
Chapter 1608: Death Zone

Nephis studied the immaculately white bone plain in front of her for a few moments, then turned around and looked at the Fire Keepers. They were gracelessly sprawled on the ground, with pained expressions on their faces. Even with their powerful Ascended bodies, it had not been easy to remain completely still for three long days. If there was one consolation, it was that Nightmare Creatures they had been fighting when the merciless skies revealed themselves were nothing but ash now. The Fire Keepers, meanwhile, had all survived.

There was a reason why she had chosen this particular cohort to follow her into the Godgrave. The Fire Keepers were a fearsome force even now, when the number of Awakened, Masters, and Saints had vastly increased. That was because each of them was an Ascended, and a cohesive battle unit consisting of close to fifty seasoned Masters could not be ignored by anyone. Not to mention that the Fire Keepers were the survivors of the Forgotten Shore, and as such, could be easily called the most talented Awakened warriors of their generation… all generations, perhaps.

These warriors were her personal army, and under her leadership, their brilliant glory and fame had grown explosively in the past four years. The Ivory Tower, the Chain Breaker, the crest of the Fire Keepers, and her own name, Changing Star, had all become symbols of unrivaled virtue, valor, and excellence.

Their names were known far and wide, all according to her conscious will and intent.

The Fire Keepers were her heralds and emissaries, but each was also a heroic figure in their own right… still, some of them had more renown than others. The seven Masters in front of her had once been Cassie's own cohort, and therefore, they were a cut above the rest.

That was not the reason why Nephis had chosen them for this mission, though. The real reason was that one of the members of the cohort, Erlas, possessed an Aspect that could augment the endurance and stamina of his allies. Knowing what waited for them in Godgrave, she wanted to have his powers at hand for when the white void of the sky above the ancient corpse was revealed. As it turned out, her consideration had not been in vain. If not for his support, the last three days would have been much more torturous, and potentially fatal for the members of her retinue.

Even Nephis had felt the strain. Nevertheless, there was no time to waste. Looking at the Fire Keepers, she said evenly:

"We have five minutes to recover. Five more to drink water and eat. Then, we continue south."

Such a short span of time was not enough for them to rest their weary bodies, but it was better to relieve the fatigue on the move. The sky was not the only danger in this desolate bone expanse, after all.

"Yes, Lady Nephis." The Fire Keepers groaned as they started to move. Storage Memories were summoned, water and field rations were hastily consumed. Shim, the leader of the cohort, used his healing powers to help the less resilient members recover faster. They were seasoned veterans and did not need her to tell them what to do.

Nephis used the short rest to quench her thirst, as well. By the time the ten minutes she had given her subordinates ran out, the bone plain was already starting to move. "Ready your weapons! Forward!"

As she started to walk, the Fire Keepers followed her. Although the sun-bleached bones of the dead god — or whatever the ancient skeleton had been, once — seemed like a continuous surface of solid white, in truth, they were littered with cracks and fissures. The deepest of those cracks led to the great hollows within the titanic bones, and the inner hell hidden in their horrid expanse.

Merely ten minutes after the veil of clouds had been mended, those cracks exploded with life. Tendrils of vibrant red moss and vermilion grass spread from them, devouring the flawlessly white surface of the ancient bones. Swarms of tiny Nightmare Creatures were instantly born, hunting each other as they moved between the stalks of grass. That was only the beginning.

Since everything that moved under the merciless gaze of the white sky was instantly incinerated, the abominable life thriving in Godgrave had adapted to its whims. There was no way to predict when the veil of clouds would be torn, and how long it would take for the stormy barrier to repair itself. Therefore, everything here lived at incredible speed. If the veil of clouds was not broken for the next several days, Godgrave would come to look as if the infernal subterranean jungle had escaped the great hollows. By then, the most harrowing of the surface hunters would have been born and reached maturity, making the surface of the bones almost as dangerous as their inner expanse. The red moss, the vermilion grass, the tiny Nightmare Creatures, and the larger abominations that were yet to be born… all of them were in a hurry to be born, grow, consume, and propagate before turning to ash. The white plain was bare and featureless a few minutes ago, but in an hour or two, it would be teeming with horrid life. If the veil of clouds was not broken for the next several days, Godgrave would come to look as if the infernal subterranean jungle had escaped the great hollows. By then, the most harrowing of the surface hunters would have been born and reached maturity, making the surface of the bones almost as dangerous as their inner expanse. But even now, Nephis and the Fire Keepers were already in danger. The predatory vegetation and the swarms of tiny critters were enough to envelop and devour a legion of Masters. This… was the Death Zone. Watching a sea of red slowly surround them, crawling closer with each moment, Nephis silently raised her sword. "Prepare." As she brandished the silver sword, a wave of sparks exploded from where its tip scraped against the surface of the white bone. A moment later, each of the sparks exploded with a thundering roar, and a flood of white flame was unleashed into the world. The wave of fire rolled forward and enveloped a wide swath of the red grass, incinerating countless vermin in an instant. It did not stop there, though. Following Neph's will, the flames moved, turning into a wide ring around the Fire Keepers. Then, it spread in all directions like a flash fire, flooding the air with heat and ash.

Soon, the vast bone plain had turned into a terrible white inferno.

Comments 44

  1. Offline
    Ayoooo my boy STRONG strong now
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  2. Offline
    1616 Blade of Shadows

    Sunny had never stopped fighting, sharpening his mastery of combat to a sublime level. He had already been one of the most seasoned warriors of humanity four years ago... mostly because very few had it as rough as he had it on the Forgotten Shore and in the Antarctic Center.

    But the last four years had not been easy on him, either. Crossing the Hollow Mountains alone had given him more battle experience than most Awakened would receive in their lifetime. So, now, he had a solid reason to be supremely confident in his ability.

    That said, there was a difference between fighting Nightmare Creatures and fighting humans. Sunny had mostly been doing the former recently, so the latter... he was a bit rusty.

    As the Fire Keepers surrounded him, Sunny observed them silently.

    Now that they were Masters, each possessed one additional Aspect Ability. Gorn not only had four arms, but also expanded in size, towering above the floor at almost three meters in height. Gantry seemed to have augmented his body, somehow... making it more durable? More nimble? Or simply more powerful?

    He was going to find out shortly.

    Erlas, meanwhile, was enhancing the physical state of each member of the cohort. His powers had been mainly focused on endurance and stamina before... what about now?

    Sid was bound to do something unpredictable, as well.

    Shim, Shakti, and Kaor all possessed non-combat Aspect, so guessing their powers was of less importance. Still... they could be full of surprises.

    There were the Memories the Fire Keepers wielded to consider, as well.


    Sunny felt a pang of regret for setting such strict restrictions for himself. But, still... he was looking forward to it.

    A real clash of skill, cunning, and competence.

    He had missed it a lot.

    "What are you waiting for?"

    Before the echo of his cold voice had time to disappear, the Fire Keepers attacked. The two archers opened the battle, instantly letting two arrows loose. They were showing decorum, too — since it was a friendly duel, his opponents refrained from using truly destructive Memories inside the Citadel.

    Sunny did not augment himself with any of his three shadows. Being a Transcendent already gave him a great advantage as far as physical prowess and the intricacy of essence control went, so it was unnecessary.

    Shifting slightly, he dodged both arrows with the minimum effort. One seemed to possess a homing enchantment, turning sharply to strike him in the back, but was tossed aside by the flat of the black odachi's blade.

    At that moment, the melee fighters of the Ascended cohort were already upon him. They coordinate their attacks seamlessly, using the arrow salvo to cover their advance.

    'Perfect teamwork.'

    Shim and Sid were the spearheads aimed at his chest and back. Gorn and Gantry, who wielded longer weapons and had a wider reach, attacked from behind them at the same time.

    There was a ceiling to a numerical advantage, since space was limited and only a few people could target a single opponent simultaneously... but by using this simple formation, the Fire Keepers effortlessly increased that limit.

    There was no way for Sunny to block and deflect four attacks that came from different directions with a single sword.

    So, he didn't. Instead, he removed himself from the path of the enemy weapons, deflecting Shim's spear and Gantry's heavy axe in the process. Using explosive footwork, Sunny escaped the encirclement and used the bodies of the Fire Keepers to block their comrades from chasing after him.

    Then, he lashed out with a probing attack.

    Sharp steel sang in the dark expanse of the Nameless Temple.


    Sunny's smile widened under Weaver's Mask. The Fire Keepers... had not wasted these four years, either. He had known that Valor had used Nephis and her personal battle force like a sledgehammer, endlessly sending

    them to put out one fire after another. It was almost as if they were being repeatedly sent to death, but stubbornly refused to die. As a result, their lethality reached chilling levels.

    Of course, he could have crushed them easily if he wished to. The gap between Saints and Masters was already vast, and Sunny was a singular existence even among Saints, to boot.

    But with the limitations he had put on himself, the Fire Keepers were a challenging adversary. Especially because he could not allow himself to be hit even once.

    Plus, he had chosen to only use a single battle style against them... Morgan's own battle style, to be precise. The sharp, deadly, and ruthless technique she used was representative of how warriors of Valor fought —not even becoming one with their weapons, but instead treating themselves as weapons.

    So, it wasn't easy.

    It was exhilarating, though.

    'Damnation. More!'

    There were a few tense moments when the unexpected facets of the Ascended Abilities of his enemies revealed themselves. There were several interesting enchantments their Memories possessed, as well.

    But Sunny still managed to evade, block, or deflect all their attacks in the most efficient and economical manner. He didn't make any big moves, using the least amount of motion possible in every situation.

    And all the while, he was studying how the Fire Keepers fought.

    Solving their battle styles and their teamwork like a puzzle.

    And when that puzzle was solved...

    The dynamic of the battle changed abruptly.


    The Lord of Shadows was indeed like a shadow. Swift, elusive, and insidious, he moved across the black marble of the great hall with stunning speed and flawless precision, effortlessly deflecting the rain of blows that the Fire Keepers unleashed upon him.

    His black odachi seemed to have a life of its own, flowing like a stream of darkness. A weapon of that length was supposed to be if not unwieldy, then at least less maneuverable than a shorter blade... and yet, the odachi was always exactly where it needed to be, effectively creating an impenetrable barrier of steel around its cold-hearted master.

    It was not because of his speed, strength, or mystical power. Instead... it was pure foresight and pure skill, both sharpened and tempered until they became a lethal weapon.

    Nephis observed the movements of the Lord of Shadows silently.

    The Fire Keepers, who had gone through countless battles by her side, fought well. They fought bravely. They fought with great skill and cunning, proving that their glorious fame was well-earned.

    And yet, she had guessed the result of the duel almost as soon as it started.

    Soon, the cadence of the battle shifted. The Lord of Shadows, who had been defending against the barrage of attacks, suddenly abandoned all pretenses of defense. Instead, he easily shrugged off a squall of steel and moved through it, attacking the Fire Keepers before they could even react.

    It was almost as if he was dancing...

    The black odachi hissed like a snake as it cut the air.

    It struck Shim in the chest, sending him flying back. A split second later, Sid's shield was pushed aside, and her breastplate caved as the young woman toppled with a short yelp. Gantry was struck by the pommel of the odachi almost at the same moment, swaying once before falling down. By the time his back hit the floor, Gorn was already on his knees, both of his greatswords sliding away.

    The Lord of Shadows was among them. A moment later, he had already reached the two archers.


    Kaor, who was supposed to protect them, was tossed back with one unhurried blow of the demonic swordsman's fist. Shakti and Erlas attempted to retreat, but both were sent to the ground before taking a single step.

    From start to finish, the duel between the Lord of Shadows and the Fire Keepers had taken a couple of minutes.

    However, they had all been defeated in just two seconds.

    It was as though the master of the ancient temple was telling them — look! I could have ended you all any time I wanted.

    White sparks ignited in Neph's eyes.


    The Lord of Shadows stopped and calmly put the spine of the black odachi on his shoulder. His fearsome mask remained the same, eerie and devoid of any emotion. The Fire Keepers groaned as they slowly picked themselves up from the floor.

    "Is that all?"

    His voice was still the same, cold and impassive.

    Nephis smiled slightly and finally unsheathed her swords.

    "You haven't defeated all of us yet, have you?"

    He tilted his head a little, staring at her with arrogant indifference.

    Well... Nephis thought that those were his emotions. In truth, there was no way to know what was hiding behind that fearsome mask... if there was anything behind it at all.

    The Lord of Shadows slowly lowered his odachi and gripped its hilt with both hands.

    "Stop wasting my time, then."

    Nephis took a step forward.

    That mask..

    Why did it look so familiar?
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  3. Offline
    No no no no no no no no I refuse I refuse I refuse, chapter 1616
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    1. Offline
      I’ve come up with 2 theories

      1. Shadow Citadel is real and if so most likely a first draft for the actual chapter and was leaked by accident or G3 purposefully leaked it to build suspense for readers (if so genius strategy can’t do it often but damn it’s working)

      2. G3 read Shadow Citadel and decided to make the buildup eerily similar so we can have hope of it being real and will change it at a definitive point to show he was just yanking our chains (also brilliant and just a big joke if so which I love)
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      1. Offline
        I realy hope it is 2 but we can only wait for the next day gloom
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      2. Offline
        The thing with neph doesn't using her aspect in the duel isn't present here, so maybe it's 2

        I think now neph only will start to feel some similarities, while her remembering will be the final culmination of this arc
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        1. Offline
          I don’t know about that, that’s a pretty loose difference especially because Nephis is an honorable fighter at least when it comes to things like this and she prefers not to even use her aspect at anytime in the first place because of debilitating flaw so I think it’s a fair assumption that she might say that she will honor and go under the same restriction I just don’t know why she’s calling him “Shadow Lord” sometimes and “Lord of Shadows” other times in shadow citadel part 1 I don’t think we’ve seen that nickname in this context yet so it doesn’t align quite perfectly and G3 is relatively consistent and that seems like a fanfic writer mistake but then again this could be just a draft so those mistakes may be present I’m still unsure
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      3. Offline
        É mais logico pensar que ela apenas reconheceu a mascara da Ananke
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        1. Offline
          Yeah that line of thinking just supports theory number 2 personally idk which is real we will find out shortly but it would make sense that G3 is using only teasers that make you question without any that actually confirm
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    2. Online Offline
      Теневая цитадель? Я видел только Теневой Клинок...
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      1. Offline
        Теневая цитадель это фанфик (или нет, но я очень надеюсь что он ничего не имеет с реальностью) в прошлых главах чувак скинул это главу по приколу. Если я правильно помню изначально она появилась в дискорде
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  4. Online Offline
    1615 Grand Entrance

    There was movement in the darkness.
    Nephis could not see it, but she felt the shadows that drowned the great hall of the ancient temple shift and surge, as if celebrating the arrival of their master. The Fire Keepers behind her tensed, looking up with somber expressions.


    A heavy sound resounded, followed by another. It seemed that someone was descending from an unseen dais, the weight of their unhurried footsteps echoing in the lightless hall like an ill omen.

    Suddenly, the enchanted lanterns ignited with bright radiance, chasing away the darkness. As if they were finally allowed to shine.

    As soon as they did, a dark figure stepped into the light, the shadows shrouding it like a mantle.

    Even Nephis, who rarely felt fear, sensed a slight chill at the sight of the Lord of Shadows. She didn't quite know why.

    The man in front of her was as elusive as his voice. His figure was encased in a fearsome onyx armor, its polished surface glistening like black glass. His features were hidden behind a mask of a fierce demon, nothing but darkness dwelling in the narrow slits of its eyes... as if there was no human face behind the mask, and no human flesh beneath the intricate black armor.

    Just a formless shadow.

    Strangely enough, Nephis could not say how tall the man was, exactly. But it felt as if he dwarfed everyone in the ancient temple, looking down at them with cold, malevolent arrogance.

    ...He was unarmed.

    Nephis studied the Lord of Shadows calmly.


    The blind seer answered after a moment of silence:

    [I can see him through your eyes. But I still can't sense him. It's like there's nothing but emptiness where a man should be.]

    Nephis felt a bit dejected. It seemed that she had grown too used to enjoying the amazing boon of having Cassie serve as her eyes and ears. The great advantage of information superiority had spoiled her... this time, though, she would not be able to know what her opponent's Attributes, Abilities, and hidden cards were in advance.

    Well, it was for the best, then, that Shadow had offered to duel her and the Fire Keepers. She would learn what he was capable of firsthand.

    Showing no emotion, she looked at the fearsome Saint and took several unhurried steps back. At the same time, the Fire Keepers moved forward, facing him.

    The Lord of Shadows tilted his head a little. "What? You are not going to fight, Changing Star?" His cold voice sounded almost... disappointed. Nephis shook her head.

    "You've challenged all of us, haven't you? But... I don't draw my sword for just anyone. Prove yourself first, Lord Shadow."

    The unnerving black mask stared at her for a few moments, and then the elusive voice resounded once again, full of cold indifference:

    "No matter. You, there... come all at once."

    As he said these words, the Lord of Shadows raised a hand. The darkness flowed from the floor, assuming a long and sinister shape. A few moments later, a great odachi formed from the shadows, its curving blade so black that it seemed to devour light.

    Disturbed, the Fire Keepers moved forward.


    Seven Fire Keepers...
    Sunny remained calm, but he also felt a little tense. Of course, there was no question that he could crush a cohort of Masters without breaking a sweat, no matter how seasoned and talented they were.

    But, how could he put it...

    He might have allowed himself to be carried away, a little, while acting out the role of the cold and mysterious Lord of Shadows. Not only had he promised to avoid using his Aspect, but he also set a ridiculous condition for his loss.

    Defeating the enemy was easy, but doing so while not receiving a single scratch on his armor was not.

    Of course, Sunny had no intention of winning, to begin with. He just wanted to put on a good show and lose gracefully, thus laying the necessary groundwork for infiltrating the war machine of the Sword Domain.

    However, the person he needed to impress was Nephis. And now, he had to deal with the Fire Keepers first to cross swords with her.

    'Should I cheat?'

    He considered the idea for a moment, then discarded it. That would not be any fun.

    Sunny studied the seven Masters that were surrounding him. Shim, Shakti, Kaor, Sid, Gorn, Gantry, and Erlas.

    He knew them well.

    Shim, a young man wielding a shield and a spear, was the healer who led the cohort. Strangely enough, he was also the most skilled and lethal warrior among them — that was because, back on the Forgotten Shore, he had been one of Gemma's Pathfinders. An elite who had survived countless hunts in the Dark City.

    Gorn, Gantry, and Erlas had been among the Hunters of the Bright Castle.

    Gorn was tall, immensely strong, and possessed an Aspect that allowed him to manifest an additional pair of hands, preferring to use two greatswords in battle. Gantry usually fought with a heavy battle axe, and was able to sharpen his weapons with his Aspect Ability. Erlas was a skilled archer capable of enhancing the resilience and stamina of his allies.

    Sid, a young woman with dirty blonde hair, had been a hunter in the outer settlement. The fact that she had survived there was a testament to her skill and tenacity, and her Aspect greatly augmented her physical strength in short, but devastating bursts. She was armed with a sword and a shield.

    Finally, there were Shakti and Kaor. Both had been Artisans in the Bright Castle, possessing potent Utility Aspects — Shakti's had to do with plants, while Kaor's had to do with carpentry. The former was a deadly archer, as well, while the latter was a jack-of-all-trades who usually guarded the rear of the cohort.

    All seven were elites even among Masters, and their ability to work together was second to

    Placing the odachi that he had manifested from the shadows on his shoulder, Sunny smiled behind his mask
    'This... is going to be fun.'
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    1. Online Offline
      1616 Blade of Shadows

      Sunny had never stopped fighting, sharpening his mastery of combat to a sublime level. He had already been one of the most seasoned warriors of humanity four years ago... mostly because very few had it as rough as he had it on the Forgotten Shore and in the Antarctic Center.

      But the last four years had not been easy on him, either. Crossing the Hollow Mountains alone had given him more battle experience than most Awakened would receive in their lifetime. So, now, he had a solid reason to be supremely confident in his ability.

      That said, there was a difference between fighting Nightmare Creatures and fighting humans. Sunny had mostly been doing the former recently, so the latter... he was a bit rusty.

      As the Fire Keepers surrounded him, Sunny observed them silently.

      Now that they were Masters, each possessed one additional Aspect Ability. Gorn not only had four arms, but also expanded in size, towering above the floor at almost three meters in height. Gantry seemed to have augmented his body, somehow... making it more durable? More nimble? Or simply more powerful?

      He was going to find out shortly.

      Erlas, meanwhile, was enhancing the physical state of each member of the cohort. His powers had been mainly focused on endurance and stamina before... what about now?

      Sid was bound to do something unpredictable, as well.

      Shim, Shakti, and Kaor all possessed non-combat Aspect, so guessing their powers was of less importance. Still... they could be full of surprises.

      There were the Memories the Fire Keepers wielded to consider, as well.
      Sunny felt a pang of regret for setting such strict restrictions for himself. But, still... he was looking forward to it.
      A real clash of skill, cunning, and competence.
      He had missed it a lot.
      "What are you waiting for?"
      Before the echo of his cold voice had time to disappear, the Fire Keepers attacked. The two archers opened the battle, instantly letting two arrows loose. They were showing decorum, too — since it was a friendly duel, his opponents refrained from using truly destructive Memories inside the Citadel.

      Sunny did not augment himself with any of his three shadows. Being a Transcendent already gave him a great advantage as far as physical prowess and the intricacy of essence control went, so it was unnecessary.

      Shifting slightly, he dodged both arrows with the minimum effort. One seemed to possess a homing enchantment, turning sharply to strike him in the back, but was tossed aside by the flat of the black odachi's blade.

      At that moment, the melee fighters of the Ascended cohort were already upon him. They coordinate their attacks seamlessly, using the arrow salvo to cover their advance.

      'Perfect teamwork.'

      Shim and Sid were the spearheads aimed at his chest and back. Gorn and Gantry, who wielded longer weapons and had a wider reach, attacked from behind them at the same time.

      There was a ceiling to a numerical advantage, since space was limited and only a few people could target a single opponent simultaneously... but by using this simple formation, the Fire Keepers effortlessly increased that limit.

      There was no way for Sunny to block and deflect four attacks that came from different directions with a single sword.

      So, he didn't. Instead, he removed himself from the path of the enemy weapons, deflecting Shim's spear and Gantry's heavy axe in the process. Using explosive footwork, Sunny escaped the encirclement and used the bodies of the Fire Keepers to block their comrades from chasing after him.

      Then, he lashed out with a probing attack.

      Sharp steel sang in the dark expanse of the Nameless Temple.

      Sunny's smile widened under Weaver's Mask. The Fire Keepers... had not wasted these four years, either. He had known that Valor had used Nephis and her personal battle force like a sledgehammer, endlessly sending

      them to put out one fire after another. It was almost as if they were being repeatedly sent to death, but stubbornly refused to die. As a result, their lethality reached chilling levels.

      Of course, he could have crushed them easily if he wished to. The gap between Saints and Masters was already vast, and Sunny was a singular existence even among Saints, to boot.
      But with the limitations he had put on himself, the Fire Keepers were a challenging adversary. Especially because he could not allow himself to be hit even once.

      Plus, he had chosen to only use a single battle style against them... Morgan's own battle style, to be precise. The sharp, deadly, and ruthless technique she used was representative of how warriors of Valor fought —not even becoming one with their weapons, but instead treating themselves as weapons.
      So, it wasn't easy.

      It was exhilarating, though.

      'Damnation. More!'

      There were a few tense moments when the unexpected facets of the Ascended Abilities of his enemies revealed themselves. There were several interesting enchantments their Memories possessed, as well.

      But Sunny still managed to evade, block, or deflect all their attacks in the most efficient and economical manner. He didn't make any big moves, using the least amount of motion possible in every situation.

      And all the while, he was studying how the Fire Keepers fought.

      Solving their battle styles and their teamwork like a puzzle.

      And when that puzzle was solved...

      The dynamic of the battle changed abruptly.

      The Lord of Shadows was indeed like a shadow. Swift, elusive, and insidious, he moved across the black marble of the great hall with stunning speed and flawless precision, effortlessly deflecting the rain of blows that the Fire Keepers unleashed upon him.

      His black odachi seemed to have a life of its own, flowing like a stream of darkness. A weapon of that length was supposed to be if not unwieldy, then at least less maneuverable than a shorter blade... and yet, the odachi was always exactly where it needed to be, effectively creating an impenetrable barrier of steel around its cold-hearted master.

      It was not because of his speed, strength, or mystical power. Instead... it was pure foresight and pure skill, both sharpened and tempered until they became a lethal weapon.

      Nephis observed the movements of the Lord of Shadows silently.

      The Fire Keepers, who had gone through countless battles by her side, fought well. They fought bravely. They fought with great skill and cunning, proving that their glorious fame was well-earned.

      And yet, she had guessed the result of the duel almost as soon as it started.

      Soon, the cadence of the battle shifted. The Lord of Shadows, who had been defending against the barrage of attacks, suddenly abandoned all pretenses of defense. Instead, he easily shrugged off a squall of steel and moved through it, attacking the Fire Keepers before they could even react.

      It was almost as if he was dancing...

      The black odachi hissed like a snake as it cut the air.

      It struck Shim in the chest, sending him flying back. A split second later, Sid's shield was pushed aside, and her breastplate caved as the young woman toppled with a short yelp. Gantry was struck by the pommel of the odachi almost at the same moment, swaying once before falling down. By the time his back hit the floor, Gorn was already on his knees, both of his greatswords sliding away.

      The Lord of Shadows was among them. A moment later, he had already reached the two archers.


      Kaor, who was supposed to protect them, was tossed back with one unhurried blow of the demonic swordsman's fist. Shakti and Erlas attempted to retreat, but both were sent to the ground before taking a single step.

      From start to finish, the duel between the Lord of Shadows and the Fire Keepers had taken a couple of minutes.

      However, they had all been defeated in just two seconds.

      It was as though the master of the ancient temple was telling them — look! I could have ended you all any time I wanted.

      White sparks ignited in Neph's eyes.


      The Lord of Shadows stopped and calmly put the spine of the black odachi on his shoulder. His fearsome mask remained the same, eerie and devoid of any emotion. The Fire Keepers groaned as they slowly picked themselves up from the floor.

      "Is that all?"

      His voice was still the same, cold and impassive.

      Nephis smiled slightly and finally unsheathed her swords.

      "You haven't defeated all of us yet, have you?"

      He tilted his head a little, staring at her with arrogant indifference.

      Well... Nephis thought that those were his emotions. In truth, there was no way to know what was hiding behind that fearsome mask... if there was anything behind it at all.

      The Lord of Shadows slowly lowered his odachi and gripped its hilt with both hands.

      "Stop wasting my time, then."

      Nephis took a step forward.

      That mask..

      Why did it look so familiar?
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      1. Offline
        Why did it look so familiar?

        Beautiful chapter, the battle was perfectly well done, and now it actually begins
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        1. Online Offline
          true , i can't for their battle it will be legendary hlst .
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        2. Offline
          Of course it looks familiar. Ananke had one, and she still will remember Ananke. This is a Red Herring, to make us think she's remembering Sunny. G3 is playing us like a cuddle.
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          1. Offline
            *fiddle. Dang autocorrect.
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          2. Offline
            That may be the case but I’m staying optimistic that she remembers abt the knight persona Sunny used in the dreamscape (I think that is how it was called) and the videos she watched
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  5. Offline
    There was movement in the darkness.

    Nephis could not see it, but she felt the shadows that drowned the great hall of the ancient temple shift and surge, as if celebrating the arrival of their master. The Fire Keepers behind her tensed, looking up with somber expressions.


    A heavy sound resounded, followed by another. It seemed that someone was descending from an unseen dais, the weight of their unhurried footsteps echoing in the lightless hall like an ill omen.

    Suddenly, the enchanted lanterns ignited with bright radiance, chasing away the darkness. As if they were finally allowed to shine.

    As soon as they did, a dark figure stepped into the light, the shadows shrouding it like a mantle.

    Even Nephis, who rarely felt fear, sensed a slight chill at the sight of the Lord of Shadows. She didn't quite know why.

    The man in front of her was as elusive as his voice. His figure was encased in a fearsome onyx armor, its polished surface glistening like black glass. His features were hidden behind a mask of a fierce demon, nothing but darkness dwelling in the narrow slits of its eyes... as if there was no human face behind the mask, and no human flesh beneath the intricate black armor.

    Just a formless shadow.

    Strangely enough, Nephis could not say how tall the man was, exactly. But it felt as if he dwarfed everyone in the ancient temple, looking down at them with cold, malevolent arrogance.

    ...He was unarmed.

    Nephis studied the Lord of Shadows calmly.


    The blind seer answered after a moment of silence:

    [I can see him through your eyes. But I still can't sense him. It's like there's nothing but emptiness where a man should be.]

    Nephis felt a bit dejected. It seemed that she had grown too used to enjoying the amazing boon of having Cassie serve as her eyes and ears. The great advantage of information superiority had spoiled her... this time, though, she would not be able to know what her opponent's Attributes, Abilities, and hidden cards were in advance.

    Well, it was for the best, then, that Shadow had offered to duel her and the Fire Keepers. She would learn what he was capable of firsthand.

    Showing no emotion, she looked at the fearsome Saint and took several unhurried steps back. At the same time, the Fire Keepers moved forward, facing him.

    The Lord of Shadows tilted his head a little. "What? You are not going to fight, Changing Star?" His cold voice sounded almost... disappointed. Nephis shook her head.

    "You've challenged all of us, haven't you? But... I don't draw my sword for just anyone. Prove yourself first, Lord Shadow."

    The unnerving black mask stared at her for a few moments, and then the elusive voice resounded once again, full of cold indifference:

    "No matter. You, there... come all at once."

    As he said these words, the Lord of Shadows raised a hand. The darkness flowed from the floor, assuming a long and sinister shape. A few moments later, a great odachi formed from the shadows, its curving blade so black that it seemed to devour light.

    Disturbed, the Fire Keepers moved forward.


    Seven Fire Keepers...

    Sunny remained calm, but he also felt a little tense. Of course, there was no question that he could crush a cohort of Masters without breaking a sweat, no matter how seasoned and talented they were.

    But, how could he put it...

    He might have allowed himself to be carried away, a little, while acting out the role of the cold and mysterious Lord of Shadows. Not only had he promised to avoid using his Aspect, but he also set a ridiculous condition for his loss.

    Defeating the enemy was easy, but doing so while not receiving a single scratch on his armor was not.

    Of course, Sunny had no intention of winning, to begin with. He just wanted to put on a good show and lose gracefully, thus laying the necessary groundwork for infiltrating the war machine of the Sword Domain.

    However, the person he needed to impress was Nephis. And now, he had to deal with the Fire Keepers first to cross swords with her.

    'Should I cheat?'

    He considered the idea for a moment, then discarded it. That would not be any fun.

    Sunny studied the seven Masters that were surrounding him. Shim, Shakti, Kaor, Sid, Gorn, Gantry, and Erlas.

    He knew them well.

    Shim, a young man wielding a shield and a spear, was the healer who led the cohort. Strangely enough, he was also the most skilled and lethal warrior among them — that was because, back on the Forgotten Shore, he had been one of Gemma's Pathfinders. An elite who had survived countless hunts in the Dark City.

    Gorn, Gantry, and Erlas had been among the Hunters of the Bright Castle.

    Gorn was tall, immensely strong, and possessed an Aspect that allowed him to manifest an additional pair of hands, preferring to use two greatswords in battle. Gantry usually fought with a heavy battle axe, and was able to sharpen his weapons with his Aspect Ability. Erlas was a skilled archer capable of enhancing the resilience and stamina of his allies.

    Sid, a young woman with dirty blonde hair, had been a hunter in the outer settlement. The fact that she had survived there was a testament to her skill and tenacity, and her Aspect greatly augmented her physical strength in short, but devastating bursts. She was armed with a sword and a shield.

    Finally, there were Shakti and Kaor. Both had been Artisans in the Bright Castle, possessing potent Utility Aspects — Shakti's had to do with plants, while Kaor's had to do with carpentry. The former was a deadly archer, as well, while the latter was a jack-of-all-trades who usually guarded the rear of the cohort.

    All seven were elites even among Masters, and their ability to work together was second to none.

    Placing the odachi that he had manifested from the shadows on his shoulder, Sunny smiled behind his mask

    'This... is going to be fun.'
    Read more
    1. Offline
      1616 Blade of Shadows

      Sunny had never stopped fighting, sharpening his mastery of combat to a sublime level. He had already been one of the most seasoned warriors of humanity four years ago... mostly because very few had it as rough as he had it on the Forgotten Shore and in the Antarctic Center.

      But the last four years had not been easy on him, either. Crossing the Hollow Mountains alone had given him more battle experience than most Awakened would receive in their lifetime. So, now, he had a solid reason to be supremely confident in his ability.

      That said, there was a difference between fighting Nightmare Creatures and fighting humans. Sunny had mostly been doing the former recently, so the latter... he was a bit rusty.

      As the Fire Keepers surrounded him, Sunny observed them silently.

      Now that they were Masters, each possessed one additional Aspect Ability. Gorn not only had four arms, but also expanded in size, towering above the floor at almost three meters in height. Gantry seemed to have augmented his body, somehow... making it more durable? More nimble? Or simply more powerful?

      He was going to find out shortly.

      Erlas, meanwhile, was enhancing the physical state of each member of the cohort. His powers had been mainly focused on endurance and stamina before... what about now?

      Sid was bound to do something unpredictable, as well.

      Shim, Shakti, and Kaor all possessed non-combat Aspect, so guessing their powers was of less importance. Still... they could be full of surprises.

      There were the Memories the Fire Keepers wielded to consider, as well.


      Sunny felt a pang of regret for setting such strict restrictions for himself. But, still... he was looking forward to it.

      A real clash of skill, cunning, and competence.

      He had missed it a lot.

      "What are you waiting for?"

      Before the echo of his cold voice had time to disappear, the Fire Keepers attacked. The two archers opened the battle, instantly letting two arrows loose. They were showing decorum, too — since it was a friendly duel, his opponents refrained from using truly destructive Memories inside the Citadel.

      Sunny did not augment himself with any of his three shadows. Being a Transcendent already gave him a great advantage as far as physical prowess and the intricacy of essence control went, so it was unnecessary.

      Shifting slightly, he dodged both arrows with the minimum effort. One seemed to possess a homing enchantment, turning sharply to strike him in the back, but was tossed aside by the flat of the black odachi's blade.

      At that moment, the melee fighters of the Ascended cohort were already upon him. They coordinate their attacks seamlessly, using the arrow salvo to cover their advance.

      'Perfect teamwork.'

      Shim and Sid were the spearheads aimed at his chest and back. Gorn and Gantry, who wielded longer weapons and had a wider reach, attacked from behind them at the same time.

      There was a ceiling to a numerical advantage, since space was limited and only a few people could target a single opponent simultaneously... but by using this simple formation, the Fire Keepers effortlessly increased that limit.

      There was no way for Sunny to block and deflect four attacks that came from different directions with a single sword.

      So, he didn't. Instead, he removed himself from the path of the enemy weapons, deflecting Shim's spear and Gantry's heavy axe in the process. Using explosive footwork, Sunny escaped the encirclement and used the bodies of the Fire Keepers to block their comrades from chasing after him.

      Then, he lashed out with a probing attack.

      Sharp steel sang in the dark expanse of the Nameless Temple.


      Sunny's smile widened under Weaver's Mask. The Fire Keepers... had not wasted these four years, either. He had known that Valor had used Nephis and her personal battle force like a sledgehammer, endlessly sending

      them to put out one fire after another. It was almost as if they were being repeatedly sent to death, but stubbornly refused to die. As a result, their lethality reached chilling levels.

      Of course, he could have crushed them easily if he wished to. The gap between Saints and Masters was already vast, and Sunny was a singular existence even among Saints, to boot.

      But with the limitations he had put on himself, the Fire Keepers were a challenging adversary. Especially because he could not allow himself to be hit even once.

      Plus, he had chosen to only use a single battle style against them... Morgan's own battle style, to be precise. The sharp, deadly, and ruthless technique she used was representative of how warriors of Valor fought —not even becoming one with their weapons, but instead treating themselves as weapons.

      So, it wasn't easy.

      It was exhilarating, though.

      'Damnation. More!'

      There were a few tense moments when the unexpected facets of the Ascended Abilities of his enemies revealed themselves. There were several interesting enchantments their Memories possessed, as well.

      But Sunny still managed to evade, block, or deflect all their attacks in the most efficient and economical manner. He didn't make any big moves, using the least amount of motion possible in every situation.

      And all the while, he was studying how the Fire Keepers fought.

      Solving their battle styles and their teamwork like a puzzle.

      And when that puzzle was solved...

      The dynamic of the battle changed abruptly.


      The Lord of Shadows was indeed like a shadow. Swift, elusive, and insidious, he moved across the black marble of the great hall with stunning speed and flawless precision, effortlessly deflecting the rain of blows that the Fire Keepers unleashed upon him.

      His black odachi seemed to have a life of its own, flowing like a stream of darkness. A weapon of that length was supposed to be if not unwieldy, then at least less maneuverable than a shorter blade... and yet, the odachi was always exactly where it needed to be, effectively creating an impenetrable barrier of steel around its cold-hearted master.

      It was not because of his speed, strength, or mystical power. Instead... it was pure foresight and pure skill, both sharpened and tempered until they became a lethal weapon.

      Nephis observed the movements of the Lord of Shadows silently.

      The Fire Keepers, who had gone through countless battles by her side, fought well. They fought bravely. They fought with great skill and cunning, proving that their glorious fame was well-earned.

      And yet, she had guessed the result of the duel almost as soon as it started.

      Soon, the cadence of the battle shifted. The Lord of Shadows, who had been defending against the barrage of attacks, suddenly abandoned all pretenses of defense. Instead, he easily shrugged off a squall of steel and moved through it, attacking the Fire Keepers before they could even react.

      It was almost as if he was dancing...

      The black odachi hissed like a snake as it cut the air.

      It struck Shim in the chest, sending him flying back. A split second later, Sid's shield was pushed aside, and her breastplate caved as the young woman toppled with a short yelp. Gantry was struck by the pommel of the odachi almost at the same moment, swaying once before falling down. By the time his back hit the floor, Gorn was already on his knees, both of his greatswords sliding away.

      The Lord of Shadows was among them. A moment later, he had already reached the two archers.


      Kaor, who was supposed to protect them, was tossed back with one unhurried blow of the demonic swordsman's fist. Shakti and Erlas attempted to retreat, but both were sent to the ground before taking a single step.

      From start to finish, the duel between the Lord of Shadows and the Fire Keepers had taken a couple of minutes.

      However, they had all been defeated in just two seconds.

      It was as though the master of the ancient temple was telling them — look! I could have ended you all any time I wanted.

      White sparks ignited in Neph's eyes.


      The Lord of Shadows stopped and calmly put the spine of the black odachi on his shoulder. His fearsome mask remained the same, eerie and devoid of any emotion. The Fire Keepers groaned as they slowly picked themselves up from the floor.

      "Is that all?"

      His voice was still the same, cold and impassive.

      Nephis smiled slightly and finally unsheathed her swords.

      "You haven't defeated all of us yet, have you?"

      He tilted his head a little, staring at her with arrogant indifference.

      Well... Nephis thought that those were his emotions. In truth, there was no way to know what was hiding behind that fearsome mask... if there was anything behind it at all.

      The Lord of Shadows slowly lowered his odachi and gripped its hilt with both hands.

      "Stop wasting my time, then."

      Nephis took a step forward.

      That mask..

      Why did it look so familiar?
      Read more
  6. Offline
    Аман Алинур
    1615 Grand Entrance

    There was movement in the darkness.

    Nephis could not see it, but she felt the shadows that drowned the great hall of the ancient temple shift and surge, as if celebrating the arrival of their master. The Fire Keepers behind her tensed, looking up with somber expressions.


    A heavy sound resounded, followed by another. It seemed that someone was descending from an unseen dais, the weight of their unhurried footsteps echoing in the lightless hall like an ill omen.

    Suddenly, the enchanted lanterns ignited with bright radiance, chasing away the darkness. As if they were finally allowed to shine.

    As soon as they did, a dark figure stepped into the light, the shadows shrouding it like a mantle.

    Even Nephis, who rarely felt fear, sensed a slight chill at the sight of the Lord of Shadows. She didn't quite know why.

    The man in front of her was as elusive as his voice. His figure was encased in a fearsome onyx armor, its polished surface glistening like black glass. His features were hidden behind a mask of a fierce demon, nothing but darkness dwelling in the narrow slits of its eyes... as if there was no human face behind the mask, and no human flesh beneath the intricate black armor.

    Just a formless shadow.

    Strangely enough, Nephis could not say how tall the man was, exactly. But it felt as if he dwarfed everyone in the ancient temple, looking down at them with cold, malevolent arrogance.

    ...He was unarmed.

    Nephis studied the Lord of Shadows calmly.


    The blind seer answered after a moment of silence:

    [I can see him through your eyes. But I still can't sense him. It's like there's nothing but emptiness where a man should be.]

    Nephis felt a bit dejected. It seemed that she had grown too used to enjoying the amazing boon of having Cassie serve as her eyes and ears. The great advantage of information superiority had spoiled her... this time, though, she would not be able to know what her opponent's Attributes, Abilities, and hidden cards were in advance.

    Well, it was for the best, then, that Shadow had offered to duel her and the Fire Keepers. She would learn what he was capable of firsthand.

    Showing no emotion, she looked at the fearsome Saint and took several unhurried steps back. At the same time, the Fire Keepers moved forward, facing him.

    The Lord of Shadows tilted his head a little. "What? You are not going to fight, Changing Star?" His cold voice sounded almost... disappointed. Nephis shook her head.

    "You've challenged all of us, haven't you? But... I don't draw my sword for just anyone. Prove yourself first, Lord Shadow."

    The unnerving black mask stared at her for a few moments, and then the elusive voice resounded once again, full of cold indifference:

    "No matter. You, there... come all at once."

    As he said these words, the Lord of Shadows raised a hand. The darkness flowed from the floor, assuming a long and sinister shape. A few moments later, a great odachi formed from the shadows, its curving blade so black that it seemed to devour light.

    Disturbed, the Fire Keepers moved forward.


    Seven Fire Keepers...

    Sunny remained calm, but he also felt a little tense. Of course, there was no question that he could crush a cohort of Masters without breaking a sweat, no matter how seasoned and talented they were.

    But, how could he put it...

    He might have allowed himself to be carried away, a little, while acting out the role of the cold and mysterious Lord of Shadows. Not only had he promised to avoid using his Aspect, but he also set a ridiculous condition for his loss.

    Defeating the enemy was easy, but doing so while not receiving a single scratch on his armor was not.

    Of course, Sunny had no intention of winning, to begin with. He just wanted to put on a good show and lose gracefully, thus laying the necessary groundwork for infiltrating the war machine of the Sword Domain.

    However, the person he needed to impress was Nephis. And now, he had to deal with the Fire Keepers first to cross swords with her.

    'Should I cheat?'

    He considered the idea for a moment, then discarded it. That would not be any fun.

    Sunny studied the seven Masters that were surrounding him. Shim, Shakti, Kaor, Sid, Gorn, Gantry, and Erlas.

    He knew them well.

    Shim, a young man wielding a shield and a spear, was the healer who led the cohort. Strangely enough, he was also the most skilled and lethal warrior among them — that was because, back on the Forgotten Shore, he had been one of Gemma's Pathfinders. An elite who had survived countless hunts in the Dark City.

    Gorn, Gantry, and Erlas had been among the Hunters of the Bright Castle.

    Gorn was tall, immensely strong, and possessed an Aspect that allowed him to manifest an additional pair of hands, preferring to use two greatswords in battle. Gantry usually fought with a heavy battle axe, and was able to sharpen his weapons with his Aspect Ability. Erlas was a skilled archer capable of enhancing the resilience and stamina of his allies.

    Sid, a young woman with dirty blonde hair, had been a hunter in the outer settlement. The fact that she had survived there was a testament to her skill and tenacity, and her Aspect greatly augmented her physical strength in short, but devastating bursts. She was armed with a sword and a shield.

    Finally, there were Shakti and Kaor. Both had been Artisans in the Bright Castle, possessing potent Utility Aspects — Shakti's had to do with plants, while Kaor's had to do with carpentry. The former was a deadly archer, as well, while the latter was a jack-of-all-trades who usually guarded the rear of the cohort.

    All seven were elites even among Masters, and their ability to work together was second to none.

    Placing the odachi that he had manifested from the shadows on his shoulder, Sunny smiled behind his mask

    'This... is going to be fun.'
    Read more
    1. Offline
      Аман Алинур
      1616 Blade of Shadows

      Sunny had never stopped fighting, sharpening his mastery of combat to a sublime level. He had already been one of the most seasoned warriors of humanity four years ago... mostly because very few had it as rough as he had it on the Forgotten Shore and in the Antarctic Center.

      But the last four years had not been easy on him, either. Crossing the Hollow Mountains alone had given him more battle experience than most Awakened would receive in their lifetime. So, now, he had a solid reason to be supremely confident in his ability.

      That said, there was a difference between fighting Nightmare Creatures and fighting humans. Sunny had mostly been doing the former recently, so the latter... he was a bit rusty.

      As the Fire Keepers surrounded him, Sunny observed them silently.

      Now that they were Masters, each possessed one additional Aspect Ability. Gorn not only had four arms, but also expanded in size, towering above the floor at almost three meters in height. Gantry seemed to have augmented his body, somehow... making it more durable? More nimble? Or simply more powerful?

      He was going to find out shortly.

      Erlas, meanwhile, was enhancing the physical state of each member of the cohort. His powers had been mainly focused on endurance and stamina before... what about now?

      Sid was bound to do something unpredictable, as well.

      Shim, Shakti, and Kaor all possessed non-combat Aspect, so guessing their powers was of less importance. Still... they could be full of surprises.

      There were the Memories the Fire Keepers wielded to consider, as well.


      Sunny felt a pang of regret for setting such strict restrictions for himself. But, still... he was looking forward to it.

      A real clash of skill, cunning, and competence.

      He had missed it a lot.

      "What are you waiting for?"

      Before the echo of his cold voice had time to disappear, the Fire Keepers attacked. The two archers opened the battle, instantly letting two arrows loose. They were showing decorum, too — since it was a friendly duel, his opponents refrained from using truly destructive Memories inside the Citadel.

      Sunny did not augment himself with any of his three shadows. Being a Transcendent already gave him a great advantage as far as physical prowess and the intricacy of essence control went, so it was unnecessary.

      Shifting slightly, he dodged both arrows with the minimum effort. One seemed to possess a homing enchantment, turning sharply to strike him in the back, but was tossed aside by the flat of the black odachi's blade.

      At that moment, the melee fighters of the Ascended cohort were already upon him. They coordinate their attacks seamlessly, using the arrow salvo to cover their advance.

      'Perfect teamwork.'

      Shim and Sid were the spearheads aimed at his chest and back. Gorn and Gantry, who wielded longer weapons and had a wider reach, attacked from behind them at the same time.

      There was a ceiling to a numerical advantage, since space was limited and only a few people could target a single opponent simultaneously... but by using this simple formation, the Fire Keepers effortlessly increased that limit.

      There was no way for Sunny to block and deflect four attacks that came from different directions with a single sword.

      So, he didn't. Instead, he removed himself from the path of the enemy weapons, deflecting Shim's spear and Gantry's heavy axe in the process. Using explosive footwork, Sunny escaped the encirclement and used the bodies of the Fire Keepers to block their comrades from chasing after him.

      Then, he lashed out with a probing attack.

      Sharp steel sang in the dark expanse of the Nameless Temple.


      Sunny's smile widened under Weaver's Mask. The Fire Keepers... had not wasted these four years, either. He had known that Valor had used Nephis and her personal battle force like a sledgehammer, endlessly sending

      them to put out one fire after another. It was almost as if they were being repeatedly sent to death, but stubbornly refused to die. As a result, their lethality reached chilling levels.

      Of course, he could have crushed them easily if he wished to. The gap between Saints and Masters was already vast, and Sunny was a singular existence even among Saints, to boot.

      But with the limitations he had put on himself, the Fire Keepers were a challenging adversary. Especially because he could not allow himself to be hit even once.

      Plus, he had chosen to only use a single battle style against them... Morgan's own battle style, to be precise. The sharp, deadly, and ruthless technique she used was representative of how warriors of Valor fought —not even becoming one with their weapons, but instead treating themselves as weapons.

      So, it wasn't easy.

      It was exhilarating, though.

      'Damnation. More!'

      There were a few tense moments when the unexpected facets of the Ascended Abilities of his enemies revealed themselves. There were several interesting enchantments their Memories possessed, as well.

      But Sunny still managed to evade, block, or deflect all their attacks in the most efficient and economical manner. He didn't make any big moves, using the least amount of motion possible in every situation.

      And all the while, he was studying how the Fire Keepers fought.

      Solving their battle styles and their teamwork like a puzzle.

      And when that puzzle was solved...

      The dynamic of the battle changed abruptly.


      The Lord of Shadows was indeed like a shadow. Swift, elusive, and insidious, he moved across the black marble of the great hall with stunning speed and flawless precision, effortlessly deflecting the rain of blows that the Fire Keepers unleashed upon him.

      His black odachi seemed to have a life of its own, flowing like a stream of darkness. A weapon of that length was supposed to be if not unwieldy, then at least less maneuverable than a shorter blade... and yet, the odachi was always exactly where it needed to be, effectively creating an impenetrable barrier of steel around its cold-hearted master.

      It was not because of his speed, strength, or mystical power. Instead... it was pure foresight and pure skill, both sharpened and tempered until they became a lethal weapon.

      Nephis observed the movements of the Lord of Shadows silently.

      The Fire Keepers, who had gone through countless battles by her side, fought well. They fought bravely. They fought with great skill and cunning, proving that their glorious fame was well-earned.

      And yet, she had guessed the result of the duel almost as soon as it started.

      Soon, the cadence of the battle shifted. The Lord of Shadows, who had been defending against the barrage of attacks, suddenly abandoned all pretenses of defense. Instead, he easily shrugged off a squall of steel and moved through it, attacking the Fire Keepers before they could even react.

      It was almost as if he was dancing...

      The black odachi hissed like a snake as it cut the air.

      It struck Shim in the chest, sending him flying back. A split second later, Sid's shield was pushed aside, and her breastplate caved as the young woman toppled with a short yelp. Gantry was struck by the pommel of the odachi almost at the same moment, swaying once before falling down. By the time his back hit the floor, Gorn was already on his knees, both of his greatswords sliding away.

      The Lord of Shadows was among them. A moment later, he had already reached the two archers.


      Kaor, who was supposed to protect them, was tossed back with one unhurried blow of the demonic swordsman's fist. Shakti and Erlas attempted to retreat, but both were sent to the ground before taking a single step.

      From start to finish, the duel between the Lord of Shadows and the Fire Keepers had taken a couple of minutes.

      However, they had all been defeated in just two seconds.

      It was as though the master of the ancient temple was telling them — look! I could have ended you all any time I wanted.

      White sparks ignited in Neph's eyes.


      The Lord of Shadows stopped and calmly put the spine of the black odachi on his shoulder. His fearsome mask remained the same, eerie and devoid of any emotion. The Fire Keepers groaned as they slowly picked themselves up from the floor.

      "Is that all?"

      His voice was still the same, cold and impassive.

      Nephis smiled slightly and finally unsheathed her swords.

      "You haven't defeated all of us yet, have you?"

      He tilted his head a little, staring at her with arrogant indifference.

      Well... Nephis thought that those were his emotions. In truth, there was no way to know what was hiding behind that fearsome mask... if there was anything behind it at all.

      The Lord of Shadows slowly lowered his odachi and gripped its hilt with both hands.

      "Stop wasting my time, then."

      Nephis took a step forward.

      That mask..

      Why did it look so familiar?
      Read more
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        Que aquele capítulo "vazado" seja real, não aguento mais ter que esperar Sunny dar algum avanço em relação a Nefis já foi a saga do rio inteiro e depois mais 4 anos... Vamos g3 dê ao menino um descanso
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  7. Offline
    1615 Grand Entrance

    There was movement in the darkness.

    Nephis could not see it, but she felt the shadows that drowned the great hall of the ancient temple shift and surge, as if celebrating the arrival of their master. The Fire Keepers behind her tensed, looking up with somber expressions.


    A heavy sound resounded, followed by another. It seemed that someone was descending from an unseen dais, the weight of their unhurried footsteps echoing in the lightless hall like an ill omen.

    Suddenly, the enchanted lanterns ignited with bright radiance, chasing away the darkness. As if they were finally allowed to shine.

    As soon as they did, a dark figure stepped into the light, the shadows shrouding it like a mantle.

    Even Nephis, who rarely felt fear, sensed a slight chill at the sight of the Lord of Shadows. She didn't quite know why.

    The man in front of her was as elusive as his voice. His figure was encased in a fearsome onyx armor, its polished surface glistening like black glass. His features were hidden behind a mask of a fierce demon, nothing but darkness dwelling in the narrow slits of its eyes... as if there was no human face behind the mask, and no human flesh beneath the intricate black armor.

    Just a formless shadow.

    Strangely enough, Nephis could not say how tall the man was, exactly. But it felt as if he dwarfed everyone in the ancient temple, looking down at them with cold, malevolent arrogance.

    ...He was unarmed.

    Nephis studied the Lord of Shadows calmly.


    The blind seer answered after a moment of silence:

    [I can see him through your eyes. But I still can't sense him. It's like there's nothing but emptiness where a man should be.]

    Nephis felt a bit dejected. It seemed that she had grown too used to enjoying the amazing boon of having Cassie serve as her eyes and ears. The great advantage of information superiority had spoiled her... this time, though, she would not be able to know what her opponent's Attributes, Abilities, and hidden cards were in advance.

    Well, it was for the best, then, that Shadow had offered to duel her and the Fire Keepers. She would learn what he was capable of firsthand.

    Showing no emotion, she looked at the fearsome Saint and took several unhurried steps back. At the same time, the Fire Keepers moved forward, facing him.

    The Lord of Shadows tilted his head a little. "What? You are not going to fight, Changing Star?" His cold voice sounded almost... disappointed. Nephis shook her head.

    "You've challenged all of us, haven't you? But... I don't draw my sword for just anyone. Prove yourself first, Lord Shadow."

    The unnerving black mask stared at her for a few moments, and then the elusive voice resounded once again, full of cold indifference:

    "No matter. You, there... come all at once."

    As he said these words, the Lord of Shadows raised a hand. The darkness flowed from the floor, assuming a long and sinister shape. A few moments later, a great odachi formed from the shadows, its curving blade so black that it seemed to devour light.

    Disturbed, the Fire Keepers moved forward.


    Seven Fire Keepers...

    Sunny remained calm, but he also felt a little tense. Of course, there was no question that he could crush a cohort of Masters without breaking a sweat, no matter how seasoned and talented they were.

    But, how could he put it...

    He might have allowed himself to be carried away, a little, while acting out the role of the cold and mysterious Lord of Shadows. Not only had he promised to avoid using his Aspect, but he also set a ridiculous condition for his loss.

    Defeating the enemy was easy, but doing so while not receiving a single scratch on his armor was not.

    Of course, Sunny had no intention of winning, to begin with. He just wanted to put on a good show and lose gracefully, thus laying the necessary groundwork for infiltrating the war machine of the Sword Domain.

    However, the person he needed to impress was Nephis. And now, he had to deal with the Fire Keepers first to cross swords with her.

    'Should I cheat?'

    He considered the idea for a moment, then discarded it. That would not be any fun.

    Sunny studied the seven Masters that were surrounding him. Shim, Shakti, Kaor, Sid, Gorn, Gantry, and Erlas.

    He knew them well.

    Shim, a young man wielding a shield and a spear, was the healer who led the cohort. Strangely enough, he was also the most skilled and lethal warrior among them — that was because, back on the Forgotten Shore, he had been one of Gemma's Pathfinders. An elite who had survived countless hunts in the Dark City.

    Gorn, Gantry, and Erlas had been among the Hunters of the Bright Castle.

    Gorn was tall, immensely strong, and possessed an Aspect that allowed him to manifest an additional pair of hands, preferring to use two greatswords in battle. Gantry usually fought with a heavy battle axe, and was able to sharpen his weapons with his Aspect Ability. Erlas was a skilled archer capable of enhancing the resilience and stamina of his allies.

    Sid, a young woman with dirty blonde hair, had been a hunter in the outer settlement. The fact that she had survived there was a testament to her skill and tenacity, and her Aspect greatly augmented her physical strength in short, but devastating bursts. She was armed with a sword and a shield.

    Finally, there were Shakti and Kaor. Both had been Artisans in the Bright Castle, possessing potent Utility Aspects — Shakti's had to do with plants, while Kaor's had to do with carpentry. The former was a deadly archer, as well, while the latter was a jack-of-all-trades who usually guarded the rear of the cohort.

    All seven were elites even among Masters, and their ability to work together was second to none.

    Placing the odachi that he had manifested from the shadows on his shoulder, Sunny smiled behind his mask

    'This... is going to be fun.'

    1616 Blade of Shadows

    Sunny had never stopped fighting, sharpening his mastery of combat to a sublime level. He had already been one of the most seasoned warriors of humanity four years ago... mostly because very few had it as rough as he had it on the Forgotten Shore and in the Antarctic Center.

    But the last four years had not been easy on him, either. Crossing the Hollow Mountains alone had given him more battle experience than most Awakened would receive in their lifetime. So, now, he had a solid reason to be supremely confident in his ability.

    That said, there was a difference between fighting Nightmare Creatures and fighting humans. Sunny had mostly been doing the former recently, so the latter... he was a bit rusty.

    As the Fire Keepers surrounded him, Sunny observed them silently.

    Now that they were Masters, each possessed one additional Aspect Ability. Gorn not only had four arms, but also expanded in size, towering above the floor at almost three meters in height. Gantry seemed to have augmented his body, somehow... making it more durable? More nimble? Or simply more powerful?

    He was going to find out shortly.

    Erlas, meanwhile, was enhancing the physical state of each member of the cohort. His powers had been mainly focused on endurance and stamina before... what about now?

    Sid was bound to do something unpredictable, as well.

    Shim, Shakti, and Kaor all possessed non-combat Aspect, so guessing their powers was of less importance. Still... they could be full of surprises.

    There were the Memories the Fire Keepers wielded to consider, as well.


    Sunny felt a pang of regret for setting such strict restrictions for himself. But, still... he was looking forward to it.

    A real clash of skill, cunning, and competence.

    He had missed it a lot.

    "What are you waiting for?"

    Before the echo of his cold voice had time to disappear, the Fire Keepers attacked. The two archers opened the battle, instantly letting two arrows loose. They were showing decorum, too — since it was a friendly duel, his opponents refrained from using truly destructive Memories inside the Citadel.

    Sunny did not augment himself with any of his three shadows. Being a Transcendent already gave him a great advantage as far as physical prowess and the intricacy of essence control went, so it was unnecessary.

    Shifting slightly, he dodged both arrows with the minimum effort. One seemed to possess a homing enchantment, turning sharply to strike him in the back, but was tossed aside by the flat of the black odachi's blade.

    At that moment, the melee fighters of the Ascended cohort were already upon him. They coordinate their attacks seamlessly, using the arrow salvo to cover their advance.

    'Perfect teamwork.'

    Shim and Sid were the spearheads aimed at his chest and back. Gorn and Gantry, who wielded longer weapons and had a wider reach, attacked from behind them at the same time.

    There was a ceiling to a numerical advantage, since space was limited and only a few people could target a single opponent simultaneously... but by using this simple formation, the Fire Keepers effortlessly increased that limit.

    There was no way for Sunny to block and deflect four attacks that came from different directions with a single sword.

    So, he didn't. Instead, he removed himself from the path of the enemy weapons, deflecting Shim's spear and Gantry's heavy axe in the process. Using explosive footwork, Sunny escaped the encirclement and used the bodies of the Fire Keepers to block their comrades from chasing after him.

    Then, he lashed out with a probing attack.

    Sharp steel sang in the dark expanse of the Nameless Temple.


    Sunny's smile widened under Weaver's Mask. The Fire Keepers... had not wasted these four years, either. He had known that Valor had used Nephis and her personal battle force like a sledgehammer, endlessly sending

    them to put out one fire after another. It was almost as if they were being repeatedly sent to death, but stubbornly refused to die. As a result, their lethality reached chilling levels.

    Of course, he could have crushed them easily if he wished to. The gap between Saints and Masters was already vast, and Sunny was a singular existence even among Saints, to boot.

    But with the limitations he had put on himself, the Fire Keepers were a challenging adversary. Especially because he could not allow himself to be hit even once.

    Plus, he had chosen to only use a single battle style against them... Morgan's own battle style, to be precise. The sharp, deadly, and ruthless technique she used was representative of how warriors of Valor fought —not even becoming one with their weapons, but instead treating themselves as weapons.

    So, it wasn't easy.

    It was exhilarating, though.

    'Damnation. More!'

    There were a few tense moments when the unexpected facets of the Ascended Abilities of his enemies revealed themselves. There were several interesting enchantments their Memories possessed, as well.

    But Sunny still managed to evade, block, or deflect all their attacks in the most efficient and economical manner. He didn't make any big moves, using the least amount of motion possible in every situation.

    And all the while, he was studying how the Fire Keepers fought.

    Solving their battle styles and their teamwork like a puzzle.

    And when that puzzle was solved...

    The dynamic of the battle changed abruptly.


    The Lord of Shadows was indeed like a shadow. Swift, elusive, and insidious, he moved across the black marble of the great hall with stunning speed and flawless precision, effortlessly deflecting the rain of blows that the Fire Keepers unleashed upon him.

    His black odachi seemed to have a life of its own, flowing like a stream of darkness. A weapon of that length was supposed to be if not unwieldy, then at least less maneuverable than a shorter blade... and yet, the odachi was always exactly where it needed to be, effectively creating an impenetrable barrier of steel around its cold-hearted master.

    It was not because of his speed, strength, or mystical power. Instead... it was pure foresight and pure skill, both sharpened and tempered until they became a lethal weapon.

    Nephis observed the movements of the Lord of Shadows silently.

    The Fire Keepers, who had gone through countless battles by her side, fought well. They fought bravely. They fought with great skill and cunning, proving that their glorious fame was well-earned.

    And yet, she had guessed the result of the duel almost as soon as it started.

    Soon, the cadence of the battle shifted. The Lord of Shadows, who had been defending against the barrage of attacks, suddenly abandoned all pretenses of defense. Instead, he easily shrugged off a squall of steel and moved through it, attacking the Fire Keepers before they could even react.

    It was almost as if he was dancing...

    The black odachi hissed like a snake as it cut the air.

    It struck Shim in the chest, sending him flying back. A split second later, Sid's shield was pushed aside, and her breastplate caved as the young woman toppled with a short yelp. Gantry was struck by the pommel of the odachi almost at the same moment, swaying once before falling down. By the time his back hit the floor, Gorn was already on his knees, both of his greatswords sliding away.

    The Lord of Shadows was among them. A moment later, he had already reached the two archers.


    Kaor, who was supposed to protect them, was tossed back with one unhurried blow of the demonic swordsman's fist. Shakti and Erlas attempted to retreat, but both were sent to the ground before taking a single step.

    From start to finish, the duel between the Lord of Shadows and the Fire Keepers had taken a couple of minutes.

    However, they had all been defeated in just two seconds.

    It was as though the master of the ancient temple was telling them — look! I could have ended you all any time I wanted.

    White sparks ignited in Neph's eyes.


    The Lord of Shadows stopped and calmly put the spine of the black odachi on his shoulder. His fearsome mask remained the same, eerie and devoid of any emotion. The Fire Keepers groaned as they slowly picked themselves up from the floor.

    "Is that all?"

    His voice was still the same, cold and impassive.

    Nephis smiled slightly and finally unsheathed her swords.

    "You haven't defeated all of us yet, have you?"

    He tilted his head a little, staring at her with arrogant indifference.

    Well... Nephis thought that those were his emotions. In truth, there was no way to know what was hiding behind that fearsome mask... if there was anything behind it at all.

    The Lord of Shadows slowly lowered his odachi and gripped its hilt with both hands.

    "Stop wasting my time, then."

    Nephis took a step forward.

    That mask..

    Why did it look so familiar?
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    1613-14 summary

    Why does thy dislike me so
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      The fbi don't like your pro5 picture
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      Can confirm you are on the list
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    Quote: Dummybaron
    First - interesting that all of them call each other "avatars" even tho one of them is original body, does it mean that all of them are "original"? Second - Sunny is disapointing me, why does he always have to be dumb when other characters apear , he is smart, why lower his inteligense in front of other characters?

    Okay I have a theory why, look all of the avatars slightly different, some are dumb and less experienced like this one is the Haughty one(4th), he is to arrogant and a little bit unexperienced. The most expirienced and smart are "original body", Gloomy one(1st), Happy(2nd) one (even tho he is probably too optimistic), and Creepy(3rd) one. And thats my thoghts why Sunny in this chapter not really dumb but sometimes is.
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    Decent Proposal.

    «I would not. But you can call me Shadow.»

    The voice of the man who called himself Shadow resounded in the lightless temple, making it seem as though the darkness itself had answered her question. That strangely elusive voice was cold and aloof, devoid of any emotion.

    And yet, there was a hint of arrogance to it. Nephis frowned subtly.

    Now that the introductions were out of the way, it was time to announce the purpose of her visit. However, she was at a disadvantage. The master of the dark temple seemed to know everything about her, and yet, she knew close to nothing about him.

    Even Cassie, whose gaze could pierce countless mysteries, seemed to be entirely blind to the existence of the Lord of Shadows.

    …Granted, Nephis had some idea about his true identity. The darkness spoke again, its voice remaining emotionless:

    «To what do I owe the honor of being in the presence of Lady Changing Star? What do you want with me?»

    Nephis hesitated for a moment, thinking.

    She had been sent to persuade a powerful Saint to join the banner of the King of Swords. However, having reached his Citadel, Nephis had to reevaluate her opinion of the Lord of Shadows.

    He was not merely powerful… no, he was one of those few like herself who were beyond the ordinary definitions of power.

    Now that Nephis had seen the vast expanse of inexplicable darkness, the bones of dreadful abominations hidden in its tenebrous embrace, the solemn edifice of the dark temple, and the creatures that guarded it, she knew that the Lord of Shadows had not survived in Godgrave by luck, or by having an Aspect that was uniquely suited for living in this harrowing environment.

    Rather, he had survived here through strength.

    …Which only made him more desirable.

    Of course, there were still many unknowns about the enigmatic Saint. Nephis could not be sure of what his powers truly were. The fierce creatures that served him were neither Echoes nor Nightmare Creatures… so, they could have been manifested by his Aspect, like the hideous Reflections of the Prince of Nothing were, or subjugated like those abominations that Beastmaster ruled.

    It was unclear how strong the man himself was, or if his Aspect had any application in direct combat. It was also unknown where he had come from, and how he managed to become a Saint without leaving any traces of himself in either of the two worlds.

    And yet, Nephis had a strong suspicion.

    Awakened who possessed affinity to shadows were exceedingly rare, let alone those who were truly powerful. Meanwhile… five of the six divine lineages had already been reclaimed by humans.

    Immortal Flame were the inheritors of Sun God, Valor were the inheritors of War God, Song were the inheritors of Beast God, Night were the inheritors of Storm God, and finally, Asterion was the sole inheritor of Heart God.

    One last lineage remained unclaimed.

    No one had been able to find and inherit the blood of Shadow God.

    So… this man, a Saint of immense power that had come out of nowhere, wielding authority over shadows. Was he the proof that the last divine lineage had finally revealed itself?

    If so… why now? What did it mean?

    One thing was certain. Nephis had to change her approach, since her preconceived notions had been proven wrong. In this dark temple, her power and exalted status didn't mean much, because the man she wanted to persuade possessed the same power, and could claim the same status, should he wished to do so.

    She had to treat the Lord of Shadows… as an equal. Nephis smiled slightly.

    «Then, Lord Shadow. I won't be coy… you asked me what I want? It's simple.«

    She paused for a moment, then added in her usual impassive tone:

    «I want you.»

    She could hear the Fire Keepers shift behind her. One of them even seemed to choke, coughing loudly in the dead silence of the dark temple. His coughing somewhat spoiled the solemn atmosphere of her serious proposal.

    The Lord of Shadow did not respond immediately, either.

    «Well, of course. He must be carefully considering the benefits and disadvantages of pledging his allegiance to the Sword Domain. I wouldn't expect anything else.»

    However, the silence stretched for longer than she had expected.

    «I see. He must be contemplating very deeply.»

    Nephis was nothing if not patient. So, she waited patiently, giving the enigmatic Saint time to seriously consider his decision.

    After a while, the Lord of Shadows spoke again, his elusive voice sounding a little flat:

    «What, exactly… do you mean?»

    Nephis was slightly taken aback, but masterfully hid her confusion. Had she not been clear?

    «Allow me to clarify, then. I, Changing Star, invite you to join the alliance of Transcendent warriors and serve under the banner of the King of Swords, protecting and expanding the domain of humanity in the Dream Realm as one of his champions.«

    She lingered for a moment, and then added:

    «I trust I do not need to list the benefits of pledging allegiance to one of those who have achieved Supremacy. These details can be discussed later, anyway. Resources, assistance, powerful Memories and Echoes, soul shards… nothing is out of the question. You won't be undervalued, Lord Shadow. No one survives in the Dream Realm alone, after all.»

    There were a few moments of silence, and then the cold voice resounded from the darkness once again:

    «Ah. Thank you for the clarification.»

    Nephis tilted her head a little.

    «What else did he think I meant?»

    Had she said something odd again?

    «No, it shouldn't be.»

    Nephis frowned slightly.

    She thought she had done rather well…

    The problem was most likely that the emissary of Song must have offered all the same things to the Lord of Shadows, if not more. And yet, they had been refused.

    While she was contemplating, a cold laughter resounded in the dark temple, traveling across the great hall like wind. The Fire Keepers shivered, gripping their weapons tighter.

    A few moments later, Shadow's voice came from the darkness, finally showing a hint of emotion:

    «Oh? So you want me to join forces with the Great Clan Valor for the benefit of humanity? I see… you must be sincere, then. Surely, it has nothing to do with the impending war between the King of Swords and the Queen of Worms. Surely, it is not because your side wants to use me as a weapon in that war. And, surely… you have no ambition to subjugate Godgrave with my help to gain control over the future battlefield.»

    The master of the dark temple chuckled again, and that said, his sinister voice growing even colder:

    «You wouldn't be trying to deceive me, would you, Lady Changing Star?»

    At the same time, the enormous creature hiding in the darkness shifted slightly, filling the great hall with the chilling sound of rustling scales.
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      1614: Lord's Challenge.

      Sunny felt glad that his face was hidden behind Weaver's Mask and shrouded in impenetrable darkness. That was because he might not have controlled his expression very well in the last few minutes.

      One of his other two avatars might have even stumbled out of nowhere, somewhere far away.

      Those lazy guys…

      Luckily, he regained his composure swiftly.

      «Damn it, Neph…»

      The echo of his last words was still traveling across the Nameless Temple when Nephis frowned slightly. Sunny had just accused her of trying to deceive him in a rather threatening tone… he even commanded Serpent to make a bit of noise to add some weight to his perceived displeasure.

      What would her reaction be?

      Unexpectedly, a subtle smile bloomed on Neph's face, and her eyes gleamed with satisfaction.

      «I see that you are better informed than I presumed, Lord Shadow. Good. That saves me a lot of trouble.»

      Sunny was stunned for a moment. That… was not the reaction he had expected.

      «Shameless! She's completely shameless!»

      Nephis, meanwhile, put her hand on the hilt of her sword and looked up a little.

      «Since you already know that the war is inevitable, and that it will happen here in Godgrave, you must also realize that you can't escape it. One way or the other, you will be implicated in the clash between the two Domains. So… unless you want to abandon your Citadel and flee into the waking world, you might as well choose a side. In fact, I think that you already have.»

      Sunny scowled, staring at her with displeasure.

      «How the hell does she know?»

      Of course, he had intended to insinuate his way into a high position of the Sword Domain's army from the very start. That was why he had established the Nameless Temple in Godgrave and waited for the emissaries of Valor to take the bait.

      But Nephis had no way of guessing that.

      Sunny shook his head in the darkness and asked, keeping his voice devoid of emotions:

      «Have I?»

      Nephis nodded.

      «You must have. After all, you have already refused the emissary of Clan Song. Since you have shown no desire to join the other side, only one choice remains. It's us.»

      Sunny remained silent for a while.

      Then, grabbing the armrests of his throne, he leaned forward and asked, his voice suffused with an insidious undertone:

      «Says who?»

      She stared into the darkness with a hint of confusion on her beautiful alabaster face.


      Sunny smiled.

      «Who said that I refused the emissary of Clan Song? I did not.»

      Which was, of course, a lie. He could not say a word of truth while wearing Weaver's Mask, and this avatar of his almost never took it off. The Lord of Shadows was meant to attract the attention of those with great power, after all, all the while keeping Sunny's secrets safe.

      This time, however, it had worked to his advantage.

      Neph's expression remained the same, but he could feel the pressure she exerted growing sharper. Right now, she was probably considering whether the Nameless Temple was a death trap. With Saint and Fiend behind her, the path to escape was cut off. In front of her were Sunny and the Soul Serpent.

      Nightmare and the shapeless guardian of the temple were close, as well.

      Nevertheless, Nephis maintained her composure. Facing the wall of impenetrable darkness in front of her, she asked calmly:

      «You didn't?»

      Sunny sighed quietly and leaned back.

      From here onward… he had to sell himself to Nephis while making her think that she was the one insisting on making the purchase. People did not value that which came into their possession too easily, after all. If Sunny wanted to be treated as a precious ally instead of a cheap tool, he had to make Clan Valor think that they had been extremely lucky to gain his support.

      He remained silent for a moment.

      «I did not refuse the generous offer of the illustrious Clan Song. However… perhaps I didn't accept it, either. Instead, I gave the emissary Ki Song sent a chance to win my allegiance. I despise the idea of fighting side by side with those weaker than me, you see.»

      Sunny smiled.

      «So, I'll give you the same chance, Lady Changing Star. If any of you, emissaries of Valor, manage to leave a scratch on my armor, I'll accept your proposal. What do you say?»

      Nephis did not answer immediately, contemplating his offer. Eventually, she asked:

      «A duel? Which one of us do you want to fight?»

      He chuckled.

      «Any of you, all of you… it doesn't matter. I won't even use my Aspect. Instead, I'll crush you with pure skill.»

      A corner of Neph's mouth twisted upward.


      Sunny laughed, noticing the Fire Keepers tremble at the cold sound of his sinister laughter.

      «Arrogant? Oh, on the contrary… I am being modest.»

      He was in a strangely good mood. The truth of the matter was… that Sunny missed the feeling of fighting against humans. He had very few opportunities to fight a proper duel in recent years.

      The deadly reaches of the Dream Realm he had explored were full of all kinds of harrowing Nightmare Creatures. He had faced and killed countless abominations, coming very close to being killed by them instead on numerous occasions.

      Those battles had been fierce, terrible, painful… and sometimes exhilarating.

      But the exhilaration of facing a dreadful monster was different from the joy and delight of facing a skilled human opponent in battle. The artistry of combat was lost on most Nightmare Creatures.

      The Fire Keepers, though… Sunny knew these people well. Each of them was a brilliant fighter. Even though they were mere Masters, if he held back a little, clashing with them promised to be very satisfying.

      And then, of course… there was Nephis herself. A genius swordsman who had taken the legacy left behind by her legendary father, Broken Sword, and elevated it to new heights.

      His former teacher, rival, and partner.

      How could Sunny not feel excited at the thought of crossing swords with her again?

      As he was thinking about that, Nephis stared into the darkness for a few moments, and then nodded decisively.

      «…Alright. I accept.»
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