havent seen them plug in their discord anywhere so probably not
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        1. Offline
          + 11 -
          What if someone just makes a discord for Ranobes and posts about it around the place, even though the comments would probably be deleted for advertising or banned
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          1. Offline
            Novel Addict
            + 10 -
            Gonna do that right now
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    8. Offline
      F5 Sect Disciple
      + 22 -
      -1. You guys are seriously f#cking up our brother's dao heart with so many +1's.

      And really, the admin could just start a discord or something, or you could start a discord. Yes, the you reading this comment right now.
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    9. Offline
      + 00 -

      We have chat.
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  8. Offline
    + 190 -
    Wow! admin is decorating the site for christmas

    But that christmas tree looks a little underwhelming
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    1. Offline
      + 60 -
      I remember something similar happened the last year too...
      At the bottom of the page the " Each book is a new life filled with new adventures. " part had a Christmas background to it.🦌⛄🎄
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  9. Offline
    + 20 -
    HOHOHOHO ⛄🎄🎅
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  10. Offline
    + 140 -
    Hallelujah it's Christmas lmaooo
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    1. Online Offline
      + 30 -
      Yeahh joy
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    2. Offline
      + 70 -
      I went to the next chapter and was like..."This doesn't look right 🤔" 🤣
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      1. Offline
        + 10 -
        Lmao true
        I was reading oracle paths
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    3. Offline
      + 100 -
      Not gonna lie, wish the border around the avatar was less bright. My eyes automatically glance to the top left after every line now since its so eye catching ruining immersion a bit.

      Edit: I just found the full width button in options removing the sidebars. Problem solved.
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      1. Offline
        + 40 -
        Damn that's surely an irritating problem
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        1. Offline
          + 40 -
          Yea the rest of the theme looks great though. Only the avatar border is annoying me.

          Edit: I just found the full width button in options removing the sidebars. Problem solved.
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          1. Offline
            + 00 -
            can you explain how its done ples
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            1. Offline
              + 20 -
              Open a chapter of any novel you are reading, click the options button on the top left above the back button and a menu should show up with a bunch of options, the full width option should be on the bottom right.
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              1. Offline
                + 50 -
                Another option:

                Profile → Settings → Christmas theme → Disable → Save.
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                only we
                1. Offline
                  + 00 -
                  Is there a setting to make it permanent? Christmas everyday!!
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    4. Offline
      + 150 -
      Tf are these cum soaked next buttons
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      1. Offline
        + 20 -
        There's a sock at the bottom too😂
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        1. Offline
          + 30 -
          Having socks hanging below an incest rape novel is odd
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          1. Offline
            + 40 -
            Damn now I am curious... Which wn are you reading? swindler
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            1. Offline
              + 50 -
              Perverted daddy system :)
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      2. Offline
        + 170 -
        In each of us there is a piece of "Karmic_daoist", who else sees ⓢpⓔrm instead of snow? Give anonymous likes, perverted souls. bond
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