6 hours ago

Martial God Asura修罗武神

One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later... Read more
One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later Chu Feng, a regular outer disciple of the Azure Dragon school, awakens one of the mysterious nine lightning beasts. And discovers an egg sealed inside him.

From there we follow Chu Feng on his path of cultivation. Collapse
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Comments 103

  1. Offline
    The One Above
    Should be titled 'Martial Rap*st Asura.' It has it's reputation on novel updates for a reason. Still, I have to applaud the author is somehow making so many chapters of the same contrived plot, and an even bigger round of applause to the translators.
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    1. Offline
      Thank you, I was trying to figure out if I should read this.
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  2. Offline
    5-5-5000?!? HOLY... FCKING... SHIT... treat

    Sweet mother of God... treat

    Oh wait... I'VE READ THIS NOVEL... WTF ?!? Yea... This was also one of my first novel... Damn... It was so good back then... Like the first introduction to a stairway to heaven, I read this novel to the point I print the chapters to bring it to school so I can read it during class and my teacher would think I'm reading a research paper... AHAHA

    Super Nostalgic... But like yea... This is genuinely not bad...

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    1. Offline
      it was also my first novel
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    2. Offline
      Like meI started reading it in school. Now I am graduating from the university
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  3. Offline
    This was one of my first, I stopped around 2500 tho
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    1. Offline
      Now just put that same dedication in anything and you will succeed
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      2. Offline
        Lmao true. I started at anime a few years ago. I finished all the good ones, one piece, dbz, overlord, etc then I went to mangas and read all the good ones too and I still read the ongoing ones. Now I have read all the most of the top novels on ranobes and webnovel. I have also read most of the hidden gems like reverend insanity. If I spent those days and days of anime, manga, and novels on something else, maybe art I could prolly make some below average tier manga by now myself. Like f#ck I can’t even brag about this shit, but it all still seems worth it because these story’s are very fun to read. I’m not someone without a life and acts like a shut in (I got friends and good grades) but all that time could have been used better by me
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        1. Offline
          I feel like, as long as I'm happy being lazy then that's okay. I would be less happy if worked too hard and hurt myself or something. Just reading novels all day and working enough to live and save a bit is enough for me
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        2. Offline
          It's seems it the same path for a lot of us....
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          1. Offline
            Mister potato g123
            We can live just one time no unlimited life, no reincarnation, no cultivation so... F#CK !! I WILL LIVE AS I WANT ... FUCKIN HAPPY !!!!!
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  4. Offline
    Good story plot since the beginning but now the number of MC's near death situations is likely more than the chapters. It's so frustrating watching him being reckless every-time that it's no more interesting to read those part anymore so I just skip them. All in all, the pros are enough of me to continue reading so i strongly recommend this novel.
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  5. Offline
    +4700 chapters and I still don't like that the author develops the girls so much only for the mc to ignore their feelings and leave them aside
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  6. Offline
    I’m literally about to reread this just to kill my boredom, all the novels I like and am currently reading have been caught up to and I can’t find any other good novels....
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    1. Offline
      Não sei se você já leu, mas te recomendo Eu Cultivo Passivamente, é muito interessante
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      1. Offline
        Yes I’ve read it but paused and haven’t gotten back into it.
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        1. Offline
          Deveria voltar a ler, embora o começo seja meio chato, a história é muito boa e não tem tantos clichês, e os que tem, contêm explicações do por que de ter
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          1. Offline
            I used google translation and this came out:
            I should read it again, although the beginning is kind of boring, the story is very good and doesn't have so many clichés, and the ones you have, contain explanations of why you should have

            Not sure what you meant by the last part but I’ve read up to chapter 215 and just got bored with it.
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    2. Online Offline
      Worse novels are better than this.
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  7. Offline
    Huh, this was one of first novels and I remember reading up to 4200+ chapters or something back on wuxiaworld when it was still a free and good website, I’m surprised this still hasn’t hit 5000 chapters yet.
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    1. Offline
      so the website was only good when it was free? As if the translators don't need to get paid.
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      1. Offline
        Then do you enjoy reading on wuxiaworld? I guess not since you’re on this website, and also it’s my personal opinion. This website offers free novels which I like so naturally it’s good in my opinion, where I need to spend money to read a chapter on wuxiaworld which I’m not willing to do. I never said it was a bad website, I simply said back when it was good, where if you read what I just said, a good website in MY opinion is one that offers free books. Which clearly wuxiaworld doesn’t so it’s naturally not as good as back then when it was free in MY opinion.
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        1. Offline
          Then do you enjoy reading on wuxiaworld? I guess not since you’re on this website

          Are you okay? You do realize that this website has way more books than wuxiaworld? rigt? what kind of stupid point is this?
          I simply said back when it was good, where if you read what I just said, a good website in MY opinion is one that offers free books.

          So you say the second part after I called you out for it?
          You do know that once you wrote once it was good you implied that it was bad, hence why i called you out for it since the website is not bad at all and is just putting on a paywall since authors and transaltors don't work for free and are not slaves.
          good website in MY opinion is one that offers free books

          Sure, and any burger chain that gives me free food is a good burger chain. Or any clothes shop that gives me free clothes is a good clothes shop. You starting to understand how ridiculous you are sounding?
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          1. Offline
            Food and clothing are essential in our daily lives, yet online novels aren’t, your point?
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            1. Offline
              Also what do you mean I only said the second part when you called me out for it? In my first random comment am I meant to cover everything I think and make a ten page essay so everyone understands what I’m trying to say?
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              1. Offline
                Your first point: if you are so noble and care that these translators need money to eat, why don’t you go read on webnovel, they pretty much have most the books on here and you can also pay to unlock chapters to support them.
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                1. Offline
                  I do though, I have both VIP for Wuxiaworld and priv for WN.
                  It's just that those sites don't have all the books like here. Stupid argument.
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                2. Offline
                  You could say anything but there’s no evidence to back it up, but if what you said is true then good for you and I respect you for that. However that doesn’t mean I’ll have the same opinion as you and do the same.
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                3. Offline
                  No evidence?
                  This is me, u can see the badge and the coin one there? that's proof im a paid reader.
                  Also, its fine to have an opinion, but there's a difference between having an opinion and being totally shameless saying that website can only be good when they are free.
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                4. Offline
                  Congratulations, now read the part on my previous comment after the word ‘but’.
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            2. Offline
              What about movies? Are they only good when they are free? Sports cars? Only good when they are free? Games? Only good when free?
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              1. Offline
                Ok but that’s totally different, I’m not talking about a specific novel like how you are talking about a singular movie, game or sports car. I’m talking about the website. Also how are you comparing a sports car to a novel lol.
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                1. Offline
                  Games? Movies?
                  Good way to skip the other two examples and just going to the car one. Nice...
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                2. Offline
                  Well I clearly said it’s not the same since I’m talking about the website, but it’s fine you can just totally ignore that part....
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                3. Offline
                  ok, keep trying to find loopholes. Do your thing.
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                4. Offline
                  I simply can’t be bothered to continue to argue anymore against you in this meaningless argument due to a difference of opinions, I hope you have a good day.
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  8. Offline
    Too long, I got bored from it. Writer keep extending it. More powerful people keep appearing no matter how powerful he becomes. After 2000 chapters, you will start feeling bored. It keep repeating same cycle, someone powerful appears-> he become powerful-> someone more powerful appears-> he become powerful-> again more powerful pearson appears, this cycle keep going on. After reading 3500+ chapters I am done with it.
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  9. Offline
    Meh more like war sovereign soaring the heavens , good at the first 700 chapters then repeated plots
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  10. Offline
    This one is great at the beginning where you can feel bloodboiling excitement, hype and anticipate more chapter because how world building is done and many mysteries sorrounding the mc background that you want to explore but that feeling will slowly fade away and turn it to anger, hate that you want to burn the author alive, throw a granade to his face, nuke his house lshock . As for harem he messed it up because he create a poll if he should add more harem or not and the no side win. the problem with this is because he keep introducing too many woman and develop them which in turn, Over shadow the current harem member that disappear(that many reader speculate that he got cuckuld by his father who take his third fiancee while the two girls got possesed by a woman whos searching for his lover/husband treat Pretty sure it's not gonna happen! ). Anyway if you like mc that like an asura who will not spare an enemy turning buddha/saint that will forgive enemy so that they can back stab him when they got a chance as a character development according to the author(to me this is character regression) this is for you.
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