1 day ago

Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System by PancakesWitch

A young man that was always cautious with his life ended up dying in the most random way possible,... Read more
A young man that was always cautious with his life ended up dying in the most random way possible, buried by an avalanche.

As he died, within his last moments, he heard several mechanical voices resonating inside of his head, and he was granted many wishes in the form of Skills, Fortunes, and a new Body.

Now, reborn as an Ice Dragon, he is thrown into a world of fantasy that seems way too much like Norse Mythology named Yggdrasil, which is also, somehow, a Cultivation World?

What a weird mashup of concepts!

Accompany him as he explores this world, survives against the deadly monsters that roam this world, and fights to find a place to belong to, and a purpose to this new life.

However, he is not the only Reincarnated who was given wishes, and soon enough, the world he was thrown into will be engulfed in complete chaos. Collapse
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Comments 73

  1. Offline
    abishek narayanan
    Ugh. I kinda like the popcorn feel i get from the novel, but the mc is too much like one of those people in the cringe channels in instagram. He randomly gets angry and shows off his strength. And the love scene.. ugh. So f#cking tough to read them. I just read it for the powerups
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  2. Offline
    This author certainly found her niche, making bad novels for probably a specific set of readers.

    The world is bad, it's just a version of Norse myth at chapter 62.

    The characters are bad, they don't really have anything that makes them entertaining or sympathetic.

    The world building/immersion is bad, there's no logic to it at all, not even a little bit. For example the ice dragon makes "never-melt-ice" which kinda makes sense, but uses it to boil water. Okay, if it's ice, then it would either melt because of the direct application of fire or it will freeze the water inside while insulating it from the flames. . . but no, it boils water. So basically it's no longer ice, but it's called never-melt-ice, but it's not cold since it can boil water.
    These and among other things shows you just how little care the author gave to create this novel.

    The perspective is bad. It's 1st person which isn't bad for me (but others do find this abhorrent so now you know) but the problem is that the "narration" of the character is just so egregious! The mc will say things like "this isn't a story" but keep saying things like "I'm so cliche!" It's just such a horrible reading experience!

    The dialogue is so elementary and stilted, I've read machine-translated-human-edited translations better than this.

    The character development is as bland as the characters.

    It's just a bad novel overall and I've read some stinkers!

    This is BEYOND mindless, I enjoy mindless entertainment from time to time. Something like that cn wn where the mc can't die, that was done good. Or Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse tend to be mindless entertainment as well but that's pretty decent.

    This is just so bad, it's inconsistent with the tone and the way it is written blatantly reminds you that this is a fiction from someone's imagination put to paper and absolutely nothing else.
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  3. Offline
    No seggs? constraint
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  4. Offline
    It was relatively good until chapter 300 or so where about 80-90% of the chapters up to 400 are just filler chapters about other people, ice cream (not kidding it goes on for like 7 chapters), and other random junk. Author also spent 17 chapters on stuff Alma did when it could've probably used only 3 or 4--stuff just drags on and on. At this point I skip whole chapters because they're just totally unnecessary to the story.
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  5. Offline
    is this in the same universe as epic of vampire dragon, and if it is will the two protagonists meat up later?
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  6. Offline
    Is there Romance?
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    1. Offline
      I have a question a long time ago I read this book but once I found out that the dragon main character died and reincarnated into a little girl I stopped reading it so my question is did he really get reincarnated as a little girl or does he stay as a dragon and I just miss something cuz I like the story I just did not like how he became a little girl I hope you answer
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      1. Offline
        I think you confused this story with another novel, the mc never becomes a little girl
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        1. Offline
          So he stays a dragon? I thought he died again and I reconnected in as a giant little girl that had some weird ability was I wrong? And if I am does he stay as a dragon?
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          1. Offline
            You're wrong and confused the entire story, idk if you know how to read, that other girl you're refering to is a different character...
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            1. Offline
              Well even if I'm five and a half I think I read pretty well I do use the microphone button to type though and yes my parents don't know I'm on this website or that I am on other website they still think I am a innocent little kid but now I'm a grown up since I know about grown up stuff especially the anime side
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              1. Offline
                keep going
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              2. Offline
                I shall give you a good recommendation then kid. Go search "Boku No Pico"
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                1. Offline
                  Well, I see someone buying a piece of land on hell....
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                2. Offline
                  3 This is just...
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                Ludicrous Lich
                lol I’m fifteen my mom knows that I read online novels and doesn’t care but because I like anime she’ll give me weird looks and make bad assumptions about what I’m reading
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                1. Offline
                  Coiling dragon, a novel so good that half of Chinese novels and even manhua are now based on it.
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  8. Offline
    Side characters are just shells of personality tropes, and for all the awareness the MC claims to have of tropes, this entire novel is in fact cliché as hell when viewed from a wide lens
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  9. Offline
    It's an absolute Frankenstein of a novel, with pieces including but not limited to:Resident Evil, That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, So I'm A Spider, So What, and My Vampire System. It feels like it could be better if it was unique, or a bit more clever
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    1. Offline
      With this author nothing in unique the author themselves has basically said that they copy all their ideas from others
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        Ludicrous Lich
        Sort of with the annoying skills list and long ass cringe names but each story is there own unique thing that is worth it if your patience but the general writing style is basically the same I agree
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    2. Offline
      The fact that the concepts of other formes of media are Frankensteined into this novel isn't a bad thing. Taking inspiration from other works isn't bad.
      Resident Evil:
      Very early on the direct copy of Resident Evil stops and the author starts adding his own things
      That time I got reincarnated as a slime:
      The concept of people of crossing over and getting power is absolutely underused in tensura slime. And the Ability steal thing isn't unique to tensura slime.
      So I'm a spider, so what:
      The only connection it has is that the MC is reincarnated as a monster and in a dangerous zone (which should be expected of a baby monster). SPOILER ALARM: So I'm a spider, so what? wasn't the first and it certainly won't be the last. I mean you can literally for literally this exact thing.
      My Vampire System:
      Literally nothing is the same, only the fact that there are vampires, which another SPOILER ALARM: doesn't come from My Vampire System. I cannot think of anything that makes you think this is inspired by it.

      Answer to the spoiler

      I'm not saying this novel is perfect, I skipped lots of chapters because the fights are too loong, it just pisses me of seeing people who haven't read the novel complain about it.
      So all in all, please read the f#cking story and then make a review.
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      1. Offline
        that's what a comment ought to be, you just analyzed the novel and explained why it was just inspired from said works and didn't copy them, without revealing to much stuff from the novel. Good job man
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          1. Offline
            when u travel trought thousands of pages u may find 1/2 such casses
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            1. Offline
              OMG!!! ONLY 0.0000001% CHANCE, VERY RARE (GONE SEXUAL)
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              1. Offline
                (police called)(almost died)(saw bigfoot)
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  10. Offline
    The novel is good in my opnion, but I feel like, in sometime this turned into a shounen, too much "!" and unecessary dialogues during the fights, was better when it was the Mc fighting seriously against him enemies.
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