2 hours ago

Epic of Caterpillar by PancakesWitch

A young adult man dies from a fever and is reincarnated in a world of swords and magic dominated by... Read more
A young adult man dies from a fever and is reincarnated in a world of swords and magic dominated by a strange and mysterious Game-like System as the weakest being, a Caterpillar!

Gaining abilities from the monsters that it eats, Kireina uses her sharp adaptability and wits to overcome the odds against her in a world where everyone wants to eat her alive!

As Kireina evolves and gathers a group of followers and subordinates, discover how our protagonist builds a monster Kingdom from zero, in a world dominated by Humans, terrifying Monsters, and arrogant Gods who only wish her death!

In front of her enemies, there will be only two options! Will you obey me or will you be eaten? Collapse
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Comments 91

  1. Offline
    To! Many! Exclamation! Points!
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    Good idea. Sadly MC is about as Inteligent as an actual catapillar. He makes wrong and stupid decisions constantly and then gives resons for them wich are worse than if he would just straight up say "this whoud make me to strong and the combat to boring".
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    1. Online Offline
      MC herself thinks she’s stupid, so I have no idea what you complaining about(even more if you’ve read when she’s only a caterpillar)
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  3. Offline
    I have a feeling that this system master has a weird male-female fetish, thats why Kireina has a female body
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  4. Offline
    Dunno. Dont like gender-bender genre.
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      She is a lesbian, and gets a skill that can make her a male for a limited amount of time. How do you think she got children?
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  5. Offline
    what is the point of this whole f#cking family of kireins if I do something that hysteria and steal resources of the kireins that they bls give the kireins in return power what kind of power they are f#cking stealing resources and they are all useless rubbish. you respect for his steel character became a doormat on which I will wipe his whole family's feet
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  6. Offline
    Warning major spoilers in 813 or 814 chapter you read at your own risk

    mc is really child of the chaos and memories about a previous life is not his/her
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  7. Online Offline
    This is some next level Japan reincarnated mc with system type novel , with her/his ability to devour basically anything and get their powers , i got hooked pretty fast , nice pacing , some character development , but mostly for everybody around him , as he basically adapts instantly to this new world.

    I give it a solid 4/5 until about ch 150~
    As mc has his harem we get a lot of info about them and what they do (f#ckton of sex, mostly lesbian) , not so much about mc and his kingdom (maybe later it changes i stopped at 205) , and the reason I stopped it's not because the quality dropped or something like that , but because it started to feel like I'm reading a script for the said novel... i really don't need to know so much about everybody man.. the different NPC pov are a nice touch .

    So much happens in just 200 ch , and yet it's f#cking ruined by the absolute monotone style of writing , i did not fell my adrenaline pumping besides the Fish Emperor fight..
    An amazing fight happens next to mc with explosions and everything in between! And then the fight ends and straight to sex and some dog shit interactions with his/her harem , why dog shit? It's because they don't love him/her , it's not natural , they are "charmed" by her skills so i really don't feel anything for them.

    Anyway it started to fell like I'm reading unedited script with too much filler , i don't get riled up for anything , i think author started the whole harem thing with all those women and having so many kids to keep track of , basically becoming a chore to read , wayyy too soon.
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  8. Offline
    Enjoyed it until the MC started nonchalantly slaughtering/eating people (children included) en masse without regard for their level of innocence and without even once reflecting on it. I just find it impossible to enjoy reading this type of novel when the MC isn't someone I want to see succeed at all.
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    1. Offline
      Hmm I don't mind it at all. I'm usually annoyed by opposite when MC is a savior. It's way more prevalent. As for slaughtering innocents it really depends. Was it for material gain? Or just random killing for pleasure? If it was to gain something then it's okay. Mc is not a human after all so there is no need to hold back against xenos.
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        Normally I agree evil mcs are my fave..but not this one I had to drop this the moment she started to mindless slaughter children litterally no justifiable reason...thats not evil thats just the author being a pervert and living out fantasy
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  9. Offline
    boast boast kef cat TOP
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      Shreyy senpai
      Is the novel worth reading??
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        yes its worth it if you can deal with feeling ahhhhghghgh this idiot every once in awhile otherwise yeah its fun and unique read
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  10. Offline
    MC was a man at first then died and reincarnate as a genderless caterpillar, and finally evolve as a female butterfly.
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