1 year ago

Fourth Prince's Debauchery by Aidka

As a wandering soul trapped in endless cycles of reincarnations, Claus must decide what to do in... Read more
As a wandering soul trapped in endless cycles of reincarnations, Claus must decide what to do in his current life. Tired of being a hero, demon king, savior, or emperor, he decides this time to live a life of debauchery.

This is an R-18 novel, and will contain every kind of fantasy (But not netorare, maybe netori)… You have been warned. Collapse
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Comments 123

  1. Offline
    ukukukuku esperando que caiga mia
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    Can someone please recommend more novels like this ( basically novels packed with r18 chapters and maybe some incest too oru2x )
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      Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex
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      Stealing Spree
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  3. Offline
    why so many people are afraid of netorare. is this the effect of a patriarchal culture that lasted for 7000 years? Men can be involved with many women, but women can't have many men? what kind of conservative society is this?

    Oh okay. maybe it's a matter of market taste?

    I just want to say that I'm not afraid of NTR or anything. and if any writer dares to write a massive NTR novel, I will fully support it!
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    1. Offline
      U don't get it.
      It's not about women having many men.
      Imagine loving a girl but then she suddenly doesn't love you and loves another guy ( the guy basically ntr's you.)
      Understand what I meant ? It's frustrating, but really, there are many novels who have female lead with harem ( tho idk if they have male harem but many have female harem , there's even one that uh , has a system and made her own d$ck to impregnate her and her women, and got many men, just to make more children lol.)
      So u understand what netorate that everyone fears? Women having different men is fine , but netorate is u having a gf , but then her being stolen from you by another guy.
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        You do not understand.
        It's just a point of view. If you look at the situation from a man's point of view, there's a good chance you might feel hurt.

        But have you ever thought from a woman's point of view. Or maybe a neutral point of view regardless of gender?

        I mean, try not to view women as trophies won. Some stories are shallow enough to explain why women leave their partners. I would like to recommend you to read Paragon of Sin. If you've read it, you might be able to understand what I mean.

        **Although my previous comment may be a bit wrong (English is not my native language), but my reference is not about 'Reverse Harem'.
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        1. Offline
          I get what you mean , and English isn't my native language either .

          But what the netorate is about , really , the male's partner mostly being forced to leave him , like hypnotized.

          But if the girl willingly left for another guy , then it's fine.
          But if the guy is an enemy who seduced her and got her to his side , then that ain't fine man. That's like using her as a tool as you've said .

          And no I tried reading paragon of sin but it was exactly like cultivation novels so I stopped at the beginning ( though kinda different , that it shows cruelty , but the cruelty is nothing compared to RE. )
          As for women having multiple male partners as you've said , and the males being fine with it too , you can check out world of perverts , it's exactly that.
          Well , it's not litterally like that tho

          But if you still didn't mean any of what I said , then can you say what you mean really from netorate? 'cause you might have misunderstood the meaning of netorate ( idk if it's netorate or netorate , but it's the same meaning )
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        2. Offline
          I will tell you why one man with many women is allowed and 1 girl with many man is not.

          BIOLOGY! 1 Man many girls = all kids from pregrancies belong to the man (he procreates) and the girls do too (no a slimmer of doubt as to whos the kids are)

          1 girl many men = you don't know if the kid is yours (unless you are different race than the other man) and regardless your girl swells up like a baloon for 9 months at a time just to produce someone elses offspring (probably repeatedly as their sperm could be more virile or something) and you end up with no kids.

          Males in nature are programmed to defend their females for other males. It's f#cking basic instincts and for all the woke shit and gender crap going on recently it won't erase this basic instinct in a man who has any taurine in his body.
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          1. Offline
            or as the old saying goes ''A key that opens many locks is a good key, a lock that opens for any key is a shitty lock"
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        3. Offline
          Neutral point of view does not exist in a lovey-dovey relationship. One is either dominant or dominated. If both sides act like equals then it's a trade and the emotional attachment will be very shallow.
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      2. Offline
        Haha , woman making dick using system..... huh? the humans nowadays lshock
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        1. Offline
          Lol go read some novel that's *cough* *cough* named the epic of *cough* *cough Something, it's weird ngl
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          1. Offline
            blushed ahaa lol
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          2. Offline
            What is the name of that novel again?
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            1. Offline
              The epic of caterpillar I think , check the comments there just to make sure
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    2. Offline
      Can I have my opinion? Well, not that she hates ntr, because some are even good for partners like those where their husband is rubbish... Or if she has a harem and etc... this is normal because there are women with high libidos and etc... Just as men have a harem, they can also have a harem or vice versa...
      The problem is when a protagonist loves mine and she cheats on him like, like their relationship is nothing but a line that has always been close to breaking.
      Or in the case of mc cheating on his wives then it's msm shit if he doesn't love her because he's making fun of her... he's an asshole...
      In the case of some majorities where they blackmail or force it, it's very annoying and irritating... like mine it seems like she's lost all her neurons and has no sense of identity because she just accepts. I used Google translator as I am still holding English.
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        Idk but even if the author is bottom-line trash he sure wouldn't make it so he cheats on his partner without telling her right..?
        I'm not talking about romance novels though.. That's a pretty cliche troupe for a starting female mc story.
        I mean fantasy novels or eastern fantasy where he has harem but still cheats on them,
        then I mean is the author an idiot..? He has women where he can vent his lust on , which even if he uses them as tools, he shouldn't just go cheat with some woman but not add her to his harem right..? ( One night stands aside)
        Well not that I care , they're all novels but some of us readers really do get emotionally attached to novels .

        I mean I personally do hate netorare / netorate.

        Your discussion aside , as I explained netorate/netorare is the partner cheating on the mc as the enemy of mc courting her or using a way to get her to him .. Or some other methods at which she doesn't leave the mc or cheat on him on her own will.

        Women have rights , that's true but medieval society wouldn't allow a woman to have many men as partners( = her own harem ) ,
        I mean they'll first say that when she gets pregnant how will she know the father..? ( I'm saying they don't have modern stuff to check the baby's DNA and stuff , like if it's a world that doesn't have magic or cultivation stuff that's for specific for checking that..)

        I talked a lot about this subject , if you just don't agree what I'm talking about , then ignore me. This is just an opinion of mine .
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        1. Offline
          Gostei da sua opinião e concordo ..
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    3. Offline
      It does not matter if it is the point of view of a man or a woman, if you do not love your partner and want to be in a relationship with another you must first leave your current partner.
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    4. Offline
      I'll speak in my case, I hate Netorare, but I don't hate Netori, do you know the difference? At Netorare we follow the MC's perspective, so when he is betrayed, we feel repulsed, regardless of whether the MC is male or female. And worse than betrayal, Netorare occurs when the MC is pathetic enough to be passive or even support this act.
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  4. Offline
    As the saying goes, incest is a family affair.

    There should have been at least 1 such comment here.

    Google Translate was used for comment
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  5. Offline
    Mariano Gómez
    more than a month without chapters cry6 crybaby shocked3
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  6. Offline
    los mejores momentos con la Emperatriz kukuku
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  7. Offline
    Solomon - El Salmon
    Si solo vienes por las escenas de sexo y un toque de NTR y mucho netori está novela es para ti, pero si vienes por sexo y trama ve llendo a otra parte :)
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      Al MC le hacen NTR?
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  8. Offline
    Is This A Good Read.? How Big Is His Harem.? And Good Or Bad Why Tf Is The Empress Not In It.?
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      the author have stupid logic that some of his harem hate the empress so he cant accept her

      by his logic Ysnay and emilia hate each other so he can accept only one in his harem
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        Ahh Such A Waste 🤦‍♂️
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  9. Offline
    Quote: Nargeon
    woah man i think you need to reevaluate your morals, you've been brainwashed by chinese novels

    well that what i like about chinase novels they dont have NTR and all women who have relation with MC join his harem and best of it enemies become lovers tag there
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  10. Offline
    Quote: Nargeon
    what does the fact that he slept with her have anything to do with anything, he slept with someone else too but she didn't go into the harem

    did the novel end we dont know who well join by the end but concept that MC sleep every where and sex freinds is worse concept some western authors have
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    1. Offline
      woah man i think you need to reevaluate your morals, you've been brainwashed by chinese novels
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