2 years ago

Martial Arts System by Alekzi

Kurogami Ichiro was desperate because he couldn’t achieve what he wanted when he once started his... Read more
Kurogami Ichiro was desperate because he couldn’t achieve what he wanted when he once started his martial arts path at age of 8!

35 Years he spent training and honing his martial arts, but he always felt like he was born in the wrong era…

And fate played its tricks and Ichiro lost his life while saving a young girl’s life and no matter how much he trained his martial arts.

He couldn’t escape from death.

But… his story didn’t end there…

He reincarnated to a different world where martial arts and people with strength are targets of admiration…

Can Ichiro finally reach his dream while having the assistance of the Martial Arts System?

Martial Arts System seemed simple at first… But Ichiro will slowly find out…

That the Martial Arts System is far from simple. Collapse
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Comments 183

  1. Offline
    Death panda
    Death panda
    #panic# Can you teach me how to make a spoiler tag? Cause I want to spoil but doing it right
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        Death panda
        Death panda
        like this
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          Death panda
          Death panda
          or this one
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            Death panda
            Death panda
            Or this one?
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              Death panda
              Death panda
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                Death panda
                Death panda
                Thanks man
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                  No problem.
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                  The Lonely Spartan
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                  The Lonely Spartan
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                  The Lonely Spartan
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                  The Lonely Spartan
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                6. Offline
                  Uh ok, good luck on your quest I guess?
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      only we
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        Death panda
        Death panda
        Saw it too late but thanks man appreciate it
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  2. Offline
    I honestly wonder what happened the narrative was nice up until the tournament arc where it felt like a bunch of filler out of nowhere and now it's like the novel transformed into something different entirely? I don't get it.
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  3. Offline
    Dark Forbidden Lord
    At this point the novel feel jumbled up for me. Video games in a martial artist novel, side characters romance (tf cares), future visions out of nowhere, TOURNAMENTS, forced missions by the system, inconsistent personality of the MC.
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  4. Offline
    Dropped at 161.
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    1. Offline
      80% of your review is spoiler
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      Author can't decide what he wants to focus on and we get utter absurdity
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  5. Offline
    But… his story didn’t end there…

    It would've been better if it ended there. mimo
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  6. Offline
    Master martial artist who created a revolutionary art in his previous life but became disillusioned by the modern era travels to a world where martial arts are supreme. Instead of watching him rise with his knowledge we get to see him follow the standard system story archetype.

    I thought that this story could be interesting in terms of progression, a skilled protagonist using his self created style to slowly become a powerhouse. I thought maybe the system would be something small like a dnd-esque defeat opponent gain exp, upon level up physique potential could go up or by completing legendary feats you can gain titles which allow for a damage boost while facing similar enemies. i.e. defeat a 100 wolves get [wolf killer 1] and deal additional damage to wolf enemies.

    But it is unfortunately a complete bullshit system with:
    A shop
    A f#cking lottery
    Arbitrary quantification of MC physical stats
    and levels.

    Where is the suspence going to be going forwards, I can see him going through the generic OP growth arc at the beginning where every character ooh's and aah's at his growth rate. Wow he is so epic every single faction would be lucky to have him, but oooo he is too coo-, I mean too in love with his freedom to join them. Or it will be martial arts high school, where everyone has equal growth rate to the MC but with a stupid arguement behind it like, "they grew up eating the flesh of superior beasts."

    I hope I am wrong but with each chapter I read I feel like the protagonist is nerfed or buffed to fit into an easily written archetype and I cant read any further in. Those who stay good luck.
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  7. Offline
    Smiley Crow
    I hate dumbasses who lose their lives' saving people so I'm not even gonna bother with this one cause I know if it was realistic, he wouldn't go far
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    1. Offline
      Sorry if you don't have that someone in your life. It's okay. You're strong on your own. nose
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        Smiley Crow
        It says it was a young girl above, so I'm assuming it's a random person, and I think it's extremely stupid to end your life as a sacrifice for another as you won't be reincarnated nowhere. You'll simply stop existing and for that reason, I'm out
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          It's okay... we understand... life can be unfair sometimes... be strong brother. nose
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    2. Offline
      What a strange world we live in, where heroes are called dumbasses. And they exist in reality too so not sure what's unrealistic about the situation. I haven't read this novel so can't comment on its quality, but I sure do hope you recover from your teenage "I hate the world" mentality.
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        Smiley Crow
        I love my life and I love everybody who's willing to love me, I don't think it's wrong to prioritize my life over anyone else's. Because in my perspective my life is the base where the world is built, and if I die, everybody else is dead in my mind. And besides expecting someone to sacrifice their life in exchange for a random person is like expecting a rich person to sacrifice all of their wealth for your happiness.
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          That's fair, but I believe it's important to mention not everyone shares that worldview. I'm not saying it's wrong to care for yourself first and foremost. However, everyone is different on how much they value certain things and for some, the value of others may be more than the value of themselves. And that could be for various different reasons, but it does happen.
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            Smiley Crow
            Haha one of you really made so many different fake accounts to prove a point. It's whatever, I get what you mean though. But I think those people you're talking about are just as selfish as anyone, they value other people's lives more than their own because it makes them feel good, they do it for themselves and their own interests at the end of the day. I think those kinds of extremists are just as weird as truly evil people
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              Seems to be the case. Haha well of course, going by that standard, nobody ever does anything without it benefitting them. Yes, in that case, every single instance of a person helping another is for themselves (whether it is to feel good or otherwise). That kind of selfishness is just human nature. Can't really deny that. My point was just that there are people who would do that. For selfish reasons perhaps, but they exist. Personally, if someone saved me for their selfish desire to feel good, I would still be grateful and happy because at the end of the day, I'm selfish too hahaha.
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                Smiley Crow
                Right, I also agree with you however all I was saying was that even though I would be grateful that someone would help me or save one of my family members for example. I still think it's stupid to risk yourself for others from their own point of view. If I was them (person taking risk) I would never do that for anyone else other than myself no matter the recognition you get or how great that would feel to a person. So, to sum it up there's a difference between being kind and being stupid and to go back to my original comment I was saying the mc was stupid and extremely idiotic for killing himself for no reason. I don't differentiate between sympathy on a child and a regular person so I don't know if that might be a factor in this example of the novel
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                  Yep, and that's understandable. I'm of the mind though that it's not necessarily stupid. We're all going to die eventually anyway, so some might prefer to do so while feeling good even if it is earlier than if they didn't save the person. It's not about the child either (at least for me), can be any decent person. I'm not saying I'm that kind of person either, but I can understand that mentality. That's why I disagree with calling such people stupid, even if it may seem that way to those of us who would prefer to live out our own lives prioritizing ourselves (nothing wrong with that either).
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  8. Offline
    Just a heads up , in the very first chapters we are told of the strongest man in the world , beyond a Martial God , buuut guess what , he is only 45 and he is starting to get weaker , brah..
    At that rate hell die in another 40 years by q random heart attack . It makes the whole power system seem worthless , and for that I'm out not even 7 ch. in.

    And although chinese novels about martial arts aren't perfect , at least they don't give someone a nickname of Martial God when they can't even live to more than 100 and still be at their peak.
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    1. Offline
      Those titles/realms are a scam, they are just sounds cool wish
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    2. Offline
      But this make much more sense, high performance athletes usually have a pretty low time of peak performace '-' you are bring another novels concept to this one.
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  9. Offline
    This is a bit different then most Novels as it’s Literally a Martial Arts Novel.The MCs System is not too OP but the reason why the MC is strong is because of his last life.The novel is pretty funny but there are some moments where it gets kinda tacky
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  10. Offline
    ahh shi- here we go again
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