
Chapter 1176: Bitter Feeling

The location of the Nightmare Gate that led to the vicinity of the Black Skull was of paramount importance. Currently, no one except for Mordret was anchored to the Gateway of the Citadel, so that Nightmare Gate was still the only feasible way to reach it.

If it was located in the wilderness of East Antarctica, the battle between the two great clans was going to happen far away from the siege capitals and the civilian population.

If it was inside a city, though...

'Think rationally.'

Sunny walked through the corridors of the fortress as he analyzed the situation.

If the Nightmare Gate was located inside a siege capital, then there wasn't much he could do. The lives of countless civilians would be put in mortal danger, or maybe even snuffed out directly. The best Sunny could manage was to try mitigating the damage, somehow.

If it was somewhere in the wilderness, however... then he did not have to do anything.

His problems would just solve themselves. Valor and Song were welcome to slaughter each other as much as they wanted.


Thinking that way was shortsighted. Sure, the great clans were a bunch of hateful jerks, but they were also responsible for defending a vast portion of East Antarctica, albeit simply to keep up appearances. Their power was especially important when dealing with high-value targets like titans, since six out of the seven Saints present on the continent belonged to the Domains.

What would happen if all of them just went and killed each other?

'Nothing good...'

Countless refugees had already been evacuated, but millions more remained. If only the Evacuation Army had been given a few more months - enough for the legion of Sleepers to undergo Awakening - things would have been different.

But Mordret, the damned lunatic, had made that impossible. So, the power of the great clans was still too important.

Sunny felt sick to his stomach. He was deeply unhappy about the fact that, while the great clans were odious, they were also needed. They were like a necessary evil.

Thinking that way made him feel dirty. It felt like he was making compromises.

Was that how Wake of Ruin and the rest of the government felt?

'Forget about it. So what the hell do I do?'

It seemed that, thanks to Mordret, a bloody and destructive all-out battle between the forces of Valor and Song was now both close and inevitable. They could entirely obliterate each other, which would be the worst outcome, since there would be no one left to continue defending the refugees from the myriads of Nightmare Creatures roaming the continent.

Therefore, there was only one way for him to achieve the best outcome.

If there was no way to prevent the battle, he had to do everything in his power to help one side achieve victory... and not any kind of victory, at that. A pyrrhic one would be no different from mutual destruction. Only an overwhelming victory would minimize the losses of one of the sides, thus leaving enough fighters alive to make a difference in the evacuation effort.

'Wait... wait...'

Sunny suddenly froze, growing even more pale than usual.

His eyes widened.

His hands trembled.

...Then, slowly, a smile that seemed more than a little mad appeared on his face.

Through the shadow that was hiding in the sealed strategy room, he looked at someone who stood there, silently listening to what Morgan was saying.

A young woman with silver hair and cold grey eyes, clad in an intricate armor of black steel.

He looked at Nephis.

Sunny slowly exhaled.

'Was that what you meant?'

Was it not exactly what she had told him a lifetime ago, during the opulent ball of the great clan Valor?

That he would follow her not because she had ordered him to, but because he wanted to... with a smile on his face.

That their fates were intertwined.

On that day, Sunny had rejected Nephis and refused to follow her into the embrace of Clan Valor. Instead, he enlisted in the First Evacuation Army and left for Antarctica.

So much had happened since then...

And yet, here he was, planning to fight side by side with her under the banner of the great clan Valor, helping them in their sinful war against the great clan Song.

Entirely of his own accord.

Sunny reached with one hand and touched his neck, as if checking to see if there was a slave collar on it.

'What is this bitter feeling?'

A hollow laugh escaped from his lips.

After a few moments, Sunny shook his head and continued on his way.

'It doesn't matter, anyway.'

Sure, he felt bitterly reluctant to prove Neph right. But wouldn't it be pathetically childish, to throw a tantrum and change his decision just because his pride was hurt?

Since when did he have pride, anyway?

Whether he liked it or not, making sure that as many civilians as possible survived the Chain of Nightmares was indeed what he wished for.

So, if Sunny had to help Clan Valor battle Clan Song to achieve that goal, that was what he would do.

There was the possibility of helping Song defeat Valor instead, too. As far as he was concerned, one was just as vile as the other, so it made no difference to Sunny which side he would end up supporting.

However, he was already integrated into the Valor force to some extent, which was convenient. Nephis, Cassie, and the Fire Keepers were also here, so going to the other side meant potentially causing their deaths.

Directly or indirectly, that was not something Sunny wanted or was willing to do.

Which meant that he was stuck with Valor.

...Of course, it was highly questionable if his involvement would even make a difference. But he had to at least try.

He had to try his best.

Sunny moved through the port fortress, which was slowly becoming filled with noise. There was a strange smile on his face.

'...Ain't it funny?'

He was suddenly sad that the Sin of Solace was not there to appreciate the joke.

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Comments 32

  1. Offline
    Doktor Faust
    + 20 -
    The fate daemon’s nepo baby is still bitching about his sugar daddy’s line of work
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  2. Offline
    + 40 -
    The whole point of his decision to go to Antarctica is gone then. He wanted to prove his point, but he did the opposite. He makes one step forward and then two steps back.
    Read more
  3. Offline
    + 40 -
    I was starting to like sunny quite a bit but then seriously author sigh
    You go on and do this middle
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  4. Offline
    + 70 -
    Not excited about this turn of events. Hopefully sunny gets a TON of contribution points
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  5. Offline
    + 30 -
    f#ck to boring if everything just remake again.
    Read more
  6. Offline
    + 911 -
    Ugh… I'm getting sick of arcs with Neph and Cassie and Sunny following them around like a little lost puppy.

    Frankly, at some point, Neph is going to give him an order and shit will hit the fan.
    Read more
  7. Offline
    + 1213 -
    This is so funny...😂😂..
    So he has no semblance of pride?
    Nephis is always right?😂.

    So freaking funny.

    And this author actually said LoTM is trash and Klein has no character compared to Sunny. So this is the Sunny with character?

    Bravissimo, GuiltyThree. 😂

    troll30 FamilyGuy006
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    1. Offline
      + 81 -
      yeah man even i was not the most thrilled with this choice, cause supporting Song would have meant more Chaos but still, how does this have anything to do with Pride? Sunny's character should be really visible to you by now. Choosing Song just because it would mean not following Nephis would look like a child throwing a tantrum, but not choosing Song is lack of pride? Yay...

      And this author actually said LoTM is trash and Klein has no character compared to Sunny.

      Also what? From what i remember, G3 only compared Sunny and Klein, in a Discord chat. His opinion is not something i agree with, but if screenshotting the stupid discord chat and posting it on Reddit was not enough, you now are putting words like 'trash' in the author's mouth. A person can give an opinion, regardless of their status as an author, and being butthurt by everything is not the most alpha thing there now is it?
      Read more
    2. Offline
      + 24 -
      Did the retard actually say that!? unironically??
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      1. Offline
        + 00 -
        I don't think he called lotm trash, but still, everyone has an opinion. I don't agree either with his one, but calling him a retard is going too far
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        1. Offline
          + 33 -
          I called him that because he believes his main character to be inherently better than Klein, that's an extremely arrogant thing to say constraint
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  8. Offline
    Shadow read
    + 013 -
    If u want to hear amazing ai audio to immerse yourself into this novel I recommend checking out the ( shadow read) YouTube Chanel. As of right now I have the lastest chapters out!
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  9. Online Offline
    + 290 -
    Not gonna lie I like solo sunny arcs WAYYYYY better than when it has anything to do with Cassie and Nephis
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  10. Offline
    + 122 -
    im all for saving as many people as possible. But the problem I have is that Sunny has always been portrayed as someone extremely intelligent, like he thinks of all possible outcomes before an action and this particular one feels like he isnt using his brain.

    What even is the guarantee that clan Valor will protect civilians after they beat the Song clan? We already have precedent of them not caring about Antarctica until they wanted to conquer more citadels.

    I know for a fact that this is the correct choice though, because Sunny is the main character and is infallible so anything he does must be the best possible option. Im fine with this type of plot armour though. The part i dislike is that the plot armour should be explained. Tell us why this is his best option, because with the information we have right now it doesnt seem like it. The author has more info that he has hidden from us and has made this decision based on that hidden info, which just makes out Sunny to be stupid and only surviving through luck.
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