
Chapter 1657: Heart of Winter

The snowstorm manifested by the Winter Beast was like a rolling cataclysm, with devastating winds carrying a seething mass of swirling snow and tiny ice particles. Close to its heart, the ice particles were like a myriad of razor-sharp blades, shredding anything that had not been frozen by the unholy cold already.

Each of the countless shards of ice had been a part of someone slain by the blizzard once, perhaps.

And yet, absolute peace reigned in the heart of the storm. A vast area beyond the invisible fortress wall of suffocating cold was entirely devoid of wind, snow, and ice... everything was flawlessly still, as if nothing could move in this frigid kingdom, not even the winds of the blizzard itself.

With the sky above shrouded by ash, it was dark here, with frozen rivers of lava glowing dimly as they turned to glass. The heat of the underground rivers of molten rock was powerless against the profane power of the Corrupted Titan... and yet, it was enough to buy Sunny a second or two more.

The Winter Beast itself was floating above the ground in the middle of its frozen kingdom.

When Sunny first saw it, he was taken aback.

The creature... was eerie and grotesque, unlike anything he had ever seen. Just witnessing it made him feel appalled, as if his senses were trying to reject the existence of such a being.

The Winter Beast could not be called a beast, at all. Instead, it was an expansive, ethereal structure made of ice, as if countless torrents of water had frozen when they exploded outward from a hidden source. It would have been beautiful if it wasn't so... organic.

Although the titan's body was made of ice, it also looked like a living creature. The twisting pillars of ice vaguely resembled parts of a mangled body... limbs, organs, torn intestines, broken bones, and desiccated flesh. It was as though a giant being had been meticulously disassembled into countless parts, and then violently fused together in macabre disorder.

There were dark shapes of other Nightmare Creatures fused into the ice here and there, as well, still and lifeless.

The ice was pale and bleak, but the Winter Beast itself was nevertheless full of color.

That was because numerous flowers bloomed on the ice, their petals an intense azure color. The contrast between their vibrant beauty and the appalling body of the creature beneath was hideously striking.

Vast plumes of snow drifted from the flowers like pollen, shrouding the Winter Beast in a frosty haze,

It was both beautiful and harrowing... but mostly harrowing.

...At the very heart of the eerle abomination, barely visible through the ice, a small shadow was encased in it. Sunny thought that it resembled the remains of a human being, but he wasn't sure.

In any case, he was momentarily lost as to what to do. How was one even supposed to fight such a creature?

But his hesitation only lasted for a split second.

Still carried forward by inertia and having lost his balance, the Shadow Colossus fell and rolled over his shoulder. The ground quaked from the terrible force of the impact, and the thin layer of volcanic glass cracked under his weight, a fountain of molten lava shooting into the air - only to freeze a moment later into an abstract sculpture.

At the same time, the frozen pauldron of the Onyx Mantle shattered into countless pieces of black ice, and the giant's shoulder beneath it became covered by a net of deep cracks.

The outer layers of the Shell had already been turned to ice, and were now fracturing under the strain of his movements. It seemed as though the giant's skin was peeling, revealing the black mess of firm muscles underneath.

It did not matter.

Sunny was already exiting the roll, propelling himself forward into a powerful leap. The Winter Beast moved slightly, the azure mountain of its body hovering above the snow. Some of the twisting, vaguely organic pillars of ice moved, as well..., unfurling slowly, as if preparing to explode forward and receive the shadow giant into their embrace.

Sunny shuddered as he flew through the frozen hell toward the harrowing creature. But it was too late for regret. Now that he had jumped, there was no turning back, and no choosing a different strategy.


A stifled roar escaped through the dark giant's bared teeth.

Sunny fell on the Winter Beast from above, but just then, countless spikes of ice extended from the creature's body and tore through his armor, impaling the damaged Shell. Not paying it any attention, he immediately grabbed the thickest of the ice spears and pulled himself lower across its length, leaving a trail of dissipating shadows behind.

In the place where his hand touched the ice, the gauntlet of the Onyx Mantle disintegrated into a haze of ice, and two of his fingers broke off.

Sunny sensed the twisted pillars of ice flowing forward to encompass him. The unbearable cold permeated the entire mass of the Shadow Colossus Shell, sending waves of pain through his soul.

His dark eyes surged with murderous fury.

In the next moment, the impaled giant slid low enough to reach the actual body of the abominable titan. His feet touched the ground.

Crushing countless azure flowers, he stretched his hands and grabbed onto the grotesque shape of the titan, his claws digging into the killing ice.

And then...

Sunny pulled the Winter Beast into the shadows.

'Let me help you off your throne, you abominable wretch...'

In war, the best advantage one could gain was fighting on a battlefield of their choosing. Sunny was currently in the very heart of the Winter Beast's storm, where his enemy wielded the most power. So...

He was going to carry both of them away from this frozen hell.

Shadow Step had undergone an evolution during his Transcendence, so Sunny could carry living beings with him now. Sadly, he could not leave them in the dark realm of shadows... but he could very well transport them to someplace else in the material world. The range of his teleportation had also increased drastically due to how far his shadow sense could reach.

Of course, teleporting a Corrupted Titan against its will, and over a vast distance, was going to burn an immeasurable amount of his essence.

But it was more than worth it.

'Come! Come with me, beast!"

He would have grinned if his lips hadn't been frozen and shattered already,

Sunny exerted all of his power to pull the Winter Beast into the shadows. The titan tried to resist,but it was of no use. Perhaps if it had reacted sooner, or knew the enemy better, such an outcome could have been prevented... but not anymore.

Even when the hands dragging the creature into the darkness turned to ice and shattered, it was already too late.

In the next moment, unbelievably...

The crumbling giant made of shadows and the appalling creature of azure flowers and pale ice suddenly disappeared from the frigid stillness of the snowstorm's heart.

...A split second later, both of them emerged from the darkness in the infernal depths of Mount Erebus, plummeting into a vast lake of Incandescent magma.

Comments 28

  1. Offline
    I thought I was the only one struggling with picturing the beast but I'm glad I'm not boast
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  2. Offline
    Вообще для Кесси, которая наперед знает все будущие события, текущий Санни должен быть как темной точкой в гобелене Судьбы, но также и ярким лучом ощущений Неизвестности и сопутствующих ему эмоций. Не удивлюсь если через какое-то время она влюбится в него, но Санни х Джет навсегда!
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  3. Offline
    I wanna see sunnys serpent king form , in real world is he even more dangerous noe
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  4. Offline
    1659: Hour of Reckoning.

    The skull of Sunny's battered Shell had cracked, and the upper part of it had fused with the ice. That part was torn off when he pushed what remained of his body into the fractured ice, spilling shadows like a tide of black blood.

    But his jaws were still intact.

    With most of his limbs gone and his colossal body swiftly turning into ice, Sunny let out a frenzied growl as he opened his skeletal maw and bit down on the small silhouette encased in the heart of the Winter Beast's appalling vessel, slicing it in half.

    A moment later, his teeth exploded into a rain of ice. His mutilated Shell was far too damaged, and would have already crumbled if it had not been fused into ice, becoming a part of it.

    His soul was cold… cold enough that even the terrible pain ravaging it had been swallowed by a peaceful numbness. That peace was a herald of death.

    But none of it mattered.

    Because the moment Sunny destroyed the source of the Winter Beast, the abominable sculpture of Ice that served as its body shuddered.

    And then, it started to crack.

    He heard a gleeful laughter ring in his mind, breaking through the haze of stillness that was consuming it. Glee, triumph, vindication, pain, sorrow, guilt, hatred… countless emotions were fused into that laugh, creating an eerily disturbing mixture.

    Sunny recognized the laughter as his own.

    Or was it a scream?

    He was laughing… because the Winter Beast was dead. There was no Nightmare Spell to celebrate his win, but Sunny had sensed a trickle of shadow fragments entering his soul.

    The harrowing titan, Winter Beast, the bane of the Antarctic Center and the executioner of Falcon Scott, the abominable horror that had stolen the lives of Sunny's soldiers and taught him how unbearably crushing a defeat can be, was gone.

    Slain by his own hand, no less.

    Vengeance… was so sweet.

    But that sweetness was also so indescribably bitter, because it carried the memories of what it was exactly that Sunny had longed to avenge.


    Imprisoned in the depths of a frozen Shell, Sunny cut off his senses for a fleeting moment.

    Left alone in the darkness, he whispered:

    «This… this is… this is for you.»

    It was for Belle, Dorn, and Samara. For Professor Obel, Sergeant Gere, and Lieutenant Carin. For numerous others who had perished in Falcon Scott.

    And for Sunny himself, who had to live with the scars that the Winter Beast had left on his soul.

    «Now… let's finish this!»

    The abominable titan was dead, but the ordeal was not quite over yet. Sunny was still trapped within the Icy tomb of the Winter Beast's vessel, and the world was still quaking all around him.

    Fearing that the spreading cold would reach the very depths of the frozen Shell and swallow his soul, Sunny dismissed the dark giant. However, the broken colossus did not dissolve into shadows… eerily enough, those parts of it that had been turned to ice by the titan remained solid despite being released.

    All Sunny managed to do was create a sphere of empty darkness around himself, where the cold had not yet reached. He hesitated for a split second, then summoned more shadows from the Lantern and swiftly built a new Shell in the broken remains of the old one.

    The appalling figure of the Winter Beast was still half-buried in obsidian, towering above it like a hideous masterpiece of sinister art. The azure flowers were wilting. A few moments later, they caught aflame and turned to ash, disappearing into the dark winds of the underground cauldron.

    A few moments more, and the cracks covering the carcass of the dreadful titan widened, and then exploded outward when two black hands tore through the ice from the inside, Sunny crawled out of the crumbling titan and allowed his second Shell to dissolve.

    Now outside the body of the Winter Beast and able to use Shadow Step again, he instantly teleported some distance away, stepping on the black obsidian with bare feet.

    The damage to a Shell was not transferred to the body, but the Onyx Mantle was truly in tatters. It was going to take some time for his armor to restore itself… so, for now, Sunny was left standing there in nothing but the rags of his military bodysuit. No different from how he had been when he returned to Antarctica.

    He took a deep breath.

    Somewhere outside, far away, the terrible snowstorm was dying down. The profane power that supported it was gone, and so, it was going to disappear without a trace before too long.

    The worst of the eruption seemed to have already happened, as well. Most of the lava that had flown from Erebus had been cooled by the blizzard, solidifying into glass and stone. That said, the volcano had been terribly damaged, an entire side of it having collapsed to reveal the fiery caverns within.

    Sunny suspected that, if not for the ash, he could have looked up and seen a fragment of the bleak sky even from these depths.

    The ground was still quaking, but not as much as before. He waited for a bit, ignoring the sweltering heat and holding his breath in the suffocating fumes of the active volcano.

    In front of him, at some distance… the corpse of the Winter Beast was slowly crumbling.

    The azure flowers were gone. The pale ice was shattering, unable to withstand its own weight anymore, and melting. The desiccated corpses of the Nightmare Creatures that had been encased in it caught flame and were scattered by the wind.

    Soon, it was all over.

    Full of an indescribable feeling, Sunny slowly approached the place where the Winter Beast had died.

    His enemy was gone, and all that remained… was a scattering of shimmering soul shards, the fragmented remains of his frozen Shell, and a barrow of pale ice.

    There was no sign of the vague silhouette that he had bitten in half anywhere in sight. It must have turned to ash like the rest of the corpses fused with the abomination.

    The remaining ice — what had been the innermost core of the titan's body once — was not melting, but neither was it radiating a sense of fatal cold. That cold was there, still, but now, it seemed to be contained within the ice instead of spreading outward like a curse.

    In the flaming darkness of the obsidian lake, the mystical ice looked almost like frosty metal.

    Sunny hesitated for a few moments, then sighed, coughed violently, and summoned the Covetous Coffer.

    He placed everything Inside — the soul shards, the fragments of frozen shadows, and the pieces of pale ice.

    «It's over.»

    The Winter Beast was dead. He had settled the score and avenged himself.

    He had avenged everyone else, as well.

    His business in Antarctica was finished.

    Suddenly, Sunny looked tired.

    He glanced around, his gaze a little lost, and then asked quietly:

    «Now what?»

    Of course, there was no response. There was no one to respond, either.

    In the silence of the obsidian lake, Sunny rubbed his face tiredly and closed his eyes.

    «I'm tired… of this place.»

    Not the depths of Mount Erebus. Not the ruins of the Erebus Field, and not even the Antarctic Center.

    Sunny felt tired of this world.

    Nothing was holding him back here anymore.

    And so, he decided to leave.

    A dozen seconds later, his figure disappeared from Inside the broken volcano… and off the face of the Earth.

    He would not return to the waking world for three long, lonesome years.
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      1660: Fragments of a Fleeting Dream.

      Cassie slowly closed her eyes and turned away from the young man sitting in front of her. His delicate appearance, polite demeanor, and modest smile… were so unlike the frightening, unhinged demon she had witnessed in his memories.

      Witnessing one's memories was a strange affair, because what had been and what people remembered were usually two different things. Memories were vague, disjointed, and fragile, like the fragments of a fleeting dream. Some were vibrant and deeply etched, some were dull and shallow.

      Some were bright. Most were full of sorrow.

      But the Shadow Saint possessed an unbelievably clear memory. It was striking, second only to Cassie's own now that she had Transcended. It was as if nothing he had experienced were ever truly erased… at least not the details of the memory he had chosen to show her, which must have been important to him.

      What an irony, then, that his whole existence had been erased from the world.

      There was a problem with reading his memories, though.

      Firstly, the way the man who called himself Sunless perceived the world was simply too strange. Even Cassie, who was uniquely suited to having multiple points of view and had already experienced the way he sensed his surroundings through her Ascended Ability, found herself feeling dizzy from the avalanche of unfamiliar sights and sensations.

      Secondly, and more Importantly… there were countless gaps in her recollection of what she had seen. Those were the moments where the young man pretending to be a humble shopkeeper thought, spoke, or felt something about the places and events that had been erased from everyone's memories.

      In the end, what she had witnessed — or rather, could remember witnessing — was even more disjointed than the memories of ordinary people.

      The chilling images…

      A young man with alabaster skin crawling from the black water on the cracked ice, his eyes brimming with unfathomable darkness. The eerie city where a terrible slaughter had taken place, but only emptiness remained. The days of slaughter across the desolate expanse of the abandoned continent, the snow turning crimson from the spilled blood. An aloof figure observing from a cliff as an army of enslaved Nightmare Creatures marched to their deaths into a raging blizzard.

      The furious battle under the slopes of an erupting volcano, The harrowing strength both the monster and the man had shown. The culmination of it all… and so much more.

      Cassie scowled.

      Why, why was it so hard to cling to the very idea of it?

      She had to know…

      Countless thoughts surfaced in her mind, clicking together as they assembled into chains of logic.

      «The frozen siege capital… it must be Falcon Scott, the fallen bastion of the Antarctic Center. He had returned there as a former member of the First Evacuation Army.»

      «That winged beast he used as a mount was unmistakably a Spire Messenger. I was right, after all… he was with us on the Forgotten Shore.»

      «However, the Fire Keepers only joined the Southern Campaign after the Antarctic Center was swallowed by the Chain of Nightmares. Which means that he was never one of us. What relationship did we have? This strength… was he one of Gunlaug's lieutenants? A prominent hunter of the outer settlement? Someone who paid tribute to live in the castle, like Kai and Aiko?»

      He could have been sent to the Forgotten Shore the same year as Cassie and Nephis, but that was exceedingly unlikely. There had been only three people who reached the Dark City that year: Caster, Nephis… and Cassie herself, due to being dragged along by Nephis.

      Or… no… had there been someone else? Her memories were vague, which meant…

      Her train of thought broke apart and faded, even the memory of having such thoughts disappearing from her mind.

      She vaguely sensed what had happened and tried to retrace the steps of her logic, but to no avail. So, Cassie continued to think.

      And find more pleces to fill the vold.

      —— —— ——

      Sunny allowed Cassie to contemplate what she had seen for a few minutes. He guessed that it was going to take her a while to come to terms with the Winter Beast's demise.

      However, she spoke sooner than he had expected. Turning to face him once again, the blind seer said evenly:

      «So… you are the Lord of Shadows.»

      Sunny shrugged and smiled lazily.

      «What if I am?»

      She hesitated for a while.

      «I know that your second body is currently enjoying a tasteless theater play that we sponsored, while the third one is somewhere in Song Domain, hiding in the shadows. However, I can't sense the one in Godgrave at all. Curious.»

      Cassie frowned.

      «A powerful anti-divination Memory, perhaps, Or maybe it's the nature of your Citadel.»

      Sunny tilted his head a little.

      «If you know that the play is tasteless, why sponsor it?»

      She shrugged.

      «Tasteless things have their use, as well.»

      «How Machiavellian of her.»

      Sunny remained silent for a few moments, then sighed.

      «In any case, I would prefer it if you didn't share the fact that the Lord of Shadows and me are the same person. Especially with Changing Star.»

      Cassie's frown deepened.

      «You want me to deceive Nephis? Why?»

      He stared at her with no particular emotion on his face.

      «I get it that you are overwhelmed, Saint Cassia, but think about it for a moment. Unlike you, she is unable to remember that she has forgotten something. So, she wouldn't know that the three of us share a connection. All she would remember is that there is a person pretending to be a Master here in Bastion, who is actually a powerful and not entirely friendly Saint residing in a Death Zone. Our relationship would become strained in that case, and it definitely would not become any better.»

      Sunny smiled.

      «Plus, this incarnation of mine is really just a humble shopkeeper, It's like a vacation… I wouldn't want my peaceful life to be spoiled. Who knows what will happen to my mental state if my only source of peace disappears in a puff of smoke.»

      Cassie met his gaze with her unseeing eyes, then sighed.

      «Fine. I'll keep your secret. As long as you don't scheme to harm Nephis, of course. If you do…»

      Her expression didn't change, but the air in the stone chamber suddenly seemed terribly cold.

      Sunny's smile dimmed a little.

      «Why would I harm Changing Star? She is the cornerstone of my survival, after all. And therefore, the integral part of my plans.»

      The blind seer raised an eyebrow.

      «Your… plans? And what are you planning exactly, Lord Shadow… Sunny?»

      He laughed, then abruptly fell silent.

      After a while, Sunny spoke in a subtly insidious tone:

      «Well, the future might be unknown to me, but one thing is certain. Very soon, there will be a war for the throne of humanity. Anvil, Ki Song… maybe even that third one. They will clash, and knowing Changing Star, she will insert herself into that clash, somehow. To slaughter them.»

      He shrugged.

      «So, why not make sure that when the dust settles, she is the one sitting on the throne? That is my plan. To hand her the crown. No matter how I feel about Changing Star, I absolutely despise those three ghouls… not to mention that I absolutely do not trust them to keep me alive. So, there's that.»

      Cassie remained silent, facing him with a frown on her delicate face.

      Eventually, she turned away.

      «…Time is short. The moon will disappear soon, so we must hurry to leave. I'll be waiting for our meeting next month.»

      A crooked grin twisted Sunny's lips.

      «As you wish, Saint Cassia.»

      He rose, ready to activate Shadow Step, but then stopped.

      Sunny lingered for a few moments, then coughed and asked awkwardly:

      «Oh… about that Memory you wanted to commission… I am really quite good at making those, you know?»

      Cassie tilted her head in confusion, then blinked.

      «Right… the Memory. Of course. I'll send someone to you in a couple of weeks, with all the details.»

      She took a step forward, coming practically face-to-face with Sunny, then placed her hands on his shoulders.

      «Pleasure doing business with you, Master Sunless.»

      He coughed.

      «Ah, yes. Likewise. But…why are you holding me?»

      Cassie remained silent for a few moments, then elegantly raised an eyebrow.

      «…Because you need to teleport me out of this terrible place? You weren't thinking of leaving me here, were you? I hope not…»
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      1. Offline
        Это было хорошо, очень хорошо... hokage
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      2. Offline
        Thank you as always :)

        Personally I’m team Nephis but damn do Sunny and Cassie have chemistry right now these interactions are hilarious and adorable 😂 I want to see so many more!!!
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        1. Offline
          If after fixing Sunny's fate, Cassie still retains her memories of these "interactions". Imagine the embarrassment.....can't wait. wish
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          1. Offline
            Oh my god!!! Your totally right that would so amazingly hilarious maybe if not more hilarious than the time Nephis found out who Lord Mongrel was 😂
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      3. Offline
        Ptfff Hahahaha cassie who does she thinks she is treating and if she can read his emotions then she will know his love for nepis is way beyond her friendship
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  5. Offline
    1658: Burning Wrath.

    Sunny's crumbling Shell and the eerie ice flower of the Winter Beast's vessel plummeted from the darkness into the vast lake of bubbling magma. The frozen hell of the calamitous snowstorm had been left behind, and although Mount Erebus was already swallowed in its ruinous embrace, the unholy cold did not reach this underground cauldron.

    However, the Winter Beast had brought the cold, the snow, and the storm with it.

    The azure flowers growing from the corpses of the Nightmare Creatures that the ice had encased were still blooming with plumes of snow, and the creature itself was like the heart of an endless, empty, cold abyss.

    Several things happened before Sunny and his enemy plunged into the churning magma.

    First, the vast cloud of snow surrounding the Winter Beast instantly evaporated. Second, the surface of the fiery lake instantly cooled, turning into black glass. Third, the sudden changes in pressure and temperature, as well as the sudden expansion of a vast mass of boiling gas, caused a titanic explosion, throwing Sunny and the dreadful abomination apart.

    The explosion shattered the dome of the underground chamber and the crust of the recently frozen magma, which in turn started a chain reaction of devastating destruction.

    Far above and outside, the erupting Erebus shuddered and quaked, gargantuan stones exploding into the frigid air like cannonballs. A terrifying crack split one of its slopes, and after another cataclysmic quake, the entire side of the fuming mountain crumbled.

    Letting the wind, the ice, and the snow of the unholy storm pour deep into the Interior of the erupting volcano, where the blizzard came into contact with the endless mass of molten rock.

    A secondary explosion tore apart the snowstorm and shook the very heavens, much more terrifying than the first. As indescribable destruction spread, a towering mushroom cloud rose above the frozen ruins of Erebus Field, dwarfing the first one.

    All across the Antarctic Center, the ground shook. Avalanches rolled down from snowy peaks, and several mountains collapsed. The ice encasing the frozen ocean split open, and towering waves of black water rolled from below.

    Deep underground, Sunny felt like he was caught in the middle of a collapsing star. Bombarded by devastating concussive waves from all sides, wreathed in incinerating flames and suffocating cold, he moved his damaged Shell to dodge the giant boulders that fell from above.

    The boulders crashed into the crust of frozen magma, breaking it and causing immense geysers of molten rock to shoot upward. Those geysers were immediately frozen, turning into glass pillars, only to be shattered a moment later and collapse in a rain of obsidian shards.

    It was a scene of absolute chaos, like a chilling glimpse of fiery hell.

    Sunny wanted to laugh.

    «…Did I complain that the battle was not exciting enough?»

    In this life, it seemed, all his wishes were destined to be granted.

    The mangled colossus made of pure darkness lunged toward the grotesque shape of the Winter Beast.

    The Shell was in poor shape.

    The Onyx Mantle was cracked and fractured all over. It was repairing itself, but not fast enough to make a difference. His face was missing most of its skin, revealing his black teeth and slightly protruding canines… in that moment, it resembled Weaver's demonic mask much more than his face.

    Both hands of the dark giant had turned to ice and chattered when he grabbed the Winter Beast, leaving him with no means of holding a weapon.

    But that was fine. Sunny himself was a weapon.

    Reaching the titan in several ferocious leaps, Sunny used all of his mass and all of his momentum to deliver a devastating kick to the eerie ice creature.

    The blow was truly terrifying.

    Even though the Winter Beast had used countless tendrils of ice to block it, most of them were shattered and exploded into a barrage of deadly ice shards. A net of cracks spread over the innermost surface of its hideous body, as well. Much more importantly, the creature was thrown down, crashing through the crust of magma and plunging into the flaming depths of the hellish cauldron.

    Of course, Sunny was not unscathed, either.

    In fact, his entire left foot had turned to ice and broke off, taking with it the better part of the shin.

    He briefly thought that the sight of him would be rather comical… if it wasn't so terrifying.

    Because losing three out of his four limbs did not quench Sunny's murderous wrath one bit.

    The crumbling colossus roared viciously as it fell.

    The Winter Beast was not damaged by the incandescent magma at all, even if it directly opposed the power of unholy cold. Instead, the entire lake of magma cooled, its very heart turning into a vast expanse of black glass.

    Thanks to that…

    The titan was momentarily trapped in obsidian, fused into it like the corpses of the Nightmare Creatures were fused into the hideous ice of its body.

    Sunny was full of furious glee at receiving that moment.

    Using the [Feather of Truth] trait of the Onyx Mantle, he turned himself as heavy as he could, and toppled straight onto the immobilized abomination.

    With no hands to deliver a blow, he brought his head down on the cracked ice. The force of the impact was so terrible that there was a flash of light, and the entire mountain shook.

    The dark giant's skull cracked… but the cold carapace of the Winter Beast finally cracked, as well, a myriad of ice shards flying away.

    It moved, easily breaking free of the obsidian lake. The gargantuan stalks of ice moved as well, wrapping around Sunny and pulling him closer to the ice. At the same time, ice spikes formed below him, shooting forward to impale his mutilated Shell.

    The upper part of his broken head was already fused with the ice, turning still and brittle from the frost. Almost immobilized, Sunny was being swiftly assimilated into the Winter Beast's body.

    All around him was pale ice, painted beautifully in shades of vivid azure.

    He was caught.

    …Caught exactly where he wanted to be.

    Instead of trying to free himself from the icy tomb, Sunny used his broken limbs to push himself further down, into the fracture that he had created in the frigid carapace of the profane titan.

    And there…

    He snarled, and used his bared teeth to bite down ferociously on the vague shape at the heart of the eerie ice creature.
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    1. Offline
      Bro really said " If you can't fight, just byte". Author please give us how Cassie is reacting to this 😭🙏
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      1. Offline
        Мне бы хотелось увидеть что он укусил... frost

        И я так до конца и не понял, сегодня что, одна глава?! Но вчера же была тоже 1?!
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        1. Offline
          Нет, сегодня 3 главы будет. Но так как эта глава должна была выйти вчера она публикуется раньше. Остальные 2 будут позже
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          1. Offline
            Боже спасибо, я бы не выдержал 1 главу за сегодня crybaby
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          2. Offline
            Что-то глав всё нет, да нет...
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      2. Offline
        Tatakae 🕊️
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    2. Online Offline
      My God this Fight is absolute PEAK
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    3. Offline
      Сегодня только 1?!
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  6. Offline
    Royalty Ducky
    It's been 2 seconds, why haven't they been posted yet??? gloom
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  7. Online Offline
    Am I the only one who said f*ck it, and just assumed Winter Beast is Cryogen from Terraria Clamity Mod?
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    1. Offline
      lol, i was the same but i imagined it like every other grotesque and messy monster he encountered but made of ice
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  8. Offline
    Edrick Sars
    Hell of a description. I can barely make anything out of it. constraint
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  9. Offline
    I'm sorry, but 80% of the chapter was a description of the beast and I couldn't picture it in my mind
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      Just pictured a mass of body parts from all walks of life, frozen together and shaped into an ever changing shape of grotesque Eldridge descent, walking towards sunny with flowers spewing frosty pollen all over. troll1
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        That just about sums it up oru2x
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    Dheeraj singh
    I knew it this MF not going down that easily
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