
Chapter 777: Grand-finals part 10

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Evidently, the exchange they made just now was nothing but to test each other's strength, similar to what Leo did to Edgar Pierce before. Leo wants to know the exact state of Osborne and determine the best course of action he should take, and similarly, Osborne wants to know the same. And now that they are finished testing one another, it is now time for the main event!

In the next moment, Leo and Osborne lunged themselves towards each other.

Arriving in front of Osborne, Leo swiftly dodged towards the left side. 

Seeing this, Osborne quickly turned his body around. In his mind, he understood that Leo intents to reach his rear and attack his back.

However, Leo didn't just stop after dodging to the side. He continued moving in circles, making Osborne constantly follow after him.

As much as he didn't want to do this, Osborne understood that he didn't have any other choice but to do it. Supposed he didn't move from his spot and allowed Leo to come to his rear. In that case, the latter would be able to freely attack his back. Even though he is wearing armor right now, not all parts of his body are covered with them. In addition to that, with the speed of Leo, it would be next to impossible for him to quickly turn around and block once the latter launches his attack. After all, he can't overexert his feet now as that would undoubtedly worsen their injuries.

Naturally, Leo knew that Osborne wanted to prevent him from reaching his rear. But unbeknownst to the latter, that actually wasn't his intention from the start. He has another plan, and it will be revealed soon…

As Leo continued moving in a circle, he soon noticed that Osborne kept on shaking his head. From this sight alone, he could already guess that the latter is starting to feel dizzy.

Leo smiled mischievously while watching such a sight. In his mind, he thought, "Osborne probably already noticed what my real plan is. But it is already too late for him to turn around, so he could only keep on constantly following me, or he is thinking that I am experiencing the same,"

Unfortunately for Osborne, as an assassin, Leo doesn't get dizzy that easily. It would take even more than just running in a circle to make him feel uncomfortable, which is something that Osborne had no possible way of doing.

"Shit!" Osborne finally could no longer handle the feeling of dizziness. He stopped on following after Leo and made a sudden jumped to his rear, intending to create some distance from the latter, and in the meantime, pull himself together quickly.

Contrary to what Osborne was expecting, Leo didn't try to chase after him. The latter raised his hand and cast, "Vines!"

Whoooosh! Whoooosh!

Due to how dizzy Osborne was and the great number of vines coming at him, he could only stand rooted in place, unable to dodge nor make any counterattacks. 

The vines quickly wrapped around Osborne's body and tightened their hold on his body. He could still hold onto his double-edged axe and shield, but his hand was slowly becoming weaker, and his hold was started to loosen.

"I have no other choice. If this continues, I will be left completely defenseless," Osborne muttered under his breath. Until now, he was trying to avoid over-exerting himself. But with his current situation, he can no longer afford to hold back.

With that being said, Osborne slightly bends his knees and soon puts a lot of force onto his feet. He crossed both of his arms in front of his chest and also did the same. Not long after, the muscles from his entire body started bulging bigger, with multiple veins showing on the surface. 

"As expected," Leo already knew about this. As a matter of fact, this was precisely what he intended to do; to make Osborne exert more strength so he could worsen the latter's current state of his body. After this, there's no doubt that Osborne would have to finish him quickly. Otherwise, the latter would have a similar Fate as Edgar Pierce. By then, he would become reckless, which is exactly what he wanted him to do. 

The more reckless Osborne is, the more openings he could spot in his defense. Needless to say, he would be facing more risk by doing this. 

However, this is the only way for him to win against Osborne. If he chose to play the latter's game, he would fully exhaust his stamina and energy before defeating Osborne. There's no way that would be good for him, that's why he chooses to do this.


A muffle explosion echoed throughout the stage as all the vines wrapped around Osborne's body were destroyed. They flew in multiple directions before landing on the floor in front of the Earth Elementals.

Leo crossed both of his arms together in front of his head. Thus he blocked all the vines from hitting his head. He didn't care if the vines hit his body since the most they could do was make a cut, unlike his head, where there's a possibility of hitting his eyes and blinding him.

As soon as Leo lowered down his arms, he soon saw a surprising scene of Osborne. 

At this moment, Osborne's body is bulging in muscles that almost make his entire body increase by two folds. The color of his skin was also no longer purely green but was mixed with some shade of red. It was a somewhat weird and disgusting color but a scary sight nonetheless. 

Instantly, Leo raised his guard to the fullest, wary and cautious of Osborne's following action. He thought, "This was exactly what I mean about more risk…"

That's right. He knows that when Orc's get angry, their strength will increase by multiple folds depending on various factors, along with their bodies' increase in size. This was what is happening to Osborne right now. This was what the Orc race commonly called Fury.

He needs to be extra careful now that Osborne has activated their race's initiate capability, 'Fury'. Otherwise, he might lose this Battle Royal.

Though it wasn't all that bad. With the activation of 'Fury', Osborne's intellectual capability would decrease, thus the reason why he confidently believed the latter would become reckless.

"You ask for this!" Osborne exclaimed loudly. He raised both of his arms and soon after threw his shield and double-edged axe towards Leo.

Leo was not expecting something like this to happen. It's indeed true that after activating 'Fury', an Orc's intellectual capability would decrease. But he didn't think that it would be to this kind of level. Just who on Celestial World would throw their weapon in the middle of a fight, ha? 

As if that wasn't enough. Osborne took off his armor before also throwing them straight in Leo's direction.

Luckily, Leo was able to swiftly dodge all of the items that Osborne had thrown at him. And to make sure that the latter would be able to use them again, he stored all of them inside his Storage Ring. 

"What are you doing?!" Leo asked in doubt.

"I will fight you barehanded! Rest assured, this would be enough to defeat you!" Osborne confidently proclaimed.

"Don't you realize that by doing this, it would be the same as allowing me to attack any parts of your body freely?" Leo tried to test exactly how low has Osborne's intellectual capability had decreased. 

"It also means that I don't have to care about defending myself anymore," Osborne replied. In the next moment, he lunged himself towards Leo.

"Fuck!" Leo was honestly not expecting such a development from Osborne. He wanted the latter to be reckless, but not as reckless as this. This is the same as Osborne being unafraid of death, which is the scariest type of opponent to fight against.

Without any hesitation, Leo bolted to the side in order to dodge Osborne's attack. He also took this opportunity to throw a dagger towards the latter to cause some injuries while silently hoping inside that he could punch some senses onto Osborne's head. 

However, what happened next was utterly opposite to what Leo had expected….

"Now you have done it again!" Osborne turned to look at the dagger that had penetrated his right waist and immediately exploded in rage.

Leo can't help himself feel a bit afraid after sensing the intense rage that Osborne is currently releasing from his body. 

"How did it turn out like this?!" Leo was left questioning the reality of his current situation. Needless to say, he didn't linger in the exact location and started running away, not wanting Osborne to catch him. 

"I thought that we were going to exchange attacks until only one of us remained? So, why are you running away from me?!" Osborne scoffed at seeing Leo escaping from him again. 

"I am not running away! Can't you see that I still didn't remove the border encircling us? I just want to think for some time about how I should deal with you!" Leo defended himself.

"What's the difference? In the end, you are still trying to avoid me!" Osborne rolled his eyes and continued chasing after Leo.

"Not for long!" Leo muttered as he made a sudden turn to face Osborne.

"Finally!" Osborne cheered.

In the next moment, a 1-Star level shield suddenly appeared in front of Leo.

Osborne wanted to stop after seeing this, as he knew that it would be pretty painful crashing onto such a strong shield. But with the momentum of his run, he realized it was impossible to stop. So, he ultimately decided to brace himself.


A loud explosion sounded as Osborne's body crashed onto Leo's shield. But strangely, the shield actually didn't move even the slightest bit. 

While enduring the pain on his body, Osborne looked behind the shield, trying to see how exactly Leo was able to withstand the full force of his crush. However, to his surprise, he soon discovered that Leo wasn't behind the shield, but rather it was merely slanted onto the Golem behind it. 

"Looking for me?" 

All of a sudden, a voice sounded above Osborne.

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