
Chapter 191: We are leaving

Fang Yuan sighed and went back again to stand away from the group as if they had nothing to do with him. Geming as well followed his actions and did the same.

Some people need hard life lessons, especially when they are asking for it all on their own. Who were they to refuse their wishes?

And the very next second… Alex got down to business. "So shall we start the party?"

"Ha Ha ha. Look at this slut. She is very thirstyyyy… ahhhh…." The leader did not get to finish his words as he started screaming in pain. "Ahhhh… ahhh… Save me!!!"

Unlike Qin Hua who simply knocked them out, Alex made sure to take her time and vent her anger, giving back all the principal and interest she owed them, including the last couple of days' reminders.

She used just enough force to induce pain and break bones but not kill them completely. 

After twisting the arm of the guy who had been mouthing off nonstop, her feet shifted and she first landed quick and heavy punches at everyone making sure they were down on the ground.

She didn't use her innate ability even once and simply used her raw physical strength to pummel the life out of the group.

The leader's face in particular was completely black and blue and the guy couldn't even open his eyes to see or mouth to speak.

There was only a single thought running in his mind. Why didn't I stop everything when I had the chance…

Just because Alex hadn't retaliated in the past, he had gravely miscalculated the woman's capabilities. No, she was not a woman. She was a fucking demon!

Before he could finish his thoughts, more punches landed on his body, though he wasn't really sure what part of his body was being beaten down currently. 

Everything was hurting and there was nothing he could do! All of them simply rolled on the ground while Alex continued kicking them to her heart's content.

Of course, the two other men who were also currently there were sweating profusely.

"Isn't that tree nice to look at?" Fang Yuan commented, trying to think about something else apart from the punching noises.

"Should we… umm… help them?" Geming hesitantly.

"Why? You also want some beatings?" 

Fang Yuan could only bitterly smile hearing the screams of pain. He had even warned them... Sigh… Unfortunately, the group lacked the brains to listen to his words.

Soon, the screams stopped and both he and Geming turned to see if everyone was dead, but for some reason, they seemed to be alive and still breathing.

Fang Yuan couldn't help but look up at the girl in fear. Was she planning on torturing them again when they recovered? He had no idea about Coco, otherwise, he would have been even more terrified.

"What are you looking at?" Alex twisted her lips and asked questioningly.

"Nope. Nothing. Nothing at all." Fang Yuan quickly shook his head.

"Don't worry. I haven't killed them. I am not that cruel. Hmph." Alex scoffed.

If this was not cruel… then what was….? Fang Yuan gulped. "Ya. Sorry about that. Things are getting a bit rowdy lately."

"No shit sherlock! Did you guys set this fucking fire? What the hell? Has your fucking General lost his mind finally? What is his problem? Aren't we just minding our own business? Was this really necessary?"

Fang Yuan shook his head helplessly. "That is the problem. Since you guys are minding your own business, some others also want to do the same."

"They either don't want to contribute or want a bigger share of everything because they contributed more." He let out a deep breath. "As I said, things are starting to get out of hand."

"There is no government or police or law whatsoever. It will take time to achieve a new equilibrium. So you know… sorry about everything. Is everyone alright?"

Alex glared at the person but she was not technically angry with him so she didn't press the issue further. 

"Of course, we are alright. Why would a fucking fire hurt us? Only numbskulls could make a plan like this." She kicked the guy closest to her feet one more time.

Fang Yuan shook his head, inwardly saying a prayer for that guy, and then continued. "In the future"

Alex cut him short. "Don't worry. There is no 'in the future'."

"Huh?" Fang Yuan was confused.

"We are leaving soon. In fact, we would have been long gone, if these idiots hadn't set the fire. Now we have to deal with this and leave tomorrow."

"What? But where are you guys going?"

"I think that is none of your business." Alex scoffed and turned around to leave. 

Fang Yuan could only watch the woman's figure disappear into the burning flames again. She didn't seem to be affected by it as much.

"Where do you think they are going? Isn't it very safe in the city now? Why are they leaving?" Geming was perplexed.

However, his friend's mind was on something else as he silently watched the flames without saying much.

After a couple of minutes, he finally replied but that was not a response to the question. Rather it was about something else.

"Geming… should we…"

Meanwhile… After checking all of their surroundings, Qin Hua ran back to the spot and picked up Lu Chen, Coco, and the elder Gao Sheng who had recovered by now, and all of them returned back to the base, leaving behind the unconscious knocked out guys.

Though everyone was safe and secure inside the ground, the fire was still raging wildly outside.

"This fire doesn't look like it is going to settle down anytime soon, so we should just leave right now. I will use ice magic to clear a path and we should be able to get out somewhat safe." 

Lu Chen addressed everyone while also looking at Qin Hua who nodded in agreement. She had already taken out all the remaining chunks of mana ore so they now had nothing holding them back here.

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Comments 10

  1. Offline
    + 50 -
    Wow. They gotta be the softest, most naive group of the apocalypse.

    First they trespass heavily into their territory, then set fire to it, almost killing one of their most important members in a horribly painful way of not for some miracle-level healing magic. And the only reason they didn't straight up kill 1/3 of the group is because they were packing instead of patrolling... but the soldiers didn't know that. Their plan was mass murder.

    And finally, a large group of men tried to gang-rape one of the groups key members...and in retaliation just punched them unconscious? whoknows
    Read more
    1. Offline
      + 50 -
      Dude it's easier to say that but very hard to go through with it. Even though everyone has seen people die only a few of them have actually done the deed. They might be naive but they still have time it's only been less than a month since the apocalypse.
      Read more
      1. Offline
        + 00 -
        You'd be surprised how easily many people would kill someone in the right circumstance, and the offense doesn't even need to include something as bad as murder or rape.
        Organized crime groups, from gangs to mafias to corporate and governmental corruption are the big ones. And that isn't just some minority of humanity. Gangs in poverty stricken areas have a habit of 'turning' all kinds of people unlucky enough to be born into poverty.

        The other big source are crimes of passion. Too many details to go over, but news in the USA should be illuminating enough, minus the stuff that gets covered up or downplayed successfully.
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        1. Offline
          + 10 -
          Still not everyone is like that, its easier to go into violence but some won't do it.
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    2. Offline
      + 00 -
      Dude, it's not that they're being naive or anything, more like they didn't want to get in a pointless fight with the other group.
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      1. Offline
        + 00 -
        Defending their lives, belongings and ability to grow seems far from pointless.
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        1. Offline
          + 00 -
          i didn't mean not protecting their belongings but getting into fights and incurs animosity without getting benefits. For example, [spoiler] the fmc, qin hua, if im not wrong, stole their entire armory without having to fights and cause troubles for them ( qin hua's group i mean ), see? [\spoiler]
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          1. Offline
            + 00 -
            She stole their weapons to prevent them from being used on her people, which proved to have been useful because not long after they sent troops to enslave them.

            Unfortunately the author has a poor sense of consistency and the army magically regained not just their weapons but even some tanks and other vehicles.
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            1. Offline
              + 00 -
              She maybe didn't take everything.
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              1. Offline
                + 00 -
                It was already written that she basically took everything that people didn't have in their hands. The two platoons that came after them with the base leader, the one possessed by the otherworlder, didn't even have grenades.
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