
Chapter 211: Overpowering The Entire Stage. Fallen Divine Child Creates His Own Trap

As the moves of the two clashed, the void instantly burst into turbulent waves!

Energy surged throughout the entire Ancient Battle Stage!

A figure was sent flying once again amidst the shock waves.

It was the Fallen Divine Child!

Jun Xiaoyao sent him flying for the third time.

This time, it was even more miserable than the previous two times. His body was drenched in blood, with cracks appearing all over his body.

Blood sprayed from his mouth as if it was free.

The attack also dispersed the black mist around Fallen Divine Child.

A body covered in cracks appeared with strange runes.

Fallen Divine Child's face was also revealed. He was handsome, but his skin was extremely pale, making him look like a vampire.

"How is this possible? How could you be so powerful?" The Fallen Divine Child couldn't help but roar.

He couldn't maintain his composure anymore.

Jun Xiaoyao's physical strength was simply too abnormal.

Many geniuses in the surrounding space gulped at the sight of Fallen Divine Child losing his composure.

Only the divine child of the Jun family could have beaten the Fallen Divine Child to such a state.

"Didn't you say before that the rumors about me were all false rumors? Do you know what's happening now?"

Jun Xiaoyao looked down at Fallen Divine Child from above.

His aura was stable, and his white robe was flawless. He didn't look like he was in a fight at all; he looked transcendent to the extreme.

The eyes of the female cultivators around him were all sparkling as they revealed expressions of infatuation.

Jun Xiaoyao was simply too charming at the moment.

His white robe fluttered in the wind, making him look exceptionally dashing. Every move he made overpowered the Fallen Divine Child.

This time, even Yan Qingying couldn't help but become slightly dazed.

Despite her cold and domineering personality, she still behaved like a formidable heroine.

However, she couldn't help but tremble at the sight of Jun Xiaoyao's dashing appearance.

Upon hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, Fallen Divine Child's expression became very ugly.

It was only now that he realized that the news about Jun Xiaoyao wasn't false at all.

His strength was truly terrifying!

Jun Xiaoyao attacked once again and unleashed the Torrent of the Weapons. At the same time, he said coldly, "This body shouldn't be yours, right? Let me guess. Could it be the body of an ancient freak that the Fallen Divine Palace found for you?"

Jun Xiaoyao's words made the Fallen Divine Child's expression change once again.

Fallen Divine Child unleashed his ultimate technique, the Seal of Yama. He coldly shouted, "The winner takes all. The world will only remember the winner in the end. As long as you can become stronger, it doesn't matter what method you use."

These words almost indirectly admitted Jun Xiaoyao's speculation.

'As expected…' Jun Xiaoyao sneered to himself.

Not everyone could withstand his punch.

Normal geniuses wouldn't even be able to withstand a full-force punch from him; their bodies would've exploded.

However, the body of the Fallen Divine Child actually lasted for so long.

Furthermore, it only cracked under his full-power punch and didn't completely shatter.

That was enough to show how extraordinary the body was.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't believe that Fallen Divine Child's original body could be so powerful.

The only possibility was that this body was not his.

As one of the sources of the demonic path, the Fallen Divine Palace possessed all kinds of strange mystic arts.

Changing the body of an ancient freak was nothing unusual.

"So that's how it is. Fallen Divine Child's body is that of an ancient freak!"

The geniuses of the Mystic Realm were all shocked when they learned the truth.

They finally understood why Fallen Divine Child was able to fight three Immortal Clan successors at once.

The body of an ancient freak was enough to make the power of the Fallen Divine Child far exceed that of ordinary geniuses of the same generation.

However, something even more astonishing occurred.

Jun Xiaoyao had cracked the ancient freak's body and was about to collapse.

What did that mean?

It meant that Jun Xiaoyao's physical body was already stronger than that of ancient freaks!

With that in mind, gasps were heard all around.

Jun Xiaoyao's physical body was simply too terrifying!

"As expected of the young master!" Yi Yu looked excited.

Su Ziqiong also wore an expression of extreme fervor and worship. The adoration and infatuation in her eyes were about to overflow.

At that moment, many geniuses of the Mystic Realm recalled that the ancient freak of the Lair of Zulong, Princess Long Ji, seemed to still be able to fight Jun Xiaoyao.

At first, many people thought that Princess Long Ji, who possessed the bloodline of the Ancient Emperor and was also a descendant of the Dragon Clan, would definitely be able to contend with Jun Xiaoyao in terms of physical strength.

Now, however, they began to pray for Princess Long Ji after witnessing how Jun Xiaoyao almost destroyed Fallen Divine Child's body.

They hoped that Princess Long Ji would be fine when facing Jun Xiaoyao in the future.

A storm was raging on the battle stage.

After being exposed, The Fallen Divine Child became even more fearless and unleashed his full power.

He chanted a mantra and pushed his powers to the limit.

Countless runes of the Underworld manifested around him. Countless specters appeared, making him look like a demon lord from hell.

"Is that the Dark Underworld King Sutra of the Fallen Divine Palace?!" some geniuses from the Mystic Realm exclaimed.

The Dark Underworld King Sutra was the supreme technique of the Fallen Divine Palace. It was unpredictable and powerful.

At that moment, Fallen Divine Child activated the Dark Underworld King Sutra.

Countless specters of hell and demons appeared around him.

The entire ancient battlefield seemed to have turned into the Underworld.

"Jun Xiaoyao, it doesn't matter even if you know my secret. I will end your undefeated legend right here and now!"

At that moment, Fallen Divine Child was like the king of hell, his eyes bloodshot.

"I'm also looking forward to someone defeating me in the future. Unfortunately, you're not worthy."

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head slightly and summoned the Sacred Body of the Ancients, the Reverence of the Ten Thousand Saints!

The golden light illuminated the area as energy surged. The specters of the Ten Thousand Saints appeared.

The Dark Underworld King Sutra of the Fallen Divine Child favored darkness and mystery.

Jun Xiaoyao's Sacred Body of the Ancients was the best counter to such darkness and strangeness.

As soon as the Reverence of the Ten Thousand Saints was seen, many cultivators of the Senluo Continent nearby couldn't help but be suppressed by the aura. They knelt on the ground, their faces filled with horror as if they had seen a real god.

"My God, saints! They're all saints!"

"Those saints are worshipping the divine child of the Jun family!"

All the cultivators of the Senluo Continent had goosebumps all over their bodies.

In the Ten Lands of the Lower Realms, the strongest people were only saints.

Now, the specters of the Ten Thousand Saints were all bowing to Jun Xiaoyao.

One could only imagine how shocked they were right now!


With the appearance of the sacred body, tens of thousands of Daos submitted!

As tens of thousands of sacred shadows pressed down, the specters of the evil spirits and rakshas let out shrill shrieks before starting to melt like spring snow.

Fallen Divine Child's expression also changed drastically.

His moves were completely countered by Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao unleashed the power of seventy pieces of the Bones of the Everlasting Celestial. The divine light surged with astonishing power.

A hand blasted out, penetrating the void and suppressing Fallen Divine Child.

Fallen Divine Child spat out a mouthful of blood.

Even though his body was that of an ancient freak, he couldn't take it anymore and began to crumble.

His entire body was blasted into pieces, leaving only some bones and tendons connected.

"Sir Fallen Divine Child!"

Outside of the Ancient Battle Stage, the two black-robed saints' expressions changed. They hurriedly rushed out, but they were blocked by the runes around the Ancient Battle Stage, preventing them from entering.

Their expressions were awful as they looked at the pale and twisted expression of Fallen Divine Child on the battle stage. They had a bad feeling about this.

Originally, the Ancient Battle Stage was meant for the Fallen Divine Child to stimulate his potential while not giving Jun Xiaoyao any way out.

Now, his path of retreat was blocked.

The Fallen Divine Child was truly digging his own grave this time.

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