
Chapter 630: Lightning Whip! [Character Arts At Ch. End]

As soon as the lightning spread through the hall, the beast stumbled, confused about the situation.

Till now, it was playing with its enemy and was having fun. After that spear attack, the beast got annoyed and decide to end this little game of cat and mouse.

But just when it was about to tear apart its prey, the whole hall suddenly flashed black, and suddenly, lightning spread throughout the hall and hid the ceiling.


Someone landed in front of it, but before it had the chance to understand anything going on, the enemy moved.


A sharp sword cut sound echoed, even dimming the crackling of lightning.




The beast was stuck with lighting, and a long deep cut appeared from its chin to lower chest!


The beast whimpered in pain and jumped aside.


The hall suddenly trembled, making all three of them lose balance.

Ye Tian Yun stumbled a step and regained his balance.

His whole body was covered in black-yellow lightning, and his eyes were pure yellow!



Ye Tian Yun didn't hesitate and attacked the beast once again.

This time, he saw its appearance clearly for the first time.

The beast seemed like a mix of a unicorn, a tiger and a wolf!

The most noticeable thing about the beast, Fenrir, was a huge pointy horn at the top of its nose.

The horn was glistening yellow as if made up of lava.

Its teeth were as long as a normal human being, but the ears were much longer and pointy.

On its back was burning fur, thus giving away its name - the Burning Wolf.

Ye Tian Yun, however, was unphased by the menacing looks of the wolf and went for another attack.

His first attack was just a test to show how hard the wolf's skin was. And the next one was going to be the main course.

The attack had formed a deep cut, erasing Ye Tian Yun's worries.

'This wolf is not as tough as it looks.'

Ye Tian Yun smiled, and in the next instant, the lightning suddenly concentrated on his dual swords.


Ye Tian Yun waved his hands and the swords, which were now covered in lightning, began to seemingly grow in size.


The sword grew so much that it became a whip! 

To be more specific, the swords were still of the same size, but because of the lightning covering them and elongating the length, the sword turned into a lightning whip!



Ye Tian Yun slapped the two 'whips' in his hand on the ground, destroying the floor as soon as it touched.

'This is pretty nice….'

Ye Tian Yun stared at the wolf, who was still in shock. Without wasting any more time, he moved and hit the whip right on the wolf!



As soon as the whips touched the wolf, it whimpered, and the whip slowly went deep into its skin!




Ye Tian Yun landed beside the wolf's body which lay on the ground, unmoving and sliced into two.

[Hunter Ye Tian Yun, you have killed the King of Burning Wolf, Fenrir]

[Hunter is unevaluated. No exp granted.]

[Hunter Ye Tian Yun, you cannot use this exp, would you like to give this to your party member(s)?]

[Yes - No]

Ye Tian Yun stared at the prompt, turned around, and noticed the hunter mecha in front of him, still lying on the same spot and facing his direction - the person inside was clearly staring at him.

There was a helmet with a yellow cover on the mecha, so Ye Tian Yun couldn't identify who the person in the mecha was.

But now that the main enemy was dead, Ye Tian Yun had to see if the girl in the mecha was on his side or was she also an enemy.

As he thought, he slowly stepped forward.

Gao Suyin was in shock and disbelief.

She couldn't fathom what she had just seen. 

'Is that…'

How was that possible!?

How did the Crown Prince come here!?

And before she could even fathom what was going on, the Burning Wolf King, which she had been having trouble dealing with, was lying on the ground, sliced into pieces by a lightning whip!

'Crown Prince is too powerful….'

She had once thought maybe she was close in power to the Crown Prince because she had reached the peak of Tri Qi Realm within a year, and according to the information, Crown Prince Ye Tian Yun was in the Ninth Level of Qi Condensation Realm.

She was utmost expecting him to be in the lower level of Foundation Establishment.

But no!

He was a Core Formation Realm cultivator!

She was genuinely surprised. And adding on to the fact that he also had the Sword Domain truly put her in disbelief.

She didn't have the words to say and could only blankly stare as Ye Tian Yun stepped close to her.

As she laid on the ground, with her back against the wall, and her limbs numb, Ye Tian Yun stood a step away from her, raised his sword and put it on her throat.

The lightning in the hall slowly disappeared as he asked, "Who are you?"

Gao Suyin gulped. She didn't know what to say.

'Should I reveal my face?'

'Does he know about the hunter mecha?'

Ye Tian Yun stared at the hunter in front of him with emotionless eyes. He was ready to attack if the other party tried to do anything funny.

"Are you mute?" He spoke again.

Gao Suyin opened and closed her mouth repeatedly, confused about what she should do.

In this situation, she wasn't expecting to encounter anyone, let alone Ye Tian Yun. This was why she didn't even hope to get saved by someone.

But now, someone had truly appeared and saved her from certain death.

Thinking about him, Gao Suyin came to a decision. 

'I will tell him the truth.'

She would consider this her repayment.

A/n: Below is the character arts that appeared in this arc:

[Check para and chapter comments.]

Scorching Wolf.

Burning Wolf King. (without horn, and in normal size, they are Burning Wolf) 

Hunter Mecha.

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Comments 5

  1. Offline
    So dropped? Is the author alive? I mean it's been 2 years...
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  2. Offline
    Sheesh went through 300 chapters in 4 days.
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    1. Offline
      Went trough the 600 chapters in 2 days...
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  3. Offline
    Nooo! I want moreeeee!
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  4. Offline
    this chapter was extremely short wasn't it?
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